Hoe configureer ik handmatige DNS-vermeldingen op de Cisco Web Security Applicatie?
Cisco Web Security applicatie (WSA), alle AsyncOS-versies
Voer op de opdrachtregel (CLI) de volgende opdrachten in zoals aangegeven:
WSA> dnsconfig
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- NEW - Add a new server.
- SETUP - Configure general settings.
- SEARCH - Configure DNS domain search list.
[]> localhosts
Local IP to Host mappings:
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- NEW - Add new local IP to host mapping.
- DELETE - Delete an existing mapping.
[]> new
Enter the IP address of the host you are adding.
Enter the canonical host name and any additional aliases (separate values with spaces)
[]> example.com
Local IP to Host mappings:
1. example.com
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- NEW - Add new local IP to host mapping.
- DELETE - Delete an existing mapping.
Bij de CLI-prompt, gebruik de CLI-opdracht - commit - om de DNS-configuratiewijzigingen vast te leggen.
Opmerking: De "localhosts" optie in de CLI opdracht 'dnsconfig' is een verborgen optie.