本產品的文件集力求使用無偏見用語。針對本文件集的目的,無偏見係定義為未根據年齡、身心障礙、性別、種族身分、民族身分、性別傾向、社會經濟地位及交織性表示歧視的用語。由於本產品軟體使用者介面中硬式編碼的語言、根據 RFP 文件使用的語言,或引用第三方產品的語言,因此本文件中可能會出現例外狀況。深入瞭解思科如何使用包容性用語。
思科已使用電腦和人工技術翻譯本文件,讓全世界的使用者能夠以自己的語言理解支援內容。請注意,即使是最佳機器翻譯,也不如專業譯者翻譯的內容準確。Cisco Systems, Inc. 對這些翻譯的準確度概不負責,並建議一律查看原始英文文件(提供連結)。
本文說明如何識別、收集有用的日誌,並疑難排解Catalyst 9000交換器上連線埠瓣膜可能出現的問題。
本檔案中的資訊是根據所有Catalyst 9000系列交換器。
本文由Leonardo Pena Davila供稿。
由於連結翻動往往是實體干擾,因此本文說明診斷、收集有用日誌以及疑難排解Catalyst 9000交換器上連線埠翻動可能發生的問題的步驟。
下表介紹在Catalyst 9000系列交換機中安裝網路模組的最佳實踐:
平台 |
Catalyst 9200 系列交換器 |
Catalyst 9300 系列交換器 |
Catalyst 9400 系列交換器 |
Catalyst 9500 系列交換器 |
Catalyst 9600 系列交換器 |
原因 |
恢復操作 |
纜線故障 |
將有問題的纜線更換為已知正常的纜線。查詢聯結器上的針腳損壞或丟失 |
連線鬆脫 |
檢查連線是否鬆脫。有時,電纜似乎已正確就位,但並非如此。拔下電纜並重新插入 |
跳線面板 |
排除故障的跳線面板連線。如果可能,請繞過配線面板以將其排除 |
SFP錯誤或錯誤(特定於光纖) |
將可疑的SFP交換為已知良好的SFP。驗證此類SFP的硬體和軟體支援 |
錯誤的埠或模組埠 |
將電纜移至已知良好的埠,對可疑埠或模組進行故障排除 |
終端裝置故障或舊終端裝置 |
將電話、揚聲器、其他終端與已知良好的裝置或較新的裝置交換 |
裝置休眠模式 |
這是一個「預期翻動」。 請注意埠擺動的時間戳,以確定它是否快速或間歇發生,以及是否是由睡眠設定引起的 |
您可以使用Catalyst 9000系列交換機裝置支援的SFP或SFP+收發器模組的任意組合。唯一的限制是,每個埠必須與電纜另一端的波長規格相匹配,並且電纜不能超過規定的電纜長度以實現可靠通訊。
在思科裝置上僅使用Cisco SFP收發器模組。每個SFP或SFP+收發器模組均支援思科品質標識(ID)功能,允許思科交換機或路由器識別並驗證收發器模組是否經過思科認證和測試。
使用命show logging
Switch#show logging | include changed
Aug 17 21:06:08.431 UTC: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface TenGigabitEthernet1/0/40, changed state to down
Aug 17 21:06:39.058 UTC: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface TenGigabitEthernet1/0/40, changed state to down
Aug 17 21:06:41.968 UTC: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface TenGigabitEthernet1/0/40, changed state to up
Aug 17 21:06:42.969 UTC: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface TenGigabitEthernet1/0/40, changed state to up
Aug 17 21:07:20.041 UTC: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface TenGigabitEthernet1/0/40, changed state to down
Aug 17 21:07:21.041 UTC: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface TenGigabitEthernet1/0/40, changed state to down
Aug 17 21:07:36.534 UTC: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface TenGigabitEthernet1/0/40, changed state to up
Aug 17 21:08:06.598 UTC: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface TenGigabitEthernet1/0/40, changed state to up
Aug 17 21:08:07.628 UTC: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface TenGigabitEthernet1/0/40, changed state to down
Aug 17 21:08:08.628 UTC: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface TenGigabitEthernet1/0/40, changed state to down
Aug 17 21:08:10.943 UTC: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface TenGigabitEthernet1/0/40, changed state to up
Aug 17 21:08:11.944 UTC: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface TenGigabitEthernet1/0/40, changed state to up
show interface命令可為您提供許多資訊,協助您識別可能引起連結翻動事件的第1層問題:
Switch#show interfaces tenGigabitEthernet 1/0/40 TenGigabitEthernet1/0/40 is up, line protocol is up (connected) Hardware is Ten Gigabit Ethernet, address is 00a5.bf9c.29a8 (bia 00a5.bf9c.29a8) MTU 1500 bytes, BW 10000000 Kbit/sec, DLY 10 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set Keepalive not set Full-duplex, 10Gb/s, link type is auto, media type is SFP-10GBase-SR <-- SFP plugged into the port input flow-control is on, output flow-control is unsupported ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00 Last input 00:00:03, output 00:00:00, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never Input queue: 0/2000/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0 Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue: 0/40 (size/max) 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 670 packets input, 78317 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 540 broadcasts (540 multicasts) 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored 0 watchdog, 540 multicast, 0 pause input 0 input packets with dribble condition detected 1766 packets output, 146082 bytes, 0 underruns
0 Output 0 broadcasts (0 multicasts) 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets 0 unknown protocol drops 0 babbles, 0 late collision, 0 deferred 0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier, 0 pause output 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out
下表列出show interface指令中的一些計數器:
計數器 |
使錯誤計數器增加的問題與常見原因 |
許多CRC通常是衝突的結果,但也可能表示物理問題(如佈線、SFP、介面或NIC)或雙工不匹配。 |
輸入錯誤 |
這包括殘幀、巨型幀、無緩衝區、CRC、幀、溢位和忽略計數。其他與輸入相關的錯誤也會導致輸入錯誤計數增加。 |
輸出錯誤 |
此問題是由於輸出隊列大小過小或存在超訂用所致。 |
輸出丟棄總數 |
輸出丟棄通常是由多對一或10Gbps到1Gps傳輸引起的介面超訂用造成的。介面緩衝區是有限的資源,只能吸收直到資料包開始丟棄之前的突發。可以調整緩衝區以提供一些緩衝,但不能保證出現零輸出丟包情況。 |
未知通訊協定捨棄 |
未知的通訊協定捨棄通常會捨棄,因為接收這些封包的介面未設定為此類通訊協定,或是它可能是交換器無法識別的任何通訊協定。例如,如果您連線了兩台交換器,並在一個交換器介面上停用CDP,就會導致該介面上發生未知的通訊協定捨棄。CDP 封包不再會遭到辨識,且會遭到捨棄。 |
Switch(config-if)#history ?
bps Maintain history in bits/second
pps Maintain history in packets/second
Switch(config-if)#history [bps|pps] ?
all Include all counters
babbles Include ethernet output babbles - Babbl
crcs Include CRCs - CRCs
deferred Include ethernet output deferred - Defer
dribbles Include dribbles - Dribl
excessive-collisions Include ethernet excessive output collisions -
flushes Include flushes - Flush
frame-errors Include frame errors - FrErr
giants Include giants - Giant
ignored Include ignored - Ignor
input-broadcasts Include input broadcasts - iBcst
input-drops Include input drops - iDrop
input-errors Include input errors - iErr
interface-resets Include interface resets - IRset
late-collisions Include ethernet late output collisions - LtCol
lost-carrier Include ethernet output lost carrier - LstCr
multi-collisions Include ethernet multiple output collisions -
multicast Include ethernet input multicast - MlCst
no-carrier Include ethernet output no-carrier - NoCarr
output-broadcasts Include output broadcasts - oBcst
output-buffer-failures Include output buffer failures - oBufF
output-buffers-swapped-out Include output buffers swapped out - oBSwO
output-drops Include output drops - oDrop
output-errors Include output errors - oErr
output-no-buffer Include output no buffer - oNoBf
overruns Include overruns - OvrRn
pause-input Include ethernet input pause - PsIn
pause-output Include ethernet output pause - PsOut
runts Include runts - Runts
single-collisions Include ethernet single output collisions - SnCol
throttles Include throttles - Thrtl
underruns Include underruns - UndRn
unknown-protocol-drops Include unknown protocol drops - Unkno
watchdog Include ethernet output watchdog - Wtchdg
<cr> <cr>
Switch#sh interfaces gigabitEthernet 1/0/2 history ?
60min Display 60 minute histograms only
60sec Display 60 second histograms only
72hour Display 72 hour histograms only
all Display all three histogram intervals
both Display both input and output histograms
input Display input histograms only
output Display output histograms only
| Output modifiers
------ Sample output ---------
show interfaces tenGigabitEthernet 1/0/9 history 60sec
0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0
input rate(mbits/sec) (last 60 seconds)
0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0
output rate(mbits/sec) (last 60 seconds)
使用show controllers ethernet-controller{interface{interface-number}}顯示從硬體中讀取的每個介面(Transmit和Receive)流量計數器和錯誤計數器統計資訊。使用phy關鍵字顯示介面內部暫存器,或使用port-info關鍵字顯示有關埠ASIC的資訊。
以下是特定介面的show controllers ethernet-controller 輸出範例:
Switch#show controllers ethernet-controller tenGigabitEthernet 2/0/1
Transmit TenGigabitEthernet2/0/1 Receive
61572 Total bytes 282909 Total bytes
0 Unicast frames 600 Unicast frames
0 Unicast bytes 38400 Unicast bytes
308 Multicast frames 3163 Multicast frames
61572 Multicast bytes 244509 Multicast bytes
0 Broadcast frames 0 Broadcast frames
0 Broadcast bytes 0 Broadcast bytes
0 System FCS error frames 0 IpgViolation frames
0 MacUnderrun frames 0 MacOverrun frames
0 Pause frames 0 Pause frames
0 Cos 0 Pause frames 0 Cos 0 Pause frames
0 Cos 1 Pause frames 0 Cos 1 Pause frames
0 Cos 2 Pause frames 0 Cos 2 Pause frames
0 Cos 3 Pause frames 0 Cos 3 Pause frames
0 Cos 4 Pause frames 0 Cos 4 Pause frames
0 Cos 5 Pause frames 0 Cos 5 Pause frames
0 Cos 6 Pause frames 0 Cos 6 Pause frames
0 Cos 7 Pause frames 0 Cos 7 Pause frames
0 Oam frames 0 OamProcessed frames
0 Oam frames 0 OamDropped frames
193 Minimum size frames 3646 Minimum size frames
0 65 to 127 byte frames 1 65 to 127 byte frames
0 128 to 255 byte frames 0 128 to 255 byte frames
115 256 to 511 byte frames 116 256 to 511 byte frames
0 512 to 1023 byte frames 0 512 to 1023 byte frames
0 1024 to 1518 byte frames 0 1024 to 1518 byte frames
0 1519 to 2047 byte frames 0 1519 to 2047 byte frames
0 2048 to 4095 byte frames 0 2048 to 4095 byte frames
0 4096 to 8191 byte frames 0 4096 to 8191 byte frames
0 8192 to 16383 byte frames 0 8192 to 16383 byte frames
0 16384 to 32767 byte frame 0 16384 to 32767 byte frame
0 > 32768 byte frames 0 > 32768 byte frames
0 Late collision frames 0 SymbolErr frames <-- Usually indicates Layer 1 issues. Large amounts of symbol errors can indicate a bad device, cable, or hardware.
0 Excess Defer frames 0 Collision fragments <-- If this counter increments, this is an indication that the ports are configured at half-duplex.
0 Good (1 coll) frames 0 ValidUnderSize frames
0 Good (>1 coll) frames 0 InvalidOverSize frames
0 Deferred frames 0 ValidOverSize frames
0 Gold frames dropped 0 FcsErr frames <-- Are the result of collisions at half-duplex, a duplex mismatch, bad hardware (NIC, cable, or port)
0 Gold frames truncated
0 Gold frames successful
0 1 collision frames
0 2 collision frames
0 3 collision frames
0 4 collision frames
0 5 collision frames
0 6 collision frames
0 7 collision frames
0 8 collision frames
0 9 collision frames
0 10 collision frames
0 11 collision frames
0 12 collision frames
0 13 collision frames
0 14 collision frames
0 15 collision frames
0 Excess collision frames
LAST UPDATE 22622 msecs AGO
提示:您還可以使用show interfaces {interface{interface-number} controller命令顯示從硬體讀取的每個介面的Transmit和Receive統計資訊。
使用show platform pm interface-flaps{interface{interface-number}} 要顯示介面關閉的次數:
以下是show platform pm interface-flaps的輸出示例{interface{interface-number}}對於特定介面:
Switch#show platform pm interface-flaps tenGigabitEthernet 2/0/1 Field AdminFields OperFields =============================================================== Access Mode Static Static Access Vlan Id 1 0 Voice Vlan Id 4096 0 VLAN Unassigned 0 ExAccess Vlan Id 32767 Native Vlan Id 1 Port Mode dynamic access Encapsulation 802.1Q Native disl auto Media unknown DTP Nonegotiate 0 0 Port Protected 0 0 Unknown Unicast Blocked 0 0 Unknown Multicast Blocked 0 0 Vepa Enabled 0 0 App interface 0 0 Span Destination 0 Duplex auto full Default Duplex auto Speed auto 1000 Auto Speed Capable 1 1 No Negotiate 0 0 No Negotiate Capable 1024 1024 Flow Control Receive ON ON Flow Control Send Off Off Jumbo 0 0 saved_holdqueue_out 0 saved_input_defqcount 2000 Jumbo Size 1500 Forwarding Vlans : none Current Pruned Vlans : none Previous Pruned Vlans : none Sw LinkNeg State : LinkStateUp No.of LinkDownEvents : 12 <-- Number of times the interface flapped XgxsResetOnLinkDown(10GE): Time Stamp Last Link Flapped(U) : Aug 19 14:58:00.154 <-- Last time the interface flapped LastLinkDownDuration(sec) 192 <-- Time in seconds the interface stayed down during the last flap event LastLinkUpDuration(sec): 2277 <-- Time in seconds the interface stayed up before the last flap event
使用show idprom{interface{interface-number}} 命令而不使用關鍵字來顯示特定介面的IDPROM資訊。與detail關鍵字一起使用以顯示詳細的十六進位制IDPROM資訊。
以下是show idprom的輸出示例{interface{interface-number}} 用於特定介面。此命令輸出中列出的High和Low警告|警報閾值值是正常工作的光纖收發器引數。這些值可以從特定光學器件的資料表中驗證。請參閱思科光纖資料表
Switch#show idprom interface Twe1/0/1 IDPROM for transceiver TwentyFiveGigE1/0/1 : Description = SFP or SFP+ optics (type 3) Transceiver Type: = GE CWDM 1550 (107) Product Identifier (PID) = CWDM-SFP-1550 <-- Vendor Revision = A Serial Number (SN) = XXXXXXXXXX <-- Cisco Serial Number Vendor Name = CISCO-FINISAR Vendor OUI (IEEE company ID) = 00.90.65 (36965) CLEI code = CNTRV14FAB Cisco part number = 10-1879-03 Device State = Enabled. Date code (yy/mm/dd) = 14/12/22 Connector type = LC. Encoding = 8B10B (1) Nominal bitrate = OTU-1 (2700 Mbits/s) Minimum bit rate as % of nominal bit rate = not specified Maximum bit rate as % of nominal bit rate = not specified The transceiver type is 107 Link reach for 9u fiber (km) = LR-2(80km) (80) LR-3(80km) (80) ZX(80km) (80) Link reach for 9u fiber (m) = IR-2(40km) (255) LR-1(40km) (255) LR-2(80km) (255) LR-3(80km) (255) DX(40KM) (255) HX(40km) (255) ZX(80km) (255) VX(100km) (255) Link reach for 50u fiber (m) = SR(2km) (0) IR-1(15km) (0) IR-2(40km) (0) LR-1(40km) (0) LR-2(80km) (0) LR-3(80km) (0) DX(40KM) (0) HX(40km) (0) ZX(80km) (0) VX(100km) (0) 1xFC, 2xFC-SM(10km) (0) ESCON-SM(20km) (0) Link reach for 62.5u fiber (m) = SR(2km) (0) IR-1(15km) (0) IR-2(40km) (0) LR-1(40km) (0) LR-2(80km) (0) LR-3(80km) (0) DX(40KM) (0) HX(40km) (0) ZX(80km) (0) VX(100km) (0) 1xFC, 2xFC-SM(10km) (0) ESCON-SM(20km) (0) Nominal laser wavelength = 1550 nm. DWDM wavelength fraction = 1550.0 nm. Supported options = Tx disable Tx fault signal Loss of signal (standard implementation) Supported enhanced options = Alarms for monitored parameters Diagnostic monitoring = Digital diagnostics supported Diagnostics are externally calibrated Rx power measured is "Average power" Transceiver temperature operating range = -5 C to 75 C (commercial) Minimum operating temperature = 0 C Maximum operating temperature = 70 C High temperature alarm threshold = +90.000 C High temperature warning threshold = +85.000 C Low temperature warning threshold = +0.000 C Low temperature alarm threshold = -4.000 C High voltage alarm threshold = 3600.0 mVolts High voltage warning threshold = 3500.0 mVolts Low voltage warning threshold = 3100.0 mVolts Low voltage alarm threshold = 3000.0 mVolts High laser bias current alarm threshold = 84.000 mAmps High laser bias current warning threshold = 70.000 mAmps Low laser bias current warning threshold = 4.000 mAmps Low laser bias current alarm threshold = 2.000 mAmps High transmit power alarm threshold = 7.4 dBm High transmit power warning threshold = 4.0 dBm Low transmit power warning threshold = -1.7 dBm Low transmit power alarm threshold = -8.2 dBm High receive power alarm threshold = -3.0 dBm Low receive power alarm threshold = -33.0 dBm High receive power warning threshold = -7.0 dBm Low receive power warning threshold = -28.2 dBm External Calibration: bias current slope = 1.000 External Calibration: bias current offset = 0
指令 |
目的 |
show interfaces counters error |
顯示介面錯誤計數器 |
show interfaces功能 |
顯示特定介面的功能 |
show interface收發器(特定於光纖/SFP) |
顯示有關啟用了數字光纖監控(DOM)的光收發器的資訊 |
show interface link |
顯示連結級別資訊 |
show interface {interface{interface-number}}平台 |
顯示介面平台資訊 |
show controllers ethernet-controller {interface{interface-number}} port-info |
顯示其他埠資訊 |
show controllers ethernet-controller {interface{interface-number}}鏈路狀態詳細資訊 |
顯示連結狀態 |
show errdisable flap-values |
顯示錯誤停用狀態之前允許發生的翻動數。 |
clear counters |
使用此命令將流量和錯誤計數器清零,以便您檢視問題是否只是暫時的,或者計數器是否繼續遞增。 |
clear controllers ethernet-controller |
使用此命令清除硬體傳送和接收計數器。 |
時域反射計(TDR)功能可讓您判斷纜線發生故障時是處於開啟狀態還是短狀態。透過TDR,您可以檢查Catalyst 9000系列交換器上連線埠的銅纜狀態。TDR使用通過電纜傳送的訊號檢測電纜故障,並讀取反射回的訊號。由於電纜存在缺陷,因此可以反射回全部或部分訊號
使用test cable-diagnostics tdr {interface{interface-number} }啟動TDR測試,然後使用show cable-diagnostics tdr{interfaceinterface-number}。
Switch#show cable-diagnostics tdr interface tw2/0/10
TDR test last run on: November 05 02:28:43
Interface Speed Local pair Pair length Remote pair Pair status
--------- ----- ---------- ------------------ ----------- --------------------
Tw2/0/10 1000M Pair A 1 +/- 5 meters Pair A Impedance Mismatch
Pair B 1 +/- 5 meters Pair B Impedance Mismatch
Pair C 1 +/- 5 meters Pair C Open
Pair D 3 +/- 5 meters Pair D Open
提示:在Catalyst 9300系列交換器上,僅偵測到以下纜線故障型別 — OPEN、SHORT和IMPEDANCE MISMATCH。在電纜正確端接的情況下,會顯示Normal狀態,此過程僅作說明之用。
步驟 |
命令或操作 |
目的 |
步驟 1 |
啟用 範例: switch>enable |
啟用物理EXEC模式 如果系統提示,請輸入密碼 |
步驟 2 |
configure terminal 範例: switch#configure terminal |
進入全域性配置模式 |
步驟 3 |
收發器型別all 範例: switch(config)#transceiver type all |
進入收發器型別配置模式 |
步驟 4 |
監控 範例: switch(config)#monitoring |
啟用對所有光纖收發器的監控。 |
使用show interfaces {interface{interface-number}} transceiver detail命令顯示收發器資訊:
Switch#show interfaces hundredGigE 1/0/25 transceiver detail
ITU Channel not available (Wavelength not available),
Transceiver is internally calibrated.
mA: milliamperes, dBm: decibels (milliwatts), NA or N/A: not applicable.
++ : high alarm, + : high warning, - : low warning, -- : low alarm.
A2D readouts (if they differ), are reported in parentheses.
The threshold values are calibrated.
High Alarm High Warn Low Warn Low Alarm
Temperature Threshold Threshold Threshold Threshold
Port (Celsius) (Celsius) (Celsius) (Celsius) (Celsius)
--------- ----------------- ---------- --------- --------- ---------
Hu1/0/25 28.8 75.0 70.0 0.0 -5.0
High Alarm High Warn Low Warn Low Alarm
Voltage Threshold Threshold Threshold Threshold
Port (Volts) (Volts) (Volts) (Volts) (Volts)
--------- ----------------- ---------- --------- --------- ---------
Hu1/0/25 3.28 3.63 3.46 3.13 2.97
High Alarm High Warn Low Warn Low Alarm
Current Threshold Threshold Threshold Threshold
Port Lane (milliamperes) (mA) (mA) (mA) (mA)
--------- ---- --------------- ---------- --------- --------- ---------
Hu1/0/25 N/A 6.2 10.0 8.5 3.0 2.6
Optical High Alarm High Warn Low Warn Low Alarm
Transmit Power Threshold Threshold Threshold Threshold
Port Lane (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm)
--------- ---- --------------- ---------- --------- --------- ---------
Hu1/0/25 N/A -2.2 1.7 -1.3 -7.3 -11.3
Optical High Alarm High Warn Low Warn Low Alarm
Receive Power Threshold Threshold Threshold Threshold
Port Lane (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm)
--------- ---- --------------- ---------- --------- --------- ---------
Hu1/0/25 N/A -16.7 2.0 -1.0 -9.9 -13.9
%SFF8472-3-THRESHOLD_VIOLATION: Te7/3: Temperature high alarm; Operating value: 88.7 C, Threshold value: 74.0 C.
%SFF8472-3-THRESHOLD_VIOLATION: Fo1/1/1: Temperature low alarm; Operating value: 0.0 C, Threshold value: 35.0 C.
%SFF8472-3-THRESHOLD_VIOLATION: Gi1/1/3: Voltage high warning; Operating value: 3.50 V, Threshold value: 3.50 V.
%SFF8472-5-THRESHOLD_VIOLATION: Gi1/1: Voltage low alarm; Operating value: 2.70 V, Threshold value: 2.97 V.
%SFF8472-3-THRESHOLD_VIOLATION: Gi1/0/1: Rx power high warning; Operating value: -2.7 dBm, Threshold value: -3.0 dBm.
%SFF8472-5-THRESHOLD_VIOLATION: Te1/1: Rx power low warning; Operating value: -13.8 dBm, Threshold value: -9.9 dBm.
FEC是一種技術,用於檢測並糾正位元流中的一定數量的錯誤,並在傳輸之前將冗餘位元和錯誤檢查代碼附加到消息塊。 作為模組製造商,思科會認真設計收發器以符合規格。當光纖收發器在Cisco主機平台中運行時,會根據主機軟體檢測到的光纖模組型別預設啟用FEC(請參閱此可下載表)。在絕大多數情況下,FEC實施由光纖型別支援的行業標準決定。
對於某些自定義規範,FEC實施有所不同。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱瞭解Cisco光纖中的FEC及其實作檔案。
switch(config-if)#fec? auto Enable FEC Auto-Neg cl108 Enable clause108 with 25G cl74 Enable clause74 with 25G off Turn FEC off
Use the show interface command to verify FEC configuration:
TwentyFiveGigE1/0/13 is up, line protocol is up (connected)
Hardware is Twenty Five Gigabit Ethernet, address is 3473.2d93.bc8d (bia 3473.2d93.bc8d)
MTU 9170 bytes, BW 25000000 Kbit/sec, DLY 10 usec,
reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255
Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set
Keepalive set (10 sec)
Full-duplex, 25Gb/s, link type is force-up, media type is SFP-25GBase-SR
Fec is auto < -- The configured setting for FEC is displayed here
input flow-control is on, output flow-control is off
ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00
注意:請謹慎使用debug命令。請注意,許多debug指令都會對現行網路產生影響,因此只有在重現問題時才建議在實驗室環境中使用。 ;
指令 | 目的 |
debug pm | 埠管理器調試 |
debug pm port | 連線埠相關事件 |
debug platform pm | NGWC平台埠管理器調試資訊 |
debug platform pm l2-control | NGWC L2控制基礎設施調試 |
debug platform pm link-status | 介面鏈路檢測事件 |
debug platform pm-vectors | 埠管理器向量函式 |
debug condition interface <interface name> | 選擇性地啟用特定介面的調試 |
debug interface state | 狀態轉換 |
以下是d的部分輸出示例ebug 表中列出的命令:
SW_2#sh debugging
PM (platform):
L2 Control Infra debugging is on <-- debug platform pm l2-control
PM Link Status debugging is on <-- debug platform pm link-status
PM Vectors debugging is on <-- debug platform pm pm-vectors
Packet Infra debugs:
Ip Address Port
Port Manager:
Port events debugging is on <-- debug pm port
Condition 1: interface Te1/0/2 (1 flags triggered)
Flags: Te1/0/2
------ Sample output ---------
*Aug 25 20:01:05.791: link up/down event : link-down on Te1/0/2
*Aug 25 20:01:05.791: pm_port 1/2: during state access, got event 5(link_down) <-- Link down event (day/time)
*Aug 25 20:01:05.791: @@@ pm_port 1/2: access -> pagp
*Aug 25 20:01:05.792: IOS-FMAN-PM-DEBUG-PM-VECTORS: Success sending PM tdl message
*Aug 25 20:01:05.792: IOS-FMAN-PM-DEBUG-PM-VECTORS: Success sending PM tdl message
*Aug 25 20:01:05.792: IOS-FMAN-PM-DEBUG-PM-VECTORS: Success sending PM tdl message
*Aug 25 20:01:05.792: IOS-FMAN-PM-DEBUG-PM-VECTORS: Vp Disable: pd=0x7F1E797914B0 dpidx=10 Te1/0/2
*Aug 25 20:01:05.792: IOS-FMAN-PM-DEBUG-PM-VECTORS: Success sending PM tdl message
*Aug 25 20:01:05.792: IOS-FMAN-PM-DEBUG-PM-VECTORS: Success sending PM tdl message
*Aug 25 20:01:05.792: Maintains count of VP per Interface:delete, pm_vp_counter[0]: 14, pm_vp_counter[1]: 14
*Aug 25 20:01:05.792: *** port_modechange: 1/2 mode_none(10)
*Aug 25 20:01:05.792: @@@ pm_port 1/2: pagp -> dtp
*Aug 25 20:01:05.792: stop flap timer : Te1/0/2 pagp
*Aug 25 20:01:05.792: *** port_bndl_stop: 1/2 : inform yes
*Aug 25 20:01:05.792: @@@ pm_port 1/2: dtp -> present
*Aug 25 20:01:05.792: *** port_dtp_stop: 1/2
*Aug 25 20:01:05.792: stop flap timer : Te1/0/2 pagp
*Aug 25 20:01:05.792: stop flap timer : Te1/0/2 dtp
*Aug 25 20:01:05.792: stop flap timer : Te1/0/2 unknown
*Aug 25 20:01:05.792: *** port_linkchange: reason_link_change(3): link_down(0)1/2 <-- State link change
*Aug 25 20:01:05.792: pm_port 1/2: idle during state present
*Aug 25 20:01:05.792: @@@ pm_port 1/2: present -> link_down <-- State of the link
*Aug 25 20:01:06.791: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface TenGigabitEthernet1/0/2, changed state to down
*Aug 25 20:01:07.792: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface TenGigabitEthernet1/0/2, changed state to down
*Aug 25 20:01:11.098: IOS-FMAN-PM-DEBUG-LINK-STATUS: Received LINKCHANGE in xcvr message, if_id 10 (TenGigabitEthernet1/0/2)
*Aug 25 20:01:11.098: IOS-FMAN-PM-DEBUG-LINK-STATUS: if_id 0xA, if_name Te1/0/2, link up <-- Link became up
*Aug 25 20:01:11.098: link up/down event: link-up on Te1/0/2
*Aug 25 20:01:11.098: pm_port 1/2: during state link_down, got event 4(link_up)
*Aug 25 20:01:11.098: @@@ pm_port 1/2: link_down -> link_up
*Aug 25 20:01:11.098: flap count for link type : Te1/0/2 Linkcnt = 0
*Aug 25 20:01:11.099: pm_port 1/2: idle during state link_up
*Aug 25 20:01:11.099: @@@ pm_port 1/2: link_up -> link_authentication
*Aug 25 20:01:11.099: pm_port 1/2: during state link_authentication, got event 8(authen_disable)
*Aug 25 20:01:11.099: @@@ pm_port 1/2: link_authentication -> link_ready
*Aug 25 20:01:11.099: *** port_linkchange: reason_link_change(3): link_up(1)1/2
*Aug 25 20:01:11.099: pm_port 1/2: idle during state link_ready
*Aug 25 20:01:11.099: @@@ pm_port 1/2: link_ready -> dtp
*Aug 25 20:01:11.099: IOS-FMAN-PM-DEBUG-PM-VECTORS: Set pm vp mode attributes for Te1/0/2 vlan 1
*Aug 25 20:01:11.099: IOS-FMAN-PM-DEBUG-PM-VECTORS: Success sending PM tdl message
*Aug 25 20:01:11.099: IOS-FMAN-PM-DEBUG-PM-VECTORS: Success sending PM tdl message
*Aug 25 20:01:11.099: IOS-FMAN-PM-DEBUG-PM-VECTORS: Success sending PM tdl message
*Aug 25 20:01:11.099: pm_port 1/2: during state dtp, got event 13(dtp_complete)
*Aug 25 20:01:11.099: @@@ pm_port 1/2: dtp -> dtp
*Aug 25 20:01:11.099: IOS-FMAN-PM-DEBUG-PM-VECTORS: Set pm vp mode attributes for Te1/0/2 vlan 1
*Aug 25 20:01:11.099: IOS-FMAN-PM-DEBUG-PM-VECTORS: Success sending PM tdl message
*Aug 25 20:01:11.099: DTP flapping: flap count for dtp type: Te1/0/2 Dtpcnt = 0
*Aug 25 20:01:11.099: pm_port 1/2: during state dtp, got event 110(dtp_done)
*Aug 25 20:01:11.099: @@@ pm_port 1/2: dtp -> pre_pagp_may_suspend
*Aug 25 20:01:11.099: pm_port 1/2: idle during state pre_pagp_may_suspend
*Aug 25 20:01:11.099: @@@ pm_port 1/2: pre_pagp_may_suspend -> pagp_may_suspend
*Aug 25 20:01:11.099: pm_port 1/2: during state pagp_may_suspend, got event 33(pagp_continue)
*Aug 25 20:01:11.099: @@@ pm_port 1/2: pagp_may_suspend -> start_pagp
*Aug 25 20:01:11.099: pm_port 1/2: idle during state start_pagp
*Aug 25 20:01:11.099: @@@ pm_port 1/2: start_pagp -> pagp
*Aug 25 20:01:11.100: IOS-FMAN-PM-DEBUG-PM-VECTORS: Success sending PM tdl message
*Aug 25 20:01:11.100: IOS-FMAN-PM-DEBUG-PM-VECTORS: Success sending PM tdl message
*Aug 25 20:01:11.100: IOS-FMAN-PM-DEBUG-PM-VECTORS: Set pm vp mode attributes for Te1/0/2 vlan 1
*Aug 25 20:01:11.100: IOS-FMAN-PM-DEBUG-PM-VECTORS: Success sending PM tdl message
*Aug 25 20:01:11.100: IOS-FMAN-PM-DEBUG-PM-VECTORS: Success sending PM tdl message
*Aug 25 20:01:11.100: IOS-FMAN-PM-DEBUG-PM-VECTORS: Success sending PM tdl message
*Aug 25 20:01:11.100: *** port_bndl_start: 1/2
*Aug 25 20:01:11.100: stop flap timer : Te1/0/2 pagp
*Aug 25 20:01:11.100: pm_port 1/2: during state pagp, got event 34(dont_bundle)
*Aug 25 20:01:11.100: @@@ pm_port 1/2: pagp -> pre_post_pagp
*Aug 25 20:01:11.100: pm_port 1/2: idle during state pre_post_pagp
*Aug 25 20:01:11.100: @@@ pm_port 1/2: pre_post_pagp -> post_pagp
*Aug 25 20:01:11.100: IOS-FMAN-PM-DEBUG-PM-VECTORS: Success sending PM tdl message
*Aug 25 20:01:11.100: IOS-FMAN-PM-DEBUG-PM-VECTORS: Success sending PM tdl message
*Aug 25 20:01:11.100: pm_port 1/2: during state post_pagp, got event 14(dtp_access)
*Aug 25 20:01:11.100: @@@ pm_port 1/2: post_pagp -> access
*Aug 25 20:01:11.100: IOS-FMAN-PM-DEBUG-PM-VECTORS: Success sending PM tdl message
*Aug 25 20:01:11.100: IOS-FMAN-PM-DEBUG-PM-VECTORS: Success sending PM tdl message
*Aug 25 20:01:11.100: IOS-FMAN-PM-DEBUG-PM-VECTORS: Success sending PM tdl message
*Aug 25 20:01:11.100: IOS-FMAN-PM-DEBUG-PM-VECTORS: Set pm vp mode attributes for Te1/0/2 vlan 1
*Aug 25 20:01:11.100: IOS-FMAN-PM-DEBUG-PM-VECTORS: Success sending PM tdl message
*Aug 25 20:01:11.100: Maintains count of VP per Interface:add, pm_vp_counter[0]: 15, pm_vp_counter[1]: 15
*Aug 25 20:01:11.100: IOS-FMAN-PM-DEBUG-PM-VECTORS: vlan vp enable for port(Te1/0/2) and vlan:1
*Aug 25 20:01:11.101: IOS-FMAN-PM-DEBUG-PM-VECTORS: VP ENABLE: vp_pvlan_port_mode:access for Te1/0/2
*Aug 25 20:01:11.101: IOS-FMAN-PM-DEBUG-PM-VECTORS: VP Enable: vp_pvlan_native_vlanId:1 for Te1/0/2
*Aug 25 20:01:11.101: IOS-FMAN-PM-DEBUG-PM-VECTORS: Success sending PM tdl message
*Aug 25 20:01:11.101: IOS-FMAN-PM-DEBUG-PM-VECTORS: Success sending PM tdl message
*Aug 25 20:01:11.101: *** port_modechange: 1/2 mode_access(1)
*Aug 25 20:01:11.101: IOS-FMAN-PM-DEBUG-PM-VECTORS: The operational mode of Te1/0/2 in set all vlans is 1
*Aug 25 20:01:11.101: IOS-FMAN-PM-DEBUG-PM-VECTORS: Success sending PM tdl message
*Aug 25 20:01:11.101: IOS-FMAN-PM-DEBUG-PM-VECTORS: vp_pvlan port_mode:access vlan:1 for Te1/0/2
*Aug 25 20:01:11.101: IOS-FMAN-PM-DEBUG-PM-VECTORS: vp_pvlan port_mode:access native_vlan:1 for Te1/0/2
*Aug 25 20:01:11.102: IOS-FMAN-PM-DEBUG-PM-VECTORS: Success sending PM tdl message
*Aug 25 20:01:13.098: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface TenGigabitEthernet1/0/2, changed state to up
*Aug 25 20:01:14.098: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface TenGigabitEthernet1/0/2, changed state to up
思科錯誤 ID |
說明 |
思科錯誤ID CSCvu13029 |
mGig Cat9300交換機上的間歇性鏈路擺動到支援mGig的終端 |
思科錯誤ID CSCvt50788 |
其他mGig裝置的Cat9400 mGig互操作問題會導致鏈路抖動 |
思科錯誤ID CSCvu92432 |
CAT9400:含Mgig AP的MGIG介面擺動 |
思科錯誤ID CSCve65787 |
適用於100G/40G/25G Cu轉換器的自動支援 |
修訂 | 發佈日期 | 意見 |
2.0 |
13-Mar-2024 |
重新認證 |
1.0 |
04-Nov-2022 |
初始版本 |