Este documento describe cómo habilitar el soporte de verificación de la Lista de Certificación Revocada (CRL) en el concentrador de la serie VPN 3000.
No hay requisitos específicos para este documento.
La información de este documento se aplica a estas versiones de software y hardware:
Software Cisco VPN 3000 Concentrator versión 4.1.x
Cisco VPN Client versión 4.x
Microsoft Certificate Server
Nota: En este ejemplo se utiliza Microsoft Certificate Server. Sin embargo, la instalación de certificados con el uso de otros servidores de la entidad de certificación (CA) es similar. Los servidores CA soportados se enumeran en VPN Client para Windows, Versión 3.0.
The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, make sure that you understand the potential impact of any command.
For more information on document conventions, refer to the Cisco Technical Tips Conventions.
El concentrador VPN 3000 sólo admite la comprobación CRL basada en protocolo ligero de acceso a directorios (LDAP). Si utiliza el servidor CA de Microsoft, asegúrese de ejecutar Windows 2000 con Active Directory habilitado.
Para habilitar el soporte LDAP en el servidor, asegúrese de que el protocolo LDAP esté marcado. Complete estos pasos:
Abra Microsoft Management Console (MMC) y agregue Certificate Authority.
Haga clic con el botón derecho del mouse en el nombre del servidor de la CA y, a continuación, haga clic en Propiedades.
Seleccione la ficha Policy Module y luego haga clic en Configure.
Seleccione la pestaña Extensiones X509 y asegúrese de que sólo LDAP esté seleccionado.
Cree un nuevo perfil de certificado que admita la inscripción de certificados basada en archivos en el servidor de certificados basado en Windows 2000 Enterprise. Haga clic con el botón derecho del ratón en Configuración de directivas y agregue un certificado nuevo para emitir.
Nota: Si utiliza un servidor de CA independiente, este paso no es necesario.
Agregue el perfil de certificado basado en IPSec en el servidor de certificados.
Refiérase a Configuración del Cisco VPN 3000 Concentrator 3.0.x para Obtener un Certificado Digital para obtener información sobre cómo solicitar un certificado de identidad. Cuando solicite el certificado de identidad para el concentrador VPN, asegúrese de marcar IPSEC (solicitud fuera de línea) en Plantilla de certificado.
Consulte Configuración de VPN Client 3.0.x para Obtener un Certificado Digital para obtener información sobre cómo solicitar un certificado de identidad. Cuando solicite el certificado de identidad para el VPN Client, asegúrese de marcar IPSEC (solicitud fuera de línea) en Plantilla de certificado (como en el VPN 3000 Concentrator).
Para habilitar el soporte de CRL en el VPN 3000 Concentrator, seleccione Administration > Certificate Management > Certificates. A continuación, haga clic en CRL en el certificado raíz. Durante el procesamiento de fase 1, un peer IKE podría entregar un certificado subordinado a este. Es posible que este certificado subordinado no esté instalado en el concentrador VPN. Marque la casilla de verificación Aceptar certificados CA subordinados para permitir que el concentrador VPN utilice dichos certificados subordinados en la validación de la ruta de certificado. Desactive la casilla de verificación para no permitir la función.
Elija la opción adecuada para activar o desactivar la verificación CRL en todos los certificados emitidos por esta CA. El concentrador VPN puede:
Usar puntos de distribución CRL estáticos: utilice hasta cinco puntos de distribución CRL estáticos. Si elige esta opción, especifique las URL de LDAP o HTTP en la ficha Protocolo CRL.
Utilice la distribución CRL incrustada en el certificado que está activado - El concentrador VPN recupera hasta cinco puntos de distribución CRL de la extensión de punto de distribución CRL del certificado que se verifica y aumenta su información con los valores predeterminados configurados, si es necesario. Si el intento del concentrador VPN es recuperar una CRL mediante el punto de distribución CRL principal falla, se reintenta usando el siguiente punto de distribución CRL disponible en la lista. Esto continúa hasta que se recupera una CRL o se agota la lista.
Utilice los puntos de distribución CRL incrustados en el certificado que está activado o utilice puntos de distribución CRL estáticos. Si el concentrador VPN no puede encontrar cinco puntos de distribución CRL en el certificado, agrega puntos de distribución CRL estáticos, hasta un límite de cinco.
Sin comprobación de CRL: no habilitar la comprobación de CRL.
Si elige alguna de las opciones para habilitar la comprobación de CRL, configure los Protocolos CRL a continuación en la ficha Protocolo CRL.
Elija un protocolo de punto de distribución para recuperar la CRL.
Marque la casilla de verificación HTTP para soportar el uso del protocolo de punto de distribución HTTP.
Nota: Si marca HTTP, asegúrese de asignar reglas HTTP al filtro de interfaz pública.
Marque la casilla de verificación LDAP para soportar el uso del protocolo LDAP Distribution Point .
Si decide admitir puntos de distribución LDAP, introduzca esta información. Si la extensión del punto de distribución del certificado que se marca falta alguno de estos campos, el concentrador VPN utiliza estos valores.
Servidor: (sólo puntos de distribución integrados) Introduzca la dirección IP o el nombre de host del servidor de distribución CRL (servidor LDAP). El máximo es de 32 caracteres.
Puerto - (sólo puntos de distribución incrustados.) Introduzca el número de puerto del servidor CRL. Introduzca 0 (el valor predeterminado) para que el sistema proporcione el número de puerto predeterminado, 389 (LDAP).
Si el servidor requiere este campo, introduzca el DN de inicio de sesión (Nombre distinguido). El DN de inicio de sesión define la ruta de acceso del directorio a esta base de datos CRL. Por ejemplo, cn=crl,ou=certs,o=CANam,c=US. La longitud máxima del campo es de 128 caracteres.
Si el servidor requiere una contraseña para el DN de inicio de sesión, introdúzcala. El máximo de 128 caracteres.
Para verificar, vuelva a ingresar la contraseña para verificarla. El máximo es de 128 caracteres.
Introduzca URL HTTP o LDAP que identifiquen las CRL ubicadas en servidores externos. Si ha seleccionado una política de recuperación de CRL que utilice puntos de distribución estáticos, debe introducir al menos una URL válida (y no más de cinco). Introduzca cada URL en una sola línea. (Desplácese a la derecha para introducir valores más largos.) Ejemplos de URL válidas son:
URL LDAP: ldap://,CN=2KPDC,CN=CDP,CN=Public Servicios clave,CN=Servicios,CN=Configuración,DC=qa2000,DC=com?certficateRevocationList?base?ob jectclass=cRLDistributionPoint
Un administrador puede marcar la casilla de verificación Enabled para permitir que el concentrador VPN almacene en caché las CRL recuperadas. Este método no se utilizó en este ejemplo. El valor predeterminado no es habilitar el almacenamiento en caché de CRL. Al deshabilitar el almacenamiento en caché de CRL (desmarque la casilla de verificación), se borra la caché de CRL.
Especifique el tiempo de actualización, en minutos, para la caché de CRL. El intervalo es de 5 a 1440 minutos y el valor predeterminado es 60 minutos.
Introduzca 0 para utilizar el campo Next Update (Siguiente actualización), si está presente, en la CRL almacenada en caché. Si el campo Next Update no está presente en la CRL, la CRL no se almacena en caché.
La función Aplicar siguiente actualización permite controlar cómo responde el concentrador VPN a los usuarios que se autentican con certificados cuando la CRL asociada a esos certificados está desactualizada.
Cuando un usuario intenta autenticarse con el uso de un certificado digital, el concentrador VPN busca la CRL más reciente asociada con ese certificado. El concentrador VPN verifica el campo Next Update en su CRL actual para determinar si una CRL más reciente podría estar disponible. Si la fecha de actualización siguiente es actual, el concentrador VPN utiliza la CRL para autenticar al usuario. Sin embargo, si la fecha ha caducado, el concentrador VPN se pone en contacto con la autoridad de certificados para solicitar una CRL más reciente.
La autoridad certificadora envía otra CRL. La nueva CRL podría ser o no más reciente. Si el campo Next Update en la nueva CRL es actual, el concentrador VPN utiliza la nueva CRL para autenticar al usuario. Sin embargo, es posible que la autoridad certificadora devuelva otra CRL con un campo de actualización siguiente obsoleto. Si la fecha de actualización siguiente en esta nueva CRL ya ha pasado, el concentrador VPN puede utilizar o no esa CRL. Esto depende de cómo configure la opción Aplicar próxima actualización.
También es posible que una CRL no tenga un campo Next Update.
Marque la casilla de verificación Aplicar actualización siguiente para solicitar una CRL actual. Si está activado, el concentrador VPN rechaza las CRL que no tienen los campos Next Update y las CRL para las que ha caducado el campo Next Update.
Desactive la casilla si desea que el concentrador VPN pueda utilizar CRL sin un campo Next Update o CRL para los que el campo Next Update haya caducado.
Habilite las depuraciones como describe Configuración del Concentrador VPN 3000 para Comunicarse con el Cliente VPN Usando Certificados. Una vez que tenga las depuraciones activadas, asegúrese de que las depuraciones son similares a estas depuraciones.
1 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=261 RECEIVED Message (msgid=0) with payloads : HDR + SA (1) + VENDOR (13) + VENDOR (13) + VENDOR (13) + NONE (0) ... total leng th : 964 4 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=262 processing SA payload 5 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=263 Proposal # 1, Transform # 1, Type ISAKMP, Id IKE Parsing received transform: Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 1: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 2 10 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=264 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 2: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 1 13 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=265 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 3: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 1 16 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=266 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 4: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 2 19 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=267 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 5: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 1 22 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=268 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 6: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 7 25 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=269 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 7: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 2 28 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=270 Proposal # 1, Transform # 2, Type ISAKMP, Id IKE Parsing received transform: Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 1: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 2 33 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=271 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 2: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 1 36 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=272 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 3: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 1 39 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=273 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 4: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 2 42 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=274 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 5: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 1 45 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=275 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 6: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 7 48 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=276 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 7: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 2 51 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=277 Proposal # 1, Transform # 3, Type ISAKMP, Id IKE Parsing received transform: Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 1: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 2 56 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=278 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 2: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 1 59 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=279 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 3: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 1 62 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=280 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 4: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 2 65 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=281 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 5: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 1 68 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=282 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 6: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 7 71 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=283 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 7: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 2 74 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=284 Proposal # 1, Transform # 4, Type ISAKMP, Id IKE Parsing received transform: Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 1: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 2 79 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=285 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 2: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 1 82 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=286 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 3: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 1 85 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=287 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 4: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 2 88 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=288 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 5: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 1 91 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=289 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 6: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 7 94 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=290 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 7: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 2 97 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=291 Proposal # 1, Transform # 5, Type ISAKMP, Id IKE Parsing received transform: Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 1: Mismatched attr types for class Hash Alg: Rcv'd: SHA Cfg'd: MD5 101 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=292 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 2: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 2 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 1 104 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=293 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 3: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 2 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 1 107 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=294 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 4: Mismatched attr types for class Hash Alg: Rcv'd: SHA Cfg'd: MD5 109 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=295 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 5: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 2 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 1 112 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=296 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 6: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 2 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 7 115 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=297 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 7: Mismatched attr types for class Hash Alg: Rcv'd: SHA Cfg'd: MD5 117 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=7 IKEDBG/0 RPT=298 Oakley proposal is acceptable 118 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=9 IKEDBG/47 RPT=7 processing VID payload 119 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=9 IKEDBG/49 RPT=7 Received xauth V6 VID 120 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=9 IKEDBG/47 RPT=8 processing VID payload 121 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=9 IKEDBG/49 RPT=8 Received DPD VID 122 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=9 IKEDBG/47 RPT=9 processing VID payload 123 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=9 IKEDBG/49 RPT=9 Received Cisco Unity client VID 124 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=299 processing IKE SA 125 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=300 Proposal # 1, Transform # 1, Type ISAKMP, Id IKE Parsing received transform: Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 1: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 2 130 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=301 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 2: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 1 133 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=302 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 3: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 1 136 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=303 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 4: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 2 139 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=304 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 5: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 1 142 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=305 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 6: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 7 145 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=306 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 7: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 2 148 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=307 Proposal # 1, Transform # 2, Type ISAKMP, Id IKE Parsing received transform: Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 1: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 2 153 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=308 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 2: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 1 156 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=309 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 3: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 1 159 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=310 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 4: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 2 162 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=311 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 5: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 1 165 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=312 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 6: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 7 168 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=313 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 7: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 2 171 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=314 Proposal # 1, Transform # 3, Type ISAKMP, Id IKE Parsing received transform: Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 1: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 2 176 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=315 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 2: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 1 179 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=316 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 3: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 1 182 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=317 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 4: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 2 185 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=318 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 5: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 1 188 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=319 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 6: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 7 191 08/27/2001 15:24:04.680 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=320 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 7: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 2 194 08/27/2001 15:24:04.690 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=321 Proposal # 1, Transform # 4, Type ISAKMP, Id IKE Parsing received transform: Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 1: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 2 199 08/27/2001 15:24:04.690 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=322 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 2: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 1 202 08/27/2001 15:24:04.690 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=323 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 3: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 1 205 08/27/2001 15:24:04.690 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=324 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 4: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 2 208 08/27/2001 15:24:04.690 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=325 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 5: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 1 211 08/27/2001 15:24:04.690 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=326 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 6: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 7 214 08/27/2001 15:24:04.690 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=327 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 7: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 5 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 2 217 08/27/2001 15:24:04.690 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=328 Proposal # 1, Transform # 5, Type ISAKMP, Id IKE Parsing received transform: Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 1: Mismatched attr types for class Hash Alg: Rcv'd: SHA Cfg'd: MD5 221 08/27/2001 15:24:04.690 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=329 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 2: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 2 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 1 224 08/27/2001 15:24:04.690 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=330 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 3: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 2 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 1 227 08/27/2001 15:24:04.690 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=331 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 4: Mismatched attr types for class Hash Alg: Rcv'd: SHA Cfg'd: MD5 229 08/27/2001 15:24:04.690 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=332 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 5: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 2 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 1 232 08/27/2001 15:24:04.690 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=333 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 6: Mismatched attr types for class DH Group: Rcv'd: Oakley Group 2 Cfg'd: Oakley Group 7 235 08/27/2001 15:24:04.690 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=334 Phase 1 failure against global IKE proposal # 7: Mismatched attr types for class Hash Alg: Rcv'd: SHA Cfg'd: MD5 237 08/27/2001 15:24:04.690 SEV=7 IKEDBG/28 RPT=3 IKE SA Proposal # 1, Transform # 6 acceptable Matches global IKE entry # 1 238 08/27/2001 15:24:04.690 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/1 RPT=7 AUTH_Open() returns 6 239 08/27/2001 15:24:04.690 SEV=7 AUTH/12 RPT=7 Authentication session opened: handle = 6 240 08/27/2001 15:24:04.690 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=335 constructing ISA_SA for isakmp 241 08/27/2001 15:24:04.690 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=336 SENDING Message (msgid=0) with payloads : HDR + SA (1) ... total length : 84 242 08/27/2001 15:24:04.730 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=337 RECEIVED Message (msgid=0) with payloads : HDR + KE (4) + NONCE (10) + NONE (0) ... total length : 184 244 08/27/2001 15:24:04.730 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=338 RECEIVED Message (msgid=0) with payloads : HDR + KE (4) + NONCE (10) + NONE (0) ... total length : 184 246 08/27/2001 15:24:04.730 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=339 processing ke payload 247 08/27/2001 15:24:04.730 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=340 processing ISA_KE 248 08/27/2001 15:24:04.730 SEV=9 IKEDBG/1 RPT=41 processing nonce payload 249 08/27/2001 15:24:04.780 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=341 constructing ke payload 250 08/27/2001 15:24:04.780 SEV=9 IKEDBG/1 RPT=42 constructing nonce payload 251 08/27/2001 15:24:04.780 SEV=9 IKEDBG/46 RPT=8 constructing Cisco Unity VID payload 252 08/27/2001 15:24:04.780 SEV=9 IKEDBG/46 RPT=9 constructing xauth V6 VID payload 253 08/27/2001 15:24:04.780 SEV=9 IKEDBG/48 RPT=5 Send IOS VID 254 08/27/2001 15:24:04.780 SEV=9 IKEDBG/38 RPT=3 Constructing VPN 3000 spoofing IOS Vendor ID payload (version: 1.0.0, capabilities: 20000001) 256 08/27/2001 15:24:04.780 SEV=9 IKEDBG/46 RPT=10 constructing VID payload 257 08/27/2001 15:24:04.780 SEV=9 IKEDBG/48 RPT=6 Send Altiga GW VID 258 08/27/2001 15:24:04.780 SEV=9 IKE/0 RPT=5 Generating keys for Responder... 259 08/27/2001 15:24:04.790 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=342 SENDING Message (msgid=0) with payloads : HDR + KE (4) ... total length : 395 260 08/27/2001 15:24:04.850 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=343 RECEIVED Message (msgid=0) with payloads : HDR + ID (5) + CERT (6) + CERT_REQ (7) + SIG (9) + NOTIFY (11) + NONE (0) ... total length : 1901 263 08/27/2001 15:24:04.850 SEV=9 IKEDBG/1 RPT=43 Processing ID 264 08/27/2001 15:24:04.850 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=344 processing cert payload 265 08/27/2001 15:24:04.850 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=345 processing cert request payload 266 08/27/2001 15:24:04.850 SEV=9 IKEDBG/1 RPT=44 processing RSA signature 267 08/27/2001 15:24:04.850 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=346 computing hash 268 08/27/2001 15:24:04.860 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=347 Processing Notify payload 269 08/27/2001 15:24:04.860 SEV=9 IKEDBG/23 RPT=3 Starting group lookup for peer 270 08/27/2001 15:24:04.860 SEV=9 IKE/21 RPT=3 No Group found by matching IP Address of Cert peer 271 08/27/2001 15:24:04.860 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/1 RPT=8 AUTH_Open() returns 7 272 08/27/2001 15:24:04.860 SEV=7 AUTH/12 RPT=8 Authentication session opened: handle = 7 273 08/27/2001 15:24:04.860 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/3 RPT=8 AUTH_PutAttrTable(7, 61af64) 274 08/27/2001 15:24:04.860 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/6 RPT=3 AUTH_GroupAuthenticate(7, 7398828, 42dd5c) 275 08/27/2001 15:24:04.860 SEV=6 IKE/0 RPT=6 MM received unexpected event EV_ACTIVATE_NEW_SA in state MM_BLD_MSG6 276 08/27/2001 15:24:04.860 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/59 RPT=6 AUTH_BindServer(3ea0278, 0, 0) 277 08/27/2001 15:24:04.860 SEV=9 AUTHDBG/69 RPT=6 Auth Server e5d99c has been bound to ACB 3ea0278, sessions = 1 278 08/27/2001 15:24:04.860 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/65 RPT=6 AUTH_CreateTimer(3ea0278, 0, 0) 279 08/27/2001 15:24:04.860 SEV=9 AUTHDBG/72 RPT=6 Reply timer created: handle = 2A0017 280 08/27/2001 15:24:04.860 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/61 RPT=6 AUTH_BuildMsg(3ea0278, 0, 0) 281 08/27/2001 15:24:04.860 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/64 RPT=6 AUTH_StartTimer(3ea0278, 0, 0) 282 08/27/2001 15:24:04.860 SEV=9 AUTHDBG/73 RPT=6 Reply timer started: handle = 2A0017, timestamp = 902538, timeout = 30000 283 08/27/2001 15:24:04.860 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/62 RPT=6 AUTH_SndRequest(3ea0278, 0, 0) 284 08/27/2001 15:24:04.860 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/50 RPT=11 IntDB_Decode(37fc5ac, 112) 285 08/27/2001 15:24:04.860 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/12 RPT=26 IntDB: Type = 1 (0x01) User-Name 286 08/27/2001 15:24:04.860 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/13 RPT=26 IntDB: Length = 8 (0x08) 287 08/27/2001 15:24:04.860 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/14 RPT=15 IntDB: Value (String) = 288 08/27/2001 15:24:04.860 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/0 RPT=15 0000: 63726C67 726F7570 crlgroup 289 08/27/2001 15:24:04.860 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/12 RPT=27 IntDB: Type = 5 (0x05) NAS-Port 290 08/27/2001 15:24:04.860 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/13 RPT=27 IntDB: Length = 4 (0x04) 291 08/27/2001 15:24:04.860 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/15 RPT=12 IntDB: Value (Integer) = 0 (0x0000) 292 08/27/2001 15:24:04.860 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/12 RPT=28 IntDB: Type = 6 (0x06) Service-Type 293 08/27/2001 15:24:04.860 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/13 RPT=28 IntDB: Length = 4 (0x04) 294 08/27/2001 15:24:04.860 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/15 RPT=13 IntDB: Value (Integer) = 2 (0x0002) 295 08/27/2001 15:24:04.860 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/12 RPT=29 IntDB: Type = 7 (0x07) Framed-Protocol 296 08/27/2001 15:24:04.860 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/13 RPT=29 IntDB: Length = 4 (0x04) 297 08/27/2001 15:24:04.860 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/15 RPT=14 IntDB: Value (Integer) = 1 (0x0001) 298 08/27/2001 15:24:04.860 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/12 RPT=30 IntDB: Type = 66 (0x42) Tunnel-Client-Endpoint 299 08/27/2001 15:24:04.860 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/13 RPT=30 IntDB: Length = 13 (0x0D) 300 08/27/2001 15:24:04.860 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/14 RPT=16 IntDB: Value (String) = 301 08/27/2001 15:24:04.860 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/0 RPT=16 0000: 3137322E 31382E31 32342E39 36 302 08/27/2001 15:24:04.860 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/12 RPT=31 IntDB: Type = 4118 (0x1016) Authentication-Server-Type 303 08/27/2001 15:24:04.860 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/13 RPT=31 IntDB: Length = 4 (0x04) 304 08/27/2001 15:24:04.860 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/15 RPT=15 IntDB: Value (Integer) = 5 (0x0005) 305 08/27/2001 15:24:04.860 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/47 RPT=11 IntDB_Xmt(3ea0278) 306 08/27/2001 15:24:04.860 SEV=9 AUTHDBG/71 RPT=6 xmit_cnt = 1 307 08/27/2001 15:24:04.860 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/47 RPT=12 IntDB_Xmt(3ea0278) 308 08/27/2001 15:24:04.960 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/49 RPT=6 IntDB_Match(3ea0278, 1ff6140) 309 08/27/2001 15:24:04.960 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/63 RPT=6 AUTH_RcvReply(3ea0278, 0, 0) 310 08/27/2001 15:24:04.960 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/50 RPT=12 IntDB_Decode(1ff6140, 42) 311 08/27/2001 15:24:04.960 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/12 RPT=32 IntDB: Type = 1 (0x01) User-Name 312 08/27/2001 15:24:04.960 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/13 RPT=32 IntDB: Length = 8 (0x08) 313 08/27/2001 15:24:04.960 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/14 RPT=17 IntDB: Value (String) = 314 08/27/2001 15:24:04.960 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/0 RPT=17 0000: 63726C67 726F7570 crlgroup 315 08/27/2001 15:24:04.960 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/48 RPT=6 IntDB_Rcv(3ea0278) 316 08/27/2001 15:24:04.960 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/66 RPT=6 AUTH_DeleteTimer(3ea0278, 0, 0) 317 08/27/2001 15:24:04.960 SEV=9 AUTHDBG/74 RPT=6 Reply timer stopped: handle = 2A0017, timestamp = 902548 318 08/27/2001 15:24:04.960 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/58 RPT=6 AUTH_Callback(3ea0278, 0, 0) 319 08/27/2001 15:24:04.960 SEV=6 AUTH/39 RPT=5 Authentication successful: handle = 7, server = Internal, group = crlgroup 320 08/27/2001 15:24:04.960 SEV=7 IKEDBG/0 RPT=348 Group [crlgroup] Found Phase 1 Group (crlgroup) 321 08/27/2001 15:24:04.960 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/4 RPT=4 AUTH_GetAttrTable(7, 61afac) 322 08/27/2001 15:24:04.960 SEV=7 IKEDBG/14 RPT=4 Group [crlgroup] Authentication configured for Internal 323 08/27/2001 15:24:04.960 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/2 RPT=7 AUTH_Close(7) 324 08/27/2001 15:24:04.960 SEV=8 CERT/14 RPT=3 CERT_Authenticate(6, 7398828, 42722c) 325 08/27/2001 15:24:04.960 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/60 RPT=6 AUTH_UnbindServer(3ea0278, 0, 0) 326 08/27/2001 15:24:04.960 SEV=9 AUTHDBG/70 RPT=6 Auth Server e5d99c has been unbound from ACB 3ea0278, sessions = 0 327 08/27/2001 15:24:04.960 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/10 RPT=7 AUTH_Int_FreeAuthCB(3ea0278) 328 08/27/2001 15:24:04.960 SEV=9 AUTHDBG/19 RPT=7 instance = 8, clone_instance = 0 329 08/27/2001 15:24:04.960 SEV=7 AUTH/13 RPT=7 Authentication session closed: handle = 7 330 08/27/2001 15:24:04.960 SEV=7 CERT/5 RPT=3 Checking revocation status: session = 6 331 08/27/2001 15:24:04.960 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/3 RPT=9 AUTH_PutAttrTable(6, f2f754) 332 08/27/2001 15:24:04.960 SEV=8 CERT/51 RPT=3 CERT_CheckCRLConfig(3eb7914, 0, 0) 333 08/27/2001 15:24:04.970 SEV=7 CERT/1 RPT=3 Certificate is valid: session = 6 334 08/27/2001 15:24:04.980 SEV=8 CERT/55 RPT=2 CERT_CheckCache(3eb7914, 0, 0) 335 08/27/2001 15:24:04.980 SEV=8 CERT/53 RPT=2 CERT_OpenSession(3eb7914, 0, 0) 336 08/27/2001 15:24:04.980 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/1 RPT=9 AUTH_Open() returns 8 337 08/27/2001 15:24:04.980 SEV=7 AUTH/12 RPT=9 Authentication session opened: handle = 8 338 08/27/2001 15:24:04.980 SEV=8 CERT/57 RPT=2 CERT_SndRequest(3eb7914, 0, 0) 339 08/27/2001 15:24:04.980 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/3 RPT=10 AUTH_PutAttrTable(8, f2f494) 340 08/27/2001 15:24:04.980 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/5 RPT=2 AUTH_Authenticate(8, 3eb7914, 47ed40) 341 08/27/2001 15:24:04.980 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/59 RPT=7 AUTH_BindServer(3ea0278, 0, 0) 342 08/27/2001 15:24:04.980 SEV=9 AUTHDBG/69 RPT=7 Auth Server f162bc has been bound to ACB 3ea0278, sessions = 1 343 08/27/2001 15:24:04.980 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/65 RPT=7 AUTH_CreateTimer(3ea0278, 0, 0) 344 08/27/2001 15:24:04.980 SEV=9 AUTHDBG/72 RPT=7 Reply timer created: handle = 2B0017 345 08/27/2001 15:24:04.980 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/61 RPT=7 AUTH_BuildMsg(3ea0278, 0, 0) 346 08/27/2001 15:24:04.980 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/100 RPT=1 Ldap_Build(3ea0278) 347 08/27/2001 15:24:04.980 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/122 RPT=1 Ldap connecting to host 348 08/27/2001 15:24:04.980 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/123 RPT=1 Ldap socket 2 connected to host 349 08/27/2001 15:24:04.980 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/107 RPT=1 Ldap directory server is up 350 08/27/2001 15:24:04.980 SEV=7 AUTHDBG/143 RPT=1 Ldap Lookup - 16 bytes successfully received. 351 08/27/2001 15:24:04.980 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/106 RPT=1 Ldap bind success(f162bc) 352 08/27/2001 15:24:04.980 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/64 RPT=7 AUTH_StartTimer(3ea0278, 0, 0) 353 08/27/2001 15:24:04.980 SEV=9 AUTHDBG/73 RPT=7 Reply timer started: handle = 2B0017, timestamp = 902550, timeout = 30000 354 08/27/2001 15:24:04.980 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/62 RPT=7 AUTH_SndRequest(3ea0278, 0, 0) 355 08/27/2001 15:24:04.980 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/101 RPT=1 Ldap_Xmt(3ea0278) 356 08/27/2001 15:24:04.980 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/114 RPT=1 Ldap search: DN : CN=jazib-pc,CN=jazib-pc,CN=CDP,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=rtp-vpn, DC=cisco,DC=com Filter : objectclass=cRLDistributionPoint Scope : LDAP_SCOPE_BASE 360 08/27/2001 15:24:04.980 SEV=9 AUTHDBG/71 RPT=7 xmit_cnt = 1 361 08/27/2001 15:24:05.080 SEV=7 AUTHDBG/143 RPT=2 Ldap Lookup - 497 bytes successfully received. 362 08/27/2001 15:24:05.180 SEV=7 AUTHDBG/143 RPT=3 Ldap Lookup - 16 bytes successfully received. 363 08/27/2001 15:24:05.180 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/112 RPT=1 Ldap poll got final result 364 08/27/2001 15:24:05.180 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/103 RPT=1 Ldap_Match(3ea0278, 1fe8108), id = 0x02, rcvd = 0x02 365 08/27/2001 15:24:05.180 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/63 RPT=7 AUTH_RcvReply(3ea0278, 0, 0) 366 08/27/2001 15:24:05.180 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/102 RPT=1 Ldap_Rcv(3ea0278) 367 08/27/2001 15:24:05.180 SEV=12 AUTHDBG/0 RPT=1 LDAP: Number of lists = 1, Rcv data length = 326 0000: 30820142 3081ED02 0101300D 06092A86 0..B0.....0...*. 0010: 4886F70D 01010505 00308183 3120301E H........0..1 0. 0020: 06092A86 4886F70D 01090116 116A6672 ..*.H........jfr 0030: 6168696D 40636973 636F2E63 6F6D310B ahim@cisco.com1. 0040: 30090603 55040613 02555331 0B300906 0...U....US1.0.. 0050: 03550408 13024E43 310C300A 06035504 .U....NC1.0...U. 0060: 07130352 54503116 30140603 55040A13 ...RTP1.0...U... 375 08/27/2001 15:24:05.180 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/98 RPT=1 LdapApiIntClose(3ea0278) 376 08/27/2001 15:24:05.180 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/66 RPT=7 AUTH_DeleteTimer(3ea0278, 0, 0) 377 08/27/2001 15:24:05.180 SEV=9 AUTHDBG/74 RPT=7 Reply timer stopped: handle = 2B0017, timestamp = 902570 378 08/27/2001 15:24:05.180 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/58 RPT=7 AUTH_Callback(3ea0278, 0, 0) 379 08/27/2001 15:24:05.180 SEV=6 AUTH/4 RPT=2 Authentication successful: handle = 8, server = crl_server, user = 380 08/27/2001 15:24:05.180 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/4 RPT=5 AUTH_GetAttrTable(8, f395e0) 381 08/27/2001 15:24:05.180 SEV=7 CERT/7 RPT=1 Retrieved revocation list: session = 6 382 08/27/2001 15:24:05.180 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/60 RPT=7 AUTH_UnbindServer(3ea0278, 0, 0) 383 08/27/2001 15:24:05.180 SEV=9 AUTHDBG/70 RPT=7 Auth Server f162bc has been unbound from ACB 3ea0278, sessions = 0 384 08/27/2001 15:24:05.180 SEV=8 CERT/58 RPT=1 CERT_RcvReply(3eb7914, 0, 0) 385 08/27/2001 15:24:05.180 SEV=8 CERT/54 RPT=2 CERT_CloseSession(3eb7914, 0, 0) 386 08/27/2001 15:24:05.180 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/2 RPT=8 AUTH_Close(8) 387 08/27/2001 15:24:05.180 SEV=8 CERT/52 RPT=1 CERT_CheckCRL(3eb7914, 0, 0) 388 08/27/2001 15:24:05.180 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/10 RPT=8 AUTH_Int_FreeAuthCB(3ea0278) 389 08/27/2001 15:24:05.180 SEV=9 AUTHDBG/19 RPT=8 instance = 9, clone_instance = 0 390 08/27/2001 15:24:05.180 SEV=7 AUTH/13 RPT=8 Authentication session closed: handle = 8 391 08/27/2001 15:24:05.180 SEV=7 CERT/2 RPT=1 Certificate has not been revoked: session = 6 392 08/27/2001 15:24:05.180 SEV=8 CERT/56 RPT=3 CERT_Callback(3eb7914, 0, 0) 393 08/27/2001 15:24:05.180 SEV=5 IKE/79 RPT=2 Group [crlgroup] Validation of certificate successful (CN=user1, SN=61A1D542000000000009) 395 08/27/2001 15:24:05.180 SEV=7 IKEDBG/0 RPT=349 Group [crlgroup] peer ID type 9 received (DER_ASN1_DN) 396 08/27/2001 15:24:05.190 SEV=9 IKEDBG/1 RPT=45 Group [crlgroup] constructing ID 397 08/27/2001 15:24:05.190 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=350 Group [crlgroup] constructing cert payload 398 08/27/2001 15:24:05.190 SEV=9 IKEDBG/1 RPT=46 Group [crlgroup] constructing RSA signature 399 08/27/2001 15:24:05.190 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=351 Group [crlgroup] computing hash 400 08/27/2001 15:24:05.200 SEV=9 IKEDBG/46 RPT=11 Group [ crlgroup ] constructing dpd vid payload 401 08/27/2001 15:24:05.200 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=352 SENDING Message (msgid=0) with payloads : HDR + ID (5) ... total length : 1504 402 08/27/2001 15:24:05.200 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=353 Group [crlgroup] constructing blank hash 403 08/27/2001 15:24:05.200 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=354 Group [crlgroup] constructing qm hash 404 08/27/2001 15:24:05.200 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=355 SENDING Message (msgid=feb4acac) with payloads : HDR + HASH (8) ... total length : 100 406 08/27/2001 15:24:09.460 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=356 RECEIVED Message (msgid=feb4acac) with payloads : HDR + HASH (8) + ATTR (14) + NONE (0) ... total length : 85 408 08/27/2001 15:24:09.460 SEV=9 IKEDBG/1 RPT=47 process_attr(): Enter! 409 08/27/2001 15:24:09.460 SEV=9 IKEDBG/1 RPT=48 Processing cfg reply attributes. 410 08/27/2001 15:24:09.460 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/1 RPT=10 AUTH_Open() returns 9 411 08/27/2001 15:24:09.460 SEV=7 AUTH/12 RPT=10 Authentication session opened: handle = 9 412 08/27/2001 15:24:09.460 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/3 RPT=11 AUTH_PutAttrTable(9, 61af64) 413 08/27/2001 15:24:09.460 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/5 RPT=3 AUTH_Authenticate(9, 2f1b9a0, 45d68c) 414 08/27/2001 15:24:09.460 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/59 RPT=8 AUTH_BindServer(3eb81a4, 0, 0) 415 08/27/2001 15:24:09.460 SEV=9 AUTHDBG/69 RPT=8 Auth Server e5d99c has been bound to ACB 3eb81a4, sessions = 1 416 08/27/2001 15:24:09.460 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/65 RPT=8 AUTH_CreateTimer(3eb81a4, 0, 0) 417 08/27/2001 15:24:09.460 SEV=9 AUTHDBG/72 RPT=8 Reply timer created: handle = 2D0017 418 08/27/2001 15:24:09.460 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/61 RPT=8 AUTH_BuildMsg(3eb81a4, 0, 0) 419 08/27/2001 15:24:09.460 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/64 RPT=8 AUTH_StartTimer(3eb81a4, 0, 0) 420 08/27/2001 15:24:09.460 SEV=9 AUTHDBG/73 RPT=8 Reply timer started: handle = 2D0017, timestamp = 902998, timeout = 30000 421 08/27/2001 15:24:09.460 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/62 RPT=8 AUTH_SndRequest(3eb81a4, 0, 0) 422 08/27/2001 15:24:09.460 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/50 RPT=13 IntDB_Decode(37f8938, 101) 423 08/27/2001 15:24:09.460 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/12 RPT=33 IntDB: Type = 1 (0x01) User-Name 424 08/27/2001 15:24:09.460 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/13 RPT=33 IntDB: Length = 9 (0x09) 425 08/27/2001 15:24:09.460 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/14 RPT=18 IntDB: Value (String) = 426 08/27/2001 15:24:09.460 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/0 RPT=18 0000: 69707365 63757365 72 ipsecuser 427 08/27/2001 15:24:09.460 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/12 RPT=34 IntDB: Type = 5 (0x05) NAS-Port 428 08/27/2001 15:24:09.460 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/13 RPT=34 IntDB: Length = 4 (0x04) 429 08/27/2001 15:24:09.460 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/15 RPT=16 IntDB: Value (Integer) = 1003 (0x03EB) 430 08/27/2001 15:24:09.460 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/12 RPT=35 IntDB: Type = 6 (0x06) Service-Type 431 08/27/2001 15:24:09.460 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/13 RPT=35 IntDB: Length = 4 (0x04) 432 08/27/2001 15:24:09.460 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/15 RPT=17 IntDB: Value (Integer) = 2 (0x0002) 433 08/27/2001 15:24:09.460 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/12 RPT=36 IntDB: Type = 7 (0x07) Framed-Protocol 434 08/27/2001 15:24:09.460 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/13 RPT=36 IntDB: Length = 4 (0x04) 435 08/27/2001 15:24:09.460 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/15 RPT=18 IntDB: Value (Integer) = 1 (0x0001) 436 08/27/2001 15:24:09.460 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/12 RPT=37 IntDB: Type = 66 (0x42) Tunnel-Client-Endpoint 437 08/27/2001 15:24:09.460 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/13 RPT=37 IntDB: Length = 13 (0x0D) 438 08/27/2001 15:24:09.460 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/14 RPT=19 IntDB: Value (String) = 439 08/27/2001 15:24:09.460 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/0 RPT=19 0000: 3137322E 31382E31 32342E39 36 440 08/27/2001 15:24:09.460 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/47 RPT=13 IntDB_Xmt(3eb81a4) 441 08/27/2001 15:24:09.460 SEV=9 AUTHDBG/71 RPT=8 xmit_cnt = 1 442 08/27/2001 15:24:09.460 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/47 RPT=14 IntDB_Xmt(3eb81a4) 443 08/27/2001 15:24:09.560 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/49 RPT=7 IntDB_Match(3eb81a4, 2001040) 444 08/27/2001 15:24:09.560 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/63 RPT=8 AUTH_RcvReply(3eb81a4, 0, 0) 445 08/27/2001 15:24:09.560 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/50 RPT=14 IntDB_Decode(2001040, 60) 446 08/27/2001 15:24:09.560 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/12 RPT=38 IntDB: Type = 1 (0x01) User-Name 447 08/27/2001 15:24:09.560 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/13 RPT=38 IntDB: Length = 9 (0x09) 448 08/27/2001 15:24:09.560 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/14 RPT=20 IntDB: Value (String) = 449 08/27/2001 15:24:09.560 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/0 RPT=20 0000: 69707365 63757365 72 ipsecuser 450 08/27/2001 15:24:09.560 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/12 RPT=39 IntDB: Type = 25 (0x19) Class 451 08/27/2001 15:24:09.560 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/13 RPT=39 IntDB: Length = 8 (0x08) 452 08/27/2001 15:24:09.560 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/14 RPT=21 IntDB: Value (String) = 453 08/27/2001 15:24:09.560 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/0 RPT=21 0000: 63726C67 726F7570 crlgroup 454 08/27/2001 15:24:09.560 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/48 RPT=7 IntDB_Rcv(3eb81a4) 455 08/27/2001 15:24:09.560 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/66 RPT=8 AUTH_DeleteTimer(3eb81a4, 0, 0) 456 08/27/2001 15:24:09.560 SEV=9 AUTHDBG/74 RPT=8 Reply timer stopped: handle = 2D0017, timestamp = 903008 457 08/27/2001 15:24:09.560 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/58 RPT=8 AUTH_Callback(3eb81a4, 0, 0) 458 08/27/2001 15:24:09.560 SEV=6 AUTH/4 RPT=3 Authentication successful: handle = 9, server = Internal, user = ipsecuser 459 08/27/2001 15:24:09.560 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/3 RPT=12 AUTH_PutAttrTable(9, f39688) 460 08/27/2001 15:24:09.560 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/60 RPT=8 AUTH_UnbindServer(3eb81a4, 0, 0) 461 08/27/2001 15:24:09.560 SEV=9 AUTHDBG/70 RPT=8 Auth Server e5d99c has been unbound from ACB 3eb81a4, sessions = 0 462 08/27/2001 15:24:09.560 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/59 RPT=9 AUTH_BindServer(3eb81a4, 0, 0) 463 08/27/2001 15:24:09.560 SEV=9 AUTHDBG/69 RPT=9 Auth Server e5d99c has been bound to ACB 3eb81a4, sessions = 1 464 08/27/2001 15:24:09.560 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/65 RPT=9 AUTH_CreateTimer(3eb81a4, 0, 0) 465 08/27/2001 15:24:09.560 SEV=9 AUTHDBG/72 RPT=9 Reply timer created: handle = 2E0017 466 08/27/2001 15:24:09.560 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/61 RPT=9 AUTH_BuildMsg(3eb81a4, 0, 0) 467 08/27/2001 15:24:09.560 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/64 RPT=9 AUTH_StartTimer(3eb81a4, 0, 0) 468 08/27/2001 15:24:09.560 SEV=9 AUTHDBG/73 RPT=9 Reply timer started: handle = 2E0017, timestamp = 903008, timeout = 30000 469 08/27/2001 15:24:09.560 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/62 RPT=9 AUTH_SndRequest(3eb81a4, 0, 0) 470 08/27/2001 15:24:09.560 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/50 RPT=15 IntDB_Decode(2000eb0, 42) 471 08/27/2001 15:24:09.560 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/12 RPT=40 IntDB: Type = 1 (0x01) User-Name 472 08/27/2001 15:24:09.560 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/13 RPT=40 IntDB: Length = 8 (0x08) 473 08/27/2001 15:24:09.560 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/14 RPT=22 IntDB: Value (String) = 474 08/27/2001 15:24:09.560 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/0 RPT=22 0000: 63726C67 726F7570 crlgroup 475 08/27/2001 15:24:09.560 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/47 RPT=15 IntDB_Xmt(3eb81a4) 476 08/27/2001 15:24:09.560 SEV=9 AUTHDBG/71 RPT=9 xmit_cnt = 1 477 08/27/2001 15:24:09.560 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/47 RPT=16 IntDB_Xmt(3eb81a4) 478 08/27/2001 15:24:09.660 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/49 RPT=8 IntDB_Match(3eb81a4, 20014f0) 479 08/27/2001 15:24:09.660 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/63 RPT=9 AUTH_RcvReply(3eb81a4, 0, 0) 480 08/27/2001 15:24:09.660 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/50 RPT=16 IntDB_Decode(20014f0, 42) 481 08/27/2001 15:24:09.660 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/12 RPT=41 IntDB: Type = 1 (0x01) User-Name 482 08/27/2001 15:24:09.660 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/13 RPT=41 IntDB: Length = 8 (0x08) 483 08/27/2001 15:24:09.660 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/14 RPT=23 IntDB: Value (String) = 484 08/27/2001 15:24:09.660 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/0 RPT=23 0000: 63726C67 726F7570 crlgroup 485 08/27/2001 15:24:09.660 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/48 RPT=8 IntDB_Rcv(3eb81a4) 486 08/27/2001 15:24:09.660 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/66 RPT=9 AUTH_DeleteTimer(3eb81a4, 0, 0) 487 08/27/2001 15:24:09.660 SEV=9 AUTHDBG/74 RPT=9 Reply timer stopped: handle = 2E0017, timestamp = 903018 488 08/27/2001 15:24:09.660 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/58 RPT=9 AUTH_Callback(3eb81a4, 0, 0) 489 08/27/2001 15:24:09.660 SEV=6 AUTH/39 RPT=6 Authentication successful: handle = 9, server = Internal, group = crlgroup 490 08/27/2001 15:24:09.660 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/3 RPT=13 AUTH_PutAttrTable(9, f39688) 491 08/27/2001 15:24:09.660 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/60 RPT=9 AUTH_UnbindServer(3eb81a4, 0, 0) 492 08/27/2001 15:24:09.660 SEV=9 AUTHDBG/70 RPT=9 Auth Server e5d99c has been unbound from ACB 3eb81a4, sessions = 0 493 08/27/2001 15:24:09.660 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/59 RPT=10 AUTH_BindServer(3eb81a4, 0, 0) 494 08/27/2001 15:24:09.660 SEV=9 AUTHDBG/69 RPT=10 Auth Server e5d99c has been bound to ACB 3eb81a4, sessions = 1 495 08/27/2001 15:24:09.660 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/65 RPT=10 AUTH_CreateTimer(3eb81a4, 0, 0) 496 08/27/2001 15:24:09.660 SEV=9 AUTHDBG/72 RPT=10 Reply timer created: handle = 2F0017 497 08/27/2001 15:24:09.660 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/61 RPT=10 AUTH_BuildMsg(3eb81a4, 0, 0) 498 08/27/2001 15:24:09.660 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/64 RPT=10 AUTH_StartTimer(3eb81a4, 0, 0) 499 08/27/2001 15:24:09.660 SEV=9 AUTHDBG/73 RPT=10 Reply timer started: handle = 2F0017, timestamp = 903018, timeout = 30000 500 08/27/2001 15:24:09.660 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/62 RPT=10 AUTH_SndRequest(3eb81a4, 0, 0) 501 08/27/2001 15:24:09.660 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/50 RPT=17 IntDB_Decode(2000d20, 42) 502 08/27/2001 15:24:09.660 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/12 RPT=42 IntDB: Type = 1 (0x01) User-Name 503 08/27/2001 15:24:09.660 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/13 RPT=42 IntDB: Length = 8 (0x08) 504 08/27/2001 15:24:09.660 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/14 RPT=24 IntDB: Value (String) = 505 08/27/2001 15:24:09.660 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/0 RPT=24 0000: 63726C67 726F7570 crlgroup 506 08/27/2001 15:24:09.660 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/47 RPT=17 IntDB_Xmt(3eb81a4) 507 08/27/2001 15:24:09.660 SEV=9 AUTHDBG/71 RPT=10 xmit_cnt = 1 508 08/27/2001 15:24:09.660 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/47 RPT=18 IntDB_Xmt(3eb81a4) 509 08/27/2001 15:24:09.760 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/49 RPT=9 IntDB_Match(3eb81a4, 2000eb0) 510 08/27/2001 15:24:09.760 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/63 RPT=10 AUTH_RcvReply(3eb81a4, 0, 0) 511 08/27/2001 15:24:09.760 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/50 RPT=18 IntDB_Decode(2000eb0, 42) 512 08/27/2001 15:24:09.760 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/12 RPT=43 IntDB: Type = 1 (0x01) User-Name 513 08/27/2001 15:24:09.760 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/13 RPT=43 IntDB: Length = 8 (0x08) 514 08/27/2001 15:24:09.760 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/14 RPT=25 IntDB: Value (String) = 515 08/27/2001 15:24:09.760 SEV=10 AUTHDECODE/0 RPT=25 0000: 63726C67 726F7570 crlgroup 516 08/27/2001 15:24:09.760 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/48 RPT=9 IntDB_Rcv(3eb81a4) 517 08/27/2001 15:24:09.760 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/66 RPT=10 AUTH_DeleteTimer(3eb81a4, 0, 0) 518 08/27/2001 15:24:09.760 SEV=9 AUTHDBG/74 RPT=10 Reply timer stopped: handle = 2F0017, timestamp = 903028 519 08/27/2001 15:24:09.760 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/58 RPT=10 AUTH_Callback(3eb81a4, 0, 0) 520 08/27/2001 15:24:09.760 SEV=6 AUTH/39 RPT=7 Authentication successful: handle = 9, server = Internal, group = crlgroup 521 08/27/2001 15:24:09.760 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/4 RPT=6 AUTH_GetAttrTable(9, 61afac) 522 08/27/2001 15:24:09.760 SEV=7 IKEDBG/14 RPT=5 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] Authentication configured for Internal 523 08/27/2001 15:24:09.760 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/2 RPT=9 AUTH_Close(9) 524 08/27/2001 15:24:09.760 SEV=4 IKE/52 RPT=2 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] User (ipsecuser) authenticated. 525 08/27/2001 15:24:09.760 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=357 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] constructing blank hash 526 08/27/2001 15:24:09.760 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=358 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] constructing qm hash 527 08/27/2001 15:24:09.760 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=359 SENDING Message (msgid=bf771120) with payloads : HDR + HASH (8) ... total length : 60 529 08/27/2001 15:24:09.760 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/60 RPT=10 AUTH_UnbindServer(3eb81a4, 0, 0) 530 08/27/2001 15:24:09.760 SEV=9 AUTHDBG/70 RPT=10 Auth Server e5d99c has been unbound from ACB 3eb81a4, sessions = 0 531 08/27/2001 15:24:09.760 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/10 RPT=9 AUTH_Int_FreeAuthCB(3eb81a4) 532 08/27/2001 15:24:09.760 SEV=9 AUTHDBG/19 RPT=9 instance = 10, clone_instance = 0 533 08/27/2001 15:24:09.760 SEV=7 AUTH/13 RPT=9 Authentication session closed: handle = 9 534 08/27/2001 15:24:09.770 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=360 RECEIVED Message (msgid=bf771120) with payloads : HDR + HASH (8) + ATTR (14) + NONE (0) ... total length : 56 536 08/27/2001 15:24:09.770 SEV=9 IKEDBG/1 RPT=49 process_attr(): Enter! 537 08/27/2001 15:24:09.770 SEV=9 IKEDBG/1 RPT=50 Processing cfg ACK attributes 538 08/27/2001 15:24:09.770 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=361 RECEIVED Message (msgid=826be32d) with payloads : HDR + HASH (8) + ATTR (14) + NONE (0) ... total length : 142 540 08/27/2001 15:24:09.770 SEV=9 IKEDBG/1 RPT=51 process_attr(): Enter! 541 08/27/2001 15:24:09.770 SEV=9 IKEDBG/1 RPT=52 Processing cfg Request attributes 542 08/27/2001 15:24:09.770 SEV=9 IKEDBG/1 RPT=53 Received IPV4 address request! 543 08/27/2001 15:24:09.770 SEV=9 IKEDBG/1 RPT=54 Received IPV4 net mask request! 544 08/27/2001 15:24:09.770 SEV=9 IKEDBG/1 RPT=55 Received DNS server address request! 545 08/27/2001 15:24:09.770 SEV=9 IKEDBG/1 RPT=56 Received WINS server address request! 546 08/27/2001 15:24:09.770 SEV=6 IKE/130 RPT=3 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] Received unsupported transaction mode attribute: 5 548 08/27/2001 15:24:09.770 SEV=6 IKE/130 RPT=4 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] Received unsupported transaction mode attribute: 7 550 08/27/2001 15:24:09.770 SEV=9 IKEDBG/1 RPT=57 Received Banner request! 551 08/27/2001 15:24:09.770 SEV=9 IKEDBG/1 RPT=58 Received Save PW request! 552 08/27/2001 15:24:09.770 SEV=9 IKEDBG/1 RPT=59 Received Default Domain request! 553 08/27/2001 15:24:09.770 SEV=9 IKEDBG/1 RPT=60 Received Split Tunnel Include request! 554 08/27/2001 15:24:09.770 SEV=9 IKEDBG/1 RPT=61 Received PFS request! 555 08/27/2001 15:24:09.770 SEV=4 IKE/131 RPT=2 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] Received unknown transaction mode attribute: 28680 557 08/27/2001 15:24:09.770 SEV=9 IKEDBG/1 RPT=62 Received UDP Port request! 558 08/27/2001 15:24:09.770 SEV=9 IKEDBG/31 RPT=2 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] Obtained IP addr ( prior to initiating Mode Cfg (XAuth enabled) 560 08/27/2001 15:24:09.770 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=362 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] constructing blank hash 561 08/27/2001 15:24:09.770 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=363 0000: 00010004 0A0A0A01 F0010000 F0070000 ................ 562 08/27/2001 15:24:09.770 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=364 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] constructing qm hash 563 08/27/2001 15:24:09.770 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=365 SENDING Message (msgid=826be32d) with payloads : HDR + HASH (8) ... total length : 72 565 08/27/2001 15:24:09.810 SEV=9 IKEDBG/21 RPT=2 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] Delay Quick Mode processing, Cert/Trans Exch/RM DSID in progress 567 08/27/2001 15:24:09.810 SEV=7 IKEDBG/22 RPT=2 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] Resume Quick Mode processing, Cert/Trans Exch/RM DSID completed 569 08/27/2001 15:24:09.810 SEV=4 IKE/119 RPT=2 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] PHASE 1 COMPLETED 570 08/27/2001 15:24:09.810 SEV=6 IKE/121 RPT=2 Keep-alive type for this connection: DPD 571 08/27/2001 15:24:09.810 SEV=7 IKEDBG/0 RPT=366 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] Starting phase 1 rekey timer: 82080000 (ms) 572 08/27/2001 15:24:09.810 SEV=4 AUTH/21 RPT=6 User ipsecuser connected 573 08/27/2001 15:24:09.810 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=367 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] sending notify message 574 08/27/2001 15:24:09.810 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=368 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] constructing blank hash 575 08/27/2001 15:24:09.810 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=369 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] constructing qm hash 576 08/27/2001 15:24:09.810 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=370 SENDING Message (msgid=b6a9bf96) with payloads : HDR + HASH (8) ... total length : 88 578 08/27/2001 15:24:09.810 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=371 RECEIVED Message (msgid=67342bd4) with payloads : HDR + HASH (8) + SA (1) + NONCE (10) + ID (5) + ID (5) + NONE (0) ... total length : 792 581 08/27/2001 15:24:09.810 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=372 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] processing hash 582 08/27/2001 15:24:09.810 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=373 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] processing SA payload 583 08/27/2001 15:24:09.810 SEV=9 IKEDBG/1 RPT=63 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] processing nonce payload 584 08/27/2001 15:24:09.810 SEV=9 IKEDBG/1 RPT=64 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] Processing ID 585 08/27/2001 15:24:09.810 SEV=5 IKE/25 RPT=3 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] Received remote Proxy Host data in ID Payload: Address, Protocol 0, Port 0 588 08/27/2001 15:24:09.810 SEV=9 IKEDBG/1 RPT=65 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] Processing ID 589 08/27/2001 15:24:09.810 SEV=5 IKE/24 RPT=2 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] Received local Proxy Host data in ID Payload: Address, Protocol 0, Port 0 592 08/27/2001 15:24:09.810 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=374 QM IsRekeyed old sa not found by addr 593 08/27/2001 15:24:09.810 SEV=5 IKE/66 RPT=3 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] IKE Remote Peer configured for SA: ESP-3DES-MD5 595 08/27/2001 15:24:09.810 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=375 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] processing IPSEC SA 596 08/27/2001 15:24:09.810 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=376 Proposal # 2, Transform # 1, Type ESP, Id Triple-DES Parsing received transform: Phase 2 failure: Mismatched attr types for class HMAC Algorithm: Rcv'd: SHA Cfg'd: MD5 600 08/27/2001 15:24:09.810 SEV=7 IKEDBG/27 RPT=3 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] IPSec SA Proposal # 3, Transform # 1 acceptable 602 08/27/2001 15:24:09.810 SEV=7 IKEDBG/0 RPT=377 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] IKE: requesting SPI! 603 08/27/2001 15:24:09.810 SEV=9 IPSECDBG/6 RPT=11 IPSEC key message parse - msgtype 6, len 192, vers 1, pid 00000000, seq 3, err 0, type 2, mode 0, state 32, label 0, pad 0, spi 00000000, encrKeyLen 0, hashKeyLen 0, ivlen 0, alg 0, hmacAlg 0, lifetype 0, lifetime1 7631924, lifetime2 0, dsId 300 607 08/27/2001 15:24:09.810 SEV=9 IPSECDBG/1 RPT=37 Processing KEY_GETSPI msg! 608 08/27/2001 15:24:09.810 SEV=7 IPSECDBG/13 RPT=3 Reserved SPI 52918993 609 08/27/2001 15:24:09.810 SEV=8 IKEDBG/6 RPT=3 IKE got SPI from key engine: SPI = 0x03277ad1 610 08/27/2001 15:24:09.810 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=378 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] oakley constucting quick mode 611 08/27/2001 15:24:09.810 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=379 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] constructing blank hash 612 08/27/2001 15:24:09.810 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=380 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] constructing ISA_SA for ipsec 613 08/27/2001 15:24:09.810 SEV=5 IKE/75 RPT=3 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] Overriding Initiator's IPSec rekeying duration from 2147483 to 28800 seconds 615 08/27/2001 15:24:09.810 SEV=9 IKEDBG/1 RPT=66 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] constructing ipsec nonce payload 616 08/27/2001 15:24:09.810 SEV=9 IKEDBG/1 RPT=67 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] constructing proxy ID 617 08/27/2001 15:24:09.810 SEV=7 IKEDBG/0 RPT=381 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] Transmitting Proxy Id: Remote host: Protocol 0 Port 0 Local host: Protocol 0 Port 0 621 08/27/2001 15:24:09.810 SEV=7 IKEDBG/0 RPT=382 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] Sending RESPONDER LIFETIME notification to Initiator 623 08/27/2001 15:24:09.810 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=383 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] constructing qm hash 624 08/27/2001 15:24:09.820 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=384 SENDING Message (msgid=67342bd4) with payloads : HDR + HASH (8) ... total length : 172 626 08/27/2001 15:24:09.820 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=385 RECEIVED Message (msgid=7102b770) with payloads : HDR + HASH (8) + SA (1) + NONCE (10) + ID (5) + ID (5) + NONE (0) ... total length : 796 629 08/27/2001 15:24:09.820 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=386 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] processing hash 630 08/27/2001 15:24:09.820 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=387 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] processing SA payload 631 08/27/2001 15:24:09.820 SEV=9 IKEDBG/1 RPT=68 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] processing nonce payload 632 08/27/2001 15:24:09.820 SEV=9 IKEDBG/1 RPT=69 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] Processing ID 633 08/27/2001 15:24:09.820 SEV=5 IKE/25 RPT=4 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] Received remote Proxy Host data in ID Payload: Address, Protocol 0, Port 0 636 08/27/2001 15:24:09.820 SEV=9 IKEDBG/1 RPT=70 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] Processing ID 637 08/27/2001 15:24:09.820 SEV=5 IKE/34 RPT=2 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] Received local IP Proxy Subnet data in ID Payload: Address, Mask, Protocol 0, Port 0 640 08/27/2001 15:24:09.820 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=388 QM IsRekeyed old sa not found by addr 641 08/27/2001 15:24:09.820 SEV=5 IKE/66 RPT=4 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] IKE Remote Peer configured for SA: ESP-3DES-MD5 643 08/27/2001 15:24:09.820 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=389 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] processing IPSEC SA 644 08/27/2001 15:24:09.820 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=390 Proposal # 2, Transform # 1, Type ESP, Id Triple-DES Parsing received transform: Phase 2 failure: Mismatched attr types for class HMAC Algorithm: Rcv'd: SHA Cfg'd: MD5 648 08/27/2001 15:24:09.820 SEV=7 IKEDBG/27 RPT=4 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] IPSec SA Proposal # 3, Transform # 1 acceptable 650 08/27/2001 15:24:09.820 SEV=7 IKEDBG/0 RPT=391 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] IKE: requesting SPI! 651 08/27/2001 15:24:09.820 SEV=9 IPSECDBG/6 RPT=12 IPSEC key message parse - msgtype 6, len 192, vers 1, pid 00000000, seq 4, err 0, type 2, mode 0, state 32, label 0, pad 0, spi 00000000, encrKeyLen 0, hashKeyLen 0, ivlen 0, alg 0, hmacAlg 0, lifetype 0, lifetime1 7633504, lifetime2 0, dsId 300 655 08/27/2001 15:24:09.830 SEV=9 IPSECDBG/1 RPT=38 Processing KEY_GETSPI msg! 656 08/27/2001 15:24:09.830 SEV=7 IPSECDBG/13 RPT=4 Reserved SPI 1672252832 657 08/27/2001 15:24:09.830 SEV=8 IKEDBG/6 RPT=4 IKE got SPI from key engine: SPI = 0x63ac8da0 658 08/27/2001 15:24:09.830 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=392 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] oakley constucting quick mode 659 08/27/2001 15:24:09.830 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=393 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] constructing blank hash 660 08/27/2001 15:24:09.830 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=394 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] constructing ISA_SA for ipsec 661 08/27/2001 15:24:09.830 SEV=5 IKE/75 RPT=4 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] Overriding Initiator's IPSec rekeying duration from 2147483 to 28800 seconds 663 08/27/2001 15:24:09.830 SEV=9 IKEDBG/1 RPT=71 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] constructing ipsec nonce payload 664 08/27/2001 15:24:09.830 SEV=9 IKEDBG/1 RPT=72 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] constructing proxy ID 665 08/27/2001 15:24:09.830 SEV=7 IKEDBG/0 RPT=395 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] Transmitting Proxy Id: Remote host: Protocol 0 Port 0 Local subnet: mask Protocol 0 Port 0 669 08/27/2001 15:24:09.830 SEV=7 IKEDBG/0 RPT=396 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] Sending RESPONDER LIFETIME notification to Initiator 671 08/27/2001 15:24:09.830 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=397 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] constructing qm hash 672 08/27/2001 15:24:09.830 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=398 SENDING Message (msgid=7102b770) with payloads : HDR + HASH (8) ... total length : 176 674 08/27/2001 15:24:09.830 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=399 RECEIVED Message (msgid=67342bd4) with payloads : HDR + HASH (8) + NONE (0) ... total length : 48 676 08/27/2001 15:24:09.830 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=400 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] processing hash 677 08/27/2001 15:24:09.830 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=401 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] loading all IPSEC SAs 678 08/27/2001 15:24:09.830 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/2 RPT=10 AUTH_Close(6) 679 08/27/2001 15:24:09.830 SEV=9 IKEDBG/1 RPT=73 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] Generating Quick Mode Key! 680 08/27/2001 15:24:09.830 SEV=9 IKEDBG/1 RPT=74 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] Generating Quick Mode Key! 681 08/27/2001 15:24:09.830 SEV=7 IKEDBG/0 RPT=402 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] Loading host: Dst: Src: 683 08/27/2001 15:24:09.830 SEV=4 IKE/49 RPT=3 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] Security negotiation complete for User (ipsecuser) Responder, Inbound SPI = 0x03277ad1, Outbound SPI = 0x45e0f379 686 08/27/2001 15:24:09.830 SEV=9 IPSECDBG/6 RPT=13 IPSEC key message parse - msgtype 1, len 604, vers 1, pid 00000000, seq 0, err 0, type 2, mode 1, state 64, label 0, pad 0, spi 45e0f379, encrKeyLen 24, hashKeyLen 16, ivlen 8, alg 2, hmacAlg 3, lifetype 0, lifetime1 7633504, lifetime2 0, dsId 0 690 08/27/2001 15:24:09.830 SEV=9 IPSECDBG/1 RPT=39 Processing KEY_ADD msg! 691 08/27/2001 15:24:09.840 SEV=9 IPSECDBG/1 RPT=40 key_msghdr2secassoc(): Enter 692 08/27/2001 15:24:09.840 SEV=7 IPSECDBG/1 RPT=41 No USER filter configured 693 08/27/2001 15:24:09.840 SEV=9 IPSECDBG/1 RPT=42 KeyProcessAdd: Enter 694 08/27/2001 15:24:09.840 SEV=8 IPSECDBG/1 RPT=43 KeyProcessAdd: Adding outbound SA 695 08/27/2001 15:24:09.840 SEV=8 IPSECDBG/1 RPT=44 KeyProcessAdd: src mask, dst mask 696 08/27/2001 15:24:09.840 SEV=8 IPSECDBG/1 RPT=45 KeyProcessAdd: FilterIpsecAddIkeSa success 697 08/27/2001 15:24:09.840 SEV=9 IPSECDBG/6 RPT=14 IPSEC key message parse - msgtype 3, len 326, vers 1, pid 00000000, seq 0, err 0, type 2, mode 1, state 32, label 0, pad 0, spi 03277ad1, encrKeyLen 24, hashKeyLen 16, ivlen 8, alg 2, hmacAlg 3, lifetype 0, lifetime1 7631924, lifetime2 0, dsId 0 701 08/27/2001 15:24:09.840 SEV=9 IPSECDBG/1 RPT=46 Processing KEY_UPDATE msg! 702 08/27/2001 15:24:09.840 SEV=9 IPSECDBG/1 RPT=47 Update inbound SA addresses 703 08/27/2001 15:24:09.840 SEV=9 IPSECDBG/1 RPT=48 key_msghdr2secassoc(): Enter 704 08/27/2001 15:24:09.840 SEV=7 IPSECDBG/1 RPT=49 No USER filter configured 705 08/27/2001 15:24:09.840 SEV=9 IPSECDBG/1 RPT=50 KeyProcessUpdate: Enter 706 08/27/2001 15:24:09.840 SEV=8 IPSECDBG/1 RPT=51 KeyProcessUpdate: success 707 08/27/2001 15:24:09.840 SEV=8 IKEDBG/7 RPT=3 IKE got a KEY_ADD msg for SA: SPI = 0x45e0f379 708 08/27/2001 15:24:09.840 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=403 pitcher: rcv KEY_UPDATE, spi 0x3277ad1 709 08/27/2001 15:24:09.840 SEV=4 IKE/120 RPT=3 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] PHASE 2 COMPLETED (msgid=67342bd4) 710 08/27/2001 15:24:09.840 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/10 RPT=10 AUTH_Int_FreeAuthCB(3eb7914) 711 08/27/2001 15:24:09.840 SEV=9 AUTHDBG/19 RPT=10 instance = 7, clone_instance = 0 712 08/27/2001 15:24:09.840 SEV=7 AUTH/13 RPT=10 Authentication session closed: handle = 6 713 08/27/2001 15:24:10.480 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=404 RECEIVED Message (msgid=7102b770) with payloads : HDR + HASH (8) + NONE (0) ... total length : 48 715 08/27/2001 15:24:10.490 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=405 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] processing hash 716 08/27/2001 15:24:10.490 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=406 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] loading all IPSEC SAs 717 08/27/2001 15:24:10.490 SEV=9 IKEDBG/1 RPT=75 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] Generating Quick Mode Key! 718 08/27/2001 15:24:10.490 SEV=9 IKEDBG/1 RPT=76 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] Generating Quick Mode Key! 719 08/27/2001 15:24:10.490 SEV=7 IKEDBG/0 RPT=407 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] Loading subnet: Dst: mask: Src: 721 08/27/2001 15:24:10.490 SEV=4 IKE/49 RPT=4 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] Security negotiation complete for User (ipsecuser) Responder, Inbound SPI = 0x63ac8da0, Outbound SPI = 0x4a1a91ee 724 08/27/2001 15:24:10.490 SEV=9 IPSECDBG/6 RPT=15 IPSEC key message parse - msgtype 1, len 604, vers 1, pid 00000000, seq 0, err 0, type 2, mode 1, state 64, label 0, pad 0, spi 4a1a91ee, encrKeyLen 24, hashKeyLen 16, ivlen 8, alg 2, hmacAlg 3, lifetype 0, lifetime1 7633504, lifetime2 0, dsId 0 728 08/27/2001 15:24:10.490 SEV=9 IPSECDBG/1 RPT=52 Processing KEY_ADD msg! 729 08/27/2001 15:24:10.490 SEV=9 IPSECDBG/1 RPT=53 key_msghdr2secassoc(): Enter 730 08/27/2001 15:24:10.490 SEV=7 IPSECDBG/1 RPT=54 No USER filter configured 731 08/27/2001 15:24:10.490 SEV=9 IPSECDBG/1 RPT=55 KeyProcessAdd: Enter 732 08/27/2001 15:24:10.490 SEV=8 IPSECDBG/1 RPT=56 KeyProcessAdd: Adding outbound SA 733 08/27/2001 15:24:10.490 SEV=8 IPSECDBG/1 RPT=57 KeyProcessAdd: src mask, dst mask 734 08/27/2001 15:24:10.490 SEV=8 IPSECDBG/1 RPT=58 KeyProcessAdd: FilterIpsecAddIkeSa success 735 08/27/2001 15:24:10.490 SEV=9 IPSECDBG/6 RPT=16 IPSEC key message parse - msgtype 3, len 326, vers 1, pid 00000000, seq 0, err 0, type 2, mode 1, state 32, label 0, pad 0, spi 63ac8da0, encrKeyLen 24, hashKeyLen 16, ivlen 8, alg 2, hmacAlg 3, lifetype 0, lifetime1 7631924, lifetime2 0, dsId 0 739 08/27/2001 15:24:10.490 SEV=9 IPSECDBG/1 RPT=59 Processing KEY_UPDATE msg! 740 08/27/2001 15:24:10.490 SEV=9 IPSECDBG/1 RPT=60 Update inbound SA addresses 741 08/27/2001 15:24:10.490 SEV=9 IPSECDBG/1 RPT=61 key_msghdr2secassoc(): Enter 742 08/27/2001 15:24:10.490 SEV=7 IPSECDBG/1 RPT=62 No USER filter configured 743 08/27/2001 15:24:10.490 SEV=9 IPSECDBG/1 RPT=63 KeyProcessUpdate: Enter 744 08/27/2001 15:24:10.490 SEV=8 IPSECDBG/1 RPT=64 KeyProcessUpdate: success 745 08/27/2001 15:24:10.490 SEV=8 IKEDBG/7 RPT=4 IKE got a KEY_ADD msg for SA: SPI = 0x4a1a91ee 746 08/27/2001 15:24:10.490 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=408 pitcher: rcv KEY_UPDATE, spi 0x63ac8da0 747 08/27/2001 15:24:10.490 SEV=4 IKE/120 RPT=4 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] PHASE 2 COMPLETED (msgid=7102b770) 748 08/27/2001 15:24:13.390 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=409 RECEIVED Message (msgid=75c17db8) with payloads : HDR + HASH (8) + DELETE (12) + NONE (0) ... total length : 68 750 08/27/2001 15:24:13.390 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=410 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] processing hash 751 08/27/2001 15:24:13.390 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=411 processing delete 752 08/27/2001 15:24:13.390 SEV=5 IKE/50 RPT=3 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] Connection terminated for peer ipsecuser (Peer Terminate) Remote Proxy, Local Proxy 755 08/27/2001 15:24:13.390 SEV=7 IKEDBG/9 RPT=3 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] IKE Deleting SA: Remote Proxy, Local Proxy 757 08/27/2001 15:24:13.390 SEV=9 IPSECDBG/6 RPT=17 IPSEC key message parse - msgtype 2, len 258, vers 1, pid 00000000, seq 0, err 0, type 2, mode 0, state 32, label 0, pad 0, spi 63ac8da0, encrKeyLen 0, hashKeyLen 0, ivlen 0, alg 0, hmacAlg 0, lifetype 0, lifetime1 7633504, lifetime2 0, dsId 0 761 08/27/2001 15:24:13.390 SEV=9 IPSECDBG/1 RPT=65 Processing KEY_DELETE msg! 762 08/27/2001 15:24:13.390 SEV=9 IPSECDBG/6 RPT=18 IPSEC key message parse - msgtype 2, len 258, vers 1, pid 00000000, seq 0, err 0, type 2, mode 0, state 64, label 0, pad 0, spi 4a1a91ee, encrKeyLen 0, hashKeyLen 0, ivlen 0, alg 0, hmacAlg 0, lifetype 0, lifetime1 7631924, lifetime2 0, dsId 0 766 08/27/2001 15:24:13.390 SEV=9 IPSECDBG/1 RPT=66 Processing KEY_DELETE msg! 767 08/27/2001 15:24:13.390 SEV=9 IPSECDBG/1 RPT=67 key_msghdr2secassoc(): Enter 768 08/27/2001 15:24:13.390 SEV=7 IPSECDBG/1 RPT=68 No USER filter configured 769 08/27/2001 15:24:13.390 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=412 pitcher: received key delete msg, spi 0x63ac8da0 770 08/27/2001 15:24:13.390 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=413 pitcher: received key delete msg, spi 0x4a1a91ee 771 08/27/2001 15:24:13.400 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=414 RECEIVED Message (msgid=8c5dbd18) with payloads : HDR + HASH (8) + DELETE (12) + NONE (0) ... total length : 68 773 08/27/2001 15:24:13.400 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=415 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] processing hash 774 08/27/2001 15:24:13.400 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=416 processing delete 775 08/27/2001 15:24:13.400 SEV=5 IKE/50 RPT=4 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] Connection terminated for peer ipsecuser (Peer Terminate) Remote Proxy, Local Proxy 778 08/27/2001 15:24:13.400 SEV=7 IKEDBG/9 RPT=4 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] IKE Deleting SA: Remote Proxy, Local Proxy 780 08/27/2001 15:24:13.400 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=417 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] IKE SA MM:17040521 rcv'd Terminate: state MM_ACTIVE flags 0x0061f042, refcnt 1, tuncnt 0 783 08/27/2001 15:24:13.400 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=418 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] IKE SA MM:17040521 terminating: flags 0x0061f002, refcnt 0, tuncnt 0 785 08/27/2001 15:24:13.400 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=419 sending delete message 786 08/27/2001 15:24:13.400 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=420 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] constructing blank hash 787 08/27/2001 15:24:13.400 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=421 constructing delete payload 788 08/27/2001 15:24:13.400 SEV=9 IKEDBG/0 RPT=422 Group [crlgroup] User [ipsecuser] constructing qm hash 789 08/27/2001 15:24:13.400 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=423 SENDING Message (msgid=37dd4154) with payloads : HDR + HASH (8) ... total length : 76 791 08/27/2001 15:24:13.400 SEV=9 IPSECDBG/6 RPT=19 IPSEC key message parse - msgtype 2, len 258, vers 1, pid 00000000, seq 0, err 0, type 2, mode 0, state 32, label 0, pad 0, spi 03277ad1, encrKeyLen 0, hashKeyLen 0, ivlen 0, alg 0, hmacAlg 0, lifetype 0, lifetime1 7633504, lifetime2 0, dsId 0 795 08/27/2001 15:24:13.400 SEV=9 IPSECDBG/1 RPT=69 Processing KEY_DELETE msg! 796 08/27/2001 15:24:13.400 SEV=4 AUTH/27 RPT=2 User [ipsecuser] disconnected: Duration: 0:00:03 Bytes xmt: 0 Bytes rcv: 0 Reason: User Requested 798 08/27/2001 15:24:13.400 SEV=9 IPSECDBG/6 RPT=20 IPSEC key message parse - msgtype 2, len 258, vers 1, pid 00000000, seq 0, err 0, type 2, mode 0, state 64, label 0, pad 0, spi 45e0f379, encrKeyLen 0, hashKeyLen 0, ivlen 0, alg 0, hmacAlg 0, lifetype 0, lifetime1 7631924, lifetime2 0, dsId 0 802 08/27/2001 15:24:13.400 SEV=9 IPSECDBG/1 RPT=70 Processing KEY_DELETE msg! 803 08/27/2001 15:24:13.400 SEV=9 IPSECDBG/1 RPT=71 key_msghdr2secassoc(): Enter 804 08/27/2001 15:24:13.400 SEV=7 IPSECDBG/1 RPT=72 No USER filter configured 805 08/27/2001 15:24:13.400 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=424 pitcher: received key delete msg, spi 0x3277ad1 806 08/27/2001 15:24:13.400 SEV=8 IKEDBG/0 RPT=425 pitcher: received key delete msg, spi 0x45e0f379 807 08/27/2001 15:24:13.400 SEV=6 IKE/38 RPT=3 Header invalid, missing SA payload! (next payload = 8) 808 08/27/2001 15:40:47.290 SEV=4 AUTH/28 RPT=4 Management user admin disconnected: duration 0:30:09 809 08/27/2001 15:44:49.770 SEV=3 HTTP/7 RPT=3 HTTP 401 Unauthorized: Authorization Failed 810 08/27/2001 15:44:57.200 SEV=5 AUTH/35 RPT=5 User [ admin ] attempted ADMIN logon.. ! 811 08/27/2001 15:44:57.200 SEV=4 AUTH/21 RPT=7 User admin connected 812 08/27/2001 15:44:57.200 SEV=4 HTTP/47 RPT=5 New administrator login: admin. 813 08/27/2001 15:51:51.510 SEV=1 REBOOT/1 RPT=1 Reboot scheduled immediately. 814 08/27/2001 15:51:51.510 SEV=4 AUTH/28 RPT=5 Management user admin disconnected: duration 0:06:54 815 08/27/2001 15:52:17.610 SEV=4 CONFIG/17 RPT=4 Done writing configuration file, Success. 816 08/27/2001 15:52:17.610 SEV=1 REBOOT/6 RPT=1 Rebooting VPN 3000 Concentrator Series now. 1 08/27/2001 15:52:57.240 SEV=1 EVENT/37 RPT=1 Reset Reason : 2 (Hardware-Reset) 2 08/27/2001 15:52:52.410 SEV=5 CAPI/7 RPT=1 CAPI - SEP Slot #1 disabled 3 08/27/2001 15:52:56.100 SEV=4 CONFIG/15 RPT=1 READ header End not found. 4 08/27/2001 15:52:57.280 SEV=4 HTTP/28 RPT=1 HTTP server starting. 5 08/27/2001 15:52:57.650 SEV=3 IP/1 RPT=1 IP Interface 1 status changed to Link Up. 6 08/27/2001 15:52:57.670 SEV=3 IP/1 RPT=2 IP Interface 2 status changed to Link Up. 7 08/27/2001 15:52:57.960 SEV=3 IP/2 RPT=1 IP Interface 1 status changed to Link Down. 8 08/27/2001 15:52:57.960 SEV=3 IP/2 RPT=2 IP Interface 2 status changed to Link Down. 9 08/27/2001 15:52:59.960 SEV=3 IP/1 RPT=3 IP Interface 1 status changed to Link Up. 10 08/27/2001 15:53:02.680 SEV=5 SSL/5 RPT=1 SSL Initialized. 11 08/27/2001 15:53:02.680 SEV=4 TELNETDBG/1 RPT=1 Telnetd started 12 08/27/2001 15:53:02.680 SEV=4 TELNET/3 RPT=1 Telnetd server running 13 08/27/2001 15:53:02.690 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/13 RPT=1 AUTH_MgmtInitServer(6c5800, 1501) 14 08/27/2001 15:53:02.690 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/95 RPT=1 LdapApiOpen(eee2bc) 15 08/27/2001 15:53:02.690 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/13 RPT=2 AUTH_MgmtInitServer(6c5800, 1) 16 08/27/2001 15:53:02.690 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/8 RPT=1 AUTH_TerminateSessions(e3599c) 17 08/27/2001 15:53:02.700 SEV=4 PPTP/25 RPT=1 Sockets listening for PPTP connections on socket 1 18 08/27/2001 15:53:02.710 SEV=7 CERT/36 RPT=1 Load trusted certificate: filename = SIGN0013.PEM 19 08/27/2001 15:53:02.730 SEV=7 CERT/37 RPT=1 Load identity certificate: filename = CERT0005.PEM 20 08/27/2001 15:53:02.810 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/44 RPT=1 IntDB_Open(e3599c) 21 08/27/2001 15:53:02.810 SEV=4 AUTH/15 RPT=1 Server name = Internal, type = Internal, status = Active 22 08/27/2001 15:53:02.810 SEV=9 AUTHDBG/17 RPT=1 (Auth) index_max = 2 23 08/27/2001 15:53:02.810 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/13 RPT=3 AUTH_MgmtInitServer(6c5800, 2) 24 08/27/2001 15:53:02.810 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/8 RPT=2 AUTH_TerminateSessions(e35b94) 25 08/27/2001 15:53:02.910 SEV=8 AUTHDBG/24 RPT=1 Radius_Open(e35b94) 26 08/27/2001 15:53:02.910 SEV=7 AUTH/1 RPT=1 UDP socket opened: 1, server = 27 08/27/2001 15:53:02.910 SEV=7 AUTH/1 RPT=2 UDP socket opened: 1, server = 28 08/27/2001 15:53:02.910 SEV=4 AUTH/15 RPT=2 Server name =, type = RADIUS, status = Active 29 08/27/2001 15:53:02.910 SEV=9 AUTHDBG/17 RPT=2 (Auth) index_max = 3 30 08/27/2001 15:53:03.730 SEV=4 SSH/2 RPT=1 SSH server starting. 31 08/27/2001 16:06:29.890 SEV=5 AUTH/35 RPT=1 User [ admin ] attempted ADMIN logon.. ! 32 08/27/2001 16:06:29.890 SEV=4 AUTH/21 RPT=1 User admin connected 33 08/27/2001 16:06:29.890 SEV=4 HTTP/47 RPT=1 New administrator login: admin.
228 16:13:15.088 08/27/01 Sev=Info/6 DIALER/0x63300002 Initiating connection. 229 16:13:15.098 08/27/01 Sev=Info/4 CM/0x63100002 Begin connection process 230 16:13:15.439 08/27/01 Sev=Info/4 CM/0x63100004 Establish secure connection using Ethernet 231 16:13:15.439 08/27/01 Sev=Info/4 CM/0x63100026 Attempt connection with server "" 232 16:13:15.439 08/27/01 Sev=Info/6 IKE/0x6300003B Attempting to establish a connection with 233 16:13:15.959 08/27/01 Sev=Info/4 IKE/0x63000013 SENDING >>> ISAKMP OAK MM (SA, VID, VID, VID) to 234 16:13:15.969 08/27/01 Sev=Info/4 IPSEC/0x63700014 Deleted all keys 235 16:13:15.969 08/27/01 Sev=Info/5 IKE/0x6300002F Received ISAKMP packet: peer = 236 16:13:15.969 08/27/01 Sev=Info/4 IKE/0x63000014 RECEIVING <<< ISAKMP OAK MM (SA) from 237 16:13:16.019 08/27/01 Sev=Info/4 IKE/0x63000013 SENDING >>> ISAKMP OAK MM (KE, NON) to 238 16:13:16.059 08/27/01 Sev=Info/5 IKE/0x6300002F Received ISAKMP packet: peer = 239 16:13:16.059 08/27/01 Sev=Info/4 IKE/0x63000014 RECEIVING <<< ISAKMP OAK MM (KE, NON, CERT_REQ, VID, VID, VID, VID) from 240 16:13:16.059 08/27/01 Sev=Info/5 IKE/0x63000059 Vendor ID payload = 12F5F28C457168A9702D9FE274CC0100 241 16:13:16.059 08/27/01 Sev=Info/5 IKE/0x63000001 Peer is a Cisco-Unity compliant peer 242 16:13:16.059 08/27/01 Sev=Info/5 IKE/0x63000059 Vendor ID payload = 09002689DFD6B712 243 16:13:16.059 08/27/01 Sev=Info/5 IKE/0x63000059 Vendor ID payload = 9A21C90230105BB437E5BE5FAF5229A5 244 16:13:16.059 08/27/01 Sev=Info/5 IKE/0x63000059 Vendor ID payload = 1F07F70EAA6514D3B0FA96542A500300 245 16:13:16.109 08/27/01 Sev=Info/4 IKE/0x63000013 SENDING >>> ISAKMP OAK MM *(ID, CERT, CERT_REQ, SIG, NOTIFY:STATUS_INITIAL_CONTACT) to 246 16:13:16.480 08/27/01 Sev=Info/5 IKE/0x6300002F Received ISAKMP packet: peer = 247 16:13:16.480 08/27/01 Sev=Info/4 IKE/0x63000014 RECEIVING <<< ISAKMP OAK MM *(ID, CERT, SIG, VID) from 248 16:13:16.590 08/27/01 Sev=Info/5 IKE/0x63000059 Vendor ID payload = AFCAD71368A1F1C96B8696FC77570100 249 16:13:16.590 08/27/01 Sev=Info/5 IKE/0x63000001 Peer supports DPD 250 16:13:16.590 08/27/01 Sev=Info/5 IKE/0x6300002F Received ISAKMP packet: peer = 251 16:13:16.590 08/27/01 Sev=Info/4 IKE/0x63000014 RECEIVING <<< ISAKMP OAK TRANS *(HASH, ATTR) from 252 16:13:16.590 08/27/01 Sev=Info/4 CM/0x63100015 Launch xAuth application 253 16:13:20.075 08/27/01 Sev=Info/4 CM/0x63100017 xAuth application returned 254 16:13:20.075 08/27/01 Sev=Info/4 IKE/0x63000013 SENDING >>> ISAKMP OAK TRANS *(HASH, ATTR) to 255 16:13:20.376 08/27/01 Sev=Info/5 IKE/0x6300002F Received ISAKMP packet: peer = 256 16:13:20.376 08/27/01 Sev=Info/4 IKE/0x63000014 RECEIVING <<< ISAKMP OAK TRANS *(HASH, ATTR) from 257 16:13:20.376 08/27/01 Sev=Info/4 CM/0x6310000E Established Phase 1 SA. 1 Phase 1 SA in the system 258 16:13:20.376 08/27/01 Sev=Info/4 IKE/0x63000013 SENDING >>> ISAKMP OAK TRANS *(HASH, ATTR) to 259 16:13:20.376 08/27/01 Sev=Info/4 IKE/0x63000013 SENDING >>> ISAKMP OAK TRANS *(HASH, ATTR) to 260 16:13:20.386 08/27/01 Sev=Info/5 IKE/0x6300002F Received ISAKMP packet: peer = 261 16:13:20.386 08/27/01 Sev=Info/4 IKE/0x63000014 RECEIVING <<< ISAKMP OAK TRANS *(HASH, ATTR) from 262 16:13:20.386 08/27/01 Sev=Info/5 IKE/0x63000010 MODE_CFG_REPLY: Attribute = INTERNAL_IPV4_ADDRESS: , value = 263 16:13:20.386 08/27/01 Sev=Info/5 IKE/0x6300000D MODE_CFG_REPLY: Attribute = MODECFG_UNITY_SAVEPWD: , value = 0x00000000 264 16:13:20.386 08/27/01 Sev=Info/5 IKE/0x6300000D MODE_CFG_REPLY: Attribute = MODECFG_UNITY_PFS: , value = 0x00000000 265 16:13:20.396 08/27/01 Sev=Info/4 CM/0x63100019 Mode Config data received 266 16:13:20.436 08/27/01 Sev=Info/5 IKE/0x63000055 Received a key request from Driver for IP address, GW IP = 267 16:13:20.436 08/27/01 Sev=Info/4 IKE/0x63000013 SENDING >>> ISAKMP OAK QM *(HASH, SA, NON, ID, ID) to 268 16:13:20.436 08/27/01 Sev=Info/5 IKE/0x63000055 Received a key request from Driver for IP address, GW IP = 269 16:13:20.436 08/27/01 Sev=Info/4 IKE/0x63000013 SENDING >>> ISAKMP OAK QM *(HASH, SA, NON, ID, ID) to 270 16:13:20.446 08/27/01 Sev=Info/5 IKE/0x6300002F Received ISAKMP packet: peer = 271 16:13:20.446 08/27/01 Sev=Info/4 IKE/0x63000014 RECEIVING <<< ISAKMP OAK INFO *(HASH, NOTIFY:STATUS_RESP_LIFETIME) from 272 16:13:20.446 08/27/01 Sev=Info/5 IKE/0x63000044 RESPONDER-LIFETIME notify has value of 86400 seconds 273 16:13:20.446 08/27/01 Sev=Info/5 IKE/0x63000046 This SA has already been alive for 5 seconds, setting expiry to 86395 seconds from now 274 16:13:20.446 08/27/01 Sev=Info/5 IKE/0x6300002F Received ISAKMP packet: peer = 275 16:13:20.446 08/27/01 Sev=Info/4 IKE/0x63000014 RECEIVING <<< ISAKMP OAK QM *(HASH, SA, NON, ID, ID, NOTIFY:STATUS_RESP_LIFETIME) from 276 16:13:20.446 08/27/01 Sev=Info/5 IKE/0x63000044 RESPONDER-LIFETIME notify has value of 28800 seconds 277 16:13:20.446 08/27/01 Sev=Info/4 IKE/0x63000013 SENDING >>> ISAKMP OAK QM *(HASH) to 278 16:13:20.446 08/27/01 Sev=Info/5 IKE/0x63000058 Loading IPsec SA (Message ID = 0x48935FCE OUTBOUND SPI = 0x3943F7FF INBOUND SPI = 0x65B16829) 279 16:13:20.446 08/27/01 Sev=Info/5 IKE/0x63000025 Loaded OUTBOUND ESP SPI: 0x3943F7FF 280 16:13:20.446 08/27/01 Sev=Info/5 IKE/0x63000026 Loaded INBOUND ESP SPI: 0x65B16829 281 16:13:20.446 08/27/01 Sev=Info/4 CM/0x6310001A One secure connection established 282 16:13:20.496 08/27/01 Sev=Info/6 DIALER/0x63300003 Connection established. 283 16:13:20.556 08/27/01 Sev=Info/6 DIALER/0x63300008 MAPI32 Information - Outlook not default mail client 284 16:13:21.097 08/27/01 Sev=Info/5 IKE/0x6300002F Received ISAKMP packet: peer = 285 16:13:21.097 08/27/01 Sev=Info/4 IKE/0x63000014 RECEIVING <<< ISAKMP OAK QM *(HASH, SA, NON, ID, ID, NOTIFY:STATUS_RESP_LIFETIME) from 286 16:13:21.097 08/27/01 Sev=Info/5 IKE/0x63000044 RESPONDER-LIFETIME notify has value of 28800 seconds 287 16:13:21.097 08/27/01 Sev=Info/4 IKE/0x63000013 SENDING >>> ISAKMP OAK QM *(HASH) to 288 16:13:21.097 08/27/01 Sev=Info/5 IKE/0x63000058 Loading IPsec SA (Message ID = 0x1FE7AC28 OUTBOUND SPI = 0x557D6E94 INBOUND SPI = 0x8A8A034D) 289 16:13:21.107 08/27/01 Sev=Info/5 IKE/0x63000025 Loaded OUTBOUND ESP SPI: 0x557D6E94 290 16:13:21.107 08/27/01 Sev=Info/5 IKE/0x63000026 Loaded INBOUND ESP SPI: 0x8A8A034D 291 16:13:21.107 08/27/01 Sev=Info/4 CM/0x63100022 Additional Phase 2 SA established. 292 16:13:21.107 08/27/01 Sev=Info/4 IPSEC/0x63700014 Deleted all keys 293 16:13:21.107 08/27/01 Sev=Info/4 IPSEC/0x63700010 Created a new key structure 294 16:13:21.107 08/27/01 Sev=Info/4 IPSEC/0x6370000F Added key with SPI=0xfff74339 into key list 295 16:13:21.107 08/27/01 Sev=Info/4 IPSEC/0x63700010 Created a new key structure 296 16:13:21.107 08/27/01 Sev=Info/4 IPSEC/0x6370000F Added key with SPI=0x2968b165 into key list 297 16:13:21.107 08/27/01 Sev=Info/4 IPSEC/0x63700010 Created a new key structure 298 16:13:21.107 08/27/01 Sev=Info/4 IPSEC/0x6370000F Added key with SPI=0x946e7d55 into key list 299 16:13:21.107 08/27/01 Sev=Info/4 IPSEC/0x63700010 Created a new key structure 300 16:13:21.107 08/27/01 Sev=Info/4 IPSEC/0x6370000F Added key with SPI=0x4d038a8a into key list
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24-Mar-2008 |
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