Deploying Highly Available Services with Cisco Nexus Dashboard

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Updated:April 17, 2024

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Updated:April 17, 2024


Abstract 2

Overview. 3

Deploying a Highly Available Nexus Dashboard Cluster 4

Conclusion. 30

References. 30


This white paper provides a comprehensive guide on deploying a highly available Cisco Nexus Dashboard cluster, emphasizing the importance of reliability, scalability, and fault tolerance.

The Cisco Nexus Dashboard is a powerful solution designed to streamline network operations by providing a unified view of the data center network. It encompasses various services, including Nexus Dashboard Insights, Nexus Dashboard Fabric Controller, and Nexus Dashboard Orchestrator.

The document covers essential concepts of Nexus Dashboard services, considerations for determining the optimal number of nodes, and strategies for handling failure scenarios. By following the guidelines outlined in this white paper, organizations can ensure a resilient and efficient Nexus Dashboard environment that meets the demands of modern, containerized applications.




The Cisco Nexus Dashboard is a centralized platform that enables efficient management and monitoring of data center networks. It offers a unified interface to streamline operations, enhance visibility, and improve overall network performance.

Cisco Nexus Dashboard is developed as a Kubernetes cluster that can be hosted as on-premises or a cloud appliance. This document will only focus on the on-premises deployment for Cisco Nexus Dashboard.

Cisco Nexus Dashboard runs on Kubernetes, a leading container orchestration platform, providing a robust and scalable underlying solution for managing containerized applications. Nexus Dashboard’s underlying Kubernetes infrastructure is deployed automatically and completely transparent to the user.

You can host the following services on Cisco Nexus Dashboard:

Nexus Dashboard Insights (NDI)

Nexus Dashboard Insights provides real-time analytics and monitoring capabilities, allowing administrators to gain deep insights into network performance, health, and security.

Nexus Dashboard Fabric Controller (NDFC)

The Nexus Dashboard Fabric Controller enables automated provisioning and management of network resources, ensuring a scalable and responsive infrastructure.

Nexus Dashboard Orchestrator (NDO)

Nexus Dashboard Orchestrator provides a centralized platform for policy management and automation, facilitating consistent policy enforcement across the data centers.


Deploying a Highly Available Nexus Dashboard Cluster

This white paper aims to guide organizations in the deployment of a highly available Nexus Dashboard cluster. It covers fundamental concepts, considerations, and best practices to ensure a resilient infrastructure that meets the demands of today's dynamic application landscape.

The following considerations were taken into account while writing this white paper:

     Type of deployments

     Cohosting versus co-location of services

     Consideration about onboarding of multiple independent fabrics on the same Nexus Dashboard

     Scale of primary, secondary, and stand-by nodes

     Physical placement of cluster nodes across multiple sites

     Failure scenarios and impacts

     General best practices to increase resiliency


All the above will have possibly different impacts and best practices depending on the deployed Nexus Dashboard services. Those will be discussed in this document.

Physical or Virtual Type of Deployments

You can deploy Cisco Nexus Dashboard in a data center either as a virtual form factor or a physical form factor. It is not possible to mix within the same cluster physical and virtual nodes.

The physical form factor is offered as a cluster of specialized Cisco UCS servers (Nexus Dashboard platform). The virtual form factor allows you to deploy a Nexus Dashboard cluster using VMware ESXi or Linux KVM hypervisors.

The choice of form factor does not imply consequences in terms of resiliency of the system: vMotion, Live Motion, and other technologies as DRS (Distributed Resource Scheduler) are not supported at the time of this writing. It is also not supported to backup and restore virtual machine snapshots.

The choice between virtual and physical form factors should be also made based on considerations like:

1.     Scale of data center fabrics intended to be managed by the Nexus Dashboard cluster.

2.     Cohosting of Nexus Dashboard services (also known as the deployment mode as from Nexus Dashboard version 3.1).

3.     Operational and capital expenses.

You can verify both scale and cohosting considerations based on the Nexus Dashboard Capacity Planning tool and these considerations may force you to choose one or another form factor.

This document does not provide considerations for cost. Customers should be able to estimate the comparison between acquiring, cabling, stacking, and operation of a Nexus Dashboard cluster running on a virtual compared to a physical form factor.

If deployed in a virtual form factor, we recommend deploying each virtual cluster node in a different hypervisor. This will increase the resiliency in case of hypervisor failure.

Similarly, we recommend using independent or redundant storage drives for the virtual cluster nodes to minimize the impact of storage failures.

Cohosting of Services

Cisco Nexus Dashboard allows to run one or multiple services on the same cluster. This design is called cohosting of services. In this section we will explore the consequences of cohosting.

Before Nexus Dashboard version 3.1, users could manually install or remove services on an existing Nexus Dashboard platform.

As of Nexus Dashboard version 3.1, the platform supports different deployment modes that are chosen at cluster deployment. Deployment modes aim to simplify the lifecycle management of all services as the platform will autonomously optimize resources and manage software of platform and services as a single and unique entity, as opposed to asking the user to manage each component independently in previous Nexus Dashboard releases.

A deployment mode is a cluster installation that combines one or more Nexus Dashboard services hosted on the same cluster.

For more information, see the Nexus Dashboard Capacity Planning tool to verify the details of which services are available for cohosting.

The following list of deployment modes are supported in Nexus Dashboard 3.1:

rescue-user@pND1:~$ acs deployment show


Deployment Name                         Services


ndfc                                    Controller

ndi                                     Insights

ndo                                     Orchestrator

ndfc-ndi                                Controller,Insights

ndo-ndi                                 Orchestrator,Insights


Note:       In the 3.1 release of Nexus Dashboard, you can change a deployment mode in an existing cluster, but modifying a deployment mode is a disruptive procedure, as the system reinstalls all services and the data and configurations are destroyed. For more information, see the Nexus Dashboard and Services Deployment and Upgrade Guide. In future Nexus Dashboard releases, this limitation will be removed.


A screenshot of a service statusDescription automatically generated

Figure 1 Running multiple services on the same ND platform

You can deploy different deployment modes and combinations of services depending on:

     Software version

     Cluster form factor

     Number of cluster nodes


Cohosting multiple services on the same Nexus Dashboard typically involves:

1.     Scale impact

2.     Sharing the same Nexus Dashboard version of code

3.     Sharing the same Nexus Dashboard architecture

4.     RTT requirements follow the lowest common denominator between the cohosted services.

Use the Nexus Dashboard Capacity Planning tool to determine the exact scale support. In a cohosted design, as all services share the same Nexus Dashboard cluster, a unique software version and architecture usually fits all.

Scale Impact

When selecting more than one service as part of the Nexus Dashboard deployment mode, the platform resources are shared across multiple services. This implies a reduction of scale in the number of switches that can be managed by the platform. Co-hosting multiple services lets you evaluate if the platform can scale up to the number of required switches to be onboarded on Nexus Dashboard. If the scale goes beyond the cohosting option chosen, it will be necessary to deploy multiple Nexus Dashboard clusters.

Sharing the Same Nexus Dashboard Version of Code

Cohosting services has the direct effect of sharing the same Nexus Dashboard version of code for the underlying platform across all the services. This may directly affect complexity of upgrades as there might be software dependencies. For example, assuming NDFC and NDI are cohosted on the same Nexus Dashboard cluster, if upgrading NDFC is required, this could (not necessarily) indicate to upgrade the platform version itself and, consequently, it may be also require you to upgrade NDI. Upgrading the platform also requires having a service interruption for all the services during the upgrade. If services are considered critical resources and have a strict SLA, cohosting is not recommended because of the inter-dependencies implied by this design.

Note:       From Nexus Dashboard version 3.1, the deployment mode provides a unified experience for installation and management of the platform and service software. This simplifies and automates operations, removing the complexity of managing upgrades and software dependencies. As from Nexus Dashboard version 3.1, the system itself will assess and manage the upgrades for all the services packaged with a new ISO image version.

Sharing the Same Nexus Dashboard Architecture

When services are co-hosted, they are all deployed on a single Nexus Dashboard architecture design. For example, if the cluster is deployed as directly connected or routed to the fabric (see Connection of Nexus Dashboard to the Fabrics), or if the nodes of the cluster are centralized or decentralized (see Centralized vs Distributed Deployments), those choices would apply to all services. Certain architecture designs may better fit certain services, while being sub-optimal for other services. Architectures are discussed in the next paragraph Centralized vs Distributed deployments.

Colocation of Services

An alternative to cohosting of services on a common Nexus Dashboard cluster is the deployment of multiple Nexus Dashboard clusters managing the same network fabrics. This latter design is called colocation of Nexus Dashboard clusters. In a colocation of a Nexus Dashboard cluster, each cluster may run different services (i.e. cluster1 dedicated to Insights, cluster2 dedicated to Orchestrator etc.), and/or manage different fabrics (i.e. cluster1 managing ACI fabric1, cluster2 managing NDFC fabric2, and cluster3 managing ACI fabric3 etc.).

If resiliency and high availability is a priority, the general recommendation is to run colocated Nexus Dashboard clusters. This allows you to run an independent and dedicated cluster for each ND service, removing any possible dependency, allowing you to choose the most appropriate format and architecture for each service.

However, as colocating different Nexus Dashboard clusters implies operating multiple platforms and dedicating the resources required for those multiple platforms, cohosting services on a common Nexus Dashboard cluster may be preferred if resiliency and high availability is not a priority.

Consideration for Onboarding of Multiple Independent Fabrics on the Same Nexus Dashboard

The typical use cases for onboarding different fabrics on the same Nexus Dashboard clusters are:

     Fabrics part of a multi-site architecture controlled by NDO or NDFC services.

     Fabrics that require inter-fabric connectivity operated by a single NDI service.

If none of the use cases above are met, the fabrics are operationally independent. In the latter case, onboarding the fabrics on the same Nexus Dashboard cluster is not strictly necessary.

Onboarding multiple fabrics on the same ND cluster could optimize resources, operations, and costs; however, several factors should be considered and respected:

     Scalability: Assess the scalability of the Nexus Dashboard cluster services. Consider the number of devices, endpoints, and the overall network size to ensure full support for the Nexus Dashboard services.

     Inter-Fabric Communication: Determine the need for communication between different fabrics. If there are scenarios where inter-fabric communication is required, plan and implement the necessary connectivity while maintaining security best practices.

     Version Compatibility: Verify that all the devices within each fabric and the Nexus Dashboard cluster and services are running compatible software versions. Incompatible versions may lead to operational issues, so it's crucial to keep the software consistently updated. For more information, see the Nexus Dashboard Compatibility Matrix.

     RTT requirements: Make sure that all the fabrics are within the round-trip time (RTT) range of the service that needs to manage them.


Onboarding multiple fabrics on the same ND cluster has no direct impact on system high availability.

Scale of Primary, Secondary, and Stand-by-Nodes

Cisco Nexus Dashboard typically consists of a cluster of 1 or 3 primary nodes. 1 single-node cluster has no redundancy mechanism, and while it is fully supported for NDI or NDFC services, it is not recommended for production environments and will not be considered in this document.

In a cluster with 3 primary nodes, it is possible to provision secondary nodes. Cluster nodes are individual instances that work together to form a resilient and scalable cluster. These nodes collaborate to distribute the workload, enhance performance, and ensure high availability.

Primary nodes are intended to run Kubernetes control plane capabilities, like the API server, controller manager, scheduler, and etcd (a distributed key-value store for cluster data). The control plane manages and controls the overall state of the cluster. On top of those control plane functions, primary nodes can also run Nexus Dashboard service containers.

Secondary nodes provide additional resources to the cluster to load share for Nexus Dashboard containers.

In a Nexus Dashboard deployment, as it happens for any Kubernetes cluster, first a cluster is formed with primary nodes only. Then additional secondary nodes are added to the cluster.

Please consider that when adding nodes to an existing cluster, the additional nodes must be of the same form factor (physical or virtual) as the rest of the nodes in the cluster.

Once the cluster is up, you can always verify the role of nodes either from the GUI or from CLI command as shown in the following figures.

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

Figure 2 Nexus Dashboard UI showing the cluster node role

rescue-user@ND-SYS-100-NODE1:~$ kubectl get nodes

NAME               STATUS   ROLES    AGE     VERSION

nd-sys-100-node1   Ready    master   5d11h   v1.25.11

nd-sys-100-node3   Ready    master   5d11h   v1.25.11

nd-sys-100-node4   Ready    master   5d11h   v1.25.11

nd-sys-100-node5   Ready    worker   5d11h   v1.25.11

nd-sys-100-node6   Ready    worker   5d11h   v1.25.11

nd-sys-100-node7   Ready    worker   5d11h   v1.25.11



You can replace failed nodes only with nodes having the same role type.

It is possible to verify which Kubernetes pod is running in which cluster node either by using the ND GUI or by using the CLI.

From the UI, it is possible to verify which pods are running per node, as shown in the figure below.


A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

Figure 3 Nexus Dashboard UI shows the details of the pods running on the platform

From the CLI, you can use the kubectl commands to verify on which cluster node the pods are running.

rescue-user@ND-SYS-100-NODE1:~$ kubectl get pods -n cisco-nir -o=custom-columns=',NODE:.spec.nodeName'

NAME                                            NODE

apicagent-6f898fcdbb-2zlwh                      nd-sys-100-node5

apicagent-6f898fcdbb-6ksfq                      nd-sys-100-node3

apiserver-5f547bf74b-dqgkn                      nd-sys-100-node5

apiserver-5f547bf74b-vqd97                      nd-sys-100-node6

apiserver-5f547bf74b-xs5gs                      nd-sys-100-node7

aru-8678d6f76b-56l2g                            nd-sys-100-node6

aru-8678d6f76b-65b54                            nd-sys-100-node3

aru-8678d6f76b-9p7mn                            nd-sys-100-node7

aru-8678d6f76b-hd6l4                            nd-sys-100-node5

beaver-6c8c5f65-56nfg                           nd-sys-100-node6

beaver-6c8c5f65-d6c9q                           nd-sys-100-node5

beaver-6c8c5f65-wnzv4                           nd-sys-100-node7

brain-7cf899964f-rbh7s                          nd-sys-100-node5

collector-5997685589-8kwrm                      nd-sys-100-node5

collector-5997685589-ggq7q                      nd-sys-100-node7

collector-5997685589-nc29x                      nd-sys-100-node3

collectorpersistent1-85d57d659-mbc89            nd-sys-100-node5

collectorpersistent2-85b4b7b6bf-n9ccz           nd-sys-100-node6

collectorpersistent3-545d664d89-78xmv           nd-sys-100-node7

correlator-85c979475f-2rfsq                     nd-sys-100-node5

correlator-85c979475f-j62tv                     nd-sys-100-node3

devicepolicymgr-6bf776b97c-npnlm                nd-sys-100-node6

dgraph-64694ddcb-rjl42                          nd-sys-100-node3

flow-aggregator-6759898ddc-25w6v                nd-sys-100-node3

flow-aggregator-6759898ddc-6pc62                nd-sys-100-node7

flow-aggregator-6759898ddc-mq69d                nd-sys-100-node6

flow-aggregator-6759898ddc-qglc6                nd-sys-100-node1



Nexus Dashboard uses Kubernetes techniques to maximize redundancy. Most Kubernetes resources are based on Kubernetes deployments. In Kubernetes, a deployment is a crucial abstraction for ensuring redundancy in containerized applications. It enables the definition and management of pods, to enhance availability and fault tolerance. In a Kubernetes deployment, it is possible to specify the desired number of pod replicas, automatically handling their creation, scaling, and distribution across the cluster. Redundancy is achieved by maintaining multiple identical replicas of the application, allowing Kubernetes to automatically replace failed pods or redistribute workloads in case of node failures. This redundancy ensures consistent service availability, resilience to hardware or software failures, making Kubernetes deployments a fundamental building block for creating robust and reliable distributed applications.

You can verify from the CLI the Kubernetes deployments using the kubectl command as per the following example:

rescue-user@ND-SYS-100-NODE1:~$ kubectl get deployments -n cisco-nir 

NAME                           READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE

apicagent                      2/2     2            2           5d6h

apiserver                      3/3     3            3           5d6h

aru                            4/4     4            4           5d6h

beaver                         3/3     3            3           5d6h

brain                          1/1     1            1           5d6h

collector                      2/3     3            2           5d6h

collectorpersistent1           1/1     1            1           5d6h

collectorpersistent2           1/1     1            1           5d6h

collectorpersistent3           1/1     1            1           5d6h

configagent                    0/0     0            0           5d6h

correlator                     2/2     2            2           5d6h

debugplugin                    0/0     0            0           5d6h

devicepolicymgr                1/1     1            1           5d6h

dgraph                         1/1     1            1           5d6h

flow-aggregator                6/6     6            6           5d6h

flow-correlator                6/6     6            6           5d6h

flowsink                       6/6     6            6           5d6h

genie                          6/6     6            6           5d6h

gollum                         1/1     1            1           5d6h

horcrux                        1/1     1            1           5d6h



In a physical form-factor cluster, all nodes must be the same type of Cisco UCS servers.

In a virtual form-factor cluster, primary nodes are ‘Data’ profile nodes, while secondary nodes are ‘App’ profile nodes. This latter profile has lower requirements in terms of virtual CPU, memory, and storage compared to the Data node profile.

App profile nodes are generally recommended for non-data-intensive applications, such as Nexus Dashboard Orchestrator or Nexus Dashboard Fabric Controller. As from Nexus Dashboard 3.0, also Nexus Dashboard Insights supports running virtual nodes with the App profile. However, for maximum scale performance, a Data node profile is required.

The Nexus Dashboard Capacity Planning tool describes the minimum number of cluster nodes and, in case of virtual nodes, of which profile, for different services and scale.

Nexus Dashboard also provides the concept of a standby node. A standby node can be added to an existing formed cluster.

Note:       Only physical form-factor clusters support standby nodes.

You can add up to two standby nodes.

At the time of writing this document, the only Cisco validated options with secondary nodes are the following:

     3 primary virtual nodes and 3 or 6 secondary virtual nodes

     3 primary physical nodes and 3 secondary physical nodes


Recommendation:  It is not advisable to add a different number of secondary nodes that have not been validated for scale and quality by assurance testing at Cisco.

The following considerations should be done regarding the increase in the number of cluster secondary nodes.

Increased Performance and Enhanced Scalability

A larger number of cluster nodes allows for better distribution of tasks and workloads, leading to improved system performance.

Additional cluster nodes enhance the scalability of the system, accommodating the growth of the network infrastructure. As the network expands, you can add more cluster nodes to scale to a higher number of switches and fabrics.

More cluster nodes may also increase cohosting capabilities[1]. You can refer to the Nexus Dashboard Capacity Planning tool for further information on scale and cohosting.

Efficient Resource Utilization

The distribution of tasks across numerous nodes promotes efficient resource utilization, preventing overloading on any single node.

Resource-intensive tasks can be distributed, preventing performance degradation.

Cost Implications and Complexity of Management

The cost of additional cluster nodes, either in terms of hardware or virtual resources, should be considered.

However, as the number of nodes increases, the increase of complexity of managing the cluster is negligible. Nexus Dashboard platform fully manages all cluster nodes from a lifecycle and connectivity management standpoint. The only additional operational burden is due to the racking and stacking of the extra cluster nodes (if physical form factor) or planning of virtual computing resources (if virtual form factor), the need for reserving additional IP addresses and the replacement handling in case of failure.

For considerations regarding node failure and their impact on high availability, see Failure Scenarios and Impacts.

Recommendation:  As a general recommendation, cluster size should be chosen based on scalability and cohosting requirements, as adding more secondary nodes would not directly provide any benefit in terms of redundancy and resiliency of the system.

Consider standby nodes to quickly restore full cluster size in case of a failure.

Failure Scenarios and Impacts

ND platform services remain available with a single node failure however primary or secondary node failure in an ND cluster can have an impact on platform and services.

A transient impact lasting few minutes may be experienced on the cluster. Some services get rebalanced from the failed node to the others available. During this process the following may be experienced:

     The UI may not be responsive or provide unexpected messages. This is applicable for ND platform and all services (NDI, NDO, NDFC).

     Injested data sent to the ND failed node from switches may be temporary lost until the collectors running on the failed node are rebalanced. This applies for NDI and NDFC services.

     Certain NDI dynamic jobs, including assurance collection, bug scan and user triggered jobs may fail.

While the failed node is restored, the cluster would run in degraded state. Less resources are available for the cluster and as a consequence, some dynamic jobs (i.e. connectivity analysis, bug scan, pre change validation) may fail to be instantiated. Also, the capacity of the cluster may be limited and some telemetry may fail to be collected. This would apply for NDI and NDFC.

Recommendation:  Restore the failed node as soon as possible. Do not to run any dynamic jobs in NDI and not to push new configuration from NDFC until the failed node is replaced and cluster is fully restored.

A standby node is meant to quickly restore the cluster functionality in case one or more primary nodes failure by replacing the failed node with the standby node. Standby nodes are like secondary nodes in deployment, initial configuration, and upgrades. However, the cluster will not use the standby nodes for any workloads.

The figure below shows the selection of Type (Standby) when adding a new node. The process is not dissimilar from the addition of a secondary (worker) node.

A screenshot of a computer screenDescription automatically generated

Figure 4 Nexus Dashboard UI shows how to add a new cluster node of type Standby

If a single primary node fails, Nexus Dashboard can be quickly restored to full cluster size by failing over the failed node to a standby node. The figure below shows the operation of failing over from the GUI.

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

Figure 5 Nexus Dashboard UI showing how to fail over a failed node

As an alternative to failing over a primary failed node to a standby node, it is also possible to replace the node with a green-field node that runs the same Nexus Dashboard version of code as the existing cluster. The replace option is available for inactive primary nodes on the UI as shown in the figure above as an alternative to fail over to the standby option.

Note:       The replace option is available both for virtual and physical form factors.

As mentioned previously, in addition to the primary nodes, it is possible to add secondary nodes to a physical or virtual cluster.


After the failed node is replaced, some services get rebalanced to restore back the full availability of the cluster nodes. Database shards will also get redistributed during this phase and this process may take several hours. Minimal degratdation of services may be experienced during this restoration.

In the case of the loss of two primary nodes, the ND platform becomes unavailable. ND platform can be fully restored by accessing the CLI of the node using the rescue-user and manually failing over one of the failed nodes to a new available primary node.

The procedure to restore two primary node failures consists of accessing the CLI of the working primary node using rescue-user and failing over one of the failed nodes to a standby node.

You can verify from the working node the nodes that failed and the standby nodes using the “acs show nodes” command.


A screenshot of a computer screenDescription automatically generated

Figure 6 acs show nodes command displays the status of the cluster nodes

After verifying this, you can use the command “acs failover --failedIP <IP_failed_node1> --failedIP <IP_failed_node2> --standbyIP <IP_Standby>”.

rescue-user@ND1:~$ acs failover --failedNode --failedNode --standbyNode

Warning: Failover can be a disruptive operation and should only be performed as last resort option to recover cluster from disasters using standby where two master nodes have lost their state due to hardware faults. Proceed? (y/n):y

Note:       In the acs CLI command above, you could also specify a single failed node. As a result, the failed node not mentioned in the command will keep showing as failed in the “acs show nodes” output.

Following this command, state is copied from the remaining primary to the standby node. Both nodes will reboot and the standby node will boot up as the primary node.

The recovery process may take several minutes. At the end of this process, the ND platform will be restored. However, when two primary nodes are lost, some services may suffer complete data loss and once the platform is restored, they may have to be reinstalled. Specifically, NDI and NDFC would not survive double primary node failure scenarios, while NDO service will be fully restored as soon as at least two primary nodes are available.

Note:       In case of a double failure scenario, only if a standby node is available, it is possible to restore the cluster.

Note:       Only physical form-factor clusters support standby nodes.

Note:       You can add up to two standby nodes.

     The following failure scenarios are described in this section:Cluster node failure

     Disk failure

     NIC failure


Recommendation:  To limit the impact of a loss of ND cluster nodes, back up your platform and services on a regular basis. Store backup files in multiple geographical locations.

Currently, ND platform and services do not support scheduled backups. You can retrieve platform backups from the UI as per the following example.

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

Figure 7 Backup and restore on the Nexus Dashboard Admin Console

Each service can export its configuration at the service level, as per the following example for the NDI service.

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

Figure 8 Export configurations at the NDI service level

Use backup files to restore the cluster and service configurations into a new cluster.

To ensure quick restoration of services, resources to deploy a backup cluster are available. If the lost cluster is virtual, enough virtual resources should be available. If the lost cluster is physical, a backup cluster with the same size is available.

It is important to consider that Nexus Dashboard Insights can only restore the service configuration. You cannot restore historical telemetry and analysis from a previous backup.

Cluster Node Failure

It is important to distinguish between a simple node failure and a primary node failure. As explained in the previous section, Nexus Dashboard is composed of at least 1 or 3 primary nodes. With 3 primary nodes, it is possible to add secondary nodes.

The cluster node failure impact is well detailed in the section Best Practices for Placement of Cluster Nodes.

To summarize, cluster node failure impact:

     May depend on the specific service deployed (i.e. NDO can be restored after 2 primary node failures, while NDI cannot).

     Depends on the type of node (i.e. secondary nodes impact is limited to temporary system instability and may decrease overall system performance, while primary node failures may require manual recovery to restore system functions).

     If a primary node fails, control plane functions are run at a degraded resilience. A second primary node failure impacts the operational status of the system.


Secondary nodes do not provide any increase of system resiliency and should be considered to provide the network scalability requirements.

Recommendation:  We always recommend standby nodes to recover a failed physical node.

Disk Failure

Nexus Dashboard cluster nodes are provided with RAID0 configuration for their HDDs. This means that failure of a single disk would provide loss of data and could severely impact the server. If you experience a disk failure, replace the server as soon as possible.

The following is the view of the HDD from the Cisco Integrated Management Controller (CIMC) of a Nexus Dashboard node.

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

Figure 9 View of the HDD from CIMC of a Nexus Dashboard node

NIC Failure

All physical Nexus Dashboard cluster nodes are provisioned with 2 management network NICs and 2 data network NICs.

The best practice is to connect each of the interfaces to a different switch. Nexus Dashboard automatically creates two Linux bond interfaces, one for management and one for data networks. Those bond interfaces will work as active standby.

If the active port connectivity is lost, Nexus Dashboard node automatically failovers to the standby interface.

Centralized vs Distributed Deployments

Nexus Dashboard, a critical component in network management, demands careful consideration of the physical placement of its cluster nodes to ensure optimal system resiliency. The decision to deploy nodes in the same Availability Zone (AZ) (also known as ‘Centralized’ design) or across different AZs (also known as ‘Distributed’ design) directly influences the system's ability to withstand failures and maintain seamless operation. This analysis explores the implications of these choices, focusing on their impact on resiliency.

Centralized Deployment

The figure below shows an architecture where all the nodes in a Nexus Dashboard cluster are in the same Availability Zone. In this case, the concept of Availability Zone is directly mapped to a network fabric.

A screen shot of a diagramDescription automatically generated

Figure 10 Nexus Dashboard cluster located in the same Availability Zone

The benefits of this type of deployment are:

     Low Latency Communication: Nodes within the same AZ benefit from reduced communication latency, facilitating quick data exchange. Services do require RTT between the nodes that ranges between 50ms and 150ms. This is documented and can vary depending on the software version. This information is available in the Nexus Dashboard and Services Deployment and Upgrade Guide.

     Simplified Network Topology: Intra-AZ communication is typically simpler, reducing potential points of failure and easing network management. Some Nexus Dashboard services require Layer 2 adjacencies between cluster nodes. For more information, see the Nexus Dashboard and Services Deployment and Upgrade Guide.

     This design does not require extending Layer 2 across different fabrics or AZs.

     Cost Efficiency: Deploying nodes within the same AZ may result in lower inter-site communication costs.


The limitations of this type of deployment are:

     Limited Geographical Diversity: In the event of a catastrophic event affecting the entire AZ, all Nexus Dashboard nodes are exposed to the same risks, potentially leading to a complete system outage.


Recommendation:  To limit the impact of a catastrophic failure with a loss of a geographical region where a Nexus Dashboard cluster is deployed, the recommendation is to back up platform and services regularly and store the backup files in multiple geographical locations.

You can use the backup files to restore the cluster and service configurations to a new cluster.

To ensure quick restoration of services, resources to deploy a backup cluster in a different location should be available. If the lost cluster is virtual, enough virtual resources should be available in a different location. If the lost cluster is physical, a backup cluster with the same size should be available at a different location.


Note:       In disaster recovery scenarios, it is important to consider that Nexus Dashboard Insights can only restore the service configuration, but historical telemetry and analysis cannot be restored from a previous backup.

Restoring a virtual form factor can be as simple and as fast as redeploying new virtual machines. In the case of a disaster, for example if the entire Availability Zone hosting the cluster is lost, it would be possible to restore the virtual cluster elsewhere.

This is valid based on the following assumptions:

     There are enough virtual resources available in another AZ.

     A platform and service backups are available to restore platform settings and applications.

     The other Availability Zone can ensure connectivity and RTT as required by the cluster.


Recommendation:  If disaster recovery scenarios require a strict SLA that can only be met through restoration of virtual machines and deploying a virtual form factor is possible (check the Nexus Dashboard Capacity Planning tool to confirm), a virtual form factor is preferred.

Distributed Deployment

The figure below shows an architecture where nodes in a Nexus Dashboard cluster are in different Availability Zones. In this case, the concept of Availability Zone is directly mapped to a network fabric.

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Figure 11 Nexus Dashboard clusters located in different Availability Zones

The benefits of this type of deployment are:

     High Availability: Distributing nodes across multiple AZs may enhance system availability. For some scenarios, a failure in one AZ does not necessarily impact nodes in other AZs. This will be further analyzed in the section Best Practices for Placement of Cluster Nodes.


The limitations of this type of deployment are:

     Increased Latency: Inter-AZ cluster node communication introduces higher latency compared to intra-AZ, potentially affecting the responsiveness of the system and the max RTT required by the intra cluster connectivity.

     Complex Network Configuration: Managing communication between nodes in different AZs requires a more sophisticated network architecture, potentially leading to increased operational complexity. For example, in the software release current at the time of writing this white paper, NDI requires Layer 2 cluster node connectivity for NDFC fabric types. This poses the strict requirement to extend Layer 2 across AZs where the ND cluster nodes are placed.

     Higher Operational Costs: Data transfer between AZs may incur additional costs, and the need for redundant resources in different AZs can increase overall operational expenses.

Best Practices for Placement of Cluster Nodes

The physical placement of Nexus Dashboard cluster nodes plays a crucial role in determining the resiliency of the system. While deploying nodes within the same AZ offers advantages such as low latency and simplicity, it comes with the risk of a single point of failure. On the other hand, distributing nodes across different AZs enhances system resiliency, providing protection against broader infrastructure issues, albeit at the cost of increased complexity and potential latency. The decision ultimately depends on the specific requirements of the organization, weighing factors such as the criticality of low latency, the level of geographic diversity needed, and the tolerance for increased operational complexity and costs. Careful consideration of these implications is essential to design a Nexus Dashboard cluster that meets the desired balance between performance and resiliency.

Certain ND services would however not benefit a higher HA when cluster nodes are spread across AZs.

Let’s review the details service by service.

ND Platform

The recommendation of placement for an ND cluster is based on the services that the ND platform runs. In this section we will only describe considerations regarding the resiliency of the platform.


For NDO, the general best practice is to distribute the cluster nodes across different sites for the following reasons:

     NDO does not require Layer 2 across nodes and this simplifies stretching the cluster.

     When deploying the NDO service, 3 primary nodes are needed, but the system can survive the failure of 1 ND primary node to be fully operational. However, even if two primary nodes are lost, the system allows to promote a standby node if this is available. For more information, see the procedure as described in the section, see Failure Scenarios and Impacts.


In the case of a stretched Nexus Dashboard cluster across multiple AZs deployed as a physical form factor, to maximize resiliency, we recommend deploying an ND standby node in the site with a single ND primary node.

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Figure 12 Nexus Dashboard cluster across multiple AZs deployed as a physical form factor

A standby node allows you to replace in very short time a faulty node limiting any impact to the HA in a single failure scenario, or the operations in case of a double failure scenario.

If the cluster is deployed as a virtual form factor, the placement of a standby node does not provide the same benefit as per a physical one. You can deploy a virtual Nexus Dashboard node in a short time, ensuring minimum delay to restore full system resiliency.

Recommendation:  In a distributed physical form factor deployment, we recommend having a standby node for failing over to the standby node as soon as a primary node failure occurs.

If the cluster is deployed as a virtual form factor, we recommend keeping spare computing resources to provision a new virtual node to replace a failed node as soon as possible.

The table below shows the best practices for deploying ND cluster nodes in a distributed environment with multiple site options running the NDO service. P# represents a primary node. S# represents a standby node.


Number of Sites/Placement of nodes


























For ND secondary nodes, as the NDO service does not benefit from adding secondary nodes, neither from a scale nor from a resiliency perspective, we recommend not deploying a secondary cluster node.


Both NDI and NDFC services tolerate the loss of a single ND primary node. A single cluster node loss can be restored by failing over to a standby node.

If a single primary node failure happens, Nexus Dashboard may experience a short temporary disruption of services while the platform rebalances its resources.

NDI and NDFC services do not support the loss of two primary nodes. Platform and services would suffer a complete disruption. The UI and API would not be accessible, and services cannot be restored and require reinstallation.

In the case of the loss of two primary nodes, the ND platform can be restored by accessing the CLI of the remaining primary node using the rescue-user and manually failing over the failed nodes to a standby node. The procedure is described in the section ND Platform. However, when two primary nodes are lost, NDI and NDFC services would suffer complete data loss and once the platform is restored, they must be reinstalled. If a backup exists, configuration of those services can be restored, but historical data and collected statistics will be lost.

Recommendation:  We recommend restoring the failed node as soon as possible to restore high availability and to avoid loss of data following an eventual second primary node failure.

Restoring a single primary node can be achieved by either failing over the failed node to a standby node if available, or to replace it with a spare virgin node running the same Nexus Dashboard version.

In addition, if a standby node is not available, it is not possible to recover a cluster with two primary node failures.

Secondary nodes may provide an increase of scale for services; however secondary nodes do not provide direct resiliency increases, as the ND platform core containers run on primary nodes.

Loss of secondary nodes are tolerated, and services be operational, but, as resources decrease, performance may be impacted until the cluster size is restored by replacing the faulty node.

Note:       Losing secondary nodes may destabilize the system for a short period of time as services must rebalance across the remaining nodes. This implies possible slowness of the system in terms of responsiveness.

We recommend adding secondary nodes as per scalability user requirements as defined in the ND Capacity Planning tool. We also recommend restoring failed secondary nodes as soon as possible to restore full cluster capability.

When running NDI and NDFC, as there would be no increased resiliency by distributing the cluster, the recommendation is to deploy NDI as a centralized Nexus Dashboard cluster. This architecture is simpler and more resilient as in cases of inter-AZ communication loss, there will be no impact to the cluster.

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Figure 13 NDI deployed as a centralized ND cluster


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Figure 14 NDFC deployed as a centralized ND cluster

As the loss of two primary nodes would not be tolerated and would require reinstalling the services, we highly recommend restoring a single primary faulty node as soon as possible. This would limit any risk to lose data. To facilitate this process, we always recommend using a standby node for physical form factor-based clusters, thereby speeding up the failover of a faulty node. The alternative would be to Return Material Authorization (RMA) the faulty node, which would certainly be more time-consuming and extend the system’s inoperability (for a primary node fault) or reduction of performance (in case of a secondary node fault).


If NDI and NDO are needed in a multi-fabric design, the recommendation is to deploy two different ND clusters, each dedicated to one service:

     Physical or virtual ND cluster for NDI

     Physical or virtual ND cluster for NDO


The choice of physical or virtual is mainly based on the fabric scale requirements. However, as discussed in the previous section, a virtual form factor may allow faster disaster recovery and it is preferred if this is an important requirement.

By deploying dedicated platforms for NDI and NDO, it would be possible to place the ND nodes as per best practices:

     Distributed deployment for NDO

     Centralized deployment for NDI


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Figure 15 NDI deployed as a centralized cluster and NDO deployed on a separate distributed cluster

Cohosting NDI and NDO services on the same ND cluster is a sub-optimal design either for one or the other service. In fact, the general recommendation for NDO is to place it on a distributed cluster while the general recommendation for NDI is to place it on a centralized cluster.

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Figure 16 One NDI centralized dedicated cluster per fabric and NDO deployed on a separate distributed cluster

For a very large-scale deployment that is not supported by a single NDI cluster, we recommend placing different NDI clusters in different AZs. Similarly, if the fabrics are geographically distant and RTT latency is above the supported thresholds.

For convenience, the table below describes the RTT requirements for ND cluster node connectivity.

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Figure 17 RTT requirements for Nexus Dashboard

Connection of Nexus Dashboard to the Fabrics

Nexus Dashboard clusters can be connected to the fabrics using either of the following options:

     Connectivity via fabric routed network

     Direct connectivity to fabric switches (i.e. ACI EPG or Cisco NX-OS In-band management)

Routed Connectivity

Recommendation:  We recommend connecting the Nexus Dashboard cluster to the fabric through a routed network if there is more than one fabric managed by ND services.

This solution is preferred because it does not tie the cluster to any specific fabric. The routed network should be able to route traffic to all the fabrics independently.

For more information, see the Nexus Dashboard and Services Deployment and Upgrade Guide for further guidance on the requirements for this architecture.

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Figure 18 Nexus Dashboard routed connectivity to the fabrics

The benefit of this connectivity is that failure of any fabric would not affect the connectivity of Nexus Dashboard clusters to any other. It is crucial to plan the routed network to make sure it is redundant, provides the bandwidth and RTT guaranteed to ensure a solid and reliable connection.

Direct Connectivity

From a topology design standpoint, there is a direct connection to the Nexus Dashboard cluster nodes that are directly attached to the fabric. Consider the physical and logical topology of the network to ensure that direct connections align with your overall network design. For more information, see the Nexus Dashboard and Services Deployment and Upgrade Guide for further guidance on the requirements for this architecture.

This connectivity is less preferred than routed connectivity as it ties the ND cluster to a specific fabric. If ND is dedicated to a single fabric, this design can be simpler as it removes the need to build an external independent routed network to connect to the fabric.

One important consideration with direct connectivity, is that in case of multiple fabrics managed by the same Nexus Dashboard, connectivity of ND cluster nodes to other fabrics must use an ACI L3out or Cisco NX-OS external connectivity. In other words, you cannot use an IPN or ISN network.

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Figure 19 Nexus Dashboard connectivity to a fabric in a distributed design

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Figure 20 Nexus Dashboard connectivity to fabric in a centralized design

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Figure 21 Nexus Dashboard connectivity toa  fabric in a centralized design


This white paper has provided a comprehensive guide to deploying a highly available Cisco Nexus Dashboard cluster. By following the outlined steps and considering the recommended best practices, network administrators can ensure the efficient operation and resilience of their data center network management infrastructure.


Cisco Nexus Dashboard Documentation

Cisco Nexus Dashboard Capacity Planning

Note:       The information provided in this white paper is based on the Nexus Dashboard 3.1 release and corresponding services. Always refer to the latest Cisco documentation for the most accurate and up-to-date information.






CopyrightPrinted in USA	Cxx-xxxxxx-xx	01/22


[1] Cohosting capabilities may depend upon validation from Cisco. Therefore, increasing the number of nodes may not always provide benefit in terms of supported cohosting.

[2] Standby nodes are only supported in a physical form factor.

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