The documentation set for this product strives to use bias-free language. For the purposes of this documentation set, bias-free is defined as language that does not imply discrimination based on age, disability, gender, racial identity, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and intersectionality. Exceptions may be present in the documentation due to language that is hardcoded in the user interfaces of the product software, language used based on RFP documentation, or language that is used by a referenced third-party product. Learn more about how Cisco is using Inclusive Language.
This document describes the procedure to add a backup device to Cisco Unified Communication Manager (CUCM).
Cisco recommends that you have knowledge of these topics:
The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, ensure that you understand the potential impact of any command.
The goal of backups available in your environment with any software is to be able to recover in case of disaster. Backups are important in order to prevent loss of data when software is corrupted, hardware fails, or natural disasters occur.
CUCM and SFTP topology as shown in the image:
Step 1. Navigate to CUCM > Disaster Recovery System > Backup > Backup Device and click on Add New as shown in the images:
Step 2. Add a Backup Device name, IP address, Path name, User name and Password as shown in the images:
When finished, click Save.
Confirm Update successful as shown in the image:
Step 1. Secure Shell (SSH) into the IP address of the CUCM Publisher and authenticate with the Operating System (OS) username and password as shown in the images:
Step 2. Add the backup device with the syntax: utils disaster_recovery device add network <backup device name> <path> <ip-address of remote server> <username> [number of backups] as shown in the image:
At the time of this Add Backup Device procedure, these steps take place in CUCM:
Note: If any of these steps fail, CUCM is unable to add the backup device.
UpdateDestination request is sent to add new backup destination
2018-12-24 11:39:22,494 DEBUG [NetMessageDispatch] - drfMessageValidator.validateMessage(): Starting introspection for Message ID = 3200 Message Body =
========== BEGIN msgSubUpdateDestination_REQ ==========
devicepath : /UCM/Backups/
devicetype : NETWORK
hostname : 192.X.X.250
m_iBackupSetCount : 1
password : 8f5fcb108a798014abff9ab4fc006f2a83027d6c858f0ac9b2720a32ba1b8d3c
storagelocationname : TAC-Backup
username : cisco
version : 1.0.0
schedules : []
========== END msgSubUpdateDestination_REQ ==========
CUCM attempts to connect to the SFTP server
2018-12-24 11:39:23,168 DEBUG [NetMessageDispatch] - drfUtils:establishSftpConnection: Trying to connect to the SFTP server.
2018-12-24 11:39:23,171 DEBUG [NetMessageDispatch] - drfUtils:establishSftpConnection: Connecting SFTP server...
Authentication Completed Successfully
2018-12-24 11:39:23,373 DEBUG [NetMessageDispatch] - drfUtils:establishSftpConnection: Authentication Completed Successfully, connected to remote server. Now opening a SFTP channel.
2018-12-24 11:39:23,580 DEBUG [NetMessageDispatch] - drfUtils:sftpPutFile: SSH Authentication success for user cisco on 192.X.X.250
CUCM transfers files from: /common/drf/d3-sb-11pub_dUmmI_Drf to the server: 192.X.X.250 /UCM/Backups/d3-sb-11pub_dUmmI_Drf
This is done to confirm if CUCM has read/write privileges.
2018-12-24 11:39:23,581 DEBUG [NetMessageDispatch] - drfUtils:sftpPutFile: Transferring files from: /common/drf/d3-sb-11pub_dUmmI_Drf to the server: 192.X.X.250 /UCM/Backups/d3-sb-11pub_dUmmI_Drf
2018-12-24 11:39:23,581 DEBUG [NetMessageDispatch] - drfSftpProgressMonitor:: STARTING: 0 /common/drf/d3-sb-11pub_dUmmI_Drf -> /UCM/Backups/d3-sb-11pub_dUmmI_Drf total: 0
File Transfer Completed
2018-12-24 11:39:23,585 DEBUG [NetMessageDispatch] - drfSftpProgressMonitor:: ...File Transfer Completed
CUCM closes ChannelSftp...
2018-12-24 11:39:23,586 DEBUG [NetMessageDispatch] - drfUtils:closeSFTPConnections: Closing ChannelSftp...
2018-12-24 11:39:23,586 DEBUG [NetMessageDispatch] - drfUtils:closeSFTPConnections: Disconnecting Channel...
2018-12-24 11:39:23,586 DEBUG [NetMessageDispatch] - drfUtils:closeSFTPConnections: Closing Session...
CUCM attempts to connect to the SFTP server
2018-12-24 11:39:23,586 DEBUG [NetMessageDispatch] - drfUtils:establishSftpConnection: Trying to connect to the SFTP server.
2018-12-24 11:39:23,587 DEBUG [NetMessageDispatch] - drfUtils:establishSftpConnection: Connecting SFTP server...
Authentication Completed Successfully
2018-12-24 11:39:23,733 DEBUG [NetMessageDispatch] - drfUtils:establishSftpConnection: Authentication Completed Successfully, connected to remote server. Now opening a SFTP channel.
CUCM deletes files /UCM/Backups/d3-sb-11pub_dUmmI_Drf from the server: 192.X.X.250
This is done to confirm if CUCM has read/write privileges.
2018-12-24 11:39:24,277 DEBUG [NetMessageDispatch] - drfUtils:sftpDeleteFile: Deleting files /UCM/Backups/d3-sb-11pub_dUmmI_Drf from the server: 192.X.X.250
Successfully deleted
2018-12-24 11:39:24,277 INFO [NetMessageDispatch] - drfutils.sftpDeleteFiles: Successfully deleted /UCM/Backups/d3-sb-11pub_dUmmI_Drf on the Server 192.X.X.250
CUCM closes ChannelSftp...
2018-12-24 11:39:24,278 DEBUG [NetMessageDispatch] - drfUtils:closeSFTPConnections: Closing ChannelSftp...
2018-12-24 11:39:24,278 DEBUG [NetMessageDispatch] - drfUtils:closeSFTPConnections: Disconnecting Channel...
2018-12-24 11:39:24,278 DEBUG [NetMessageDispatch] - drfUtils:closeSFTPConnections: Closing Session...
2018-12-24 11:39:24,278 DEBUG [NetMessageDispatch] - drfUtils:isSftpLocationAccessible: Closing SFTP Client...
Step 1. Navigate to CUCM > Disaster Recovery System > Backup > Manual Backup as shown in the images:
Step 2. Select the Backup Device, the features to be backed up and click Start. For this example, only the UCM feature is backed up as shown in the image:
Step 1. Secure Shell (SSH) into the IP address of the CUCM Publisher and authenticate with the OS username and password as shown in the image:
Step 2. Start a Manual backup with the command syntax: utils disaster_recovery backup network <featurelist> <backup device name> as shown in the image:
Step 1. Navigate to CUCM > Disaster Recovery System > Backup >Scheduler >> Add New as shown in the images:
Step 2. Add a name for the automatic backup task as shown in the image:
Step 3. Select a backup device
Step 4. Select the features to be backed up
Step 5. Choose a start date and choose the frequency:
Step 6. Save
Step 7. Enable the scheduled backup:
Step 1. Secure Shell (SSH) into the IP address of the CUCM Publisher and authenticate with the OS username and password as shown in the image:
Step 2. Add the scheduled backup with the command syntax: utils disaster_recovery schedule add <schedulename> <devicename> <featurelist> <datetime> <frequency> as shown in the image:
Step 3. Enable the scheduled backup with the command syntax: utils disaster_recovery schedule enable <schedulename> as shown in the image:
Backup device configuration with Number of Backups set to 1 as shown in the image:
Backup directory with only 1 backup available (16 files) as shown in the image:
CUCM first starts to transfer backup files before it deletes the old backup (Reaches 32 files):
Once the backup is complete, DRS deletes the old backup to be in compliance with the number of backups to store in Network Directory (16 files):
The message you see when a manual backup is started: BEGIN MANUAL
2018-12-25 11:11:59,486 DEBUG [NetMessageDispatch] - drfMessageValidator.validateMessage(): Starting introspection for Message ID = 1700 Message Body =
========== BEGIN msgSubBackup_REQ ==========
m_bLeaveTempBackupDirectoryInPlace : false
destinationId : TAC-Backup
backupType : MANUAL
featuresTobeBackedup : [UCM]
========== END msgSubBackup_REQ ==========
This is the device that was added as a backup device: TAC-Backup
2018-12-25 11:11:59,486 DEBUG [NetMessageDispatch] - drfMessageHandler:HandleBackup: The backup is being processed for the device: TAC-Backup
Ensure SFTP is accessible
2018-12-25 11:11:59,487 DEBUG [NetMessageDispatch] - drfMessageHandler:HandleBackup: Executing sftpLsFiles to make sure SFTP is accessible.
2018-12-25 11:11:59,487 INFO [NetMessageDispatch] - drfUtils:sftpLsFiles-: Executing JSCH SFTP ls command for: User: ciscoHostName: 192.X.X.250 from source :/UCM/Backups/ with pattern -l
2018-12-25 11:11:59,487 DEBUG [NetMessageDispatch] - drfUtils:establishSftpConnection: Trying to connect to the SFTP server.
CUCM connects to remote SFTP server
2018-12-25 11:11:59,617 DEBUG [NetMessageDispatch] - drfUtils:establishSftpConnection: Authentication Completed Successfully, connected to remote server. Now opening a SFTP channel.
Number of features that were selected:
Found 1 features selected
Feature Name: UCM
2018-12-25 11:11:59,834 DEBUG [NetMessageDispatch] - drfMessageHandler:setComponentBackupType: Found 1 features selected for Restore
2018-12-25 11:11:59,834 DEBUG [NetMessageDispatch] - drfMessageHandler:setComponentBackupType: Feature Name: UCM. Server Name: D3-SB-11PUB. Component Name: CDPAGTDirectBackup set to : yes
2018-12-25 11:11:59,834 DEBUG [NetMessageDispatch] - drfMessageHandler:setComponentBackupType: Feature Name: UCM. Server Name: D3-SB-11PUB. Component Name: SYSLOGAGTDirectBackup set to : yes
2018-12-25 11:11:59,834 DEBUG [NetMessageDispatch] - drfMessageHandler:setComponentBackupType: Feature Name: UCM. Server Name: D3-SB-11PUB. Component Name: PLATFORMDirectBackup set to : yes
2018-12-25 11:11:59,834 DEBUG [NetMessageDispatch] - drfMessageHandler:setComponentBackupType: Feature Name: UCM. Server Name: D3-SB-11PUB. Component Name: CLMDirectBackup set to : yes
2018-12-25 11:11:59,834 DEBUG [NetMessageDispatch] - drfMessageHandler:setComponentBackupType: Feature Name: UCM. Server Name: D3-SB-11PUB. Component Name: CCMDBDirectBackup set to : yes
2018-12-25 11:11:59,834 DEBUG [NetMessageDispatch] - drfMessageHandler:setComponentBackupType: Feature Name: UCM. Server Name: D3-SB-11PUB. Component Name: TCTDirectBackup set to : yes
2018-12-25 11:11:59,835 DEBUG [NetMessageDispatch] - drfMessageHandler:setComponentBackupType: Feature Name: UCM. Server Name: D3-SB-11PUB. Component Name: CCMPREFSDirectBackup set to : yes
2018-12-25 11:11:59,835 DEBUG [NetMessageDispatch] - drfMessageHandler:setComponentBackupType: Feature Name: UCM. Server Name: D3-SB-11PUB. Component Name: TFTPDirectBackup set to : yes
2018-12-25 11:11:59,835 DEBUG [NetMessageDispatch] - drfMessageHandler:setComponentBackupType: Feature Name: UCM. Server Name: D3-SB-11PUB. Component Name: MOHDirectBackup set to : yes
2018-12-25 11:11:59,835 DEBUG [NetMessageDispatch] - drfMessageHandler:setComponentBackupType: Feature Name: UCM. Server Name: D3-SB-11PUB. Component Name: ANNDirectBackup set to : yes
2018-12-25 11:11:59,835 DEBUG [NetMessageDispatch] - drfMessageHandler:setComponentBackupType: Feature Name: UCM. Server Name: D3-SB-11PUB. Component Name: BATDirectBackup set to : yes
2018-12-25 11:11:59,835 DEBUG [NetMessageDispatch] - drfMessageHandler:setComponentBackupType: Feature Name: UCM. Server Name: D3-SB-11PUB. Component Name: CEFDirectBackup set to : yes
2018-12-25 11:11:59,835 DEBUG [NetMessageDispatch] - drfMessageHandler:setComponentBackupType: Feature Name: UCM. Server Name: D3-SB-11PUB. Component Name: REPORTERDirectBackup set to : yes
2018-12-25 11:11:59,835 DEBUG [NetMessageDispatch] - drfMessageHandler:setComponentBackupType: Feature Name: UCM. Server Name: D3-SB-11PUB. Component Name: DNALIASLOOKUPDirectBackup set to : yes
2018-12-25 11:11:59,835 DEBUG [NetMessageDispatch] - drfMessageHandler:setComponentBackupType: Feature Name: UCM. Server Name: D3-SB-11PUB. Component Name: DNALIASSYNCDirectBackup set to : yes
33 files found at the given path
2018-12-25 11:16:23,886 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 33 files found at the given path
2018-12-25 11:16:23,886 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-24-13-21-17_D3-SB-11PUB_UCM_PLATFORM.tar
2018-12-25 11:16:23,886 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-24-13-21-17_D3-SB-11PUB_drfComponent.xml
2018-12-25 11:16:23,886 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-25-11-12-03_D3-SB-11PUB_UCM_REPORTER.tar
2018-12-25 11:16:23,886 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-25-11-12-03_D3-SB-11PUB_UCM_CLM.tar
2018-12-25 11:16:23,886 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-24-13-21-17_D3-SB-11PUB_UCM_DNALIASSYNC.tar
2018-12-25 11:16:23,886 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-24-13-21-17_D3-SB-11PUB_UCM_REPORTER.tar
2018-12-25 11:16:23,886 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-25-11-12-03_D3-SB-11PUB_UCM_MOH.tar
2018-12-25 11:16:23,886 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-25-11-12-03_D3-SB-11PUB_UCM_BAT.tar
2018-12-25 11:16:23,886 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-24-13-21-17_D3-SB-11PUB_UCM_CCMDB.tar
2018-12-25 11:16:23,886 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-24-13-21-17_D3-SB-11PUB_UCM_SYSLOGAGT.tar
2018-12-25 11:16:23,886 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-25-11-12-03_D3-SB-11PUB_UCM_CEF.tar
2018-12-25 11:16:23,886 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-25-11-12-03_D3-SB-11PUB_UCM_CCMPREFS.tar
2018-12-25 11:16:23,886 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-24-13-21-17_D3-SB-11PUB_UCM_CCMPREFS.tar
2018-12-25 11:16:23,886 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-25-11-12-03_D3-SB-11PUB_UCM_TCT.tar
2018-12-25 11:16:23,886 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-24-13-21-17_D3-SB-11PUB_UCM_CEF.tar
2018-12-25 11:16:23,886 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-25-11-12-03_D3-SB-11PUB_UCM_PLATFORM.tar
2018-12-25 11:16:23,886 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-25-11-12-03_D3-SB-11PUB_UCM_CDPAGT.tar
2018-12-25 11:16:23,886 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-25-11-12-03_D3-SB-11PUB_UCM_ANN.tar
2018-12-25 11:16:23,886 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-25-11-12-03_D3-SB-11PUB_UCM_SYSLOGAGT.tar
2018-12-25 11:16:23,886 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-24-13-21-17_D3-SB-11PUB_UCM_TFTP.tar
2018-12-25 11:16:23,886 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-25-11-12-03_D3-SB-11PUB_UCM_TFTP.tar
2018-12-25 11:16:23,886 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-25-11-12-03_D3-SB-11PUB_UCM_CCMDB.tar
2018-12-25 11:16:23,886 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-24-13-21-17_D3-SB-11PUB_UCM_ANN.tar
2018-12-25 11:16:23,886 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-25-11-12-03_D3-SB-11PUB_UCM_DNALIASSYNC.tar
2018-12-25 11:16:23,886 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-25-11-12-03_D3-SB-11PUB_UCM_DNALIASLOOKUP.tar
2018-12-25 11:16:23,886 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-24-13-21-17_D3-SB-11PUB_UCM_CDPAGT.tar
2018-12-25 11:16:23,886 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-24-13-21-17_D3-SB-11PUB_UCM_MOH.tar
2018-12-25 11:16:23,886 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-24-13-21-17_D3-SB-11PUB_UCM_CLM.tar
2018-12-25 11:16:23,886 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-24-13-21-17_D3-SB-11PUB_UCM_DNALIASLOOKUP.tar
2018-12-25 11:16:23,886 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-24-13-21-17_D3-SB-11PUB_UCM_BAT.tar
2018-12-25 11:16:23,886 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-24-13-21-17_D3-SB-11PUB_UCM_TCT.tar
This is used to keep track of number of backups:
DRS gets a list of its previous backup IDs:
2018-12-25 11:16:23,887 INFO [TarWorkerThread] - drfSftpManager:drfGetListOfBackups: Adding the backup id after the _pubhostname filtering:2018-12-24-13-21-17
2018-12-25 11:16:23,887 INFO [TarWorkerThread] - drfSftpManager:drfGetListOfBackups: Adding the backup id after the _pubhostname filtering:2018-12-25-11-12-03
list size : 1
2018-12-25 11:16:24,852 INFO [TarWorkerThread] - drfSftpManager.RemoveOldBackupSet: list size : 1
CUCM removes: /UCM/Backups/2018-12-24-13-21-17_D3-SB-11PUB*
2018-12-25 11:16:24,852 INFO [TarWorkerThread] - drfSftpManager.RemoveOldBackupSet: Removing: /UCM/Backups/2018-12-24-13-21-17_D3-SB-11PUB*
List now only has 1 backup
2018-12-25 11:16:26,405 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 18 files found at the given path
2018-12-25 11:16:26,405 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-25-11-12-03_D3-SB-11PUB_UCM_REPORTER.tar
2018-12-25 11:16:26,405 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-25-11-12-03_D3-SB-11PUB_UCM_CLM.tar
2018-12-25 11:16:26,405 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-25-11-12-03_D3-SB-11PUB_UCM_MOH.tar
2018-12-25 11:16:26,405 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-25-11-12-03_D3-SB-11PUB_UCM_BAT.tar
2018-12-25 11:16:26,405 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-25-11-12-03_D3-SB-11PUB_UCM_CEF.tar
2018-12-25 11:16:26,405 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-25-11-12-03_D3-SB-11PUB_UCM_CCMPREFS.tar
2018-12-25 11:16:26,405 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-25-11-12-03_D3-SB-11PUB_UCM_TCT.tar
2018-12-25 11:16:26,405 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-25-11-12-03_D3-SB-11PUB_UCM_PLATFORM.tar
2018-12-25 11:16:26,405 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-25-11-12-03_D3-SB-11PUB_UCM_CDPAGT.tar
2018-12-25 11:16:26,405 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-25-11-12-03_D3-SB-11PUB_UCM_ANN.tar
2018-12-25 11:16:26,405 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-25-11-12-03_D3-SB-11PUB_UCM_SYSLOGAGT.tar
2018-12-25 11:16:26,405 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-25-11-12-03_D3-SB-11PUB_UCM_TFTP.tar
2018-12-25 11:16:26,405 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-25-11-12-03_D3-SB-11PUB_UCM_CCMDB.tar
2018-12-25 11:16:26,405 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-25-11-12-03_D3-SB-11PUB_UCM_DNALIASSYNC.tar
2018-12-25 11:16:26,405 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-25-11-12-03_D3-SB-11PUB_UCM_DNALIASLOOKUP.tar
2018-12-25 11:16:26,405 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: 2018-12-25-11-12-03_D3-SB-11PUB_drfComponent.xml
2018-12-25 11:16:26,405 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfutils.sftpLsFiles-: Found 16 matching the search criteria.
CUCM closes ChannelSftp...
2018-12-25 11:16:26,405 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfUtils:closeSFTPConnections: Closing ChannelSftp...
2018-12-25 11:16:26,405 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfUtils:closeSFTPConnections: Disconnecting Channel...
2018-12-25 11:16:26,405 DEBUG [TarWorkerThread] - drfUtils:closeSFTPConnections: Closing Session...
2018-12-25 11:16:26,572 INFO [TarWorkerThread] - {STATE_IDLE} drfBackup:CompleteBackup(Device=-): === BACKUP operation COMPLETED ===
In order to verify that the backup was successful, you need to see the status message SUCCESS: Backup completed as shown in the image:
In order to troubleshoot Backups in CUCM, you need:
In RTMT, navigate to Trace and Log Central > Collect Files > Cisco DRF Local & Cisco DRF Master for all servers as shown in the image:
You can find details in How to Collect Traces for CUCM 9.x or Later
Access to the remote SFTP is recommended.