某些遠端站點可能具有2位數的獨立號碼範圍,而其他站點可能具有3或4位數的獨立號碼範圍,因此被叫號碼可能介於[00 - 99]到[0000 - 999]之間。對於這些編號範圍,主站點路由器需要配置才能處理2位、3位和4位編號方案。這可能會增加路由器配置的整體複雜性。
注意:Cisco IOS數字轉換規則允許使用者操作呼叫的自動號碼識別(ANI)數字,即呼叫的呼叫號碼,或被叫號碼的被叫號碼識別服務(DNIS)數字。或者,也可以使用轉換規則修改這些欄位的編號型別。
運行IOS版本12.3(4)的Cisco 3660和7206VXR路由器
原始被叫號碼(000到999範圍內的任意3位數)-" ... "
轉換後的被叫號碼—"1033... "數字"1":中繼訪問代碼,數字「033」:站點代碼
對於撥打的號碼 — 987到主站點的加爾各答站點,轉換規則應用如下。
在被叫的3位數字987中,將取出LHS(左側)的第一位 — 9,並在轉換規則中進行比較以替換這些數字。
轉換規則中9的替換編號是 — 103309,此編號被替換為第一個數字9。
將第一個數字9替換為103309後,其餘2個數字 — 87將優先於替換的數字103309(變為10330987),呼叫將路由到voip撥號對等體,作為目標模式 — 10330.....匹配。
此中繼訪問/站點代碼…… | ...表示此撥號計畫 |
" 1011.. " | 區號為011的2位數字 |
" 1033... " | 區號為033的3位數字 |
"1044.... " | 區號為044的4位數字 |
此中繼訪問/站點代碼…… | ...轉換為 |
" 1011.. " | "101100.. " |
" 1033... " | "10330..... " |
"1044.... " | "1044...." |
主站點網關/路由器的編號方案現在是一個一致的8位數字:(1位中繼接入代碼、3位站點代碼和4位被叫號碼(用前導零填充)。 一旦呼叫到達主站點網關/路由器,訪問代碼會被刪除,後續的七位數字將被傳送到PBX。
新德里(2位數字印度範圍) |
!--- Only relevant "IOS translation rule" output is presented ! translation-rule 1 !-- The "1" above is the tag for the set. rule 0 ^0. 1011000 rule 1 ^1. 1011001 rule 2 ^2. 1011002 rule 3 ^3. 1011003 rule 4 ^4. 1011004 rule 5 ^5. 1011005 rule 6 ^6. 1011006 rule 7 ^7. 1011007 rule 8 ^8. 1011008 rule 9 ^9. 1011009 ! !-- These rules replace the first digit of a 2-digit number with the corresponding !-- translation. The router looks for a 2-digit number starting with a leading [0-9]. !-- The caret, "^" ensures the match only happens at the start of the digit string !-- rather than any occurrence in a digit string. This ensures the router makes the !-- translation only for the leading digits. By default, if an explicit match is made !-- on a digit (in this case the first digit) the router replaces it with the new !-- digits. Therefore, to keep the original numbering, the matched digit needs to be !-- replaced with the same digit at the end of the modified string. Once the call !-- comes in, the called number prepended with 101100 followed by the !-- original 2 digits. ! voice-port 1/0:1 translate called 1 cptone IN compand-type a-law ! !-- The translation rule is applied to the voice port where the !-- call comes in to the router. When a call comes in from the !-- telephone network towards the router, the called number !-- is translated before it is matched on any dial peers. ! dial-peer voice 100 voip destination-pattern 101100.. session target ipv4:main site IP address ip precedence 5 dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric ! !-- The VoIP dial peer needs to be configured to match on the new numbering plan |
加爾各答(3位數字的獨立範圍) |
!--- Only relevant output is presented ! translation-rule 1 rule 0 ^0.. 103300 rule 1 ^1.. 103301 rule 2 ^2.. 103302 rule 3 ^3.. 103303 rule 4 ^4.. 103304 rule 5 ^5.. 103305 rule 6 ^6.. 103306 rule 7 ^7.. 103307 rule 8 ^8.. 103308 rule 9 ^9.. 103309 ! !-- The router looks for a 3-digit called number in the range 000 - 999. It !-- then prepends 10330 to this number before making a match on any other dial peers. !-- Note: rules are executed before incoming POTS dial peer matching takes place. ! voice-port 1/0:1 translate called 1 !-- The translation rule is applied to the voice port: cptone IN compand-type a-law ! dial-peer voice 100 voip destination-pattern 10330... session target ipv4:main site IP address ip precedence 5 dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric ! !-- The VoIP dial peer needs to be configured to match on the new numbering plan. |
金奈(4位數字獨立範圍) |
! translation-rule 11 rule 0 ^0... 10440 rule 1 ^1... 10441 rule 2 ^2... 10442 rule 3 ^3... 10443 rule 4 ^4... 10444 rule 5 ^5... 10445 rule 6 ^6... 10446 rule 7 ^7... 10447 rule 8 ^8... 10448 rule 9 ^9... 10449 ! !-- The router looks for a 4-digit called !-- number in the range 0000 - 9999. !-- It then prepends 1044 to this number !-- before making a match on any other dial peers. ! voice-port 1/0:1 translate called 1 cptone IN compand-type a-law ! !-- The translation rule is applied to the voice port: dial-peer voice 100 voip destination-pattern 1044…. session target ipv4:main site IP address ip precedence 5 dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric ! !-- The VoIP dial peer needs to be configured to match on the new numbering plan |
主站點 |
!-- By default, in POTS dial peers, matched digits get stripped off after a dial !-- peer is matched. Then, the remaining digits are outputed to the PSTN/PBX. dial-peer voice 20 pots description - Call Center voice port 2/0 destination-pattern 1....... port 2/0:1 ! dial-peer voice 21 pots description - Call Center voice port 2/1 destination-pattern 1....... port 2/1:1 ! dial-peer voice 30 pots description - Call Center voice port 3/0 destination-pattern 1....... port 3/0:1 ! dial-peer voice 31 pots description - Call Center voice port 3/1 destination-pattern 1....... port 3/1:1 ! !-- The trunk access code (leading 1) can be used to route the call out the Main Site !-- router towards the Call-Center PBX. This digit is stripped off and the following !-- 7 digits are sent to the external PBX. A single dial peer for each active voice !-- port on the main site gateway router directs calls from the remote sites to !-- the PBX. |
附註: 如需命令的詳細資訊,請參閱命令查詢工具(僅限註冊客戶)。
test translation-rule name-tag input-number — 用於測試轉換規則在特定名稱標籤上的執行情況。下表介紹了此命令的語法:
語法 | 說明 |
用於引用規則集的標籤編號。 |
執行模式匹配的數字輸入字串。 |
show translation-rule [name-tag] — 用於顯示已為特定轉換名稱配置的規則內容。下表描述此命令的語法:
語法 | 說明 |
(可選)引用規則集的標籤編號 |
新德里 — 產出 |
!-- It is possible to confirm the translation rules are working: ! ! NewDelhi# test translation-rule 1 99 !-- Original called number is "99" The replaced number: 10110099 !-- Translated to 8 digits NewDelhi# show translation-rule 1 Translation rule address: 0x64ADC2A8 Tag name: 1 Translation rule in_used 1 **** Xrule rule table ******* Rule : 0 in_used state: 1 Match pattern: ^0. Sub pattern: 1011000 **** Xrule rule table ******* Rule : 1 in_used state: 1 Match pattern: ^1. Sub pattern: 1011001 **** Xrule rule table ******* Rule : 2 in_used state: 1 Match pattern: ^2. Sub pattern: 1011002 **** Xrule rule table ******* Rule : 3 in_used state: 1 Match pattern: ^3. Sub pattern: 1011003 **** Xrule rule table ******* Rule : 4 in_used state: 1 Match pattern: ^4. Sub pattern: 1011004 **** Xrule rule table ******* Rule : 5 in_used state: 1 Match pattern: ^5. Sub pattern: 1011005 **** Xrule rule table ******* Rule : 6 in_used state: 1 Match pattern: ^6. Sub pattern: 1011006 **** Xrule rule table ******* Rule : 7 in_used state: 1 Match pattern: ^7. Sub pattern: 1011007 **** Xrule rule table ******* Rule : 8 in_used state: 1 Match pattern: ^8. Sub pattern: 1011008 **** Xrule rule table ******* Rule : 9 in_used state: 1 Match pattern: ^9. Sub pattern: 1011009 NewDelhi# |
debug translation {detail | min} — 用於使用下表所述的選項調試號碼轉換跟蹤:
選項 | 說明 |
detail |
啟用詳細的調試跟蹤。 |
min |
啟用最小調試跟蹤。 |
新德里 — 產出 |
NewDelhi#debug translation detail xrule detail tracing is enabled *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_checking *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_checking calling , called *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_checking peer_tag 0, direction 1, protocol 6 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation callednumber , strlen 0 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation callednumber null xruleCalledTag=1 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation called Callparms Numpertype 0x81, match_type 0x0 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation Xrule index 0, Numpertype 0x9 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpMatchString, target_number null, match_number ^0. *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpMatchString match_tmp 0, match_len 1 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpMatchString beginning_replace 1, match_tmp 0,target null *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpMatchString: len 4 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation there was no match index 0 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation called Callparms Numpertype 0x81, match_type 0x0 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation Xrule index 1, Numpertype 0x9 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpMatchString, target_number null, match_number ^1. *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpMatchString match_tmp 1, match_len 1 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpMatchString beginning_replace 1, match_tmp 1,target null *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpMatchString: len 4 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation there was no match index 1 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation called Callparms Numpertype 0x81, match_type 0x0 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation Xrule index 2, Numpertype 0x9 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpMatchString, target_number null, match_number ^2. *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpMatchString match_tmp 2, match_len 1 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpMatchString beginning_replace 1, match_tmp 2,target null *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpMatchString: len 4 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation there was no match index 2 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation called Callparms Numpertype 0x81, match_type 0x0 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation Xrule index 3, Numpertype 0x9 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpMatchString, target_number null, match_number ^3. *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpMatchString match_tmp 3, match_len 1 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpMatchString beginning_replace 1, match_tmp 3,target null *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpMatchString: len 4 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation there was no match index 3 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation called Callparms Numpertype 0x81, match_type 0x0 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation Xrule index 4, Numpertype 0x9 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpMatchString, target_number null, match_number ^4. *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpMatchString match_tmp 4, match_len 1 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpMatchString beginning_replace 1, match_tmp 4,target null *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpMatchString: len 4 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation there was no match index 4 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation called Callparms Numpertype 0x81, match_type 0x0 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation Xrule index 5, Numpertype 0x9 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpMatchString, target_number null, match_number ^5. *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpMatchString match_tmp 5, match_len 1 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpMatchString beginning_replace 1, match_tmp 5,target null *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpMatchString: len 4 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation there was no match index 5 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation called Callparms Numpertype 0x81, match_type 0x0 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation Xrule index 6, Numpertype 0x9 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpMatchString, target_number null, match_number ^6. *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpMatchString match_tmp 6, match_len 1 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpMatchString beginning_replace 1, match_tmp 6,target null *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpMatchString: len 4 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation there was no match index 6 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation called Callparms Numpertype 0x81, match_type 0x0 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation Xrule index 7, Numpertype 0x9 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpMatchString, target_number null, match_number ^7. *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpMatchString match_tmp 7, match_len 1 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpMatchString beginning_replace 1, match_tmp 7,target null *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpMatchString: len 4 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation there was no match index 7 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation called Callparms Numpertype 0x81, match_type 0x0 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation Xrule index 8, Numpertype 0x9 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpMatchString, target_number null, match_number ^8. *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpMatchString match_tmp 8, match_len 1 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpMatchString beginning_replace 1, match_tmp 8,target null *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpMatchString: len 4 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation there was no match index 8 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation called Callparms Numpertype 0x81, match_type 0x0 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation Xrule index 9, Numpertype 0x9 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpMatchString, target_number null, match_number ^9. *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpMatchString match_tmp 9, match_len 1 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpMatchString beginning_replace 1, match_tmp 9,target null *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: dpMatchString: len 4 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation there was no match index 9 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_translation Return rc = -4 any_match 0 *Apr 4 04:52:57.124: xrule_checking Return rc = -4 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_checking *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_checking calling , called 9 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_checking peer_tag 0, direction 1, protocol 6 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_translation *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_translation callednumber 9, strlen 1 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_translation callednumber 9 xruleCalledTag=1 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_translation called Callparms Numpertype 0x0, match_type 0x0 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_translation Xrule index 0, Numpertype 0x9 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpMatchString, target_number 9, match_number ^0. *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpMatchString match_tmp 0, match_len 1 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpMatchString beginning_replace 1, match_tmp 0,target 9 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpMatchString: len 1 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_translation there was no match index 0 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_translation called Callparms Numpertype 0x0, match_type 0x0 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_translation Xrule index 1, Numpertype 0x9 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpMatchString, target_number 9, match_number ^1. *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpMatchString match_tmp 1, match_len 1 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpMatchString beginning_replace 1, match_tmp 1,target 9 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpMatchString: len 1 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_translation there was no match index 1 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_translation called Callparms Numpertype 0x0, match_type 0x0 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_translation Xrule index 2, Numpertype 0x9 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpMatchString, target_number 9, match_number ^2. *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpMatchString match_tmp 2, match_len 1 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpMatchString beginning_replace 1, match_tmp 2,target 9 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpMatchString: len 1 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_translation there was no match index 2 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_translation called Callparms Numpertype 0x0, match_type 0x0 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_translation Xrule index 3, Numpertype 0x9 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpMatchString, target_number 9, match_number ^3. *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpMatchString match_tmp 3, match_len 1 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpMatchString beginning_replace 1, match_tmp 3,target 9 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpMatchString: len 1 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_translation there was no match index 3 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_translation called Callparms Numpertype 0x0, match_type 0x0 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_translation Xrule index 4, Numpertype 0x9 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpMatchString, target_number 9, match_number ^4. *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpMatchString match_tmp 4, match_len 1 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpMatchString beginning_replace 1, match_tmp 4,target 9 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpMatchString: len 1 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_translation there was no match index 4 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_translation called Callparms Numpertype 0x0, match_type 0x0 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_translation Xrule index 5, Numpertype 0x9 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpMatchString, target_number 9, match_number ^5. *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpMatchString match_tmp 5, match_len 1 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpMatchString beginning_replace 1, match_tmp 5,target 9 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: dpMatchString: len 1 *Apr 4 04:52:59.396: xrule_translation there was no match index 5 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: xrule_translation called Callparms Numpertype 0x0, match_type 0x0 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: xrule_translation Xrule index 6, Numpertype 0x9 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: dpMatchString, target_number 9, match_number ^6. *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: dpMatchString match_tmp 6, match_len 1 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: dpMatchString beginning_replace 1, match_tmp 6,target 9 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: dpMatchString: len 1 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: xrule_translation there was no match index 6 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: xrule_translation called Callparms Numpertype 0x0, match_type 0x0 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: xrule_translation Xrule index 7, Numpertype 0x9 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: dpMatchString, target_number 9, match_number ^7. *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: dpMatchString match_tmp 7, match_len 1 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: dpMatchString beginning_replace 1, match_tmp 7,target 9 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: dpMatchString: len 1 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: xrule_translation there was no match index 7 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: xrule_translation called Callparms Numpertype 0x0, match_type 0x0 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: xrule_translation Xrule index 8, Numpertype 0x9 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: dpMatchString, target_number 9, match_number ^8. *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: dpMatchString match_tmp 8, match_len 1 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: dpMatchString beginning_replace 1, match_tmp 8,target 9 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: dpMatchString: len 1 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: xrule_translation there was no match index 8 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: xrule_translation called Callparms Numpertype 0x0, match_type 0x0 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: xrule_translation Xrule index 9, Numpertype 0x9 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: dpMatchString, target_number 9, match_number ^9. *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: dpMatchString match_tmp 9, match_len 1 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: dpMatchString beginning_replace 1, match_tmp 9,target 9 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: dpMatchString 0. target 9,match_tmp 9,match_len 1 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: replace_string *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: replace_string match ^9., replace 1011009 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: translation_format replace_rule ^9., strip_proceeding 0 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: replace_string match_tmp ^9., strip_proceeding 0 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: replace_string match_tmp 9 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: replace_string direction 1, callparty 2 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: replace_string direction 1, callparty 2, target 9 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: replace_string match_tmp 9,replace 1011009 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: replace_string0.replace19,target,current,match_tmp *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: replace_string0.1 compare_len 1,match_len 1 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: replace_string 3. replace1 9, compare_len 1 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: replace_string 4. replace1 1,compare_len 0,replace 011009 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: replace_string 4. replace1 10,compare_len -1,replace 11009 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: replace_string 4. replace1 101,compare_len -2,replace 1009 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: replace_string 4. replace1 1011,compare_len -3,replace 009 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: replace_string 4. replace1 10110,compare_len -4,replace 09 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: replace_string 4. replace1 101100,compare_len -5,replace 9 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: replace_string 4. replace1 1011009,compare_len -6,replace *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: replace_string 5. replace1 1011009, compare_len -6,match_l en 1 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: replace_string 6. replace1 1011009,compare_len -6,current *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: replace_string buffer 1011009 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: xrule_translation index 9,xrule_number 1011009, callparty 2 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: xrule_translation Return rc = 0 any_match 0 *Apr 4 04:52:59.400: xrule_checking Return rc = 0 *Apr 4 04:53:00.156: xrule_checking *Apr 4 04:53:00.156: xrule_checking calling 4444, called 10110099 *Apr 4 04:53:00.156: xrule_checking peer_tag 100, direction 2, protocol 0 *Apr 4 04:53:00.156: xrule_checking Return rc = -5 NewDelhi#debug translation min *Apr 4 02:37:17.045: xrule_checking *Apr 4 02:37:17.045: xrule_translation *Apr 4 02:37:17.045: xrule_translation callednumber , strlen 0 *Apr 4 02:37:17.045: xrule_translation callednumber null xruleCalledTag=1 *Apr 4 02:37:19.457: xrule_checking *Apr 4 02:37:19.457: xrule_translation *Apr 4 02:37:19.457: xrule_translation callednumber 9, strlen 1 *Apr 4 02:37:19.457: xrule_translation callednumber 9 xruleCalledTag=1 *Apr 4 02:37:19.457: dpMatchString 0. target 9,match_tmp 9,match_len 1 *Apr 4 02:37:19.457: replace_string *Apr 4 02:37:19.461: replace_string0.replace19,target,current,match_tmp *Apr 4 02:37:19.461: replace_string0.1 compare_len 1,match_len 1 *Apr 4 02:37:19.461: replace_string 3. replace1 9, compare_len 1 *Apr 4 02:37:19.461: replace_string 4. replace1 1,compare_len 0,replace 011009 *Apr 4 02:37:19.461: replace_string 4. replace1 10,compare_len -1,replace 11009 *Apr 4 02:37:19.461: replace_string 4. replace1 101,compare_len -2,replace 1009 *Apr 4 02:37:19.461: replace_string 4. replace1 1011,compare_len -3,replace 009 *Apr 4 02:37:19.461: replace_string 4. replace1 10110,compare_len -4,replace 09 *Apr 4 02:37:19.461: replace_string 4. replace1 101100,compare_len -5,replace 9 *Apr 4 02:37:19.461: replace_string 4. replace1 1011009,compare_len -6,replace *Apr 4 02:37:19.461: replace_string 5. replace1 1011009, compare_len -6,match_l en 1 *Apr 4 02:37:19.461: replace_string 6. replace1 1011009,compare_len -6,current *Apr 4 02:37:19.461: replace_string buffer 1011009 *Apr 4 02:37:19.461: xrule_translation index 9,xrule_number 1011009, callparty 2 *Apr 4 02:37:19.841: xrule_checking |