Table Of Contents
XML API for Cisco Unified CME and Cisco Unified SRST Developer Guide
XML API for Cisco Unified CME and Cisco Unified SRST Developer Guide
Last Updated: September 8, 2008
This document describes the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) Application Programming Interface (API) supported in Cisco Unified Communications Express (Cisco Unified CME) and Cisco Unified Survivable Remote Site Telephony (Cisco Unified SRST).
Information About the XML API
Target Audience
This guide assumes the developer has knowledge of a high-level programming language, such as C++, Java, or an equivalent language. The developer must also have knowledge or experience in the following areas:
TCP/IP Protocol
Hypertext Transport Protocol
Socket programming
In addition, users of this programming guide must have a firm grasp of XML Schema, which was used to define the AXL requests, responses, and errors. For more information on XML Schema, please see the XML Schema Part 0: Primer Second Edition.
For Cisco Unified CME: XML API must be configured in Cisco Unified CME. For configuration information, see the "Configuring the XML API" section of the Cisco Unified CME Administrator Guide.
For Cisco Unified SRST: URL for the XML API schema must be configured in Cisco Unified SRST. For configuration information, see the "Defining XML API Schema" section of the Cisco Unified SRST Administrator Guide.
Information About the XML API
The XML API support in Cisco Unified CME and Cisco Unified SRST provides a mechanism for inserting, retrieving, updating, and removing data from the Cisco router using eXtensible Markup Language (XML).
Request methods are XML structures that are passed to the XML server in Cisco Unified CME and Cisco Unified SRST using HTTP POST. The XML server receives the XML structures and executes the request. If the request completes successfully, then the appropriate XML response is returned.
Table 1 lists the request and response methods for the XML API along with the purpose and printers for each method.
Table 1
XML API Methods: Request and Response
This section contains the following examples for the following XML API methods:
Use ISexecCLI to execute a list of Cisco IOS commands on the Cisco router. The request must include the CLI parameter with the Cisco IOS command string for each command to be executed.
Request:: Example
<request xsi:type="ISexecCLI">
<CLI>ephone 4</CLI>
<CLI>mac-address 000D.BC80.EB51</CLI>
<CLI>type 7960</CLI>
<CLI>button 1:1</CLI>
Response: Example
The value of "0" for ISexecCLIResponse in the following example shows the response when the request is completed successfully.
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope >
<axl >
<response xsi:type="ISexecCLIResponse" >
The following example shows the response when the request fails. The value of ISexecCLIResponse identifies which line number in the request failed. Any subsequent commands in the list of commands are not executed. All preceding commands in the list were executed.
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope >
<axl >
<response xsi:type="ISexecCLIResponse" >
<ISexecCLIError> invalid input dn parameter for button 1</ISexecCLIError>
Use ISSaveConfig to save the running configuration on a router to the startup configuration on the same router.
Request: Example
<request xsi:type="ISSaveConfig">
Response: Example
The following example shows that the ISSaveConfig request was successfully completed.
<response xsi:type=" ISSaveConfig">
The following example shows the response when the request fails.
<response xsi:type=" ISSaveConfig">
The following example shows that response when the request is delayed, typically because there is another terminal session connected to Cisco Unified CME. The running configuration will be saved later by a background process after all other terminal sessions are disconnected.
<response xsi:type=" ISSaveConfig">
Use ISgetGlobal to retrieve configuration and status information for the Cisco Unified CME or Cisco Unified SRST system.
Request: Example
<request xsi:type="ISgetGlobal">
Response: Example
<response xsi:type="ISgetGlobalResponse">
<ISName>router's host name </ISName>
Use ISgetDevice to retrieve configuration and status information for IP phones.
For SCCP Phones
For SCCP phones, use any combination of the following parameters in the request message to specific one or more SCCP phones:
ISDevID with the ephone tag number of SCCP phone to be queried.
ISDevName with the MAC address of SCCP phone to be queried.
ISDevName with one of the following keywords:
all—All configured SCCP phones.
allRegistered—All registered SCCP phones.
allUnregistered—All unregistered SCCP phones.
allKeyphone—All SCCP phones that are designated as key phones.
allTag—Ephone tag numbers for all configured SCCP phones.
For SIP Phones
For SIP phones, use any combination of the following parameters in the request message to specify one or more SIP phones:
ISPoolID with the voice register pool tag number of SIP phone to be queried.
ISPoolName with one of the following keywords:
all—All configured voice register pools.
available—Next available not-configured voice-register-pool tag.
SCCP Request: Example
<request xsi:type="ISgetDevice">
SCCP Response: Example
<response xsi:type="ISgetDeviceResponse"><ISDevice><ISDevID>1</ISDevID><ISDevName>SEP00036B09538A</ISDevName><ISDevType>IP Phone Telecaster 7960</ISDevType><ISDevUserName>ephone1</ISDevUserName><ISDevLineButton><ISDevLineButtonID>1</ISDevLineButtonID><ISDevLineButtonMode>Normal</ISDevLineButtonMode></ISDevLineButton><ISDevAddr><Xipv4Address></Xipv4Address></ISDevAddr><ISPhoneLineList><ExtMapStatus><LineId>1</LineId><ExtId>1</ExtId><ExtNumber>2001</ExtNumber><ExtStatus>true</ExtStatus><LineState>idle</LineState></ExtMapStatus></ISPhoneLineList><ISKeyPhone>false</ISKeyPhone><ISTapiClientAddr><Xipv4Address></Xipv4Address></ISTapiClientAddr><ISDevStatus>registered</ISDevStatus><ISDevLastStatus>unregistered</ISDevLastStatus><ISDevChangeTime>54887</ISDevChangeTime><ISDevKeepAlives>21</ISDevKeepAlives><ISDevTapiCStatus></ISDevTapiCStatus><ISDevTapiCLastStatus></ISDevTapiCLastStatus><ISTapiCChangeTime></ISTapiCChangeTime><ISTapiCKeepAlive></ISTapiCKeepAlive><ISDevDND>no</ISDevDND></ISDevice></response>SIP Request: Example
<request xsi:type="ISgetDevice">
SIP Response: Example
<response xsi:type="ISgetDeviceResponse" >
Use ISgetExtension to retrieve configuration and status information for extension numbers associated with Cisco Unified IP phones.
For SCCP Phones
For SCCP phones, use any combination of the following parameters in the request message to specifiy one or more SCCP phones:
ISExtID with ephone tag number of SCCP phone to be queried.
ISExtNumber with directory number of SCCP phone to be queried.
ISExtNumber with keywords: all; allUp; allDown; allTag
For SIP Phones
For SIP phones, use any combination of the following parameters in the request message to specifiy one or more SIP phones:
ISVoiceRegDNID with voice register dn tag number of SIP phone to be queried.
ISVoiceRegDNName with directory number of SIP phone to be queried.
ISVoiceRegNumber with one of the following keywords:
all—All configured voice register DNs.
available—Next available not-configured voice register dn.
SCCP Request: Example
<request xsi:type="ISgetExtension">
SCCP Response: Example
<response xsi:type="ISgetExtensionResponse"><ISExtension><ISExtID>1</ISExtID><ISExtNumber>2001</ISExtNumber><ISExtSecNumber>2100</ISExtSecNumber><ISExtType>normal</ISExtType><ISExtStatus>up</ISExtStatus><ISExtChangeTime>53785</ISExtChangeTime><ISExtUsage>0</ISExtUsage><ISExtHomeAddress></ISExtHomeAddress><ISExtMultiLines>1</ISExtMultiLines><ISExtPortName>EFXS 50/0/1</ISExtPortName><ISExtLineMode>DUAL_LINE</ISExtLineMode><ISExtCallStatus>IDLE</ISExtCallStatus><ISAllowWatch>true</ISAllowWatch><firstname>Peter</firstName><lastname>Lee</lastName><callForwardAll>1234</callForwardAll><ISSessionServerID>1</ISSessionServerID><ISDevList><ISDeviceID>2</ISDeviceID><ISDeviceID>4</ISDeviceID></ISDevList></ISExtension></response>SIP Request: Example
<request xsi:type="ISgetExtension">
SIP Response: Example
<response xsi:type="ISgetExtensionResponse" >
Use ISsetKeyPhones to desiginate a list of MAC address of SCCP phones as key-system phones in Cisco Unified CME.
Request: Example
<request xsi:type="ISsetKeyPhones">
The following example shows that the first phone in the previous example failed to be designated as a key-system phone and that the request for the 2nd phone in the example was completed successfully.
<response xsi:type="ISsetKeyPhonesResponse">
Use ISunsetKeyPhones to remove the key phone designation for a list of MAC address of SCCP phones in Cisco Unified CME.
Request: Example
<request xsi:type="ISunsetKeyPhones"><ISunsetKeyPhones><ISPhoneName>SEP000DEDAB3566</ISPhoneName></ISunsetKeyPhones></request>Response: Example
If the request is successful, the value for ISunsetResult is "true." If the request fails, the value is "false."
<response xsi:type="ISunsetKeyPhonesResponse">
Use ISgetEvtCounts to display the total number events for devices and directory numbers associated with phones connected to the router.
The response includes the following parameters:
ISDevEvtCount with a number for total device events.
ISExtEvtCount with number for total extension events.
Request: Example
<request xsi:type="ISgetEvtCounts">
Response: Example
<response xsi:type="ISgetEvtCountsResponse">
Use ISgetDevEvts to display the event history details for a phone. Use any combination of the following parameters in the request message to specifiy one or more phone events:
ISDevEvtID with the index number of the event.
ISDevID with the ephone tag number of the phone.
ISDevName with one of the following:
The MAC address of the phone.
The keyword "all" to display all the events associated with the phone.
Request: Example
<request xsi:type="ISgetDevEvts">
Response: Example
<response xsi:type="ISgetDevEvtsResponse">
Use ISgetExtEvts to display the event history details for an extension number. Use any combination of the following parameters in the request message to specifiy one or more extension events:
ISExtEvtID with the index number of the event.
ISExtID with the ephone-dn tag number.
ISExtNumber with one of the following:
A directory number associated with an ephone-dn.
The keyword "all" to display all the events associated with the directory number.
Request: Example
<request xsi:type="ISgetExtEvts">
Response: Example
<response xsi:type="ISgetExtEvtsResponse">
Use ISgetUser to retrieve information for a particular user in Cisco Unified CME. The request must include the ISuserID parameter with a user name that is configured in Cisco Unified CME.
Request: Example
<request xsi:type="ISgetUser">
Response: Example
If the request contains a valid ISuserID, the response includes the user-name tag number (ISuserTag) and type for this user.
The value for ISuserType corresponds to how a username is configured in Cisco Unified CME, as follows:
If the request contains an invalid ISuserID, the value for ISuserTag and ISuserType will both be "0."
The following example shows that the username "peter" with the user-name tag #6 is configured as an ephone-user.
<response xsi:type="ISgetUserResponse" >
Use ISupdateUser to change the password for a valid username in Cisco Unified CME. The request must include the following parameters:
IsuserID with a user name that is configured in Cisco Unified CME.
ISpassword with a string of alphanumeric characters to be configured as the new password for the username.
Request: Example
<request xsi:type="ISupdateUser">
Response: Example
If the user information is updated successfully, then the value for ISsetResult is "true."
<response xsi:type="ISupdateUserResponse" >
If the request fails, the value is "false" and the failure reason is specified in ISsetError.
<response xsi:type="ISupdateUserResponse" >
<ISsetError>User peter does not exist</ISsetError>
Use ISgetVoiceRegGlobal to retrieve information for a Cisco Unified CME SIP system.
Request: Example
<request xsi:type="ISgetVoiceRegGlobal">
Response: Example
<response xsi:type="ISgetVoiceRegGlobalResponse" >
Use ISgetSessionServer to retrieve configuration information for session servers in Cisco Unified CME. Use any combination of the following parameters in the request message to specifiy one or more session servers:
ISSessionServerID with the session server tag number.
ISSessionserverName with one of the following keywords:
all—All configured session servers
available—Next available session server tag number to be configured.
Request: Example
<request xsi:type="ISgetSessionServer">
Response: Example
<response xsi:type="ISgetSessionServerResponse" >
Use ISgetPresenceGlobal to retrieve configuration information and status for the presence engine in Cisco Unified CME.
Request: Example:
<request xsi:type="ISgetPresenceGlobal">
Response: Example
<response xsi:type="ISgetPresenceGlobalResponse" >
Additional References
The following sections provide references related to the XML interface to Cisco Unified CME and Cisco Unified SRST.
Related Documents
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Microsoft Telephony Applications Program Interfaces (TAPI)
Technical Assistance
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