本產品的文件集力求使用無偏見用語。針對本文件集的目的,無偏見係定義為未根據年齡、身心障礙、性別、種族身分、民族身分、性別傾向、社會經濟地位及交織性表示歧視的用語。由於本產品軟體使用者介面中硬式編碼的語言、根據 RFP 文件使用的語言,或引用第三方產品的語言,因此本文件中可能會出現例外狀況。深入瞭解思科如何使用包容性用語。
思科已使用電腦和人工技術翻譯本文件,讓全世界的使用者能夠以自己的語言理解支援內容。請注意,即使是最佳機器翻譯,也不如專業譯者翻譯的內容準確。Cisco Systems, Inc. 對這些翻譯的準確度概不負責,並建議一律查看原始英文文件(提供連結)。
本文檔介紹如何對Cisco IOS® XE的PMIPv6技術進行故障排除。
本檔案中的資訊是根據Cisco IOS XE軟體。
當您對移動IP技術進行故障排除時,主要考慮事項是在蜂窩介面和無線網路控制器(RNC)之間有一個良好的訊號。 您的Internet服務提供商(ISP)提供您用來在移動接入網關(MAG)和本地移動錨點(LMA)之間建立隧道的IP地址。
MAG#show ip interface brief | exclude unassigned Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol Cellular0/1/0 YES NVRAM up up Ethernet0/1 YES NVRAM up up
Router#sh cellular 0/1/0 all Hardware Information ====================
Modem Firmware Version = <version>
Modem Firmware built = 2015/03/04 21:30:23
Hardware Version = 1.0
Device Model ID: xxxx
Package Identifier ID: Cisco ID
International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) = 310410901877700
International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Integrated Circuit Card ID (ICCID) = < ICCID Number >
Mobile Subscriber Integrated Services
Digital Network-Number (MSISDN) = < MSISDN ID >
Modem Status = Online
Current Modem Temperature = 33 deg C
PRI SKU ID = <SKU ID>, PRI version = 005.026, Carrier = ISP
OEM PRI version = <version>
配置鍵欄位 |
ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain LMA-DOMAIN |
組態範例 |
ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain LMA-DOMAIN |
a) non-working example
MAG#show ipv6 mobile pmipv6 mag binding Total number of bindings: 1 ---------------------------------------- [Binding][MN]: Domain: LMA-DOMAIN, Nai: 310410901877700@13511.mcs [Binding][MN]: State: INIT [Binding][MN]: Interface: Loopback0 [Binding][MN]: Hoa:, Att: 4, llid: 310410901877700@135 [Binding][MN]: HNP: 0 [Binding][MN]: APN: 13511.mcs [Binding][MN][LMA]: Id: LMA_SVC [Binding][MN][LMA]: Lifetime: 0 [Binding][MN]: Yes [Binding][MN][Mobile Network]: Ethernet0/1 [Binding][MN][PATH]: interface: Cellular0/1/0, Label: MAG State: PATH_INIT Refresh time: 0(sec), Refresh time Remaining: 0(sec) ----------------------------------------
b) working example
MAG#show ipv6 mobile pmipv6 mag binding Total number of bindings: 1 ---------------------------------------- [Binding][MN]: Domain: LMA-DOMAIN, Nai: 310410901877700@13511.mcs [Binding][MN]: State: ACTIVE [Binding][MN]: Interface: Loopback0 [Binding][MN]: Hoa: x.x.x.x, Att: 4, llid: 310410901877700@135 [Binding][MN]: HNP: 0 [Binding][MN]: APN: 13511.mcs [Binding][MN][LMA]: Id: LMA_SVC [Binding][MN][LMA]: Lifetime: 3600 [Binding][MN]: Yes [Binding][MN][Mobile Network]: Ethernet0/1 [Binding][MN][PATH]: interface: Cellular0/1/0, Label: MAG State: PATH_ACTIVE Tunnel: Tunnel0 Refresh time: 300(sec), Refresh time Remaining: 299(sec) [Binding][MN][PATH][GREKEY]: Upstream: 0, Downstream: 0 ----------------------------------------
MAG#show ipv6 mobile pmipv6 mag stats ---------------------------------------- [MAG819]: Total Bindings : 1 [MAG819]: PBU Sent : 6 [MAG819]: PBA Rcvd : 0 [MAG819]: PBRI Sent : 0 [MAG819]: PBRI Rcvd : 0 [MAG819]: PBRA Sent : 0 [MAG819]: PBRA Rcvd : 0 [MAG819]: No Of handoff : 0 Detailed Statistics Information < snip >
MAG#debug ipv6 mobile mag events *Apr 14 20:53:30.772: PMIPv6 RIB_RWATCH: Debugging is ON *Apr 14 20:53:30.773: [PMIPV6_LMN_EVENT]: Attach Timer expired *Apr 14 20:53:30.773: [PMIPV6_LMN_EVENT]: Event received Attach timer expiry in state: LMN_READY, new state: LMN_READY *Apr 14 20:53:30.773: [PMIPV6_LMN_EVENT]: Logical MN (310410901877700@13511.mcs) sending Attach trigger req *Apr 14 20:53:30.773: [PMIPV6_LMN_EVENT]: Starting Logical MN attach timer, period (5000) *Apr 14 20:53:30.773: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Trigger request received (Session create trigger) from (310410901877700@13511.mcs) on Loopback0 *Apr 14 20:53:30.773: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Trigger attach request received *Apr 14 20:53:30.773: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Event received Old MN intf attached for Nai: 310410901877700@13511.mcs in path state machine, path: Cellular0/1/0, state: PATH_INIT, new state: PATH_INIT *Apr 14 20:53:30.773: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Event received First path created for Nai: 310410901877700@13511.mcs in state: INIT, new state: INIT *Apr 14 20:53:33.397: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Retx Timer expired for Nai: 310410901877700@13511.mcs *Apr 14 20:53:33.397: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Event received ReTx timer exhausted for Nai: 310410901877700@13511.mcs in path state machine, path: Cellular0/1/0, state: PATH_INIT, new state: PATH_NULL *Apr 14 20:53:33.397: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Event received Last path Down for Nai: 310410901877700@13511.mcs in state: INIT, new state: NULL *Apr 14 20:53:33.397: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Event received New MN intf attached for Nai: 310410901877700@13511.mcs in path state machine, path: Cellular0/1/0, state: PATH_NULL, new state: PATH_INIT *Apr 14 20:53:33.398: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Starting Retx timer, period (1000) *Apr 14 20:53:33.398: [PMIPV6_MM_EVENT]: Allocated packet of size 152 with tlv length 140 *Apr 14 20:53:33.398: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: PBU message sent for Nai: 310410901877700@13511.mcs *Apr 14 20:53:33.398: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Event received First path created for Nai: 310410901877700@13511.mcs in state: NULL, new state: INIT *Apr 14 20:53:34.423: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Retx Timer expired for Nai: 310410901877700@13511.mcs *Apr 14 20:53:34.423: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Event received PBU Retx timer expired for Nai: 310410901877700@13511.mcs in path state machine, path: Cellular0/1/0, state: PATH_INIT, new state: PATH_INIT *Apr 14 20:53:34.423: [PMIPV6_MM_EVENT]: Allocated packet of size 152 with tlv length 140 *Apr 14 20:53:34.423: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: PBU message sent for Nai: 310410901877700@13511.mcs *Apr 14 20:53:34.423: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Starting Retx timer for Nai: 310410901877700@13511.mcs,period (2000) *Apr 14 20:53:34.423: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Event received First path created for Nai: 310410901877700@13511.mcs in state: INIT, new state: INIT
*2014年4月20:53:34.423:[PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]:收到事件的PBU Retx計時器已過期,用於Nai:310410901877700@13511.mcs在路徑狀態機中,path:Cellular0/1/0,狀態:PATH_INIT,新狀態:PATH_INIT
MAG#monitor capture cap control-plane both access-list tac buffer size 10 MAG#monitor capture cap start
< wait at least 3 minutes >
MAG#show monitor capture cap buffer brief ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # size timestamp source destination dscp protocol ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 194 0.000000 -> 0 BE UDP 1 194 1.024000 -> 0 BE UDP 2 194 3.075008 -> 0 BE UDP 3 194 7.109994 -> 0 BE UDP 4 194 15.178991 -> 0 BE UDP 5 194 31.246041 -> 0 BE UDP 6 194 65.757016 -> 0 BE UDP 7 194 66.780010 -> 0 BE UDP 8 194 68.828011 -> 0 BE UDP 9 194 72.861014 -> 0 BE UDP 10 194 80.931003 -> 0 BE UDP
資料包捕獲顯示IP地址203.0.113.2(由ISP分配的地址)將PBU資料包傳送到LMA IP地址203.0.113.10。
如需更多詳細資訊,可以使用monitor capture cap export bootflash:<name>.pcap 指令將擷取匯出至bootflash,並以.pcap檔案上傳到tftp伺服器。
MAG#sh ipv6 mobile pmipv6 mag binding MAG#
MAG#show ipv6 mobile pmipv6 mag stats ---------------------------------------- [MAG819]: Total Bindings : 0 [MAG819]: PBU Sent : 48 [MAG819]: PBA Rcvd : 36 [MAG819]: PBRI Sent : 0 [MAG819]: PBRI Rcvd : 0 [MAG819]: PBRA Sent : 0 [MAG819]: PBRA Rcvd : 0 [MAG819]: No Of handoff : 0 -------------------------------------------------
Trigger Sent Stats Response to DHCP DISCOVER : 0 Response to DHCP REQUEST : 0 Response to ARP REQUEST : 0 Response to GARP : 0 Response to Rtr Solicitation : 0 ATTACH QUERY Sent : 0 CLEANUP INDICATION Sent : 37 Resp to MCSA CREATE REQ : 62 Resp to MCSA UPD REQ : 0 Resp to MCSA DEL REQ : 0
4.啟用debug ipv6 mobile mag events以驗證MAG上顯示的錯誤代碼。
*Apr 17 18:13:22.885: [PMIPV6_LMN_EVENT]: Attach Timer expired *Apr 17 18:13:22.885: [PMIPV6_LMN_EVENT]: Event received Attach timer expiry in state: LMN_READY, new state: LMN_READY *Apr 17 18:13:22.885: [PMIPV6_LMN_EVENT]: Logical MN (310410901877700@13511.mcs) sending Attach trigger req *Apr 17 18:13:22.885: [PMIPV6_LMN_EVENT]: Starting Logical MN attach timer, period (5000) *Apr 17 18:13:22.885: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Trigger request received (Session create trigger) from (310410901877700@13511.mcs) on Loopback0 *Apr 17 18:13:22.885: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Trigger attach request received *Apr 17 18:13:22.885: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Event received New MN intf attached for Nai: 310410901877700@13511.mcs in path state machine, path: Cellular0/1/0, state: PATH_NULL, new state: PATH_INIT *Apr 17 18:13:22.885: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Starting Retx timer, period (1000) *Apr 17 18:13:22.885: [PMIPV6_MM_EVENT]: Allocated packet of size 160 with tlv length 148 *Apr 17 18:13:22.885: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: PBU message sent for Nai: 310410901877700@13511.mcs *Apr 17 18:13:22.885: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Event received First path created for Nai: 310410901877700@13511.mcs in state: NULL, new state: INIT *Apr 17 18:13:22.886: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: message received: PBA *Apr 17 18:13:22.886: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: PBU rejected by LMA, NAI:310410901877700@13511.mcs, status: 130 *Apr 17 18:13:22.886: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: PBA: nai(310410901877700@13511.mcs),nai len: 26, lli (310410901877700@135), ll len: 21, att:4, lifetime:0, status:130 *Apr 17 18:13:22.886: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Event received PBA reject for Nai: 310410901877700@13511.mcs in path state machine, path: Cellular0/1/0, state: PATH_INIT, new state: PATH_NULL <snip> *Apr 17 18:13:22.886: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Sending cleanup ind reason Last path Down, orig_event PBA reject *Apr 17 18:13:22.886: [PMIPV6_LMN_EVENT]: Event received Cleanup request from MAG in state: LMN_READY, new state: LMN_READY *Apr 17 18:13:22.886: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Nai: 310410901877700@13511.mcs, Sending IPv4 address cleanup indication for address ( *Apr 17 18:13:22.886: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Nai: 310410901877700@13511.mcs, Binding Removed
*2017年4月18日13:22.886:[PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]:PBA:nai(310410901877700@13511.mcs),nai len:26, lli(310410901877700@135), ll len:21, att:4, lifetime:0, status:130
PBA:nai(310410901877700@13511.mcs),nai len:26, lli(310410901877700@135), ll len:21, att:4, lifetime:0, status:130
值代碼 | 說明 |
0 | 已接受繫結更新 |
1 | 已接受,但需要字首發現 |
128 | 原因未指定 |
129 | 管理性禁止 |
130 | 資源不足 |
131 | 不支援家庭註冊 |
132 | 非主子網 |
133 | 不是此移動節點的家鄉代理 |
134 | 重複地址檢測失敗 |
135 | 序列號超出視窗 |
136 | 過期主目錄索引 |
137 | 過期的遺漏時間索引 |
138 | 到期的失效日期 |
139 | 不允許更改註冊型別 |
*May 8 23:09:33.631: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel0, changed state to up *May 8 23:09:33.632: %PMIPV6-5-TUNNELUP: Bringing up the Proxy Mobile IPv6 tunnel Tunnel0 *May 8 23:15:39.067: %PMIPV6-5-TUNNELDELETE: Deleting the Proxy Mobile IPv6 tunnel Tunnel0 *May 8 23:17:16.655: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel0, changed state to up *May 8 23:17:16.656: %PMIPV6-5-TUNNELUP: Bringing up the Proxy Mobile IPv6 tunnel Tunnel0
2.啟用debug ipv6 mobile,以驗證裝置是否將PBU資料包傳送到LMA。
*May 9 20:28:26.784: [PMIPV6_LMN_EVENT]: Attach Timer expired *May 9 20:28:26.784: [PMIPV6_LMN_EVENT]: Event received Attach timer expiry in state: LMN_READY, new state: LMN_READY *May 9 20:28:26.784: [PMIPV6_LMN_EVENT]: Logical MN (310410901877700@13511.mcs) sending Attach trigger req *May 9 20:28:26.784: [PMIPV6_LMN_EVENT]: Starting Logical MN attach timer, period (5000) *May 9 20:28:26.784: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Trigger request received (Session create trigger) from (310410901877700@13511.mcs) on Loopback0 *May 9 20:28:26.784: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Trigger attach request received *May 9 20:28:26.784: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Event received Old MN intf attached for Nai: 310410901877700@13511.mcs in path state machine, path: Cellular0/1/0, state: PATH_INIT, new state: PATH_INIT *May 9 20:28:26.784: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Event received First path created for Nai: 310410901877700@13511.mcs in state: INIT, new state: INIT
At this point the MAG waits for a reply from the LMA to establish the tunnel. Since the timer expires, the MAG clears the entry and starts the process.
*May 9 20:28:39.523: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Event received Last path Down for Nai: 310410901877700@13511.mcs in state: INIT, new state: NULL *May 9 20:28:39.523: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Trigger Reply sent in Bul Null state entry for Nai: 310410901877700@13511.mcs *May 9 20:28:39.523: [PMIPV6_LMN_EVENT]: Event received Trigger Attach Failure in state: LMN_READY, new state: LMN_READY < snip > *May 9 20:28:39.523: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: sending cleanup ind reason Last path Down, orig_event ReTx timer exhausted *May 9 20:28:39.523: [PMIPV6_LMN_EVENT]: Event received Cleanup request from MAG in state: LMN_READY, new state: LMN_READY *May 9 20:28:39.523: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Nai: 310410901877700@13511.mcs, Sending IPv4 address cleanup indication for address ( *May 9 20:28:39.523: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Nai: 310410901877700@13511.mcs, Binding Removed < Snip > *May 9 20:28:41.955: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Event received New MN intf attached for Nai: 310410901877700@13511.mcs in path state machine, path: Cellular0/1/0, state: PATH_NULL, new state: PATH_INIT *May 9 20:28:41.955: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Starting Retx timer, period (1000) *May 9 20:28:41.955: [PMIPV6_MM_EVENT]: Allocated packet of size 160 with tlv length 148 *May 9 20:28:41.955: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: PBU message sent for Nai: 310410901877700@13511.mcs *May 9 20:28:41.956: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Event received First path created for Nai: 310410901877700@13511.mcs in state: NULL, new state: INIT *May 9 20:28:42.979: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Retx Timer expired for Nai: 310410901877700@13511.mcs *May 9 20:28:42.979: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Event received PBU Retx timer expired for Nai: 310410901877700@13511.mcs in path state machine, path: Cellular0/1/0, state: PATH_INIT, new state: PATH_INIT *May 9 20:28:42.979: [PMIPV6_MM_EVENT]: Allocated packet of size 160 with tlv length 148 *May 9 20:28:42.979: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: PBU message sent for Nai: 310410901877700@13511.mcs *May 9 20:28:42.979: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Starting Retx timer for Nai: 310410901877700@13511.mcs,period (2000) *May 9 20:28:42.979: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Event received First path created for Nai: 310410901877700@13511.mcs in state: INIT, new state: INIT *May 9 20:28:45.027: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Retx Timer expired for Nai: 310410901877700@13511.mcs *May 9 20:28:45.027: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Event received PBU Retx timer expired for Nai: 310410901877700@13511.mcs in path state machine, path: Cellular0/1/0, state: PATH_INIT, new state: PATH_INIT *May 9 20:28:45.027: [PMIPV6_MM_EVENT]: Allocated packet of size 160 with tlv length 148 *May 9 20:28:45.027: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: PBU message sent for Nai: 310410901877700@13511.mcs *May 9 20:28:45.027: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Starting Retx timer for Nai: 310410901877700@13511.mcs,period (4000) *May 9 20:28:45.027: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Event received First path created for Nai: 310410901877700@13511.mcs in state: INIT, new state: INIT *May 9 20:28:45.228: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: message received: PBA *May 9 20:28:45.228: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: PBA: nai(310410901877700@13511.mcs),nai len: 26, lli (310410901877700@135), ll len: 21, att:4, lifetime:3600, status:0 *May 9 20:28:45.228: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Event received PBA accept for Nai: 310410901877700@13511.mcs in path state machine, path: Cellular0/1/0, state: PATH_INIT, new state: PATH_ACTIVE *May 9 20:28:45.228: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Starting Refresh timer, period (300000) *May 9 20:28:45.229: PMIPV6_LMN_EVENT]: Received event (20) *May 9 20:28:45.229: [PMIPV6_LMN_EVENT]: Address change event received for Tunnel0 *May 9 20:28:45.229: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel0, changed state to up *May 9 20:28:45.230: %PMIPV6-5-TUNNELUP: Bringing up the Proxy Mobile IPv6 tunnel Tunnel0 *May 9 20:28:45.230: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Adding V4 Tunnel, Handle (Tunnel0), mode: (GRE_IN_IPV4) *May 9 20:28:45.230: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Populating Reverse V4 Tunnel entry, l2 address (0x310410901877700@135), ipv4 add: x.x.x.x phy handle: (Loopback0), Succeeded !!! *May 9 20:28:45.230: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Populating Reverse V4 Tunnel entry, l2 address (0x310410901877700@135), ipv4 add: x.x.x.x phy handle: (Ethernet0/1), Succeeded !!! *May 9 20:28:45.230: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Stopping Retx timer for Nai: 310410901877700@13511.mcs *May 9 20:28:45.230: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Event received First path UP for Nai: 310410901877700@13511.mcs in state: INIT, new state: ACTIVE *May 9 20:28:45.230: [PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]: Nai: 310410901877700@13511.mcs, Updating binding succeeded
*5月9日20:28:45.228:[PMIPV6_MAG_EVENT]:PBA:nai(310410901877700@13511.mcs),nai len:26, lli(310410901877700@135), ll len:21, att:4, lifetime:3600, status:0
ip route 255.255.255 cellular0/1/0
技術 | 說明 |
國際行動使用者識別碼(IMSI) | 分配給SIM卡的15位數字代碼號 |
國際流動裝置識別(IMEI) | 分配給流動裝置的15位代碼 |
積體電路卡識別碼(ICCID) | 為硬體SIM卡指定專用的19到20位代碼 |
行動站國際使用者目錄號碼(MSISDN) | ISP分配的流動裝置號碼。其中包括國家/地區代碼和分配的編號。 |
網路存取識別碼(NAI) | 使用者身份在網路訪問身份驗證期間由客戶端提交 |
存取點名稱(APN) | 與行動網路資料連線的流動裝置的資訊(漫遊過程) |
行動節點(MN) | 參與任何與IP移動性相關的PMIP所需的IP主機或路由器 |
行動存取閘道(MAG) | 管理與ISP連線的接入裝置 |
本機行動錨點(LMA) | 代理移動IPv6域(PMIP)中移動節點的家鄉代理 |
住宅地址(HoA) | LMA池分配的動態IP地址 |
代理繫結更新(PBU) | 來自MAG的請求,以在LMA之間建立隧道。此請求包括移動節點識別符號選項。 |
代理繫結確認(PBA) | 從LMA到MAG的消息,包括HoA網路字首並觸發建立雙向隧道 |
修訂 | 發佈日期 | 意見 |
2.0 |
20-Jul-2023 |
更新的螢幕截圖 |
1.0 |
20-Jul-2023 |
初始版本 |