Table Of Contents
Cisco Prime Fulfillment
Getting Started and
Documentation Guide 6.2Getting Started with Prime Fulfillment
Obtaining Documentation, Obtaining Support, and Security Guidelines
Cisco Prime Fulfillment
Getting Started and
Documentation Guide 6.2
Cisco Prime Fulfillment 6.2 is a follow-on release to Cisco Prime Fulfillment 6.1.
Details of added, changed, and dropped functionality are provided in the Release Notes for Cisco Prime Fulfillment 6.2:
All documentation might be upgraded over time. All upgraded documentation will be available at the same URLs specified in this document.
With this release, Prime Fulfillment can be used as a standalone product or as part of the Cisco Prime for IP Next Generation Network (IP NGN) Suite. When installed as part of the suite, you can launch Prime Fulfillment from the Prime Central portal. For more information about Prime Central, see the documentation for Cisco Prime Central 1.0.
Cisco Prime Fulfillment is an Experience Lifecycle Manager that contains a number of intelligent network management applications that help reduce overall administration and management costs by providing automated resource management and rapid profile-based provisioning capabilities. Prime Fulfillment enables fast deployment and time to market of Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) and Carrier Ethernet technologies. In addition, the Prime Fulfillment Traffic Engineering Management application is Cisco's exclusive planning and provisioning application for Cisco MPLS Traffic Engineering (MPLS-TE)-enabled routers. Cisco Prime Diagnostics is an automated, decision tree analysis-based network management application you can use to troubleshoot and diagnose a wide range of problems in Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) VPNs.
The primary applications in Prime Fulfillment include:
Layer 2 VPN and Carrier Ethernet Management
Radio Access Network (RAN) Backhaul Management
MPLS Virtual Private Network (MPLS VPN) Management
MPLS Transport Profile (MPLS TP) Management
MPLS Traffic Engineering (MPLS TE) Management
Diagnostics for MPLS VPNs
These and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are all distributed on one product DVD.
Getting Started with Prime Fulfillment
This section explains how to get started using the Prime Fulfillment 6.2 product. Please follow the steps in the specified order.
Step 1
You can access the entire documentation set for Prime Fulfillment 6.2 at:
tsd_products_support_series_home.htmlFrom here you can navigate to any Prime Fulfillment 6.2 documentation you need.
Step 2
Read the Release Notes for Cisco Prime Fulfillment 6.2:
notes/relnotes.htmlThis document gives you information about this specific Prime Fulfillment 6.2 release (for example, new and changed information and known problems in the release).
Step 3
Locate the CD-ROM for the Prime Fulfillment 6.2 product in the product box, and then proceed with your installation.
Information about the system recommendations, how to install and log into Prime Fulfillment, setting up an Oracle database (optional), setting up the Cisco Configuration Engine (optional), backing up and restoring the Prime Fulfillment repository, and setting up a standby system is available in the Cisco Prime Fulfillment Installation Guide 6.2:
guide/installation.htmlStep 4
Upon completing your installation, you start and log into Prime Fulfillment. Then you must enter the license key(s) for newly purchased components or upgrades, which are specified on the Right to Use document(s) found in your product box.
Information about entering license information is found in the chapter, Installing and Logging Into Prime Fulfillment, in the Cisco Prime Fulfillment Installation Guide 6.2:
installation/guide/installation.htmlThird party and open source copyright information is found in the Cisco Prime Fulfillment Third Party and Open Source Copyrights 6.2:
Step 5
Next you configure Prime Fulfillment to know about the preconfiguration information, such as devices, providers, customers, and so on, Prime Fulfillment is going to manage and their roles.
The preconfiguration information needed is explained in the Getting Started section of the relevant chapter(s) of the user guide. How to create the associated elements in Prime Fulfillment is explained in the chapter "Setting Up Prime Fulfillment Services," and how to import devices is explained in the appendix "Inventory — Discovery" in the Cisco Prime Fulfillment User Guide 6.2:
prime_fulfill.htmlStep 6
Next you configure Prime Fulfillment to set up the users and Role Based Access Control (RBAC) roles.
How to set up the users and RBAC roles is explained in the chapter "Administration Tasks" in the Cisco Prime Fulfillment User Guide 6.2:
prime_fulfill.htmlStep 7
The next part of the documentation you reference is the specific provisioning documentation that applies to your network.
This information is located in the Cisco Prime Fulfillment User Guide 6.2:
prime_fulfill.htmlThe main components of Prime Fulfillment include:
Managing L2VPN and Carrier Ethernet Services
This part of the user guide provides information for the VPN technologies: the Layer 2 Virtual Private Network (L2VPN) (point-to-point) technology, with access technologies such as ATM, Frame Relay, and Ethernet (Carrier Ethernet); and the Virtual Private LAN Services (VPLS) (point-to-multipoint) technology, with access technology Ethernet (Carrier Ethernet) on Layer 2 and Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) cores.
Managing RAN Backhaul Services
This part of the user guide also provides information on setting up radio access network (RAN) backhaul transport services. RAN backhaul extends the IP network from the core to the edge by preparing all RAN backhaul traffic for transport over pseudowires or carrier-metro Ethernet.
Managing MPLS VPN Services
MPLS-based VPNs are created in Layer 3 and are based on the peer model, which makes them more scalable and easier to build and manage than conventional VPNs. This user guide explains the tasks and step-by-step procedures you need to perform to set up the MPLS VPN network infrastructure in Prime Fulfillment and deploy the MPLS VPN service on the network.
Managing MPLS Transport Profile Services
This part of the user guide provides information for MPLS Transport Profile (TP) technologies, MPLS-TP is the technology that enables MPLS to be deployed in a transport network and operated in a similar manner to existing transport technologies.
Managing MPLS Traffic Engineering Services
This part of the user guide explains how to use Traffic Engineering Management (TEM), which is a tool for managing MPLS Traffic Engineering (TE) primary and backup tunnels for the purpose of offering Service Level Agreement (SLA) guarantees for your network traffic.
Performing Diagnostics
This part of the user guide provides details of all failure scenarios and observations reported by the Diagnostics application for Prime Fulfillment. It also lists all IOS and IOS XR commands executed by the troubleshooting workflows.
For background and concept information that explains the Prime Fulfillment implementation of key product components, see the Cisco Prime Fulfillment Theory of Operations Guide 6.2:
operations/guide/theory.htmlStep 8
For more information about the API feature set, see the following documents:
Cisco Prime Fulfillment API Programmer Guide 6.2:
developer/guide/apipg.htmlThis programmer guide provides information about the Prime Fulfillment API components and processes that allow you to use operations support system (OSS) client programs to connect to the Prime Fulfillment system.
Cisco Prime Fulfillment API Programmer Reference 6.2:
developer/reference/xmlapi.zipThis programmer reference provides a Readme text file and XML examples for the Prime Fulfillment 6.2 APIs.
Obtaining Documentation, Obtaining Support, and Security Guidelines
For information on obtaining documentation, obtaining support, providing documentation feedback, security guidelines, and also recommended aliases and general Cisco documents, see the monthly What's New in Cisco Product Documentation, which also lists all new and revised Cisco technical documentation, at:
Cisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. To view a list of Cisco trademarks, go to this URL: Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. (1110R)
Any Internet Protocol (IP) addresses used in this document are not intended to be actual addresses. Any examples, command display output, and figures included in the document are shown for illustrative purposes only. Any use of actual IP addresses in illustrative content is unintentional and coincidental.
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