Este documento describe referencias rápidas sobre la lista de eventos históricos con Catalyst 9800.
Al aprovechar las capacidades de registro siempre activo de la plataforma 9800, puede enumerar eventos de un tipo concreto de forma rápida y sencilla, siempre que sepa cómo son las líneas de registro específicas.
Este artículo gira en torno al uso del comando "show logging profile wireless", el cual pasa principalmente por todos los registros binarios relacionados con la red inalámbrica (que están siempre activos, incluso sin habilitar ninguna forma de depuración activa).
La opción "start last <time period>" permite retroceder hasta un determinado período en los registros.
El comando generará una gran cantidad de datos en el terminal si no utiliza la canalización para restringir su búsqueda, es por esto que todos los ejemplos utilizan la canalización con eventos específicos.
Listado de solicitudes de asociación recibidas por un AP de un cliente determinado durante una cantidad de tiempo específica:
myc9800-CL#show logging profile wireless start last 1 hour filter mac 9418.6548.6fb1 | i Association received | MY_AP
2024/07/30 08:55:58.981172447 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-orch-sm] [19389]: (note): MAC: 9418.6548.6fb1 Association received. BSSID 38ed.18cb.d7cf, WLAN opendb, Slot 1 AP 38ed.18cb.d7c0, MY_AP, Site tag default-site-tag, Policy tag default-policy-tag, Policy profile test, Switching Central, Socket delay 0ms
Enumerar los clientes que se autenticaron correctamente:
myc9800-CL#show logging profile wireless start last 10 days | i Authentication Success
2020/09/26 16:41:21.397677 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [ewlc-infra-evq] [19680]: (note): Authentication Success. Resolved Policy bitmap:11 for client 02c0.2901.34c8
2020/09/26 17:04:33.523999 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [ewlc-infra-evq] [19680]: (note): Authentication Success. Resolved Policy bitmap:11 for client d280.eb73.6044
2020/09/26 17:21:59.892585 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [ewlc-infra-evq] [19680]: (note): Authentication Success. Resolved Policy bitmap:11 for client 02c0.2901.34c8
2020/09/26 17:32:09.289109 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [ewlc-infra-evq] [19680]: (note): Authentication Success. Resolved Policy bitmap:11 for client 02c0.2901.34c8
2020/09/26 17:41:58.123180 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [ewlc-infra-evq] [19680]: (note): Authentication Success. Resolved Policy bitmap:11 for client 64b5.c66d.13ac
Enumerar los clientes que obtuvieron una dirección IP correcta:
myc9800-CL#show logging profile wireless start last 10 days | i IP learn successful
2020/09/26 16:41:30.621520 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-iplearn] [19680]: (note): MAC: 02c0.2901.34c8 Client IP learn successful. Method: DHCP IP:
2020/09/26 17:04:37.622905 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-iplearn] [19680]: (note): MAC: d280.eb73.6044 Client IP learn successful. Method: IP Snooping IP:
2020/09/26 17:22:03.830465 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-iplearn] [19680]: (note): MAC: 02c0.2901.34c8 Client IP learn successful. Method: IP Snooping IP:
2020/09/26 17:32:09.966598 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-iplearn] [19680]: (note): MAC: 02c0.2901.34c8 Client IP learn successful. Method: IP Snooping IP:
2020/09/26 17:33:30.236544 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-iplearn] [19680]: (note): MAC: 3cf7.a4ae.f607 Client IP learn successful. Method: IP Snooping IP:
Cambios de canal
9800# show logging profile wireless | include history-channel
2020/02/13 10:50:03.297 {wncd_x_R0-0}{2}: [radio-history-channel] [24955]: (note): Channel change for AP5c83.8f6e.4250 Slot:1 Band:802.11a Previous Chan:100 Current Chan:132 chan width: 40 Reason: DCA Algorithm
Valores de ruido e interferencia
Esto requeriría configurar "set platform software trace wireless chassis active r0 rrrm rrm-client-dca info" para mostrar la información en los registros:
9800#show logging profile wireless start last x hours| include rrm-client-dca
2020/06/26 15:44:08.636988 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [rrm-client-dca] [9853]: (info): f4bd.9e38.4200 (Radio: 802.11a) Channel set request: on cell to channel 40 from 40 (width 20) to reduce co-channel interference (noise/interference/rssi) from (-128,-128,127) to (-128,-128,127) Reason: 0x1 for slot id: 1
2020/06/26 15:44:08.640828 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [rrm-client-dca] [9853]: (info): f4bd.9e38.4200 (Radio: 802.11bg) Channel set request: on cell to channel 6 from 1 (width 20) to reduce co-channel interference (noise/interference/rssi) from (-77,-35,-35) to (-66,-58,-57) Reason: 0x4 for slot id: 0
2020/06/26 15:54:18.671638 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [rrm-client-dca] [9853]: (info): f4bd.9e38.4200 (Radio: 802.11a) Channel set request: on cell to channel 40 from 40 (width 20) to reduce co-channel interference (noise/interference/rssi) from (-128,-128,127) to (-128,-128,127) Reason: 0x1 for slot id: 1
2020/06/26 15:54:18.673055 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [rrm-client-dca] [9853]: (info): f4bd.9e38.4200 (Radio: 802.11bg) Channel set request: on cell to channel 6 from 6 (width 20) to reduce co-channel interference (noise/interference/rssi) from (-128,-128,-58) to (-128,-128,-58) Reason: 0x1 for slot id: 0
algoritmo DCA en ejecución
9800-17#show logging profile wireless start last boot | i Running DCA Algo
2020/02/14 16:23:09.177 {rrm_bg_R0-0}{1}: [rrm-mgr-dca] [22117]: (note): (Radio: 802.11a) Running DCA Algorithm