Dit document bevat de huidige configuratie van de AS5300 in het inbellab van San Jose, USA. Deze server heeft 24 Microcom en 60 MICA modems die kunnen worden gebruikt om te testen hoe uw client modem werkt.
Er zijn geen specifieke vereisten van toepassing op dit document.
MICA/Microcom/NextPort-modems waarop V.34-, V.90- en V.92-codes worden uitgevoerd.
Dit is de AS5300 configuratie in het inbellab van San Jose:
access-3#wr t Building configuration... Current configuration: ! version 11.3 no service pad service tcp-keepalives-in service tcp-keepalives-out service timestamps debug datetime msec service timestamps log datetime msec service password-encryption service linenumber ! hostname access-3 ! aaa new-model aaa authentication login default local aaa authentication login console none aaa authentication login use-tacacs local tacacs+ aaa authentication enable default enable aaa authentication ppp default if-needed local tacacs+ aaa authentication arap default local aaa authorization exec default none aaa authorization exec console none aaa authorization network default local aaa accounting exec default stop-only tacacs+ aaa accounting network default stop-only tacacs+ aaa accounting system default stop-only tacacs+ enable secret 5 $1$oMKx$kPcop1zxkpxa8fkxXBWp21 ! username cisco password ******* username callback callback-dialstring "" password ******* ! modem-pool microcom_v90_dialin pool-range 1-6 called-number 4085703930 max-conn 6 modem-pool microcom_k56flex_dialin pool-range 7-12 called-number 4085703931 max-conn 6 modem-pool mica_v90_dialin pool-range 25-54 called-number 4085703932 max-conn 30 modem-pool mica_k56flex_dialin pool-range 55-84 called-number 4085703933 max-conn 30 modem-pool microcom_v34_dialin pool-range 13-24 called-number 4085703934 max-conn 12 modem call-record terse modem recovery threshold 50 modem buffer-size 250 ip nat pool global_pool netmask ip nat inside source list 101 pool global_pool overload no ip finger no ip domain-lookup ip host publinux ip host dialin-test ip domain-name cisco.com ip name-server multilink virtual-template 1 virtual-profile virtual-template 1 rlogin trusted-remoteuser-source local rlogin trusted-localuser-source local appletalk routing ipx routing 00e0.1e81.636c isdn switch-type primary-ni clock timezone PST -8 clock summer-time PDT recurring ! ! controller T1 0 framing esf clock source line primary linecode b8zs pri-group timeslots 1-24 description 408-570-3930 (666-2300) ! controller T1 1 shutdown clock source line secondary ! controller T1 2 shutdown clock source internal ! controller T1 3 shutdown clock source internal ! ! interface Loopback0 ip address ipx network CE2 ! interface Ethernet0 ip address ip nat outside no ip mroute-cache appletalk cable-range 666-666 666.90 appletalk zone NeverNeverLand ipx network CE ipx type-20-propagation netbios nbf ! interface Virtual-Template1 ip unnumbered Loopback0 ip helper-address ip tcp header-compression passive no keepalive appletalk client-mode ipx ppp-client Loopback0 ipx update interval rip passive ipx update interval sap passive ipx type-20-propagation peer default ip address pool default compress mppc ppp authentication chap pap ppp multilink multilink max-links 2 netbios nbf ! interface Serial0:23 ip unnumbered Loopback0 encapsulation ppp ip mroute-cache no keepalive dialer-group 1 isdn switch-type primary-5ess isdn incoming-voice modem no peer default ip address no fair-queue ppp max-bad-auth 3 ppp authentication chap pap ppp multilink ! interface FastEthernet0 no ip address no ip mroute-cache shutdown ! interface Group-Async1 description Microcom V.90 modems ip unnumbered Loopback0 ip nat inside encapsulation ppp async mode interactive no peer default ip address no fair-queue no cdp enable ppp max-bad-auth 3 ppp authentication chap pap ppp multilink group-range 1 6 hold-queue 10 in ! interface Group-Async2 description Microcom K56flex modems ip unnumbered Loopback0 ip nat inside encapsulation ppp async mode interactive no peer default ip address no fair-queue no cdp enable ppp max-bad-auth 3 ppp authentication chap pap ppp multilink group-range 7 12 hold-queue 10 in ! interface Group-Async3 description MICA V.90 modems ip unnumbered Loopback0 ip nat inside encapsulation ppp async mode interactive no peer default ip address no fair-queue no cdp enable ppp max-bad-auth 3 ppp authentication chap pap ppp multilink group-range 25 54 ! interface Group-Async4 description MICA K56flex modems ip unnumbered Loopback0 ip nat inside encapsulation ppp async mode interactive no peer default ip address no fair-queue no cdp enable ppp max-bad-auth 3 ppp authentication chap pap ppp multilink group-range 55 84 ! interface Group-Async5 description Microcom V.34 modems ip unnumbered Loopback0 ip nat inside encapsulation ppp async mode interactive no peer default ip address no fair-queue no cdp enable ppp max-bad-auth 3 ppp authentication chap pap ppp multilink group-range 13 24 ! ip local pool default ip default-gateway ip classless no ip forward-protocol udp bootpc no ip forward-protocol udp tftp no ip forward-protocol udp nameserver no ip forward-protocol udp domain no ip forward-protocol udp time no ip forward-protocol udp tacacs ip route ip http server ! no logging buffered no logging console access-list 1 permit access-list 101 permit ip dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit ! ! ! ! tacacs-server host tacacs-server key cisco banner motd ^CC Welcome! Please login with username cisco, password cisco, and type the appropriate commands for your test: ppp - to start ppp slip - to start slip arap - to start arap Please e-mail comments about this service to dpeng@cisco.com. ^C privilege exec level 0 modem at-mode privilege exec level 0 modem privilege exec level 0 arap privilege exec level 0 telnet privilege exec level 0 rlogin privilege exec level 0 ppp negotiate privilege exec level 0 ppp default privilege exec level 0 ppp privilege exec level 0 slip negotiate privilege exec level 0 slip default privilege exec level 0 slip privilege exec level 0 terminal monitor privilege exec level 0 terminal privilege exec level 0 show line privilege exec level 0 show isdn status privilege exec level 0 show isdn service privilege exec level 0 show isdn privilege exec level 0 show modem connect-speeds privilege exec level 0 show modem log privilege exec level 0 show modem operational-status privilege exec level 0 show modem configuration privilege exec level 0 show modem csm privilege exec level 0 show modem summary privilege exec level 0 show modem version privilege exec level 0 show modem call-stats privilege exec level 0 show modem privilege exec level 0 show version privilege exec level 0 show controllers t1 privilege exec level 0 show controllers privilege exec level 0 show users privilege exec level 0 show interfaces privilege exec level 0 show privilege exec level 0 debug dhcp privilege exec level 0 debug radius privilege exec level 0 debug callback privilege exec level 0 debug vtemplate privilege exec level 0 debug isdn q931 privilege exec level 0 debug isdn privilege exec level 0 debug tacacs privilege exec level 0 debug ppp cbcp privilege exec level 0 debug ppp authentication privilege exec level 0 debug ppp mppc privilege exec level 0 debug ppp error privilege exec level 0 debug ppp negotiation privilege exec level 0 debug ppp multilink fragments privilege exec level 0 debug ppp multilink privilege exec level 0 debug ppp privilege exec level 0 debug ip icmp privilege exec level 0 debug ip privilege exec level 0 debug aaa per-user privilege exec level 0 debug aaa accounting privilege exec level 0 debug aaa authorization privilege exec level 0 debug aaa authentication privilege exec level 0 debug aaa privilege exec level 0 debug modem csm privilege exec level 0 debug modem privilege exec level 0 debug ! line con 0 exec-timeout 0 0 authorization exec console login authentication console transport input none line 1 24 access-class 1 in autoselect arap autoselect during-login autoselect ppp arap enable modem InOut rotary 1 transport input all escape-character BREAK line 25 84 access-class 1 in autoselect arap autoselect during-login autoselect ppp arap enable modem InOut rotary 2 transport input all escape-character BREAK line aux 0 line vty 0 4 exec-timeout 60 0 access-class 1 in line vty 5 19 exec-timeout 60 0 access-class 1 in ! end
Revisie | Publicatiedatum | Opmerkingen |
1.0 |
11-May-2007 |
Eerste vrijgave |