Virtual Private Dial-up Network(VPDN)により、プライベート ネットワークのダイヤルイン サービスをリモート アクセス サーバ(L2TP Access Concentrator [LAC] として定義されている)にまで拡大することができます。Point-to-Point Protocol(PPP)クライアントが LAC にダイヤルすると、LAC はその PPP セッションを発信元クライアント用の L2TP Network Server(LNS; L2TP ネットワーク サーバ)に転送する必要があると判断します。続いて、LNS によってユーザが認証され、PPP ネゴシエーションが開始されます。PPP 設定が完了した後は、すべてのフレームが LAC を経由してクライアントと LNS に送信されます。
この設定例では、Virtual Private Dialup Network(VPDN)で TACACS+ 認証を使用することができます。LACはTACACS+サーバに照会し、ユーザを転送するLNSを決定して、適切なトンネルを確立します。
Cisco Secure ACS for UNIXバージョン2.x.x以降またはTACACS+フリーウェア
Cisco IOS® ソフトウェア リリース 11.2 以降
表記法の詳細については、『シスコ テクニカル ティップスの表記法』を参照してください。
この例では、ユーザは「」、パスワードは「test」とします。「」がISPルータにダイヤルすると、ISPルータは「」ユーザIDをISP TACACS+サーバに送信します。ISP サーバは「」userid を検索してその tunnel-id("isp")、home gateway(HGW; ホーム ゲートウェイ)ルータ(の IP アドレス、Network Access Server(NAS; ネットワーク アクセスサーバ)のパスワード(「hello」)、およびゲートウェイのパスワード(「there」)を ISP ルータに返信します。
ISPルータがトンネルを開始してHGWルータに接続し、HGWルータがユーザID「hp-gw」(「there」)のパスワードとユーザID「isp」(「hello」)のパスワードをHGW TACACS+サーバに転送します。トンネルが確立されると、ISPルータはダイヤルインするユーザのユーザID(「」)とパスワード(「test」)をHGWルータに転送します。このユーザはHGWサーバで認証されます。このドキュメントの設定例では、ISPルータのホスト名は「koala」、HGWルータのホスト名は「thing_one」です。
注:この文書で使用されているコマンドの詳細を調べるには、「Command Lookup ツール」を使用してください(登録ユーザのみ)。
!--- This user is on the ISP TACACS+ server. !--- The profile includes the Tunnel ID ("isp"), the IP address !--- of the Peer (, !--- and the passwords used to authenticate the tunnel. !--- The ISP uses these attibutes to establish the tunnel. user = { service = ppp protocol = vpdn { tunnel-id = isp ip-addresses = "" nas-password = "hello" gw-password = "there" } } !--- The next three users are on the HGW server. user = isp { chap = cleartext "hello" service = ppp protocol = ip { default attribute = permit } } user = hp-gw { chap = cleartext "there" service = ppp protocol = ip { default attribute = permit } } user = { chap = cleartext "test" service = ppp protocol = ip { default attribute = permit } }
!--- This user is on the ISP server. # ./ViewProfile -p 9900 -u User Profile Information user ={ profile_id = 83 profile_cycle = 1 service=ppp { protocol=vpdn { set tunnel-id=isp set ip-addresses="" set nas-password="hello" set gw-password="there" } protocol=lcp { } } } !--- The next three users are on the HGW server. !--- The next two usernames are used to authenticate the LAC !--- during tunnel initialization. # ./ViewProfile -p 9900 -u isp User Profile Information user = isp{ profile_id = 84 profile_cycle = 1 password = chap "********" service=ppp { protocol=ip { default attribute=permit } protocol=lcp { } } } # ./ViewProfile -p 9900 -u hp-gw User Profile Information user = hp-gw{ profile_id = 82 profile_cycle = 1 password = chap "********" service=ppp { protocol=ip { default attribute=permit } protocol=lcp { } } } !--- This username is used to authenticate the end user !--- after the tunnel is established. # ./ViewProfile -p 9900 -u User Profile Information user ={ profile_id = 85 profile_cycle = 1 password = chap "********" service=ppp { protocol=ip { default attribute=permit } protocol=lcp { } } }
ISP ルータの設定 |
koala#show running config Building configuration... Current configuration: ! version 11.2 no service password-encryption service udp-small-servers service tcp-small-servers ! hostname koala ! aaa new-model aaa authentication ppp default tacacs+ none aaa authorization network tacacs+ none aaa accounting network start-stop tacacs+ enable password ww ! !--- VPDN is enabled. vpdn enable ! interface Ethernet0 ip address ! interface Serial0 shutdown ! interface Serial1 shutdown ! interface Async1 ip unnumbered Ethernet0 encapsulation ppp async mode dedicated no cdp enable ppp authentication chap ! ip default-gateway no ip classless ip route ! !--- Specify the TACACS server information on the NAS. tacacs-server host tacacs-server key cisco no tacacs-server directed-request snmp-server community public RW snmp-server enable traps config ! line con 0 password ww line 1 16 password ww autoselect ppp modem InOut transport input all stopbits 1 rxspeed 115200 txspeed 115200 flowcontrol hardware line aux 0 line vty 0 4 exec-timeout 0 0 password ww ! end |
HGW ルータの設定 |
thing_one#show running config Building configuration... Current configuration: ! version 11.2 no service password-encryption no service udp-small-servers no service tcp-small-servers ! hostname thing_one ! aaa new-model aaa authentication ppp default tacacs+ none aaa authorization network tacacs+ none enable password ww ! !--- Enable VPDN. vpdn enable !--- Specify the remote host ("isp" on the network access server) !--- and the local name ("hp-gw" on the home gateway) to use to authenticate. !--- Also specify the virtual template to use. !--- The local name and the remote host name must match !--- the ones in the TACACS server. vpdn incoming isp hp-gw virtual-template 1 ! interface Loopback0 shutdown ! interface Ethernet0 ip address ! interface Virtual-Template1 !--- Create a virtual template interface. ip unnumbered Ethernet0 !--- Un-number the Virtual interface to an available LAN interface. peer default ip address pool async !--- Use the pool "async" to assign the IP address for incoming connections. ppp authentication chap !--- Use CHAP authentication for the incoming connection. ! interface Serial0 shutdown ! interface Serial1 shutdown ! ip local pool async no ip classless ip route ! tacacs-server host no tacacs-server directed-request tacacs-server key cisco !--- Specify the TACACS+ server information on the NAS. ! line con 0 exec-timeout 0 0 line 1 8 line aux 0 line vty 0 4 ! end |
注:debug コマンドを使用する前に、「debug コマンドに関する重要な情報」を参照してください。
debug aaa authentication:認証、許可、アカウンティング(AAA)/TACACS+認証に関する情報を表示します。
debug aaa authorization:AAA/TACACS+ 認可に関する情報を表示します。
debug ppp negotiation:PPP の開始時に送信される PPP パケットを表示します。PPP の開始時には PPP オプションがネゴシエートされます。
debug tacacs+:TACACS+ に関連する詳細なデバッグ情報を表示します。
debug vpdn errors:PPPトンネルの確立を阻止するエラー、または確立されたトンネルをクローズするエラーを表示します。
debug vpdn events:通常の PPP トンネル確立またはシャットダウンの一部であるイベントに関するメッセージを表示します。
debug vpdn l2f-errors:レイヤ2の確立を阻害したり、または通常動作を阻害したりするレイヤ2プロトコルのエラーを表示します。
debug vpdn l2f-events:レイヤ2の通常のPPPトンネル確立またはシャットダウンの一部であるイベントに関するメッセージを表示します。
debug vpdn l2f-packets:レイヤ2フォワーディングプロトコルヘッダーとステータスに関するメッセージを表示します。
debug vpdn packets:VPDNの通常のトンネル確立またはシャットダウンの一環として発生するレイヤ2トンネルプロトコル(L2TP)エラーおよびイベントを表示します。
debug vtemplate:仮想テンプレートからクローニングされた時点から、コールが終了して仮想アクセス インターフェイスがダウン状態になるまでの、仮想アクセス インターフェイスのクローニング情報を表示します。
koala#show debug General OS: AAA Authentication debugging is on AAA Authorization debugging is on AAA Accounting debugging is on VPN: VPN events debugging is on VPN errors debugging is on koala# %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Async1, changed state to up 15:04:47: VPDN: Looking for tunnel -- -- 15:04:47: AAA/AUTHEN: create_user (0x15FA80) user='' ruser='' port='Async1' rem_addr='' authen_type=NONE service=LOGIN priv=0 15:04:47: AAA/AUTHOR/VPDN: : (2445181346): user='' 15:04:47: AAA/AUTHOR/VPDN: : (2445181346): send AV service=ppp 15:04:47: AAA/AUTHOR/VPDN: : (2445181346): send AV protocol=vpdn 15:04:47: AAA/AUTHOR/VPDN: : (2445181346): Method=TACACS+ 15:04:47: AAA/AUTHOR/TAC+: (2445181346): 15:04:47: AAA/AUTHOR/TAC+: (2445181346): send AV service=ppp 15:04:47: AAA/AUTHOR/TAC+: (2445181346): send AV protocol=vpdn 15:04:47: TAC+: (2445181346): received author response status = PASS_ADD 15:04:47: AAA/AUTHOR (2445181346): Post authorization status = PASS_ADD 15:04:47: AAA/AUTHOR/VPDN: Processing AV service=ppp 15:04:47: AAA/AUTHOR/VPDN: Processing AV protocol=vpdn 15:04:47: AAA/AUTHOR/VPDN: Processing AV tunnel-id=isp 15:04:47: AAA/AUTHOR/VPDN: Processing AV ip-addresses= 15:04:47: AAA/AUTHOR/VPDN: Processing AV nas-password=hello 15:04:47: AAA/AUTHOR/VPDN: Processing AV gw-password=there 15:04:47: VPDN: Get tunnel info with NAS isp GW, IP !--- The TACACS+ server returns the attributes the !--- NAS should use for the tunnel. !--- The tunnel-id is "ISP" and the IP address of HGW is 15:04:47: AAA/AUTHEN: free_user (0x15FA80) user='' ruser='' port='Async1' rem_addr='' authen_type=NONE service=LOGIN priv=0 15:04:47: VPDN: Forward to address 15:04:47: As1 VPDN: Forwarding... 15:04:47: AAA/AUTHEN: create_user (0x118008) user='' ruser='' port='Async1' rem_addr='async' authen_type=CHAP service=PPP priv=1 15:04:47: As1 VPDN: Bind interface direction=1 15:04:47: As1 VPDN: is forwarded %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Async1, changed state to up 15:04:49: AAA/ACCT: NET acct start. User, Port Async1: Async1 !--- User finishes and disconnects. %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Async1, changed state to down %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Async1, changed state to reset 15:05:27: As1 VPDN: Cleanup 15:05:27: As1 VPDN: Reset 15:05:27: As1 VPDN: Reset 15:05:27: As1 VPDN: Unbind interface 15:05:27: AAA/ACCT: Network acct stop. User, Port Async1: task_id=2 timezone=UTC service=vpdn bytes_in=1399 bytes_out=150 paks_in=27 paks_out=9 elapsed_time=38 %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Async1, changed state to down 15:05:30: AAA/AUTHEN: free_user (0x118008) user='' ruser='' port='Async1' rem_addr='async' authen_type=CHAP service=PPP priv=1 koala#
thing_one#show debug General OS: AAA Authentication debugging is on AAA Authorization debugging is on AAA Accounting debugging is on VPN: VPN events debugging is on VPN errors debugging is on VTEMPLATE: Virtual Template debugging is on thing_one# 15:04:46: AAA/AUTHEN: create_user (0x15E6E0) user='isp' ruser='' port='' rem_addr='' authen_type=CHAP service=PPP priv=1 15:04:46: TAC+: ver=192 id=969200103 received AUTHEN status = PASS 15:04:46: AAA/AUTHEN: free_user (0x15E6E0) user='isp' ruser='' port='' rem_addr='' authen_type=CHAP service=PPP priv=1 15:04:46: AAA/AUTHEN (3252085483): status = PASS 15:04:46: AAA/AUTHEN: free_user (0x15CBEC) user='isp' ruser='' port='' rem_addr='' authen_type=CHAP service=PPP priv=1 15:04:46: AAA/AUTHEN: create_user (0x15F1B8) user='isp' ruser='' port='' rem_addr='' authen_type=CHAP service=PPP priv=1 15:04:46: AAA/AUTHEN/START (3897539709): port='' list='default' action=LOGIN service=PPP 15:04:46: AAA/AUTHEN/START (3897539709): found list default 15:04:46: AAA/AUTHEN/START (3897539709): Method=TACACS+ 15:04:46: TAC+: send AUTHEN/START packet ver=193 id=3897539709 15:04:46: TAC+: ver=192 id=3897539709 received AUTHEN status = GETPASS 15:04:46: AAA/AUTHEN: create_user (0x15E6F0) user='isp' ruser='' port='' rem_addr='' authen_type=CHAP service=PPP priv=1 15:04:46: TAC+: ver=192 id=2306139011 received AUTHEN status = PASS 15:04:46: AAA/AUTHEN: free_user (0x15E6F0) user='isp' ruser='' port='' rem_addr='' authen_type=CHAP service=PPP priv=1 15:04:46: AAA/AUTHEN (3897539709): status = PASS 15:04:46: VPDN: Chap authentication succeeded for isp !--- The LAC ("ISP") is succesfully authenticated. 15:04:46: AAA/AUTHEN: free_user (0x15F1B8) user='isp' ruser='' port='' rem_addr='' authen_type=CHAP service=PPP priv=1 15:04:46: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Reuse Vi1, recycle queue size 0 15:04:46: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Set default settings with no ip address 15:04:47: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Hardware address 00e0.1e68.942c 15:04:47: Vi1 VPDN: Virtual interface created for 15:04:47: Vi1 VPDN: Set to Async interface 15:04:47: Vi1 VPDN: Clone from Vtemplate 1 filterPPP=0 blocking 15:04:47: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Has a new cloneblk vtemplate, now it has vtemplate 15:04:47: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Undo default settings 15:04:47: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: ************* CLONE VACCESS1 ***************** 15:04:47: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Clone from vtemplate1 interface Virtual-Access1 no ip address encap ppp ip unnum eth 0 peer default ip address pool async ppp authen chap end %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Virtual-Access1, changed state to up 15:04:48: Vi1 VPDN: Bind interface direction=2 15:04:48: Vi1 VPDN: PPP LCP accepted sent & rcv CONFACK 15:04:48: Vi1 VPDN: Virtual interface iteration 15:04:48: AAA/AUTHEN: create_user (0x161688) user='' ruser='' port='Virtual-Access1' rem_addr='async' authen_type=CHAP service=PPP priv=1 15:04:48: AAA/AUTHEN/START (580760432): port='Virtual-Access1' list='' action=LOGIN service=PPP 15:04:48: AAA/AUTHEN/START (580760432): using "default" list 15:04:48: AAA/AUTHEN/START (580760432): Method=TACACS+ 15:04:48: TAC+: send AUTHEN/START packet ver=193 id=580760432 15:04:48: Vi1 VPDN: Virtual interface iteration 15:04:49: TAC+: ver=192 id=580760432 received AUTHEN status = GETPASS !--- Authenticate user with the TACACS+ server. 15:04:49: AAA/AUTHEN: create_user (0x1667C0) user='' ruser='' port='Virtual-Access1' rem_addr='async' authen_type=CHAP service=PPP priv=1 15:04:49: TAC+: ver=192 id=2894253624 received AUTHEN status = PASS 15:04:49: AAA/AUTHEN: free_user (0x1667C0) user='' ruser='' port='Virtual-Access1' rem_addr='async' authen_type=CHAP service=PPP priv=1 15:04:49: AAA/AUTHEN (580760432): status = PASS 15:04:49: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP Vi1: Authorize LCP 15:04:49: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: Virtual-Access1: (687698354): user='' 15:04:49: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: Virtual-Access1: (687698354): send AV service=ppp 15:04:49: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: Virtual-Access1: (687698354): send AV protocol=lcp 15:04:49: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: Virtual-Access1: (687698354): Method=TACACS+ 15:04:49: AAA/AUTHOR/TAC+: (687698354): 15:04:49: AAA/AUTHOR/TAC+: (687698354): send AV service=ppp 15:04:49: AAA/AUTHOR/TAC+: (687698354): send AV protocol=lcp 15:04:49: TAC+: (687698354): received author response status = PASS_ADD 15:04:49: AAA/AUTHOR (687698354): Post authorization status = PASS_ADD 15:04:49: AAA/ACCT: NET acct start. User, Port Virtual-Access1: Virtual-Access1 15:04:49: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM Vi1: (0): Can we start IPCP? 15:04:49: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Virtual-Access1: (3562892028): user='' 15:04:49: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Virtual-Access1: (3562892028): send AV service=ppp 15:04:49: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Virtual-Access1: (3562892028): send AV protocol=ip 15:04:49: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Virtual-Access1: (3562892028): Method=TACACS+ 15:04:49: AAA/AUTHOR/TAC+: (3562892028): 15:04:49: AAA/AUTHOR/TAC+: (3562892028): send AV service=ppp 15:04:49: AAA/AUTHOR/TAC+: (3562892028): send AV protocol=ip %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Virtual-Access1, changed state to up 15:04:49: TAC+: (3562892028): received author response status = PASS_ADD 15:04:49: AAA/AUTHOR (3562892028): Post authorization status = PASS_ADD !--- IPCP negotiation begins. 15:04:49: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM Vi1: We can start IPCP 15:04:50: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP Vi1: Start. Her address, we want 15:04:50: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP Vi1: Processing AV service=ppp 15:04:50: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP Vi1: Processing AV protocol=ip 15:04:50: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP Vi1: Authorization succeeded 15:04:50: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP Vi1: Done. Her address, we want 15:04:51: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP Vi1: Start. Her address, we want 15:04:51: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP Vi1: Processing AV service=ppp 15:04:51: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP Vi1: Processing AV protocol=ip 15:04:51: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP Vi1: Authorization succeeded 15:04:51: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP Vi1: Done. Her address, we want 15:04:51: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP Vi1: Start. Her address, we want 15:04:51: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Virtual-Access1: (3193852847): user='' 15:04:51: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Virtual-Access1: (3193852847): send AV service=ppp 15:04:51: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Virtual-Access1: (3193852847): send AV protocol=ip 15:04:51: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Virtual-Access1: (3193852847): send AV addr* 15:04:51: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Virtual-Access1: (3193852847): Method=TACACS+ 15:04:51: AAA/AUTHOR/TAC+: (3193852847): 15:04:51: AAA/AUTHOR/TAC+: (3193852847): send AV service=ppp 15:04:51: AAA/AUTHOR/TAC+: (3193852847): send AV protocol=ip 15:04:51: AAA/AUTHOR/TAC+: (3193852847): send AV addr* 15:04:51: TAC+: (3193852847): received author response status = PASS_ADD 15:04:51: AAA/AUTHOR (3193852847): Post authorization status = PASS_ADD 15:04:51: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP Vi1: Processing AV service=ppp 15:04:51: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP Vi1: Processing AV protocol=ip 15:04:51: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP Vi1: Processing AV addr* 15:04:51: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP Vi1: Authorization succeeded 15:04:51: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP Vi1: Done. Her address, we want !--- User finishes and disconnects. 15:05:24: Vi1 VPDN: Reset 15:05:24: Vi1 VPDN: Reset %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Virtual-Access1, changed state to down 15:05:24: Vi1 VPDN: Cleanup 15:05:24: Vi1 VPDN: Reset 15:05:24: Vi1 VPDN: Reset 15:05:24: Vi1 VPDN: Unbind interface 15:05:24: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Free vaccess 15:05:24: Vi1 VPDN: Reset 15:05:24: Vi1 VPDN: Reset 15:05:24: AAA/ACCT: Network acct stop. User, Port Virtual-Access1: task_id=2 timezone=UTC service=ppp protocol=ip addr= bytes_in=564 bytes_out=142 paks_in=15 paks_out=8 elapsed_time=35 15:05:24: AAA/AUTHEN: free_user (0x161688) user='' ruser='' port='Virtual-Access1' rem_addr='async' authen_type=CHAP service=PPP priv=1 %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Virtual-Access1, changed state to down 15:05:25: VTEMPLATE: Clean up dirty vaccess queue, size 1 15:05:25: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Found a dirty vaccess clone with vtemplate 15:05:25: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: ************ UNCLONE VACCESS1 ************** 15:05:25: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Unclone to-be-freed command#5 interface Virtual-Access1 default ppp authen chap default peer default ip address pool async default ip unnum eth 0 default encap ppp default ip address end 15:05:26: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Set default settings with no ip address 15:05:26: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Remove cloneblk vtemplate with vtemplate 15:05:26: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Add vaccess to recycle queue, queue size=1 thing_one#
koala#show debug General OS: AAA Authentication debugging is on AAA Authorization debugging is on AAA Accounting debugging is on VPN: VPN events debugging is on VPN errors debugging is on koala# !--- Problem 1: !--- The ISP TACACS+ server is down. !--- There is no output on the HGW router !--- because the call has not gone that far. AAA/AUTHOR (3015476150): Post authorization status = ERROR AAA/AUTHOR/VPDN: : (3015476150): Method=NOT_SET AAA/AUTHOR/VPDN: : (3015476150): no methods left to try AAA/AUTHOR (3015476150): Post authorization status = ERROR VPDN: ( Authorization failed, could not talk to AAA server or local tunnel problem !--- Problem 2: !--- Userid is not in the ISP server. !--- There is no output on the Gateway router !--- because the call has not gone that far. TAC+: (894828802): received author response status = PASS_ADD AAA/AUTHOR (894828802): Post authorization status = PASS_ADD VPDN: ( Authorization failed, had talked to AAA server; but both Tunnel ID and IP address are missing AAA/AUTHEN: free_user (0x16A6E4) user='' ruser='' port='Async1' rem_addr='' authen_type=NONE service=LOGIN priv=0 AAA/AUTHEN: create_user (0x16CA8C) user='' ruser='' port='Async1' rem_addr='async' authen_type=CHAP service=PPP priv=1 AAA/AUTHEN/START (1904487288): port='Async1' list='' action=LOGIN service=PPP AAA/AUTHEN/START (1904487288): using "default" list AAA/AUTHEN (1904487288): status = UNKNOWN AAA/AUTHEN/START (1904487288): Method=TACACS+ TAC+: send AUTHEN/START packet ver=193 id=1904487288 TAC+: ver=193 id=1904487288 received AUTHEN status = FAIL AAA/AUTHEN (1904487288): status = FAIL
thing_one#show debug General OS: AAA Authentication debugging is on AAA Authorization debugging is on AAA Accounting debugging is on VPN: VPN events debugging is on VPN errors debugging is on VTEMPLATE: Virtual Template debugging is on thing_one# !--- Problem 1: !--- The problem is in the tunnel definition on HGW router. !--- In the HGW configuration, vpdn incoming hp-gw isp virtual-template 1 !--- is inserted instead of vpdn incoming isp hp-gw virtual-template 1 !--- The debug vpdn l2f-errors command displays. L2F: Couldn't find tunnel named isp L2F: Couldn't find tunnel named isp !--- Problem 2: !--- This message appears when User hp-gw is not in the HGW server. TAC+: ver=192 id=1920941753 received AUTHEN status = FAIL AAA/AUTHEN: free_user (0x138C34) user='hp-gw' ruser='' port='' rem_addr='' authen_type=CHAP service=PPP priv=1 AAA/AUTHEN (3006335673): status = FAIL VPDN: authentication failed, couldn't find user information for hp-gw !--- Problem 3: !--- This appears when user isp is not in the HGW server. TAC+: ver=192 id=1917558147 received AUTHEN status = FAIL AAA/AUTHEN: free_user (0x15F20C) user='isp' ruser='' port='' rem_addr='' authen_type=CHAP service=PPP priv=1 AAA/AUTHEN (1949507921): status = FAIL VPDN: authentication failed, couldn't find user information for isp !--- Problem 4: !--- This message appears when User is !--- not in the HGW server: TAC+: ver=192 id=755036341 received AUTHEN status = FAIL AAA/AUTHEN: free_user (0x15F89C) user='' ruser='' port='Virtual-Access1' rem_addr='async' authen_type=CHAP service=PPP priv=1 AAA/AUTHEN (2606986667): status = FAIL
改定 | 発行日 | コメント |
1.0 |
06-Dec-2001 |
初版 |