
The Cisco Distribution Automation - Feeder Automation Design Guide provides a comprehensive explanation of theentire end-to-end Cisco Smart Grid Field Area Network (FAN) solution design, which was developed for the UtilityIndustry in the Americas region and leverages the license free spectrum: ISM band 902 - 928 MHz for last mileconnectivity of the Distribution Network Grid devices. The document describes the two most common DistributionAutomation use cases for monitoring and control of Distribution electrical lines equipment: Volt/VAR and Fault Location,Isolation, and Service Restoration (FLISR). It also includes information about the system's architecture, solutioncomponents, product choices, design models, and design considerations. This design targets implementations that willuse the customer's Substation Private WAN as backhaul for the Resilient Mesh Network to transport data from griddevices in the field to the Control and Operation Centers. The document concludes with a high-level overview of a Feeder Automation Design based on Public Cellular Service that leverages Cisco's Cellular Industrial Routers (IR) Seriesproducts.