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This document describes the steps to troubleshoot Simple Network Monitoring Protocol (SNMP) in Secure Web Appliance (SWA).
Cisco recommends knowledge of these topics:
This document is not restricted to specific software and hardware versions.
The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, ensure that you understand the potential impact of any command.
SNMPis an application–layer communication protocol that allows network devices to exchange management information among these systems and with other devices outside the network.
Through SNMP, network administrators can manage network performance, find and solve network problems, and plan network growth.
SNMP makes network monitoring more cost effective and allows your network to be more reliable. (For more information aboutSNMP, see RFCs 1065, 1066, and 1067.)
An SNMP–managed network consists of a Manager, Agents, and Managed devices.
An agent resides on each managed device translates local management information data (such as performance information or event and error information) caught in software traps, into a readable form for the management system.
The SNMP agent captures data from Management Information Base (MIB) (device parameter and network data repositories) or from error or change traps.
The MIB, is a data structure that describes SNMP network elements as a list of data objects. The SNMP manager must compile the MIB file for each equipment type in the network to monitor SNMP devices.
The manager and agent use a MIB and a relatively small set of commands to exchange information. The MIB is organized in a tree structure with individual variables being represented as leaves on the branches.
A long numeric tag or object identifier (OID) is used to distinguish each variable uniquely in the MIB and in SNMP messages. The MIB associates each OID with a readable label and various other parameters related to the object. The MIB then serves as a data dictionary or codebook that is used to assemble and interpret SNMP messages.
When the SNMP manager wants to know the value of an object, such as the state of an alarm point, the system name, or the element uptime, it assembles a GET packet that includes the OID for each object of interest. The element receives the request and looks up each OID in its code book (MIB). If the OID is found (the object is managed by the element), a response packet is assembled and sent with the current value of the object included. If the OID is not found, a special error response is sent that identifies the un-managed object.
SNMP traps enable an agent to notify the management station of significant events by way of an unsolicited SNMP message. SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c, along with the associated MIB, encourage trap-directed notification.
The idea behind trap-directed notification is that if a manager is responsible for a large number of devices, and each device has a large number of objects, it is impractical for the manager to poll or request information from every object on every device.
The solution is for each agent on the managed device to notify the manager without solicitation. It does this by send a message known as a the event trap.
After the manager receives the event, the manager displays it and can choose to take an action based on the event. For instance, the manager can poll the agent directly, or poll other associated device agents to understand the event better.
Trap-directed notification can result in substantial savings of network and agent resources by eliminate the need for frivolous SNMP requests. However, it is not possible to totally eliminate SNMP polls.
SNMP requests are required for discovery and topology changes. In addition, a managed device agent can not send a trap, if the device has had a catastrophic outage.
SNMPv1 traps are defined in RFC 1157, with these fields:
Enterprise: Identifies the type of managed object that generates the trap.
Agent address: Provides the address of the managed object that generates the trap.
Generic trap type: Indicates one of a number of generic trap types.
Specific trap code: Indicates one of a number of specific trap codes.
Time stamp: Provides the amount of time that has elapsed between the last network reinitialization and generation of the trap.
Variable bindings:The data field of the trap that contains PDU. Each variable binding associates a particular MIB object instance with its current value.
SNMPv3 supports the SNMP Engine ID Identifier, uniquely identifying each SNMP entity. Conflicts can occur if two SNMP entities have duplicate EngineIDs.
The EngineID is used to generate the key for authenticated messages. (For more information onSNMPv3, see RFCs 2571-2575).
Many SNMP products remain fundamentally the same under SNMPv3 but are enhanced by these new features:
SNMPv3 security models come primarily in two forms: Authentication and Encryption:
There are three security levels in an SNMP Group:
The AsyncOS operating system supports system status monitoring viaSNMP.
Please note:
SNMPisoffby default.
SNMPSET operations (configuration) are not implemented.
AsyncOS supportsSNMPv1, v2, and v3.
Message authentication and encryption are mandatory when enablingSNMPv3. Passphrases for authentication and encryption must be different.
The encryption algorithm can be AES (recommended) or DES.
The authentication algorithm can be SHA-1 (recommended) or MD5.
Thesnmpconfig command “remembers” your passphrases the next time you run the command.
For AsyncOS releases prior to 15.0, TheSNMPv3 username is: v3get.
If you use onlySNMPv1 orSNMPv2, you must set a community string. The community string does not default to public.
ForSNMPv1 andSNMPv2, you must specify a network from whichSNMPGET requests are accepted.
To use traps, anSNMPmanager (not included in AsyncOS) must be running and its IP address entered as the trap target.
Note: You can use a host name, but if you do, traps only work when DNS is working.
To configureSNMPto gather system status information for the appliance, use thesnmpconfig command in the CLI. After you choose and configure values for an interface, the appliance responds toSNMPv3 GET requests.
When you useSNMP, please consider these points:
SWA_CLI> snmpconfig
Current SNMP settings:
SNMP Disabled.
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- SETUP - Configure SNMP.
Do you want to enable SNMP? [Y]> Y
Please choose an IP interface for SNMP requests.
1. Management ( on Management: wsa125to15-man.amojarra.calo)
2. P1 ( on P1: wsa1255p1.amojarra.calo)
3. P2 ( on P2: wsa1255p2.amojarra.calo)
[1]> 1
Which port shall the SNMP daemon listen on?
[161]> 161
Please select SNMPv3 authentication type:
1. MD5
2. SHA
[1]> 2
Please select SNMPv3 privacy protocol:
1. DES
2. AES
[1]> 2
Enter the SNMPv3 username or press return to leave it unchanged.
[v3get]> SNMPMUser
Enter the SNMPv3 authentication passphrase.
Please enter the SNMPv3 authentication passphrase again to confirm.
Enter the SNMPv3 privacy passphrase.
Please enter the SNMPv3 privacy passphrase again to confirm.
Service SNMP V1/V2c requests? [N]> N
Enter the Trap target as a host name, IP address or list of IP addresses
separated by commas (IP address preferred). Enter "None" to disable traps.
Enter the Trap Community string.
[ironport]> swa_community
Enterprise Trap Status
1. CPUUtilizationExceeded Enabled
2. FIPSModeDisableFailure Enabled
3. FIPSModeEnableFailure Enabled
4. FailoverHealthy Enabled
5. FailoverUnhealthy Enabled
6. connectivityFailure Disabled
7. keyExpiration Enabled
8. linkUpDown Enabled
9. memoryUtilizationExceeded Enabled
10. updateFailure Enabled
11. upstreamProxyFailure Enabled
Do you want to change any of these settings? [N]> Y
Do you want to disable any of these traps? [Y]> N
Do you want to enable any of these traps? [Y]> Y
Enter number or numbers of traps to enable. Separate multiple numbers with
[]> 6
Please enter the URL to check for connectivity failure, followed by the
checking interval in seconds, separated by a comma:
Enterprise Trap Status
1. CPUUtilizationExceeded Enabled
2. FIPSModeDisableFailure Enabled
3. FIPSModeEnableFailure Enabled
4. FailoverHealthy Enabled
5. FailoverUnhealthy Enabled
6. connectivityFailure Enabled
7. keyExpiration Enabled
8. linkUpDown Enabled
9. memoryUtilizationExceeded Enabled
10. updateFailure Enabled
11. upstreamProxyFailure Enabled
Do you want to change any of these settings? [N]>
Enter the System Location string.
Enter the System Contact string.
Current SNMP settings:
Listening on interface "Management" port 161.
SNMP v3: Enabled.
SNMP v3 UserName: SNMPMUser
SNMP v3 Authentication type: SHA
SNMP v3 Privacy protocol: AES
SNMP v1/v2: Disabled.
Trap target:
Location: location
System Contact: snmp@localhost
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- SETUP - Configure SNMP.
SWA_CLI> commit
MIB files are available from the URL:
Use the latest version of each MIB file.
There are multiple MIB files:
asyncoswebsecurityappliance-mib.txt is anSNMPv2 compatible description of the Enterprise MIB forSecure Web Appliances.
ASYNCOS-MAIL-MIB.txt is anSNMPv2 compatible description of the Enterprise MIB for Email Security appliances.
IRONPORT-SMI.txt This “Structure of Management Information” file defines the role of the asyncoswebsecurityappliance-mib.
This release implements a read-only subset of MIB-II as defined in RFCs 1213 and 1907.
SeeMonitoring CPU Usage on a WSA Appliance Using SNMPto know more about CPU usage monitoring on the appliance withSNMP.
SNMPprovides the ability to send traps, or notifications, to advise an administration application when one or more conditions have been met.
Traps are network packets that contain data relating to a component of the system sending the trap.
Traps are generated when a condition has been met on theSNMPagent (in this case, the CiscoSecure Web Appliance). After the condition has been met, theSNMPagent then forms anSNMPpacket and sends it to the host running theSNMPmanagement console software.
You can configureSNMPtraps (enable or disable specific traps) when you enableSNMPfor an interface.
Note: To specify multiple trap targets: when prompted for the trap target, you can enter up to 10 comma separated IP addresses.
The connectivityFailure trap is intended to monitor your appliance connection to the Internet. It does this by attempting to connect and send an HTTP GET request to a single external server every 5 to 7 seconds. By default, the monitored URL is on port 80.
To change the monitored URL or port, run the snmpconfig command and enable the connecivityFailure trap, even if it is already enabled. You can see a prompt to change the URL.
Tip: To simulate connectivityFailure traps, you can use the dnsconfig CLI command to enter a non-working DNS server. Lookups for fails, and traps are sent every 5-7 seconds. Be sure to change the DNS server back to a working server after your test is over.
This is a list of the recommended MIBs to monitor and not an exhaustive list:
Hardware OID | Name | | raidID | | raidStatus | | raidLastError | | fanTable | | degreesCelsius |
This is OIDs map directly to the output of thestatus detailCLI command:
OID | Name | Status detail field |
System Resources | || | perCentCPUUtilization | CPU | | perCentMemoryUtilization | RAM |
Transactions per Second | || | cacheThruputNow | Average transactions per second in last minute. | | cacheThruput1hrPeak | Maximum transactions per second in last hour. | | cacheThruput1hrMean | Average transactions per second in last hour. | | cacheThruputLifePeak | Maximum transactions per second since proxy restart. | | cacheThruputLifeMean | Average transactions per second since proxy restart. |
Bandwidth | || | cacheBwidthTotalNow | Average bandwidth in last minute. | | cacheBwidthTotal1hrPeak | Maximum bandwidth in last hour. | | cacheBwidthTotal1hrMean | Average bandwidth in last hour. | | cacheBwidthTotalLifePeak | Maximum bandwidth since proxy restart. | | cacheBwidthTotalLifeMean | Average bandwidth since proxy restart. |
Response time | || | cacheHitsNow | Average cache hit rate in last minute. | | cacheHits1hrPeak | Maximum cache hit rate in last hour. | | cacheHits1hrMean | Average cache hit rate in last hour. | | cacheHitsLifePeak | Maximum cache hit rate since proxy restart. | | cacheHitsLifeMean | Average cache hit rate since proxy restart. |
Cache hit rate | || | cacheHitsNow | Average cache hit rate in last minute. | | cacheHits1hrPeak | Maximum cache hit rate in last hour. | | cacheHits1hrMean | Average cache hit rate in last hour. | | cacheHitsLifePeak | Maximum cache hit rate since proxy restart. | | cacheHitsLifeMean | Average cache hit rate since proxy restart. |
Connections | || | cacheClientIdleConns | Idle client connections. | | cacheServerIdleConns | Idle server connections. | | cacheClientTotalConns | Total client connections. | | cacheServerTotalConns | Total server connections. |
To view the connectivity between SWA and your SNMP manager it is best to capture packets, you can put the packet capture filter to: (port 161 or port 162).
Note: This filter is due to default SNMP ports. If you have changed the ports, please put the configured port numbers in the packet capture filter.
Steps to capture packets from SWA:
Step 1. Log in to GUI.
Step 2. On top right, choose Support and Help.
Step 3. Select Packet Capture.
Step 4. Choose Edit settings.
Step 5. Ensure correct interface has been selected .
Step 6. Enter the filter conditions.
Step 7. Choose Submit.
Step 8. Choose Start Capture.
Tip: You can decrypt SNMPv3 packet captures with Wireshark. For more information, please visit How-to-decrypt-snmpv3-packets-using-wireshark.
snmpwalk is the name given to an SNMP application that runs multiple GET-NEXT requests automatically. The SNMP GET-NEXT request is used to query an enabled device and take SNMP data from a device. The snmpwalk command is used because it allows the user to chain GET-NEXT requests together without having to enter unique commands for each and every OID or node within a sub-tree.
For Microsoft Windows users, you first need to download the tool.
#For Redhat, Fedora, CentOs:
yum install net-snmp-utils
#For Ubuntu:
apt-get install snmp
By default snmpwalk is installed on MacOS.
To generate an SNMP GET request, you can use snmpwalk command from another computer in your network which has connectivity to SWA, here are some samples of snmpwalk command:
snmpwalk -v2c -c <Community Name> <SWA IP Address>
snmpwalk -v3 -l authPriv -u v3get -a SHA -A <Password> -x AES -X <Password> <SWA IP Address>
Note: You can choose set security level to noAuthNoPriv or authNoPriv or authPriv depends on your SWA configurations.
snmptrap is a hidden CLI command which requires SNMP be enabled on the SWA. You can generate SNMP trap by selecting the object, and trap, as in this example:
1. CPUUtilizationExceeded
2. FIPSModeDisableFailure
3. FIPSModeEnableFailure
4. FailoverHealthy
5. FailoverUnhealthy
6. connectivityFailure
7. keyExpiration
8. linkUpDown
9. memoryUtilizationExceeded
10. updateFailure
11. upstreamProxyFailure
Enter the number of the trap you would like to send.
[]> 8
1. CPUUtilization
2. FIPSApplicationName
3. FailoverApplicationName
4. RAIDEvents
6. connectionURL
7. ifIndex
8. ip
9. keyDescription
10. memoryUtilization
11. raidStatus
12. updateServiceName
Enter the number of the object you would like to send.
[]> 8
Enter the trap value.
Enter the user name
[admin]> SNMPuser
Please select Trap Protocol version:
1. 2c
2. 3
[1]> 2
SWA has two logs related to SNMP. Some log types related to the web proxy component are not enabled, but you can enable them from:
Log File Type |
Description |
Supports Syslog Push? |
Enabled by Default? |
SNMP Logs |
Records debug messages related to the SNMP network management engine. |
Yes |
Yes |
SNMP Module Logs |
Records Web Proxy messages related to interacting with the SNMP monitoring system. |
No |
No |
This issue is related to SNMP pull. here are two samples of expected output and output with error:
Sample Output without Error:
$ snmpwalk -O a -v 3 -M "/var/lib/mibs/" -m "ALL" -l authPriv -a MD5 -x DES -u v3get -A xxx -X xxx proxy
iso. = INTEGER: 1
iso. = INTEGER: 22
iso. = STRING: "Ambient"
Sample Output with Error:
$ snmpwalk -O a -v 3 -M "/var/lib/mibs/" -m "ALL" -l authPriv -a MD5 -x DES -u v3get -A xxx -X xxx proxy
iso. = No Such Instance currently exists at this OID
You can check for Application Faults in snmp_logs.
You can check snmp_logs by entering the SWA_CLI> grep command, then choosing the number associated with snmp_logs:
SWA_CLI> grep
Currently configured logs:
1. "accesslogs" Type: "Access Logs" Retrieval: FTP Poll
2. "adc_logs" Type: "ADC Engine Logs" Retrieval: FTP Poll
37. "snmp_logs" Type: "SNMP Logs" Retrieval: FTP Poll
Enter the number of the log you wish to grep.
[]> 37
Enter the regular expression to grep.
Do you want this search to be case insensitive? [Y]>
Do you want to search for non-matching lines? [N]>
Do you want to tail the logs? [N]> y
Do you want to paginate the output? [N]>
Revision | Publish Date | Comments |
3.0 |
17-Jan-2025 |
Grammar, style, punctuation, some formatting. |
2.0 |
25-Jul-2023 |
Initial Release |
1.0 |
07-Jul-2023 |
Initial Release |