Este documento fornece uma configuração de exemplo para o balanceamento de carga do Content Switching Module (CSM) do tráfego SSL (Secure Socket Layer) para um farm de SCAs (Secure Content Accelerators, aceleradores de conteúdo seguro). A configuração é para SCAs no modo proxy não transparente com conexão no modo de uma porta.
No modo não transparente, o SCA usa o endereço IP do SCA como origem para conexões de texto simples com os servidores Web.
Observação: use duas sub-redes VLAN/IP diferentes para SCAs e servidores Web; uma sub-rede é para todos os SCAs, e uma sub-rede separada é para todos os servidores Web. Se você colocar ambos os farms no mesmo domínio de Camada 2 (L2), a Conversão de Endereço de Rede (NAT - Network Address Translation) de origem será necessária. O NAT de origem garante que os pacotes retornem ao CSM e que o hardware do Catalyst não comuta simplesmente os pacotes de L2.
Não existem requisitos específicos para este documento.
As informações neste documento são baseadas nestas VLANs/sub-redes:
Lado do cliente: IPs virtuais (VIPs) e roteador upstream (Multilayer Switch Feature Card [MSFC])
Catalyst 6500/6000 com CSM no slot 5
Lado 1 do servidor: servidores Web
Servidor lado 2: SCAs
The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, make sure that you understand the potential impact of any command.
For more information on document conventions, refer to the Cisco Technical Tips Conventions.
Nesta seção, você encontrará informações para configurar os recursos descritos neste documento.
Observação: para encontrar informações adicionais sobre os comandos usados neste documento, use a Command Lookup Tool (somente clientes registrados) .
Este documento utiliza a seguinte configuração de rede:
Este documento utiliza as seguintes configurações:
Slot 5 do Catalyst 6000/CSM
Slot 5 do Catalyst 6000/CSM |
!--- This is the configuration of nontransparent SSL load balance. Cat6k# show running-config | begin Module 5 module ContentSwitchingModule 5 vlan 6 client ip address gateway !--- This is the CSM IP address on the client side and !--- CSM upstream gateway (the MSFC). ! vlan 4 server ip address !--- This is the CSM IP address on the SCA server farm VLAN. !--- SCAs use this IP address as the default gateway. ! vlan 10 server ip address !--- This is the CSM IP address on the web server farm VLAN. !--- The web servers use this IP address as the default gateway. ! static drop real !--- This drops every new connection that the web servers originate, !--- unless the connection matches a VIP. ! serverfarm SCA443 nat server !--- When connections are directed to this server farm, !--- the IP address of the SCA selection replaces !--- the destination IP address. no nat client real 443 inservice real 443 inservice !--- The configurations of both SCAs are such that, !--- with the send of a connection to this server farm, the destination port !--- translates to 443. In this example, there is no translation, as !--- the VIP listens to port 443. !--- This is different in the following server farm, SCA444. ! serverfarm SCA444 nat server no nat client real 444 inservice real 444 inservice !--- With the selection of this server farm, there is a !--- modification of connections that go to either SCA. !--- The destination IP changes to match the IP of one of the SCAs !--- (NAT server), and the destination port becomes 444. ! serverfarm WEBFARM nat server no nat client real 80 inservice real 80 !--- Specify port 80 to translate from port 81 inservice. !--- (The SCA communicates on port 81, according to the SCA setup.) !--- This is a standard web server farm. ! sticky 10 ssl timeout 60 sticky 20 ssl timeout 60 !--- This creates two distinct sticky groups with SSL ID as a basis. !--- The timeout is 60 seconds. ! vserver TESTSITE1 virtual tcp https serverfarm SCA443 sticky 60 group 10 persistent rebalance inservice !--- The vserver for the first site ( listens !--- to on port 443. !--- Connections go to the SCAs without a change in the !--- destination port. (See the configuration of server farm SCA443.) ! vserver TESTSITE2 virtual tcp https serverfarm SCA444 sticky 60 group 20 persistent rebalance inservice !--- The vserver for the second site ( listens !--- to on port 443. !--- Connections go to the SCAs and change the !--- destination port to 444. (See the configuration of server farm SCA444.) ! vserver WEB-DECRYPT virtual tcp 81 serverfarm WEBFARM persistent rebalance inservice ! !--- This is the vserver for the plain-text connections. !--- This vserver receives connections on port 81 from the SCAs. !--- As the configuration of this vserver does not specify a VLAN, !--- the vserver can also receive connections directly !--- from the client side. !--- To prevent direct client access of this VIP, !--- you can use the VLAN 4 option. !--- You can also place this VIP in the SCA subnetwork. In that case, !--- clients do not even have a route to that subnetwork. (Clients only !--- have a route if you configure the upstream router !--- with a static route.) |
SCA 1 |
!--- This configures SCA in one-port, nontransparent mode. sca1# show run # # Cisco CSCA Device Configuration File # # Written: Sun Feb 6 01:46:35 2106 # Inxcfg: version 2.3 build 200108071342 # Device Type: CSS-SCA # Device Id: S/N 119cd6 # Device OS: MaxOS version 2.5.1 build 200108071341 by Dan L. Reading ### Device ### mode one-port ip address netmask hostname sca1 password enable "2431245A572441713173717748626D734B35516B794F64336A51652F" no ip domain-name no rdate-server timezone "MST7MDT" no rip ip route metric 1 ### Interfaces ### interface network auto end interface server auto end ### Remote Management ### no remote-management access-list remote-management enable ### SNMP Subsystem ### no snmp telnet enable no telnet access-list web-mgmt enable no web-mgmt access-list ### SSL Subsystem ### ssl server test1 create ip address sslport 443 remoteport 81 key default cert default secpolicy default cachesize 20 no transparent end server test2 create ip address sslport 444 remoteport 81 key default cert default secpolicy default cachesize 20 no transparent end end sca1# |
SCA 2 |
!--- This configures SCA in one-port, nontransparent mode. sca2# sca2# show run # # Cisco CSCA Device Configuration File # # Written: Fri Feb 13 21:18:29 1970 # Inxcfg: version 2.3 build 200108071342 # Device Type: CSS-SCA # Device Id: S/N 119ca2 # Device OS: MaxOS version 2.5.1 build 200108071341 by Dan L. Reading ### Device ### mode one-port ip address netmask hostname sca2 password enable "2431245A572441713173717748626D734B35516B794F64336A51652F" no ip domain-name no rdate-server timezone "MST7MDT" no rip ip route metric 1 ### Interfaces ### interface network auto end interface server auto end ### Remote Management ### no remote-management access-list remote-management enable ### SNMP Subsystem ### no snmp telnet enable no telnet access-list web-mgmt enable no web-mgmt access-list ### SSL Subsystem ### ssl server test1 create ip address sslport 443 remoteport 81 key default cert default secpolicy default cachesize 20 no transparent end server test2 create ip address sslport 444 remoteport 81 key default cert default secpolicy default cachesize 20 no transparent end end sca2# |
Esta seção fornece informações que você pode usar para confirmar se sua configuração está funcionando adequadamente.
A Output Interpreter Tool (somente clientes registrados) oferece suporte a determinados comandos show, o que permite exibir uma análise da saída do comando show.
!--- A client opens a connection to Cat6k# show module csm 5 vserver detail TESTSITE1, state = OPERATIONAL, v_index = 10 virtual =, TCP, service = NONE, advertise = FALSE idle = 3600, replicate csrp = none, vlan = ALL, pending = 0 max parse len = 600, persist rebalance = TRUE conns = 1, total conns = 1 Default policy: server farm = SCA443 sticky: timer = 60, subnet =, group id = 10 Policy Tot Conn Client pkts Server pkts ------------------------------------------------------ (default) 1 9 11 !--- The client connection to port 443 hits the vserver TESTSITE1 !--- and is load balanced to an SCA. TESTSITE2, state = OPERATIONAL, v_index = 11 virtual =, TCP, service = NONE, advertise = FALSE idle = 3600, replicate csrp = none, vlan = ALL, pending = 0 max parse len = 600, persist rebalance = TRUE conns = 0, total conns = 0 Default policy: server farm = SCA444 sticky: timer = 60, subnet =, group id = 20 Policy Tot Conn Client pkts Server pkts ------------------------------------------------------ (default) 0 0 0 WEB-DECRYPT, state = OPERATIONAL, v_index = 13 virtual =, TCP, service = NONE, advertise = FALSE idle = 3600, replicate csrp = none, vlan = 4, pending = 0 max parse len = 600, persist rebalance = TRUE conns = 1, total conns = 1 Default policy: server farm = WEBFARM sticky: timer = 0, subnet =, group id = 0 Policy Tot Conn Client pkts Server pkts ------------------------------------------------------ (default) 1 7 5 !--- The SCA opens a connection to port 81, !--- which is load balanced to a web server. Cat6k# show module csm 5 conns detail prot vlan source destination state ---------------------------------------------------------------------- In TCP 4 ESTAB Out TCP 10 ESTAB vs = WEB-DECRYPT, ftp = No, csrp = False !--- This provides details of the connection from the SCA to the web server. !--- The connection comes from VLAN 4 (the SCA VLAN), destined to !--- port 81. !--- This is different from what happens in transparent mode. !--- In this case, the SCA opens the connections with use of !--- the SCA IP address, The server does not see the IP !--- of the original client. !--- The connection goes to VLAN 10 (web servers VLAN) !--- to the web server selection. (The destination IP address !--- changes accordingly. The port does not change.) !--- If the servers listen to port 80 instead of port 81, you can configure !--- the translation of the destination port. You can add a port !--- to the definition of the real servers. !--- NOTE: The Out line swaps source with destination. !--- "Out" refers to the return traffic packets that the CSM !--- receives from that VLAN. In TCP 6 ESTAB Out TCP 4 ESTAB vs = TESTSITE1, ftp = No, csrp = False !--- This provides details of the connection from the client to the VIP. !--- The connection comes from VLAN 6 (the client VLAN), destined to !--- port 443. !--- The connection goes to VLAN 4 (the SCA VLAN) !--- to the SCA selection. The destination IP changes !--- from the (the VIP) to (the SCA), !--- as the server farm had the option NAT server. !--- This is different in nontransparent mode. !--- The same client opens a second connection, !--- this time to Cat6k# Cat6k# show module csm 5 conns detail prot vlan source destination state ---------------------------------------------------------------------- In TCP 4 ESTAB Out TCP 10 ESTAB vs = WEB-DECRYPT, ftp = No, csrp = False !--- This connection is from SCA to VIP .100, load balanced to !--- web server .10. In TCP 4 ESTAB Out TCP 10 ESTAB vs = WEB-DECRYPT, ftp = No, csrp = False !--- This connection is from SCA to VIP .100, load balanced to !--- webserver .11. In TCP 6 ESTAB Out TCP 4 ESTAB vs = TESTSITE2, ftp = No, csrp = False !--- This connection is from client to VIP .20, load balanced to !--- SCA .250, port 444. In TCP 6 ESTAB Out TCP 4 ESTAB vs = TESTSITE1, ftp = No, csrp = False !--- This connection is from client to VIP .10, load balanced to !--- SCA .250, port 443. Cat6k#show module csm 5 real detail, WEBFARM, state = OPERATIONAL conns = 1, maxconns = 4294967295, minconns = 0 weight = 8, weight(admin) = 8, metric = 0, remainder = 1 total conns established = 1, total conn failures = 0, WEBFARM, state = OPERATIONAL conns = 1, maxconns = 4294967295, minconns = 0 weight = 8, weight(admin) = 8, metric = 0, remainder = 1 total conns established = 1, total conn failures = 0, SCA443, state = OPERATIONAL conns = 1, maxconns = 4294967295, minconns = 0 weight = 8, weight(admin) = 8, metric = 0, remainder = 1 total conns established = 1, total conn failures = 0, SCA443, state = OPERATIONAL conns = 0, maxconns = 4294967295, minconns = 0 weight = 8, weight(admin) = 8, metric = 0, remainder = 0 total conns established = 0, total conn failures = 0, SCA444, state = OPERATIONAL conns = 1, maxconns = 4294967295, minconns = 0 weight = 8, weight(admin) = 8, metric = 0, remainder = 1 total conns established = 1, total conn failures = 0, SCA444, state = OPERATIONAL conns = 0, maxconns = 4294967295, minconns = 0 weight = 8, weight(admin) = 8, metric = 0, remainder = 0 total conns established = 0, total conn failures = 0 !--- This output shows that each web server has received a !--- connection. !--- The SCA .250 has received two connections, one to port 443 and !--- one to port 444. !--- The SCA .251 has not yet received any connection because !--- only two connections are open. One is open to each site !--- ( and A different port (443 or 444) !--- on the SCAs handles each site. The first !--- connection for each site goes to the first SCAs. !--- The following connection to either .10 or .20 goes to !--- .251, port 443 or 444, respectively. !--- This is SCA1 output. !--- There is one open connection. sca1# show netstat Pro State Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Remote Address R-Win S-Win --------------------------------------------------------------------------- tcp ESTAB 0 0 33580 16529 tcp ESTAB 0 0 33304 17232 udp 0 0 *:4099 *:* 0 0 udp 0 0 *:4098 *:* 0 0 tcp LISTN 0 0 *:2932 *:* 0 0 udp 0 0 *:2932 *:* 0 0 udp 0 0 *:520 *:* 0 0 udp 0 0 *:514 *:* 0 0 tcp LISTN 0 0 *:444 *:* 0 0 tcp LISTN 0 0 *:443 *:* 32768 0 tcp LISTN 0 0 *:80 *:* 0 0 tcp LISTN 0 0 *:23 *:* 0 0 sca1# !--- There are two open connections. sca1# show netstat Pro State Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Remote Address R-Win S-Win --------------------------------------------------------------------------- tcp ESTAB 0 0 33580 16529 tcp ESTAB 0 0 33580 16529 tcp ESTAB 0 0 33304 17232 tcp ESTAB 0 0 33304 17232 udp 0 0 *:4099 *:* 0 0 udp 0 0 *:4098 *:* 0 0 tcp LISTN 0 0 *:2932 *:* 0 0 udp 0 0 *:2932 *:* 0 0 udp 0 0 *:520 *:* 0 0 udp 0 0 *:514 *:* 0 0 tcp LISTN 0 0 *:444 *:* 32768 0 tcp LISTN 0 0 *:443 *:* 32768 0 tcp LISTN 0 0 *:80 *:* 0 0 tcp LISTN 0 0 *:23 *:* 0 0 sca1#
Atualmente, não existem informações disponíveis específicas sobre Troubleshooting para esta configuração.
Revisão | Data de publicação | Comentários |
1.0 |
11-Sep-2018 |
Versão inicial |