Allows a Tcl script to run an Embedded Event Manager (EEM) policy that has been registered with the None event detector. The action of running an EEM policy can also be performed using the event manager run command.
action_policy ?
? (represents a string) |
(Mandatory) The name of the EEM policy to be scheduled for execution. The policy must have been previously registered with the None event detector. |
Result String
Set _cerrno
(_cerr_sub_err = 2) FH_ESYSERR (generic/unknown error from OS/system)
This error means that the operating system reported an error. The POSIX errno value that is reported with the error should be used to determine the cause of the operating system error.
(_cerr_sub_err = 12) FH_ENOSUCHEID (unknown event ID)
This error means that the policy is unknown because it is not registered.
(_cerr_sub_err = 14) FH_ENOSUCHACTION (unknown action type)
This error means that the action command requested was unknown.