La documentazione per questo prodotto è stata redatta cercando di utilizzare un linguaggio senza pregiudizi. Ai fini di questa documentazione, per linguaggio senza di pregiudizi si intende un linguaggio che non implica discriminazioni basate su età, disabilità, genere, identità razziale, identità etnica, orientamento sessuale, status socioeconomico e intersezionalità. Le eventuali eccezioni possono dipendere dal linguaggio codificato nelle interfacce utente del software del prodotto, dal linguaggio utilizzato nella documentazione RFP o dal linguaggio utilizzato in prodotti di terze parti a cui si fa riferimento. Scopri di più sul modo in cui Cisco utilizza il linguaggio inclusivo.
Cisco ha tradotto questo documento utilizzando una combinazione di tecnologie automatiche e umane per offrire ai nostri utenti in tutto il mondo contenuti di supporto nella propria lingua. Si noti che anche la migliore traduzione automatica non sarà mai accurata come quella fornita da un traduttore professionista. Cisco Systems, Inc. non si assume alcuna responsabilità per l’accuratezza di queste traduzioni e consiglia di consultare sempre il documento originale in inglese (disponibile al link fornito).
In questo documento viene descritto come risolvere i problemi relativi all'elenco di revoche di certificati (CRL) configurato per l'autenticazione basata sui certificati AnyConnect.
Cisco raccomanda la conoscenza dei seguenti argomenti:
Le informazioni fornite in questo documento si basano sulle seguenti versioni software:
Le informazioni discusse in questo documento fanno riferimento a dispositivi usati in uno specifico ambiente di emulazione. Su tutti i dispositivi menzionati nel documento la configurazione è stata ripristinata ai valori predefiniti. Se la rete è operativa, valutare attentamente eventuali conseguenze derivanti dall'uso dei comandi.
CRL consente ai dispositivi di determinare se un certificato è stato revocato prima della scadenza della durata del certificato. Un CRL contiene il numero di serie e la data di revoca del certificato. Un gateway sicuro come i sistemi Firepower Thread Defense (FTD) o altri dispositivi terminali utilizza questa funzionalità per rafforzare l'autenticazione del certificato convalidandone lo stato.
Topologia di base che fornisce la connettività al gateway VPN e al server CA.
Per eseguire l'autenticazione basata su certificati con CRL, la configurazione presentata è stata utilizzata in ognuno dei dispositivi interessati.
L'autorità di certificazione del server è responsabile del rilascio dei certificati di identità agli utenti per fornire l'autenticazione per il gateway VPN. Inoltre, il router archivia il file del database CRL e funge da punto di distribuzione CRL (CDP, CRL Distribution Point).
In un CDP, il gateway VPN e gli altri utenti finali recuperano le informazioni del CRL. Queste informazioni vengono memorizzate nella cache locale e sono valide solo per un periodo di tempo specifico. Alla scadenza di questo periodo, viene scaricato un nuovo CRL.
Nota: il database CRL e il percorso in cui i dispositivi hanno accesso al CRL possono trovarsi sullo stesso dispositivo. Tuttavia, per motivi di sicurezza, si consiglia di memorizzare il CRL a cui accedono i dispositivi finali in un dispositivo diverso da quello del database CRL. Nell'esempio, il router CA archivia il database CRL e funge da CDP per il gateway VPN.
crypto pki server CAS
database level complete
no database archive
issuer-name cn=calo_root,ou=TAC,o=cisco
grant auto
hash sha256
lifetime crl 2
lifetime certificate 300
lifetime ca-certificate 1000
eku server-auth client-auth
database url ser nvram:
crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-1507329386
enrollment selfsigned
subject-name cn=IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-1507329386
revocation-check none
rsakeypair TP-self-signed-1507329386
crypto pki trustpoint CAS
revocation-check crl
rsakeypair CAS
interface GigabitEthernet2
ip address
negotiation auto
ip http server
ntp master 1
L'FTD è configurato per fornire una VPN ad accesso remoto agli utenti finali utilizzando i certificati come metodo di autenticazione (solo certificato). Dopo aver ricevuto il certificato di identità dall'utente, l'FTD verifica se il certificato è stato rilasciato da un'Autorità di certificazione (CA) nota e ne conferma la validità ottenendo il CRL dal CDP definito nel certificato.
tunnel-group local type remote-access
tunnel-group local general-attributes
address-pool AC_pool
default-group-policy local_gp
username-from-certificate use-entire-name
tunnel-group local_test webvpn-attributes
authentication certificate
group-alias test enable
Un certificato di identità è stato rilasciato dal server CA e installato nel dispositivo Windows.
Nei successivi debug e acquisizioni viene visualizzata la differenza tra un utente che utilizza un certificato valido (scenario di lavoro) e un utente che utilizza un certificato revocato (scenario di non lavoro).
Quando l'utente avvia il tentativo di connessione, fornisce all'FTD il proprio certificato di identità, il gateway VPN verifica che l'autorità emittente sia nota e inizia a richiedere l'elenco di revoche di certificati (CRL) al CDP definito nel certificato di identità tramite una richiesta HTTP/GET. Il server CA risponde con il CRL e l'FTD controlla se il numero di serie del certificato è elencato. Poiché il CRL è vuoto (nessun certificato revocato), il FTD accetta il certificato come valido e consente all'utente di eseguire l'autenticazione.
PKI[7]: Cert to verify
PKI[7]: ---------Certificate--------:
Serial Number: 2 (0x2)
Issuer: O=cisco, OU=TAC, CN=calo_root
PKI[12]: pki_verify_cb, pki_ossl_validate.c:358
PKI[8]: val status=1: cert subject: /O=cisco/OU=TAC/CN=calo_root. ctx->error: (0)ok, cert_idx: 1
PKI[12]: pki_verify_cb, pki_ossl_validate.c:358
PKI[8]: val status=1: cert subject: / ctx->error: (0)ok, cert_idx: 0
PKI[8]: pki_ossl_find_valid_chain took 217 microsecs
PKI[6]: Verified chain:
PKI[14]: pki_ossl_get_cert_summary, pki_ossl.c:119
PKI[6]: ---------Certificate--------:
Serial Number: 2 (0x2)
Issuer: O=cisco, OU=TAC, CN=calo_root
PKI[14]: pki_ossl_get_cert_summary, pki_ossl.c:119
PKI[6]: ---------Certificate--------:
Serial Number: 1 (0x1)
Issuer: O=cisco, OU=TAC, CN=calo_root
Subject: O=cisco, OU=TAC, CN=calo_root
[..output ommitted]
CRYPTO_PKI: bitValue of KEY_USAGE = a0PKI[7]: CRYPTO_PKI:check_key_usage: Checking KU for case VPN peer certs.
PKI[7]: CRYPTO_PKI:check_key_usage: KU bit digitalSignature is ON.
PKI[7]: ExtendedKeyUsage OID = serverAuth NOT acceptable for usage type SSL VPN Peer
PKI[7]: ExtendedKeyUsage OID = clientAuth acceptable for usage type: SSL VPN Peer
PKI[7]: check_key_usage:Extended Key/Key Usage check OK
PKI[12]: pki_ossl_revocation_check, pki_ossl_validate.c:931
PKI[7]: Starting revocation check for session 0x06c8d45f
PKI[12]: pki_init_revocation, pki_ossl_revocation.c:162
PKI[12]: pki_ossl_eval_revocation, pki_ossl_validate.c:699
PKI[7]: Evaluating session revocation status, 1 certs to check
PKI[8]: session 0x06c8d45f, cert 0 has rev_status 0, using methods 1/3/0 at index 0
PKI[12]: cert_revoc_exempt, pki_ossl_revocation.c:250
PKI[13]: get_tp_from_policy, pki_ossl_policy_transition.c:230
PKI[11]: polinfo->name: CRL-AC
PKI[11]: tp label: Trustpool
PKI[13]: label: CRL-AC
PKI[13]: pki_crl_cached, pki_ossl_crl_cache.c:1351
PKI[13]: get_tp_from_policy, pki_ossl_policy_transition.c:230
PKI[11]: polinfo->name: CRL-AC
PKI[11]: tp label: Trustpool
PKI[13]: label: CRL-AC
PKI[12]: pki_ossl_check_cache, pki_ossl_crl_cache.c:1269
PKI[7]: Starting OSSL CRL cache check.
PKI[12]: pki_ossl_crypto_build_crldp_list, pki_ossl_crl_cache.c:326
PKI[12]: pki_get_der_cdp_ext, crypto_pki.c:1528
PKI[14]: url_type_allowed, pki_ossl_crl_cache.c:153
PKI[9]: Attempting to find cached CRL for CDP
PKI[12]: pki_ossl_SelectCRLByIssuerTimeDER, pki_ossl_crl_cache.c:1219
PKI[14]: pki_ossl_get_name_string, pki_ossl.c:315
PKI[9]: Select DER crl(O=cisco, OU=TAC, CN=calo_root)
PKI[12]: pki_ossl_get_crl_internal, pki_ossl_crl_cache.c:506
PKI[7]: CRL not cached. Initiating CRL download for cert idx 0.
PKI[12]: do_get_crl, pki_ossl_revocation.c:85
PKI[9]: starting CRL FSM #0
PKI[11]: drive_fsm, pki_ossl_revocation.c:33
PKI[8]: [Sess: 0x06c8d45f, Cert: 0] FSM: In PKICRL_InitTransaction
PKI[12]: get_cdps, pki_crl_fsm_act.c:202
PKI[13]: get_tp_from_policy, pki_ossl_policy_transition.c:230
PKI[11]: polinfo->name: CRL-AC
PKI[11]: tp label: Trustpool
PKI[13]: label: CRL-AC
PKI[12]: pki_ossl_crypto_build_crldp_list, pki_ossl_crl_cache.c:326
PKI[12]: pki_get_der_cdp_ext, crypto_pki.c:1528
PKI[14]: url_type_allowed, pki_ossl_crl_cache.c:153
PKI[7]: cdp: (len=58, type=URI, prot=HTTP)
PKI[8]: [Sess: 0x06c8d45f, Cert: 0] FSM: PKICRL_InitTransaction, Return status: 0
PKI[8]: [Sess: 0x06c8d45f, Cert: 0] FSM: In PKICRL_NextCDP
PKI[12]: crldl_cdp_blacklisted, pki_ossl_crl.c:1374
PKI[12]: crl_find_pending_crl, pki_ossl_crl.c:1155
PKI[13]: get_pending_crl_list, pki_ossl_crl.c:1101
PKI[13]: crypto_pki_get_ossl_env, pki_ossl.c:42
PKI[14]: cmp_cdp_info, pki_ossl_crl.c:1121
PKI[14]: cmp_cdp_info, pki_ossl_crl.c:1121
PKI[14]: cmp_cdp_info, pki_ossl_crl.c:1121
PKI[7]: CDP is not blacklisted
PKI[8]: [Sess: 0x06c8d45f, Cert: 0] FSM: PKICRL_NextCDP, Return status: 0
PKI[8]: [Sess: 0x06c8d45f, Cert: 0] FSM: In PKICRL_Request
PKI[13]: crldp_download_pending, pki_ossl_crl.c:1184
PKI[12]: crl_find_pending_crl, pki_ossl_crl.c:1155
PKI[13]: get_pending_crl_list, pki_ossl_crl.c:1101
PKI[13]: crypto_pki_get_ossl_env, pki_ossl.c:42
PKI[14]: cmp_cdp_info, pki_ossl_crl.c:1121
PKI[14]: cmp_cdp_info, pki_ossl_crl.c:1121
PKI[14]: cmp_cdp_info, pki_ossl_crl.c:1121
PKI[8]: session 0x06c8d45f adding pending CRL entry for cert 0
PKI[12]: crldp_add_pending_download, pki_ossl_crl.c:1203
PKI[12]: crl_find_pending_crl, pki_ossl_crl.c:1155
PKI[13]: get_pending_crl_list, pki_ossl_crl.c:1101
PKI[13]: crypto_pki_get_ossl_env, pki_ossl.c:42
PKI[14]: cmp_cdp_info, pki_ossl_crl.c:1121
PKI[14]: cmp_cdp_info, pki_ossl_crl.c:1121
PKI[14]: cmp_cdp_info, pki_ossl_crl.c:1121
PKI[13]: get_pending_crl_list, pki_ossl_crl.c:1101
PKI[13]: crypto_pki_get_ossl_env, pki_ossl.c:42
PKI[12]: retrieve_crl, pki_crl_fsm_act.c:233
PKI[13]: get_tp_from_policy, pki_ossl_policy_transition.c:230
PKI[11]: polinfo->name: CRL-AC
PKI[11]: tp label: Trustpool
PKI[13]: label: CRL-AC
PKI[7]: CDP type HTTP
PKI[7]: getting
PKI[12]: pki_ossl_crl_build_http_io, pki_ossl_crl.c:1017
PKI[13]: pki_parse_uri, pki_ossl_uri.c:75
PKI[14]: pki_uri_map_protocol, pki_ossl_uri.c:17
PKI[14]: pki_uri_get_port, pki_ossl_uri.c:34
PKI[13]: pki_free_uri, pki_ossl_uri.c:57
PKI[11]: pki_crl_request_send_async, pki_ossl_crl.c:627
PKI[8]: [15] IOCB allocated
PKI[7]: PKI CRL I/O request queue result: IO_STATUS_QUEUED
PKI[8]: [Sess: 0x06c8d45f, Cert: 0] FSM: PKICRL_Request, Return status: 0
PKI[7]: Chain revocation status: good: 0, exempt: 0, cached: 0, revoked: 0, error: 0, pending: 1, fail-allow: 0
PKI[9]: Async unlocked for session 0x06c8d45f
PKI[8]: [15] Received IO request msg
PKI[8]: [15] DNS resolve issued for
PKI[9]: CERT API thread sleeps!
PKI[7]: [15] DNS resolve (
PKI[8]: [15] Socket open success
PKI[8]: [15] IPv4 Route lookup to use interface outside
PKI[8]: [15] Connect sent to from
PKI[12]: pki_io_cbfunc_log_revocation_check, pki_ossl_revocation.c:421
PKI[7]: 6717056: Attempting CRL revocation check from outside: to using HTTP.
PKI[8]: [15] Received Socket transmit ready msg
----- Begin Data Type:HTTP Request [15]
Length: 76 -----
47 45 54 20 2f 63 67 69 2d 62 69 6e 2f 70 6b 69 | GET /cgi-bin/pki
63 6c 69 65 6e 74 2e 65 78 65 3f 6f 70 65 72 61 | client.exe?opera
74 69 6f 6e 3d 47 65 74 43 52 4c 20 48 54 54 50 | tion=GetCRL HTTP
2f 31 2e 30 0d 0a 48 6f192.0.2.10 73 74 3a 20 31 39 32 2e | /1.0..Host: 192.
31 38 31 2e 33 2e 31 30 0d 0a 0d 0a | 0.2.10....
----- End Data Type:HTTP Request [15]
Length: 76 -----
PKI[8]: [15] Sent 76 bytes
PKI[8]: [15] Received Socket read ready msg
PKI[8]: [15] read 662 bytes
PKI[8]: [15] Read EOF
PKI[12]: pki_io_cbfunc, pki_crl_fsm_act.c:59
PKI[7]: Callback received for vcid: 0, sess_id: 0x06c8d45f, cert_idx: 0, status: IO_STATUS_OK(1), datalen: 662
PKI[13]: get_fsm_data, pki_ossl_revocation.c:446
PKI[7]: [15] IOCB freed
PKI[13]: CERT_API_QueueFSMEvent, vpn3k_cert_api.c:137
PKI[13]: CERT_API_req_enqueue, vpn3k_cert_api.c:2913
PKI[9]: CERT API thread wakes up!
PKI[12]: CERT_API_Q_Process, vpn3k_cert_api.c:2811
PKI[12]: CERT_API_process_req_msg, vpn3k_cert_api.c:2746
PKI[8]: process msg cmd=2, session=0x06c8d45f
PKI[9]: Async locked for session 0x06c8d45f
PKI[11]: pki_notify_fsm_evt, pki_ossl_revocation.c:56
PKI[11]: drive_fsm, pki_ossl_revocation.c:33
PKI[8]: [Sess: 0x06c8d45f, Cert: 0] FSM: In PKICRL_ProcessResp
PKI[13]: pki_ossl_util_find_http_payload, pki_ossl_utils.c:36
PKI[8]: Received CRL of length 249 for session 0x06c8d45f, cert idx 0
PKI[13]: get_tp_from_policy, pki_ossl_policy_transition.c:230
PKI[11]: polinfo->name: CRL-AC
PKI[11]: tp label: Trustpool
PKI[13]: label: CRL-AC
PKI[12]: pki_ossl_crl_add_to_cache, pki_ossl_crl_cache.c:1177
PKI[12]: pki_ossl_crypto_verify_and_insert_crl, pki_ossl_crl_cache.c:1126
PKI[12]: pki_ossl_insert_der_crl_int, pki_ossl_crl_cache.c:1017
PKI[8]: Inserting CRL
PKI[14]: pki_ossl_get_crl_summary, pki_ossl.c:151
PKI[8]: ---------CRL--------:
Certificate Revocation List (CRL):
Version 1 (0x0)
Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
Issuer: /O=cisco/OU=TAC/CN=calo_root
Last Update: Sep 24 22:18:38 2023 GMT
Next Update: Sep 25 00:18:38 2023 GMT
No Revoked Certificates.
[..outout ommitted]
PKI[7]: Evaluating session revocation status, 1 certs to check
PKI[8]: session 0x06c8d45f, cert 0 has rev_status 3, using methods 1/3/0 at index 0
PKI[7]: Chain revocation status: good: 0, exempt: 0, cached: 1, revoked: 0, error: 0, pending: 0, fail-allow: 0
PKI[7]: session: 0x06c8d45f, all revocation processing complete
PKI[5]: session: 0x06c8d45f, CRL for certificate 0 has been cached
PKI[12]: pki_ossl_rebuild_ca_store, pki_ossl_certstore.c:194
PKI[13]: crypto_pki_get_ossl_env, pki_ossl.c:42
PKI[12]: pki_ossl_crl_add_cache_to_store, pki_ossl_crl_cache.c:1396
PKI[9]: OSSL certstore updated with 0 certs, 1 CRLs and 0 policies, 0 certs added to stack
PKI[7]: session 0x06c8d45f, Starting chain validation with cached CRL checking
PKI[12]: pki_ossl_find_valid_chain, pki_ossl_validate.c:472
PKI[9]: Begin sorted cert chain
PKI[14]: pki_ossl_get_cert_summary, pki_ossl.c:119
PKI[9]: ---------Certificate--------:
Serial Number: 1 (0x1)
Issuer: O=cisco, OU=TAC, CN=calo_root
Subject: O=cisco, OU=TAC, CN=calo_root
PKI[14]: pki_ossl_get_cert_summary, pki_ossl.c:119
PKI[9]: ---------Certificate--------:
Serial Number: 2 (0x2)
Issuer: O=cisco, OU=TAC, CN=calo_root
PKI[9]: End sorted cert chain
PKI[13]: pki_ossl_get_store, pki_ossl_certstore.c:61
PKI[12]: pki_ossl_rebuild_ca_store, pki_ossl_certstore.c:194
PKI[13]: crypto_pki_get_ossl_env, pki_ossl.c:42
PKI[13]: crypto_pki_get_ossl_env, pki_ossl.c:42
PKI[14]: pki_ossl_get_cert_summary, pki_ossl.c:119
PKI[9]: Cert to verify
PKI[9]: ---------Certificate--------:
Serial Number: 2 (0x2)
Issuer: O=cisco, OU=TAC, CN=calo_root
PKI[12]: pki_verify_cb, pki_ossl_validate.c:358
PKI[8]: val status=1: cert subject: /O=cisco/OU=TAC/CN=calo_root. ctx->error: (0)ok, cert_idx: 1
PKI[12]: pki_verify_cb, pki_ossl_validate.c:358
PKI[8]: val status=1: cert subject: / ctx->error: (0)ok, cert_idx: 0
PKI[8]: pki_ossl_find_valid_chain took 167 microsecs
PKI[7]: session 0x06c8d45f, Validation with CRL checking completed, status 0
PKI[7]: session 0x06c8d45f, Revocation check complete, no revoked certs found
PKI[12]: pki_ossl_do_callback, pki_ossl_validate.c:164
PKI[13]: CERT_Close, vpn3k_cert_api.c:291
PKI[8]: Close session 0x06c8d45f asynchronously
PKI[13]: CERT_API_req_enqueue, vpn3k_cert_api.c:2913
PKI[9]: Async unlocked for session 0x06c8d45f
PKI[8]: No IOCB found for SOCKET CLOSE message, handle 0x5dba666
PKI[12]: CERT_API_Q_Process, vpn3k_cert_api.c:2811
PKI[12]: CERT_API_process_req_msg, vpn3k_cert_api.c:2746
PKI[8]: process msg cmd=1, session=0x06c8d45f
PKI[9]: Async locked for session 0x06c8d45f
PKI[9]: Async unlocked for session 0x06c8d45f
PKI[13]: pki_ossl_free_valctx, pki_ossl_validate.c:251
PKI[13]: free_fsm_data, pki_ossl_revocation.c:225
PKI[13]: ocsp_free_fsmdata, pki_ossl_ocsp.c:1462
PKI[13]: free_fsm_data, pki_ossl_revocation.c:225
PKI[13]: ocsp_free_fsmdata, pki_ossl_ocsp.c:1462
PKI[9]: CERT API thread sleeps!
PKI[13]: CERT_GetGroupFromSSLRule, vpn3k_cert_api.c:1672
La successiva acquisizione FTD visualizza la transazione HTTP tra FTD e CDP (in questo caso il server CA) per recuperare il CRL.
Un certificato di identità viene revocato nel server CA e registrato nel file di database CRL. Tuttavia, il CRL aggiornato non è disponibile per l'FTD fino alla scadenza del CRL corrente (configurato per essere valido per due ore).
CA-router#show crypto pki server CAS crl
Certificate Revocation List:
Issuer: cn=calo_root,ou=TAC,o=cisco
This Update: 22:18:38 UTC Sep 24 2023
Next Update: 00:18:38 UTC Sep 25 2023
Number of CRL entries: 0
CRL size: 249 bytes
CA-router#show crypto pki server CAS certificates
Serial Issued date Expire date Subject Name
1 20:18:36 UTC Sep 24 2023 20:18:36 UTC Jun 20 2026 cn=calo_root ou=TAC o=cisco
2 20:19:33 UTC Sep 24 2023 20:19:33 UTC Jul 20 2024 hostname=CA-router
3 23:50:58 UTC Sep 24 2023 23:50:58 UTC Jul 20 2024
CA-router#crypto pki server CAS revoke 0x2
% Certificate 02 succesfully revoked.
CA-router#show crypto pki server CAS crl
Certificate Revocation List:
Issuer: cn=calo_root,ou=TAC,o=cisco
This Update: 23:59:32 UTC Sep 24 2023
Next Update: 01:59:32 UTC Sep 25 2023
Number of CRL entries: 1
CRL size: 272 bytes
Revoked Certificates:
Serial Number (hex): 02
Revocation Date: 23:59:32 UTC Sep 24 2023
Quando si tenta una nuova connessione dopo la conferma della scadenza dell'elenco di revoche di certificati, l'ispezione del certificato è per lo più identica allo scenario precedente. Il nuovo CRL viene richiesto dopo che l'FTD conferma che non è presente alcun CRL nella cache. Dopo aver ricevuto il nuovo CRL, l'FTD controlla se il numero di serie del certificato di identità fa parte dell'elenco. Il numero di serie viene contrassegnato come revocato e l'FTD procede negando l'accesso all'utente.
CRYPTO_PKI: bitValue of KEY_USAGE = a0PKI[7]: CRYPTO_PKI:check_key_usage: Checking KU for case VPN peer certs.
PKI[7]: CRYPTO_PKI:check_key_usage: KU bit digitalSignature is ON.
PKI[7]: ExtendedKeyUsage OID = serverAuth NOT acceptable for usage type SSL VPN Peer
PKI[7]: ExtendedKeyUsage OID = clientAuth acceptable for usage type: SSL VPN Peer
PKI[7]: check_key_usage:Extended Key/Key Usage check OK
PKI[12]: pki_ossl_revocation_check, pki_ossl_validate.c:931
PKI[7]: Starting revocation check for session 0x0dc288f9
PKI[12]: pki_init_revocation, pki_ossl_revocation.c:162
PKI[12]: pki_ossl_eval_revocation, pki_ossl_validate.c:699
PKI[7]: Evaluating session revocation status, 1 certs to check
PKI[8]: session 0x0dc288f9, cert 0 has rev_status 0, using methods 1/3/0 at index 0
PKI[12]: cert_revoc_exempt, pki_ossl_revocation.c:250
PKI[13]: get_tp_from_policy, pki_ossl_policy_transition.c:230
PKI[11]: polinfo->name: CRL-AC
PKI[11]: tp label: Trustpool
PKI[13]: label: CRL-AC
PKI[13]: pki_crl_cached, pki_ossl_crl_cache.c:1351
PKI[13]: get_tp_from_policy, pki_ossl_policy_transition.c:230
PKI[11]: polinfo->name: CRL-AC
PKI[11]: tp label: Trustpool
PKI[13]: label: CRL-AC
PKI[12]: pki_ossl_check_cache, pki_ossl_crl_cache.c:1269
PKI[7]: Starting OSSL CRL cache check.
PKI[12]: pki_ossl_crypto_build_crldp_list, pki_ossl_crl_cache.c:326
PKI[12]: pki_get_der_cdp_ext, crypto_pki.c:1528
PKI[14]: url_type_allowed, pki_ossl_crl_cache.c:153
PKI[9]: Attempting to find cached CRL for CDP
PKI[12]: pki_ossl_SelectCRLByIssuerTimeDER, pki_ossl_crl_cache.c:1219
PKI[14]: pki_ossl_get_name_string, pki_ossl.c:315
PKI[9]: Select DER crl(O=cisco, OU=TAC, CN=calo_root)
PKI[12]: pki_ossl_get_crl_internal, pki_ossl_crl_cache.c:506
PKI[7]: CRL not cached. Initiating CRL download for cert idx 0.
PKI[12]: do_get_crl, pki_ossl_revocation.c:85
PKI[9]: starting CRL FSM #0
PKI[11]: drive_fsm, pki_ossl_revocation.c:33
PKI[8]: [Sess: 0x0dc288f9, Cert: 0] FSM: In PKICRL_InitTransaction
PKI[12]: get_cdps, pki_crl_fsm_act.c:202
PKI[13]: get_tp_from_policy, pki_ossl_policy_transition.c:230
PKI[11]: polinfo->name: CRL-AC
PKI[11]: tp label: Trustpool
PKI[13]: label: CRL-AC
PKI[12]: pki_ossl_crypto_build_crldp_list, pki_ossl_crl_cache.c:326
PKI[12]: pki_get_der_cdp_ext, crypto_pki.c:1528
PKI[14]: url_type_allowed, pki_ossl_crl_cache.c:153
PKI[7]: cdp: (len=58, type=URI, prot=HTTP)
PKI[8]: [Sess: 0x0dc288f9, Cert: 0] FSM: PKICRL_InitTransaction, Return status: 0
PKI[8]: [Sess: 0x0dc288f9, Cert: 0] FSM: In PKICRL_NextCDP
PKI[12]: crldl_cdp_blacklisted, pki_ossl_crl.c:1374
PKI[12]: crl_find_pending_crl, pki_ossl_crl.c:1155
PKI[13]: get_pending_crl_list, pki_ossl_crl.c:1101
PKI[13]: crypto_pki_get_ossl_env, pki_ossl.c:42
PKI[14]: cmp_cdp_info, pki_ossl_crl.c:1121
PKI[14]: cmp_cdp_info, pki_ossl_crl.c:1121
PKI[14]: cmp_cdp_info, pki_ossl_crl.c:1121
PKI[7]: CDP is not blacklisted
PKI[8]: [Sess: 0x0dc288f9, Cert: 0] FSM: PKICRL_NextCDP, Return status: 0
PKI[8]: [Sess: 0x0dc288f9, Cert: 0] FSM: In PKICRL_Request
PKI[13]: crldp_download_pending, pki_ossl_crl.c:1184
PKI[12]: crl_find_pending_crl, pki_ossl_crl.c:1155
PKI[13]: get_pending_crl_list, pki_ossl_crl.c:1101
PKI[13]: crypto_pki_get_ossl_env, pki_ossl.c:42
PKI[14]: cmp_cdp_info, pki_ossl_crl.c:1121
PKI[14]: cmp_cdp_info, pki_ossl_crl.c:1121
PKI[14]: cmp_cdp_info, pki_ossl_crl.c:1121
PKI[8]: session 0x0dc288f9 adding pending CRL entry for cert 0
PKI[12]: crldp_add_pending_download, pki_ossl_crl.c:1203
PKI[12]: crl_find_pending_crl, pki_ossl_crl.c:1155
PKI[13]: get_pending_crl_list, pki_ossl_crl.c:1101
PKI[13]: crypto_pki_get_ossl_env, pki_ossl.c:42
PKI[14]: cmp_cdp_info, pki_ossl_crl.c:1121
PKI[14]: cmp_cdp_info, pki_ossl_crl.c:1121
PKI[14]: cmp_cdp_info, pki_ossl_crl.c:1121
PKI[13]: get_pending_crl_list, pki_ossl_crl.c:1101
PKI[13]: crypto_pki_get_ossl_env, pki_ossl.c:42
PKI[12]: retrieve_crl, pki_crl_fsm_act.c:233
PKI[13]: get_tp_from_policy, pki_ossl_policy_transition.c:230
PKI[11]: polinfo->name: CRL-AC
PKI[11]: tp label: Trustpool
PKI[13]: label: CRL-AC
PKI[7]: CDP type HTTP
PKI[7]: getting
PKI[12]: pki_ossl_crl_build_http_io, pki_ossl_crl.c:1017
PKI[13]: pki_parse_uri, pki_ossl_uri.c:75
PKI[14]: pki_uri_map_protocol, pki_ossl_uri.c:17
PKI[14]: pki_uri_get_port, pki_ossl_uri.c:34
PKI[13]: pki_free_uri, pki_ossl_uri.c:57
PKI[11]: pki_crl_request_send_async, pki_ossl_crl.c:627
PKI[8]: [16] IOCB allocated
PKI[7]: PKI CRL I/O request queue result: IO_STATUS_QUEUED
PKI[8]: [Sess: 0x0dc288f9, Cert: 0] FSM: PKICRL_Request, Return status: 0
PKI[7]: Chain revocation status: good: 0, exempt: 0, cached: 0, revoked: 0, error: 0, pending: 1, fail-allow: 0
PKI[9]: Async unlocked for session 0x0dc288f9
PKI[8]: [16] Received IO request msg
PKI[8]: [16] DNS resolve issued for
PKI[9]: CERT API thread sleeps!
PKI[7]: [16] DNS resolve (
PKI[8]: [16] Socket open success
PKI[8]: [16] IPv4 Route lookup to use interface outside
PKI[8]: [16] Connect sent to from
PKI[12]: pki_io_cbfunc_log_revocation_check, pki_ossl_revocation.c:421
PKI[7]: 6717056: Attempting CRL revocation check from outside: to using HTTP.
PKI[8]: [16] Received Socket transmit ready msg
----- Begin Data Type:HTTP Request [16]
Length: 76 -----
47 45 54 20 2f 63 67 69 2d 62 69 6e 2f 70 6b 69 | GET /cgi-bin/pki
63 6c 69 65 6e 74 2e 65 78 65 3f 6f 70 65 72 61 | client.exe?opera
74 69 6f 6e 3d 47 65 74 43 52 4c 20 48 54 54 50 | tion=GetCRL HTTP
2f 31 2e 30 0d 0a 48 6f 73 74 3a 20 31 39 32 2e | /1.0..Host: 192.
31 38 31 2e 33 2e 31 30 0d 0a 0d 0a | 0.2.10....
----- End Data Type:HTTP Request [16]
Length: 76 -----
PKI[8]: [16] Sent 76 bytes
PKI[8]: [16] Received Socket read ready msg
PKI[8]: [16] read 685 bytes
PKI[8]: [16] Read EOF
PKI[12]: pki_io_cbfunc, pki_crl_fsm_act.c:59
PKI[7]: Callback received for vcid: 0, sess_id: 0x0dc288f9, cert_idx: 0, status: IO_STATUS_OK(1), datalen: 685
PKI[13]: get_fsm_data, pki_ossl_revocation.c:446
PKI[7]: [16] IOCB freed
PKI[13]: CERT_API_QueueFSMEvent, vpn3k_cert_api.c:137
PKI[13]: CERT_API_req_enqueue, vpn3k_cert_api.c:2913
PKI[9]: CERT API thread wakes up!
PKI[12]: CERT_API_Q_Process, vpn3k_cert_api.c:2811
PKI[12]: CERT_API_process_req_msg, vpn3k_cert_api.c:2746
PKI[8]: process msg cmd=2, session=0x0dc288f9
PKI[9]: Async locked for session 0x0dc288f9
PKI[11]: pki_notify_fsm_evt, pki_ossl_revocation.c:56
PKI[11]: drive_fsm, pki_ossl_revocation.c:33
PKI[8]: [Sess: 0x0dc288f9, Cert: 0] FSM: In PKICRL_ProcessResp
PKI[13]: pki_ossl_util_find_http_payload, pki_ossl_utils.c:36
PKI[8]: Received CRL of length 272 for session 0x0dc288f9, cert idx 0
PKI[13]: get_tp_from_policy, pki_ossl_policy_transition.c:230
PKI[11]: polinfo->name: CRL-AC
PKI[11]: tp label: Trustpool
PKI[13]: label: CRL-AC
PKI[12]: pki_ossl_crl_add_to_cache, pki_ossl_crl_cache.c:1177
PKI[12]: pki_ossl_crypto_verify_and_insert_crl, pki_ossl_crl_cache.c:1126
PKI[12]: pki_ossl_insert_der_crl_int, pki_ossl_crl_cache.c:1017
PKI[8]: Inserting CRL
PKI[14]: pki_ossl_get_crl_summary, pki_ossl.c:151
PKI[8]: ---------CRL--------:
Certificate Revocation List (CRL):
Version 1 (0x0)
Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
Issuer: /O=cisco/OU=TAC/CN=calo_root
Last Update: Sep 25 00:18:09 2023 GMT
Next Update: Sep 25 02:18:09 2023 GMT
Number of Revoked Certificates: 1
PKI[12]: asn1_to_unix_time, crypto_pki.c:1735
PKI[12]: asn1_to_unix_time, crypto_pki.c:1735
PKI[12]: pki_ossl_crypto_certc_insert_CRL, pki_ossl_crl_cache.c:735
PKI[7]: CRL: current time is 1695601164
PKI[7]: CRL: nextupdate time is 1695608289
PKI[7]: CRL: lastupdate time is 1695601089
PKI[7]: set CRL update timer with delay: 7125
PKI[12]: pki_ossl_get_crl_internal, pki_ossl_crl_cache.c:506
PKI[7]: the current device time: 00:19:24 UTC Sep 25 2023
PKI[7]: the last CRL update time: 00:18:09 UTC Sep 25 2023
PKI[7]: the next CRL update time: 02:18:09 UTC Sep 25 2023
PKI[7]: CRL cache delay being set to: 3600000
PKI[14]: pki_ossl_set_crl_store_dirty, pki_ossl_crl_cache.c:1441
PKI[13]: crypto_pki_get_ossl_env, pki_ossl.c:42
PKI[12]: crldl_notify_result, pki_ossl_crl.c:1304
PKI[12]: crl_find_pending_crl, pki_ossl_crl.c:1155
PKI[13]: get_pending_crl_list, pki_ossl_crl.c:1101
PKI[13]: crypto_pki_get_ossl_env, pki_ossl.c:42
PKI[14]: cmp_cdp_info, pki_ossl_crl.c:1121
PKI[14]: cmp_cdp_info, pki_ossl_crl.c:1121
PKI[14]: cmp_cdp_info, pki_ossl_crl.c:1121
PKI[14]: cmp_cdp_info, pki_ossl_crl.c:1121
PKI[13]: get_pending_crl_list, pki_ossl_crl.c:1101
PKI[13]: crypto_pki_get_ossl_env, pki_ossl.c:42
PKI[8]: [Sess: 0x0dc288f9, Cert: 0] FSM: PKICRL_ProcessResp, Return status: 0
PKI[8]: [Sess: 0x0dc288f9, Cert: 0] FSM: In PKICRL_Callback
PKI[12]: rev_cb, pki_ossl_validate.c:902
PKI[7]: revocation status queued for session 0x0dc288f9 and cert_idx 0, rev_status 3
PKI[13]: CERT_API_QueueFSMResp, vpn3k_cert_api.c:158
PKI[13]: CERT_API_req_enqueue, vpn3k_cert_api.c:2913
PKI[8]: [Sess: 0x0dc288f9, Cert: 0] FSM: PKICRL_Callback, Return status: 0
PKI[9]: Async unlocked for session 0x0dc288f9
PKI[12]: CERT_API_Q_Process, vpn3k_cert_api.c:2811
PKI[12]: CERT_API_process_req_msg, vpn3k_cert_api.c:2746
PKI[8]: process msg cmd=3, session=0x0dc288f9
PKI[9]: Async locked for session 0x0dc288f9
PKI[12]: pki_ossl_eval_revocation, pki_ossl_validate.c:699
PKI[7]: Evaluating session revocation status, 1 certs to check
PKI[8]: session 0x0dc288f9, cert 0 has rev_status 3, using methods 1/3/0 at index 0
PKI[7]: Chain revocation status: good: 0, exempt: 0, cached: 1, revoked: 0, error: 0, pending: 0, fail-allow: 0
PKI[7]: session: 0x0dc288f9, all revocation processing complete
PKI[5]: session: 0x0dc288f9, CRL for certificate 0 has been cached
PKI[12]: pki_ossl_rebuild_ca_store, pki_ossl_certstore.c:194
PKI[13]: crypto_pki_get_ossl_env, pki_ossl.c:42
PKI[12]: pki_ossl_crl_add_cache_to_store, pki_ossl_crl_cache.c:1396
PKI[9]: OSSL certstore updated with 0 certs, 1 CRLs and 0 policies, 0 certs added to stack
PKI[7]: session 0x0dc288f9, Starting chain validation with cached CRL checking
PKI[12]: pki_ossl_find_valid_chain, pki_ossl_validate.c:472
PKI[9]: Begin sorted cert chain
PKI[14]: pki_ossl_get_cert_summary, pki_ossl.c:119
PKI[9]: ---------Certificate--------:
Serial Number: 1 (0x1)
Issuer: O=cisco, OU=TAC, CN=calo_root
Subject: O=cisco, OU=TAC, CN=calo_root
PKI[14]: pki_ossl_get_cert_summary, pki_ossl.c:119
PKI[9]: ---------Certificate--------:
Serial Number: 2 (0x2)<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Issuer: O=cisco, OU=TAC, CN=calo_root
PKI[9]: End sorted cert chain
PKI[13]: pki_ossl_get_store, pki_ossl_certstore.c:61
PKI[12]: pki_ossl_rebuild_ca_store, pki_ossl_certstore.c:194
PKI[13]: crypto_pki_get_ossl_env, pki_ossl.c:42
PKI[13]: crypto_pki_get_ossl_env, pki_ossl.c:42
PKI[14]: pki_ossl_get_cert_summary, pki_ossl.c:119
PKI[9]: Cert to verify
PKI[9]: ---------Certificate--------:
Serial Number: 2 (0x2)
Issuer: O=cisco, OU=TAC, CN=calo_root
PKI[12]: pki_verify_cb, pki_ossl_validate.c:358
PKI[6]: val status=0: cert subject: / ctx->error: (23)certificate revoked, cert_idx: 0<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
PKI[14]: is_crl_error, pki_ossl_validate.c:278
PKI[14]: is_crl_error, pki_ossl_validate.c:278
PKI[4]: Certificate verification error: certificate revoked<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
PKI[14]: map_ossl_error, pki_ossl_validate.c:62
PKI[7]: session 0x0dc288f9, Validation with CRL checking completed, status 15
PKI[5]: session 0x0dc288f9, Error in revocation check or revoked certs found
PKI[12]: pki_ossl_do_callback, pki_ossl_validate.c:164
PKI[13]: CERT_Close, vpn3k_cert_api.c:291
PKI[8]: Close session 0x0dc288f9 asynchronously
PKI[13]: CERT_API_req_enqueue, vpn3k_cert_api.c:2913
PKI[9]: Async unlocked for session 0x0dc288f9
PKI[8]: No IOCB found for SOCKET CLOSE message, handle 0x1a6b367e
PKI[12]: CERT_API_Q_Process, vpn3k_cert_api.c:2811
PKI[12]: CERT_API_process_req_msg, vpn3k_cert_api.c:2746
PKI[8]: process msg cmd=1, session=0x0dc288f9
PKI[9]: Async locked for session 0x0dc288f9
PKI[9]: Async unlocked for session 0x0dc288f9
PKI[13]: pki_ossl_free_valctx, pki_ossl_validate.c:251
PKI[13]: free_fsm_data, pki_ossl_revocation.c:225
PKI[13]: ocsp_free_fsmdata, pki_ossl_ocsp.c:1462
PKI[13]: free_fsm_data, pki_ossl_revocation.c:225
PKI[13]: ocsp_free_fsmdata, pki_ossl_ocsp.c:1462
PKI[9]: CERT API thread sleeps!
[..output ommitted]
PKI[7]: Cert to verify
PKI[7]: ---------Certificate--------:
Serial Number: 2 (0x2)
Issuer: O=cisco, OU=TAC, CN=calo_root
PKI[12]: pki_verify_cb, pki_ossl_validate.c:358
PKI[8]: val status=1: cert subject: /O=cisco/OU=TAC/CN=calo_root. ctx->error: (0)ok, cert_idx: 1
PKI[12]: pki_verify_cb, pki_ossl_validate.c:358
PKI[8]: val status=1: cert subject: / ctx->error: (0)ok, cert_idx: 0
PKI[8]: pki_ossl_find_valid_chain took 233 microsecs
PKI[6]: Verified chain:
PKI[14]: pki_ossl_get_cert_summary, pki_ossl.c:119
PKI[6]: ---------Certificate--------:
Serial Number: 2 (0x2)
Issuer: O=cisco, OU=TAC, CN=calo_root
PKI[14]: pki_ossl_get_cert_summary, pki_ossl.c:119
PKI[6]: ---------Certificate--------:
Serial Number: 1 (0x1)
Issuer: O=cisco, OU=TAC, CN=calo_root
Subject: O=cisco, OU=TAC, CN=calo_root
[..ooutput ommitted]
CRYPTO_PKI: bitValue of KEY_USAGE = a0PKI[7]: CRYPTO_PKI:check_key_usage: Checking KU for case VPN peer certs.
PKI[7]: CRYPTO_PKI:check_key_usage: KU bit digitalSignature is ON.
PKI[7]: ExtendedKeyUsage OID = serverAuth NOT acceptable for usage type SSL VPN Peer
PKI[7]: ExtendedKeyUsage OID = clientAuth acceptable for usage type: SSL VPN Peer
PKI[7]: check_key_usage:Extended Key/Key Usage check OK
PKI[12]: pki_ossl_revocation_check, pki_ossl_validate.c:931
PKI[7]: Starting revocation check for session 0x1acca1bd
PKI[12]: pki_init_revocation, pki_ossl_revocation.c:162
PKI[12]: pki_ossl_eval_revocation, pki_ossl_validate.c:699
PKI[7]: Evaluating session revocation status, 1 certs to check
PKI[8]: session 0x1acca1bd, cert 0 has rev_status 0, using methods 1/3/0 at index 0
PKI[12]: cert_revoc_exempt, pki_ossl_revocation.c:250
PKI[13]: get_tp_from_policy, pki_ossl_policy_transition.c:230
PKI[11]: polinfo->name: CRL-AC
PKI[11]: tp label: Trustpool
PKI[13]: label: CRL-AC
PKI[13]: pki_crl_cached, pki_ossl_crl_cache.c:1351
PKI[13]: get_tp_from_policy, pki_ossl_policy_transition.c:230
PKI[11]: polinfo->name: CRL-AC
PKI[11]: tp label: Trustpool
PKI[13]: label: CRL-AC
PKI[12]: pki_ossl_check_cache, pki_ossl_crl_cache.c:1269
PKI[7]: Starting OSSL CRL cache check.
PKI[12]: pki_ossl_crypto_build_crldp_list, pki_ossl_crl_cache.c:326
PKI[12]: pki_get_der_cdp_ext, crypto_pki.c:1528
PKI[14]: url_type_allowed, pki_ossl_crl_cache.c:153
PKI[9]: Attempting to find cached CRL for CDP
PKI[12]: pki_ossl_SelectCRLByIssuerTimeDER, pki_ossl_crl_cache.c:1219
PKI[14]: pki_ossl_get_name_string, pki_ossl.c:315
PKI[9]: Select DER crl(O=cisco, OU=TAC, CN=calo_root)
PKI[12]: pki_ossl_get_crl_internal, pki_ossl_crl_cache.c:506
PKI[13]: is_crl_dst, pki_ossl_crl_cache.c:479
PKI[7]: CRL for cert idx 0 found in cache
PKI[7]: Chain revocation status: good: 0, exempt: 0, cached: 1, revoked: 0, error: 0, pending: 0, fail-allow: 0
PKI[7]: session: 0x1acca1bd, all revocation processing complete
PKI[5]: session: 0x1acca1bd, CRL for certificate 0 has been cached
PKI[12]: pki_ossl_rebuild_ca_store, pki_ossl_certstore.c:194
PKI[13]: crypto_pki_get_ossl_env, pki_ossl.c:42
PKI[7]: session 0x1acca1bd, Starting chain validation with cached CRL checking
PKI[12]: pki_ossl_find_valid_chain, pki_ossl_validate.c:472
PKI[9]: Begin sorted cert chain
PKI[14]: pki_ossl_get_cert_summary, pki_ossl.c:119
PKI[9]: ---------Certificate--------:
Serial Number: 1 (0x1)
Issuer: O=cisco, OU=TAC, CN=calo_root
Subject: O=cisco, OU=TAC, CN=calo_root
PKI[14]: pki_ossl_get_cert_summary, pki_ossl.c:119
PKI[9]: ---------Certificate--------:
Serial Number: 2 (0x2)
Issuer: O=cisco, OU=TAC, CN=calo_root
PKI[9]: End sorted cert chain
PKI[13]: pki_ossl_get_store, pki_ossl_certstore.c:61
PKI[12]: pki_ossl_rebuild_ca_store, pki_ossl_certstore.c:194
PKI[13]: crypto_pki_get_ossl_env, pki_ossl.c:42
PKI[13]: crypto_pki_get_ossl_env, pki_ossl.c:42
PKI[14]: pki_ossl_get_cert_summary, pki_ossl.c:119
PKI[9]: Cert to verify
PKI[9]: ---------Certificate--------:
Serial Number: 2 (0x2)
Issuer: O=cisco, OU=TAC, CN=calo_root
PKI[12]: pki_verify_cb, pki_ossl_validate.c:358
PKI[6]: val status=0: cert subject: / ctx->error: (23)certificate revoked, cert_idx: 0
PKI[14]: is_crl_error, pki_ossl_validate.c:278
PKI[14]: is_crl_error, pki_ossl_validate.c:278
PKI[4]: Certificate verification error: certificate revoked
PKI[14]: map_ossl_error, pki_ossl_validate.c:62
PKI[7]: session 0x1acca1bd, Validation with CRL checking completed, status 15
PKI[5]: session 0x1acca1bd, Error in revocation check or revoked certs found
PKI[12]: pki_ossl_do_callback, pki_ossl_validate.c:164
PKI[13]: CERT_Close, vpn3k_cert_api.c:291
PKI[8]: Close session 0x1acca1bd asynchronously
PKI[13]: CERT_API_req_enqueue, vpn3k_cert_api.c:2913
PKI[9]: Async unlocked for session 0x1acca1bd
PKI[12]: CERT_API_Q_Process, vpn3k_cert_api.c:2811
PKI[12]: CERT_API_process_req_msg, vpn3k_cert_api.c:2746
PKI[8]: process msg cmd=1, session=0x1acca1bd
PKI[9]: Async locked for session 0x1acca1bd
PKI[9]: Async unlocked for session 0x1acca1bd
PKI[13]: pki_ossl_free_valctx, pki_ossl_validate.c:251
PKI[13]: free_fsm_data, pki_ossl_revocation.c:225
PKI[13]: ocsp_free_fsmdata, pki_ossl_ocsp.c:1462
PKI[13]: free_fsm_data, pki_ossl_revocation.c:225
PKI[13]: ocsp_free_fsmdata, pki_ossl_ocsp.c:1462
PKI[9]: CERT API thread sleeps!
Nella successiva acquisizione FTD viene visualizzata la transazione HTTP tra l'FTD e il CDP per recuperare il CRL ora che nell'elenco è memorizzato un certificato revocato.
Questi comandi possono essere utilizzati per identificare ulteriori problemi relativi ai certificati:
debug crypto ca 14
debug crypto pki API
debug crypto pki callbacks
debug crypto pki messages
debug crypto pki validation
debug crypto pki error
debug crypto pki server
debug crypto pki transactions
Revisione | Data di pubblicazione | Commenti |
1.0 |
22-Jan-2024 |
Versione iniziale |