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思科已使用電腦和人工技術翻譯本文件,讓全世界的使用者能夠以自己的語言理解支援內容。請注意,即使是最佳機器翻譯,也不如專業譯者翻譯的內容準確。Cisco Systems, Inc. 對這些翻譯的準確度概不負責,並建議一律查看原始英文文件(提供連結)。
在硬體(HW)生命週期中,客戶可能擁有較舊型號的裝置,稍後將由較新的硬體取代。 隨著AsyncOS版本的更新,支援的版本將達到壽命終止(EoL)和支援終止(EoS)狀態。 EoL/EoS和HW生命週期有時會達到無法升級AsyncOS版本以匹配新硬體上出廠和安裝的AsyncOS版本的地步。(例如,Cisco Email Security Cx70 > Cisco Email Security Cx95。)
本文檔將使用Cx70作為要更換的基本裝置。 所有Cx70機型都在AsyncOS 11.0.x上具有EoS。 為了彌合AsyncOS版本之間的任何差距,您需要將現有配置遷移到vESA,然後利用該vESA將配置同步到新裝置。
在AsyncOS 11.0 for Cisco Email Security Appliances的發行說明中,使用以下說明升級您的郵件安全裝置:
建立集群允許您共用現有配置。 有關使用群集進行集中管理的資訊,請參閱《使用手冊》。 使用clusterconfig > Create a new cluster 命令,如下所示:
C170.local> clusterconfig
Do you want to join or create a cluster?
1. No, configure as standalone.
2. Create a new cluster.
3. Join an existing cluster over SSH.
4. Join an existing cluster over CCS.
[1]> 2
Enter the name of the new cluster.
[]> migration.local
Should all machines in the cluster communicate with each other by hostname or by IP address?
1. Communicate by IP address.
2. Communicate by hostname.
[2]> 1
What IP address should other machines use to communicate with Machine C170.local?
1. port 22 (SSH on interface Management)
2. Enter an IP address manually
[]> 1
Other machines will communicate with Machine C170.local using IP address port 22. You can change this by using the COMMUNICATION subcommand of the clusterconfig command.
New cluster committed: Sat Jun 08 07:47:59 2019 GMT
Creating a cluster takes effect immediately, there is no need to commit.
Cluster migration.local
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- ADDGROUP - Add a cluster group.
- SETGROUP - Set the group that machines are a member of.
- RENAMEGROUP - Rename a cluster group.
- DELETEGROUP - Remove a cluster group.
- REMOVEMACHINE - Remove a machine from the cluster.
- SETNAME - Set the cluster name.
- LIST - List the machines in the cluster.
- CONNSTATUS - Show the status of connections between machines in the cluster.
- COMMUNICATION - Configure how machines communicate within the cluster.
- DISCONNECT - Temporarily detach machines from the cluster.
- RECONNECT - Restore connections with machines that were previously detached.
- PREPJOIN - Prepare the addition of a new machine over CCS.
(Cluster migration.local)
本文檔將使用Cx70作為要更換的基本裝置。 所有Cx70機型都在AsyncOS 11.0.x上具有EoS。 為了彌合AsyncOS版本之間的任何差距,您需要將現有配置遷移到vESA,然後利用該vESA將配置同步到新裝置。
附註:安裝指南提供有關DHCP(interfaceconfig)的資訊,並設定虛擬主機上的預設網關(setgateway),同時載入虛擬裝置許可證檔案。 請確保您已按照指示閱讀和部署。
由於您已將Cx70的AsyncOS版本升級到11.0.3-238,因此您還需要運行相同且匹配的AsyncOS for Email Security版本。(即11.0.3-238 :11.0.3-238,而不是11.0.0-274 :11.0.3-238。)
UI,導航到Monitor > System Info
從vESA上的CLI運行clusterconfig > Join an existing... 將vESA新增到集群中,與以下內容類似:
vESA.local> clusterconfig
Do you want to join or create a cluster?
1. No, configure as standalone.
2. Create a new cluster.
3. Join an existing cluster over SSH.
4. Join an existing cluster over CCS.
[1]> 3
While joining a cluster, you will need to validate the SSH host key of the remote machine to which you are joining. To get the public host key fingerprint of the remote host, connect to the cluster and run: logconfig -> hostkeyconfig -> fingerprint.
WARNING: All non-network settings will be lost. System will inherit the values set at the group or cluster mode for the non-network settings. Ensure that the cluster settings are compatible with your network settings (e.g. dnsconfig settings)
Exception:Centralized Policy, Virus, and Outbreak Quarantine settings are not inherited from the cluster. These settings on this machine will remain intact.
Do you want to enable the Cluster Communication Service on ironport.example.com? [N]> n
Enter the IP address of a machine in the cluster.
Enter the remote port to connect to. This must be the normal admin ssh port, not the CCS port.
Would you like to join this appliance to a cluster using pre-shared keys? Use this option if you have enabled two-factor authentication on the appliance. [Y]> n
Enter the name of an administrator present on the remote machine
Enter passphrase:
Please verify the SSH host key for
Public host key fingerprint: 80:22:44:aa:cc:55:ff:ff:11:66:77:ee:66:77:77:aa
Is this a valid key for this host? [Y]> y
Joining cluster group Main_Group.
Joining a cluster takes effect immediately, there is no need to commit.
Cluster migration.local
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- ADDGROUP - Add a cluster group.
- SETGROUP - Set the group that machines are a member of.
- RENAMEGROUP - Rename a cluster group.
- DELETEGROUP - Remove a cluster group.
- REMOVEMACHINE - Remove a machine from the cluster.
- SETNAME - Set the cluster name.
- LIST - List the machines in the cluster.
- CONNSTATUS - Show the status of connections between machines in the cluster.
- COMMUNICATION - Configure how machines communicate within the cluster.
- DISCONNECT - Temporarily detach machines from the cluster.
- RECONNECT - Restore connections with machines that were previously detached.
- PREPJOIN - Prepare the addition of a new machine over CCS.
(Cluster migration.local)>
運行clustercheck命令以驗證同步並驗證現有vESA和Cx95之間是否存在任何不一致。 (請參閱「群集不一致」以瞭解詳細資訊。)
附註:您的vESA沒有處理郵件。 為了消除顧慮,您必須將vESA作為附加MX新增到DNS記錄中,或將其包括在ESA外部的任何負載均衡池中。
(Cluster migration.local)> clusterconfig
Cluster migration.local
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- ADDGROUP - Add a cluster group.
- SETGROUP - Set the group that machines are a member of.
- RENAMEGROUP - Rename a cluster group.
- DELETEGROUP - Remove a cluster group.
- REMOVEMACHINE - Remove a machine from the cluster.
- SETNAME - Set the cluster name.
- LIST - List the machines in the cluster.
- CONNSTATUS - Show the status of connections between machines in the cluster.
- COMMUNICATION - Configure how machines communicate within the cluster.
- DISCONNECT - Temporarily detach machines from the cluster.
- RECONNECT - Restore connections with machines that were previously detached.
- PREPJOIN - Prepare the addition of a new machine over CCS.
[]> removemachine
Choose the machine to remove from the cluster.
1. C170.local (group Main_Group)
2. vESA.local (group Main_Group)
[1]> 2
- You are removing the machine you are currently connected to, and you will no longer be able to access the cluster.
- This change will happen immediately without a commit.
Are you sure you want to continue? [N]> y
Please wait, this operation may take a minute...
Machine vESA.local removed from the cluster.
此時進行配置遷移時,您需要升級vESA以匹配新HW/Cx95的版本。 本文檔假定您使用Cx95作為替換Cx70的裝置。
Cx95硬體出廠時運行的是AsyncOS 11.5.x。 思科建議從11.5.x升級到12.5.x。
vESA需要運行相同且匹配的AsyncOS for Email Security。(即12.5.0-059 :12.5.0-059,而不是11.0.3-238 :12.5.0-059。)
升級之前,您需要更改vESA上的動態主機設定。 [解釋為什麼需要這樣做:vESA加入Cx70群集時,它假設硬體更新程式的群集配置(update-manifests.ironport.com 443)。 此時,為了升級vESA,需要將其重新指向VM更新程式。]。
要升級vESA和Cx95 :
對於本文而言,假設您已收到、裝入、供電並完成新硬體(即Cx95)的基本網路配置。 有關Cx95的詳細資訊,請參閱思科電子郵件安全裝置C195、C395、C695和C695F入門指南。
如果您希望重複使用相同的群集名稱,請從Cx70群集使用相同的群集名稱建立。 或者,使用新的群集名稱建立新群集。 這重複了之前在vESA上執行的步驟:
vESA.local> clusterconfig
Do you want to join or create a cluster?
1. No, configure as standalone.
2. Create a new cluster.
3. Join an existing cluster over SSH.
4. Join an existing cluster over CCS.
[1]> 2
Enter the name of the new cluster.
[]> newcluster.local
Should all machines in the cluster communicate with each other by hostname or by IP address?
1. Communicate by IP address.
2. Communicate by hostname.
[2]> 1
What IP address should other machines use to communicate with Machine C170.local?
1. port 22 (SSH on interface Management)
2. Enter an IP address manually
[]> 1
Other machines will communicate with Machine C195.local using IP address port 22. You can change this by using the COMMUNICATION subcommand of the clusterconfig command.
New cluster committed: Sat Jun 08 11:45:33 2019 GMT
Creating a cluster takes effect immediately, there is no need to commit.
Cluster newcluster.local
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- ADDGROUP - Add a cluster group.
- SETGROUP - Set the group that machines are a member of.
- RENAMEGROUP - Rename a cluster group.
- DELETEGROUP - Remove a cluster group.
- REMOVEMACHINE - Remove a machine from the cluster.
- SETNAME - Set the cluster name.
- LIST - List the machines in the cluster.
- CONNSTATUS - Show the status of connections between machines in the cluster.
- COMMUNICATION - Configure how machines communicate within the cluster.
- DISCONNECT - Temporarily detach machines from the cluster.
- RECONNECT - Restore connections with machines that were previously detached.
- PREPJOIN - Prepare the addition of a new machine over CCS.
(Cluster newcluster.local)>
在Cx95的CLI上,運行clusterconfig > Join an existing... 將Cx95新增到在vESA上配置的新群集中,類似於以下內容:
C195.local> clusterconfig
Do you want to join or create a cluster?
1. No, configure as standalone.
2. Create a new cluster.
3. Join an existing cluster over SSH.
4. Join an existing cluster over CCS.
[1]> 3
While joining a cluster, you will need to validate the SSH host key of the remote machine to which you are joining. To get the public host key fingerprint of the remote host, connect to the cluster and run: logconfig -> hostkeyconfig -> fingerprint.
WARNING: All non-network settings will be lost. System will inherit the values set at the group or cluster mode for the non-network settings. Ensure that the cluster settings are compatible with your network settings (e.g. dnsconfig settings)
Exception:Centralized Policy, Virus, and Outbreak Quarantine settings are not inherited from the cluster. These settings on this machine will remain intact.
Do you want to enable the Cluster Communication Service on ironport.example.com? [N]> n
Enter the IP address of a machine in the cluster.
Enter the remote port to connect to. This must be the normal admin ssh port, not the CCS port.
Would you like to join this appliance to a cluster using pre-shared keys? Use this option if you have enabled two-factor authentication on the appliance. [Y]> n
Enter the name of an administrator present on the remote machine
Enter passphrase:
Please verify the SSH host key for
Public host key fingerprint: 80:11:33:aa:bb:44:ee:ee:22:77:88:ff:77:88:88:bb
Is this a valid key for this host? [Y]> y
Joining cluster group Main_Group.
Joining a cluster takes effect immediately, there is no need to commit.
Cluster newcluster.local
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- ADDGROUP - Add a cluster group.
- SETGROUP - Set the group that machines are a member of.
- RENAMEGROUP - Rename a cluster group.
- DELETEGROUP - Remove a cluster group.
- REMOVEMACHINE - Remove a machine from the cluster.
- SETNAME - Set the cluster name.
- LIST - List the machines in the cluster.
- CONNSTATUS - Show the status of connections between machines in the cluster.
- COMMUNICATION - Configure how machines communicate within the cluster.
- DISCONNECT - Temporarily detach machines from the cluster.
- RECONNECT - Restore connections with machines that were previously detached.
- PREPJOIN - Prepare the addition of a new machine over CCS.
(Cluster newcluster.local)>
運行clustercheck命令以驗證同步並驗證現有vESA和Cx95之間是否存在任何不一致。 (請參閱「群集不一致」以瞭解詳細資訊。)
類似於第二部分中針對vESA的步驟,您需要將updateconfig設定為指向HW更新程式。 要完成此操作,請從CLI運行以下命令:
此時,您需要做出關閉Cx70裝置的電源和將現有IP地址和相關主機名遷移到Cx95的決策。 在此過程中要複查的專案包括:
您還需要決定如何繼續使用虛擬ESA。 要通過運行clusterconfig > removemachine從現有群集中刪除此裝置,並選擇要從群集中刪除的虛擬裝置的編號:
(Cluster newcluster.local)> clusterconfig
Cluster cluster
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- ADDGROUP - Add a cluster group.
- SETGROUP - Set the group that machines are a member of.
- RENAMEGROUP - Rename a cluster group.
- DELETEGROUP - Remove a cluster group.
- REMOVEMACHINE - Remove a machine from the cluster.
- SETNAME - Set the cluster name.
- LIST - List the machines in the cluster.
- CONNSTATUS - Show the status of connections between machines in the cluster.
- COMMUNICATION - Configure how machines communicate within the cluster.
- DISCONNECT - Temporarily detach machines from the cluster.
- RECONNECT - Restore connections with machines that were previously detached.
- PREPJOIN - Prepare the addition of a new machine over CCS.
[]> removemachine
Choose the machine to remove from the cluster.
1. vESA.local (group Main_Group)
2. C195.local (group Main_Group)
[1]> 1
- This is the last machine in the cluster. Removing it from the cluster will destroy the cluster.
- This change will happen immediately without a commit.
Are you sure you want to continue? [N]> y
Please wait, this operation may take a minute...
Machine vESA.local removed from the cluster.
11.0.3-238 (發佈通知) |
11.5.0-066 (發佈通知) |
12.5.0-059 (發佈通知) |
用於Cx70的AsyncOS的EoS版本 |
為Cx95提供的製造版本 |
推薦的Cx80/Cx90/Cx95正式發行版 |
phoebe-11-0-1-027 -> phoebe-11-0-3-238 phoebe-11-0-1-301 -> phoebe-11-0-3-238 phoebe-11-0-1-602 -> phoebe-11-0-3-238 phoebe-11-0-2-037 -> phoebe-11-0-3-238 phoebe-11-0-2-038 -> phoebe-11-0-3-238 phoebe-11-0-2-044 -> phoebe-11-0-3-238 phoebe-9-1-2-053 -> phoebe-11-0-3-238 phoebe-9-7-2-145 -> phoebe-11-0-3-238 phoebe-9-8-1-015 -> phoebe-11-0-3-238
升級路徑不可用,因為這是x95平台的製造版本。 |
phoebe-11-0-1-027 -> phoebe-12-5-0-059 phoebe-11-0-2-044 -> phoebe-12-5-0-059 phoebe-11-0-3-238 -> phoebe-12-5-0-059 phoebe-11-0-3-242 -> phoebe-12-5-0-059 phoebe-11-1-1-042 -> phoebe-12-5-0-059 phoebe-11-1-2-023 -> phoebe-12-5-0-059 phoebe-11-5-0-058 -> phoebe-12-5-0-059 phoebe-11-5-0-077 -> phoebe-12-5-0-059 phoebe-12-0-0-419 -> phoebe-12-5-0-059 phoebe-12-1-0-089 -> phoebe-12-5-0-059
升級到AsyncOS 12.x後,如果裝置處於群集模式且配置了DLP,則使用CLI運行clustercheck命令時,會發現DLP設定不一致。
要解決這種不一致問題,請強制整個群集使用群集中任何其他電腦的DLP配置。使用以下提示「您希望如何解決此不一致問題?」 在clustercheck命令中,如下例所示:
(Cluster)> clustercheck
Checking DLP settings...
Inconsistency found!
DLP settings at Cluster test:
mail1.example.com was updated Wed Jan 04 05:52:57 2017 GMT by 'admin' on mail2.example.com mail2.example.com was updated Wed Jan 04 05:52:57 2017 GMT by 'admin' on mail2.example.com How do you want to resolve this inconsistency?
1. Force the entire cluster to use the mail1.example.com version.
2. Force the entire cluster to use the mail2.example.com version.
3. Ignore.