This document describes how to configure Cisco Secure Client scripting with Secure Firewall ASA and FTD.
Cisco recommends that you have knowledge of these topics:
- SSL Cisco Secure Client configuration through Secure Firewall ASA and Secure Firewall Threat Defense managed by Cisco Secure Firewall Management Center (FMC)
- ASDM access
- FTD SSH access
- OnConnect and OnDisconnect scripts
Components Used
- Secure Firewall ASA
- Secure Firewall Threat Defense
- Cisco Secure Firewall Management Center
- Cisco Secure Client 5.0.03072
The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, ensure that you understand the potential impact of any command.
Background Information
We are covering 2 different configuration examples:
- Setting up Secure Client scripting with Secure Firewall ASA managed by ASDM.
- Setting up Secure Client scripting with Secure Firewall Threat Defense managed by Cisco Secure Firewall Management Center.
With FTD managed by FMC this is still not officially supported by the FMC so we are going to implement a workaround to the enhancement request Cisco bug ID
Setting up Secure Client scripting with Secure Firewall ASA managed by ASDM configuration example:
Step 1. Create a Secure Client Profile and Enable Scripting in Preferences (Part 2).
AnyConnect XML Profile editor
Additional options from the xml profile:
- Check Terminate Script On Next Event to enable the client to terminate a running script process if a transition to another scriptable event occurs. For example, the client terminates a running On Connect script if the VPN session ends and terminates a running OnDisconnect script if Cisco Secure Client starts a new VPN session. On Microsoft Windows, the client also terminates any scripts that the On Connect or OnDisconnect script launched, and all their script descendents. On macOS and Linux, the client terminates only the On Connect or OnDisconnect script; it does not terminate child scripts.
- Check Enable Post SBL On Connect Script (enabled by default) to let the client launch the On Connect script (if present) if SBL establishes the VPN session.
Make sure you assign the AnyConnect Profile to the proper Group Policy:
XML Group Policy assignment
Step 2. Configure your script.
Since Cisco does not support example scripts or customer-written scripts, we have some examples you can test depending on your needs:
Windows scripts
Caution: Make sure to use commands supported by the 32-bit cmd.exe.
1. Script to map a drive:
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
objShell.LogEvent 0, "Sample AnyConnect OnConnect script."
Dim strDriveLetter, strRemotePath
Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
' remove old mapping (if any)
objNetwork.RemoveNetworkDrive strDriveLetter
' add new mapping
objNetwork.MapNetworkDrive strDriveLetter, strRemotePath
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
objShell.LogEvent 0, "Failed to map network drive." & vbCrLf & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
End If
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
objShell.LogEvent 0, "Sample AnyConnect OnDisconnect script."
Dim strDriveLetter
Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
' remove old mapping (if any)
objNetwork.RemoveNetworkDrive strDriveLetter
2. Script to refresh a windows group policy:
OnConnect.vbs or OnDisconnect.vbs
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
objShell.LogEvent 0, "Sample AnyConnect OnConnect script."
' refreshes local and Active Directory-based Group Policy settings, including security settings
returnCode = objShell.Run("gpupdate.exe /force", 0, True)
If returnCode <> 0 Then
objShell.LogEvent 0, "Failed to update Group Policy settings." & vbCrLf & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
End If
objShell.LogEvent 0, "User's Group Policy settings have been updated."
3. Launching multiple scripts:
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
objShell.LogEvent 0, "Sample script 1."
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
objShell.LogEvent 0, "Sample script 2."
WScript.Quit 5
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
objShell.LogEvent 0, "Sample script 3."
OnConnect.vbs or OnDisconnect.vbs
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
objShell.LogEvent 0, "Sample AnyConnect OnConnect script."
' launch each script after the previous has completed
returnCode = objShell.Run("wscript.exe Script1.vbs", 0, True)
objShell.LogEvent 0, "Script1.vbs returned = " & returnCode
returnCode = objShell.Run("wscript.exe Script2.vbs", 0, True)
objShell.LogEvent 0, "Script2.vbs returned = " & returnCode
returnCode = objShell.Run("wscript.exe Script3.vbs", 0, True)
objShell.LogEvent 0, "Script3.vbs returned = " & returnCode
Note: This samples are supplied as is with no implied warranty or support. It is designed to assist you in using the Cisco AnyConnect scripting feature. It is assumed that you are referring to this sample as a reference only.
Linux Script
1. Launching multiple scripts:
logger "Sample script 1."
logger "Sample script 2."
logger "Sample script 3." or
logger "Sample AnyConnect OnConnect script."
# launch each script after the previous has completed
logger " returned = $?"
logger " returned = $?"
logger " returned = $?"
Note: This samples are supplied as is with no implied warranty or support. It is designed to assist you in using the Cisco AnyConnect scripting feature. It is assumed that you are referring to this sample as a reference only.
MacOS scripts
1. Launching AppleScript:
say "This is a Sample AppleScript"
logger "Sample AnyConnect OnConnect script."
# launch the AppleScript script
/usr/bin/osascript Script1.scpt
2. Launching multiple scripts
logger "Sample script 1."
logger "Sample script 2."
logger "Sample script 3."
logger "Sample AnyConnect OnConnect script."
# launch each script after the previous has completed
logger " returned = $?"
logger " returned = $?"
logger " returned = $?"
Note: This samples are supplied as is with no implied warranty or support. It is designed to assist you in using the Cisco AnyConnect scripting feature. It is assumed that you are referring to this sample as a reference only.
Step3. Import the script through ASDM
AnyConnect Scripting settings ASDM
Setting up Secure Client scripting with FTD managed by FMC
Currently setting up Secure Client scripting is not supported by the FMC, there is an enhancement request Cisco bug ID CSCvt58044 to support it. Based on that we have a workaround to allow the configuration and deploy of the scripts.
Step 1. Create a Secure Client Profile and Enable Scripting in Preferences (Part 2) with the VPN profile editor.
VPN Profile Editor Icon
Secure Client 5 Profile Editor
Step 2. Create the script (same script examples from above)
Step3. Note the size of the file in bytes
Open the script properties by right clicking on it, in the General tab check the Size and write it down.
Script properties
Step4. Import the script:
Option1. TFTP/FTP transfer:
SSH to FTD Appliance and enter system support diagnostic-cli
Copy the script from your TFTP/FTP server to the flash:
>system support diagnostic-cli
FTD#copy tftp:/<serverip>/<filename> flash:/<filename>
>system support diagnostic-cli
FTD#copy ftp:<username>:<password>@<serverip>/<filename> flash:/<filename>
Import the webvpn AnyConnect-customization:
The file name has to be prefixed with scripts_OnConnect_
FTD#import webvpn AnyConnect-customization type binary platform win name scripts_OnConnect_login.vbs flash:/scripts_OnConnect_login.vbs
Option2. Copy the script directly in the CLI:
SSH to FTD Appliance and enter system support diagnostic-cli
Enter this command:
The file name has to be prefixed with scripts_OnConnect_
FTD#import webvpn AnyConnect-customization type binary platform win name scripts_OnConnect_login.vbs stdin 943
Notes: The stdin is the size in bytes of the script from Step 2.
After entering the import command you need to paste the actual script on the CLI and even though this is not going show the output you just need to do enter a couple of time until you get back to the CLI.
Note: Pasting the script in the CLI could take a while depending on the size of the script.
You can verify the script was imported properly by running the command:
FTD#export webvpn AnyConnect-customization type binary platform win name <scriptname>.vbs flash:/<scriptname>.vbs
FTD#more flash:/<scriptname>.vbs
If you need to remove the script you can run the following command from the CLI:
FTD#revert webvpn AnyConnect-customization type binary platform win name <scriptname>
Step5. Upload the Secure Client VPN profile to the FMC and apply it to the Group Policy:
Go to Devices> Remote Access> select the Connection Profile and Edit> Advanced> Group Policies> edit the Group Policy> Secure Client> Profile> you can select the profile if is already uploaded to the FMC or you can click the plus option and upload the profile from there.
FMC Group Policy Configuration
After connecting through the VPN you can confirm the script was sucessfully deployed by checking this path depending on the OS:
Microsoft Windows
%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Cisco\Cisco Secure Client\VPN\Script
(On Linux, assign execute permissions to the file for User, Group and Other.)
1. Make sure that the script has an OnConnect
or OnDisconnect
prefix name, If you use ASDM version 6.3 or later, the Secure Firewall ASA adds the prefix scripts_ and the prefix OnConnect or OnDisconnect to your filename to identify the file as a script. When the client connects, the security appliance downloads the script to the proper target directory on the remote computer, removes the scripts_ prefix and leaves the OnConnect or OnDisconnect prefix. For example, if you import the script myscript.bat, the script appears on the security appliance as scripts_OnConnect_myscript.bat. On the remote computer, the script appears as OnConnect_myscript.bat.
2. Try running the script from the command line. The client cannot run the script if it cannot run from the command line. If the script fails to run on the command line, make sure the application that runs the script is installed, and try rewriting the script on that operating system.
3. Verify that there is only one OnConnect script and only one OnDisconnect script in the scripts directory on the VPN endpoint. If the client downloads an OnConnect script from the Secure Firewall ASA, then downloads a second OnConnect script with a different filename suffix for another Secure Firewall ASA, then the client can not run the script you intended to run. If the script path contains more than one OnConnect or OnDisconnect script, and you are using the Secure Firewall ASA to deploy scripts, then remove the contents of the scripts directory and re-establish a VPN session. If the script path contains more than one OnConnect or OnDisconnect script, and you are using the manual deployment method, then remove the unwanted scripts and re-establish a VPN session.
4. If the operating system is Linux or MacOS, make sure that the script file permissions are set to execute, if the permission is not set to execute you can run this command to make it is executable:
$ cd YourScriptDirectory
$ sudo chmod +755 <scriptname>
5. Make sure that the client profile has scripting enabled.
6. Depending on how you are writing your script you need to have an option to log the progress of the script, for example with the .vbs you can use objShell.LogEvent and then you can go to the event viewer of Windows and check if this worked or failed:
Using as an example the script example Script to refresh a windows group policy
Event Viewer Logs