本文檔介紹Nexus 7000和Nexus 5500交換機之間的多跳乙太網光纖通道(FCoE)虛擬E(VE)埠到VE埠的配置。
要配置多跳FCoE的Nexus 7000交換機,請完成以下步驟。
default_vdc(config)# license fcoe module 1
default_vdc(config)#system qos
default_vdc(config-sys-qos)# service-policy type
network-qos default-nq-7e-policy
default_vdc(config)# install feature-set fcoe
default_vdc(config)# vdc fcoe type storage
default_vdc(config-vdc)# allocate fcoe-vlan-range [VLAN#] from vdcs [VDC Name]
default_vdc(config-vdc)# allocate interface
ethernet1/31-32 <-- For FCoE VE port
connectivity, you NEED dedicated interfaces;
they cannot be shared!
default_vdc(config)# switchto vdc fcoe
fcoe(config)# feature lacp
fcoe(config)# feature-set fcoe
fcoe(config)# feature lldp
fcoe(config)# vlan [VLAN#]
fcoe(config-vlan)# exit
fcoe(config)# vsan database
fcoe(config-vsan-db)# vsan [VSAN#]
fcoe(config-vsan-db)# exit
fcoe(config)# vlan [VLAN#]
fcoe(config-vlan)# fcoe vsan [VSAN#]
fcoe(config-vlan)# exit
fcoe(config)# interface eth1/31-32
fcoe(config-if)# channel-group 2 force mode active
fcoe(config-if)# int port-channel 2
fcoe(config-if)# switchport mode trunk
fcoe(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan 2
fcoe(config-if)# no shut
fcoe(config)# interface vfc-port-channel 2 <-- There is an implicit bind;
it will be automatically mapped to the port-channel created in the previous set.
fcoe(config-if)# switchport mode E
fcoe(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vsan 2
fcoe(config-if)# no shut
要為多跳FCoE配置Nexus 5500交換機,請完成以下步驟。
AwesomeN5k(config)# feature lacp
AwesomeN5k(config)# feature fcoe
system qos
service-policy type qos input fcoe-default-in-policy
service-policy type queuing input fcoe-default-in-policy
service-policy type queuing output fcoe-default-out-policy
service-policy type network-qos fcoe-default-nq-policy
AwesomeN5k(config)# vlan [VLAN#]
AwesomeN5k(config-vlan)# exit
AwesomeN5k(config)# vsan database
AwesomeN5k(config-vsan-db)# vsan [VSAN#]
AwesomeN5k(config-vsan-db)# exit
AwesomeN5k(config)# vlan [VLAN#]
AwesomeN5k(config-vlan)# fcoe vsan [VSAN#]
AwesomeN5k(config-vlan)# exit
AwesomeN5k(config)# interface eth1/47-48
AwesomeN5k(config-if)# channel-group 2 mode active
AwesomeN5k(config-if)# int channel-group 2
AwesomeN5k(config-if)# switchport mode trunk
AwesomeN5k(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan 2
AwesomeN5k(config-if)# no shut
AwesomeN5k(config)# interface vfc 2
AwesomeN5k(config-if)# bind interface port-channel 2
AwesomeN5k(config-if)# switchport mode E
AwesomeN5k(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vsan 2
修訂 | 發佈日期 | 意見 |
1.0 |
09-Mar-2015 |
初始版本 |