Dit document beschrijft hoe de gekoppelde tracking- of rapportagedatabases moeten worden verwijderd die zijn opgeslagen op uw Cisco e-mail security applicatie (ESA) of Cisco Security Management-applicatie (SMA).
Hoe kan ik de tracking- of rapportagedatabank opruimen?
De tracking-database bestaat uit het volgen van logbestanden voor het apparaat. Het traceren van logboeken registreert acties verbonden aan de processen van de opsporingsdienst. Het volgen van logbestanden is een subset van de maillogbestanden.
Waarschuwing: deze opdracht verwijdert alle tracking-gegevens en kan niet worden teruggedraaid.
Gebruik diagnostische > tracking > deletb van de CLI om de tracking-database te verwijderen. Dat is niet nodig.
mylocal.esa> diagnostic
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- RAID - Disk Verify Utility.
- DISK_USAGE - Check Disk Usage.
- NETWORK - Network Utilities.
- REPORTING - Reporting Utilities.
- TRACKING - Tracking Utilities.
- RELOAD - Reset configuration to the initial manufacturer values.
[]> tracking
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- DELETEDB - Reinitialize the tracking database.
- DEBUG - Gather debug information.
[]> deletedb
This command will delete all tracking data and cannot be aborted.
In some instances it may take several minutes to complete. Please
do not attempt a system restart until the command has returned.
Are you sure you want to continue? [N]> y
Deleting all tracking data.
Shutting down the Splunk daemon (this may take a few minutes)...
Splunk daemon shut down
Removing Splunk database...
Splunk database removed
Removing 'missing data' database...
Removing unparsed log files...
Unparsed log files removed
Rebuilding log file directory...
rebuilt log file directory
Restarting the Splunk daemon (this may take a few minutes)...
Splunk daemon started
De rapporteringsdatabase is een verplichte binaire databank die historische gegevens over de poststroom voor het apparaat bevat.
Waarschuwing: deze opdracht verwijdert alle rapportagegegevens en kan niet worden teruggedraaid.
Van de CLI gebruik diagnostiek > rapportage > deletedb de rapportagedatabank te verwijderen. Dat is niet nodig.
myesa.local> diagnostic
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- RAID - Disk Verify Utility.
- DISK_USAGE - Check Disk Usage.
- NETWORK - Network Utilities.
- REPORTING - Reporting Utilities.
- TRACKING - Tracking Utilities.
- RELOAD - Reset configuration to the initial manufacturer values.
[]> reporting
The reporting system is currently enabled.
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- DELETEDB - Reinitialize the reporting database.
- DISABLE - Disable the reporting system.
[]> deletedb
This command will delete all reporting data and cannot be aborted. In some instances
it may take several minutes to complete. Please do not attempt a system restart
until the command has returned. Are you sure you
want to continue? [N]> y
Shutting down reporting system......
Removing all reporting data. This may take several minutes.
The reporting system database has been reinitialized.
The reporting system is currently enabled.
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