This document explains how to use the CISCO-BULK-FILE-MIB and transfer files created by that Management Information Base (MIB) using the CISCO-FTP-CLIENT-MIB.
Starting from Cisco IOS® software release 12.0, Cisco has implemented a way to store an Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) object or table as a file on the device. This file can then be retrieved using the CISCO-FTP-CLIENT-MIB. This technology allows you to transfer large amounts of data using a reliable transport method.
Before attempting this configuration, ensure that you meet these requirements:
You have a Cisco device running Cisco IOS® software release 12.0 or later. Check the MIB Locator Tool to make sure the CISCO-BULK-FILE-MIB is supported for your device. A link to the tool can be found on the Cisco IOS MIB Tools page.
Note: This MIB is not supported on Catalyst OS devices.
SNMP must be configured on the device with both read-only and read-write community strings. This is not covered in this document. For information on configuring SNMP on IOS® devices, read How to Configure SNMP Community Strings on Routers, Cisco IOS Software-Based XL Switches, RSMs, MSFCs and Catalyst Switches.
The information in this document is based on these software and hardware versions:
The CISCO-BULK-FILE-MIB to store the ifTable from a 7507 router running 12.1(12) in a file, then use the CISCO-FTP-CLIENT-MIB to transfer that file from the router to a FTP server.
The net-snmp SNMP command suite installed on UNIX or Windows.
These MIBs are used:
The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, make sure that you understand the potential impact of any command.
For more information on document conventions, refer to the Cisco Technical Tips Conventions .
Make sure you have the MIBs in this table loaded into your management platform. This allows you to use the object names and values listed above instead of the numeric Object Identifiers (OIDs). In general, this document refers to object names and not OIDs.
In this example, we capture the ifTable from a router, and store it in a bulk file. However, you can use any MIB object or table.
Use the net-snmp version of snmpset. The IP address of the router is Its read-write community string is private. The read-only community string is public.
Each time you create a new bulk file operation, choose two random numbers for the row instance. They can be any number between 1 and 4294967295 inclusive. For the purposes of this example, use 333 and 444.
To create a BULK-FILE operation, complete these steps:
Set up the file to be created.
$ snmpset -c private cbfDefineFileEntryStatus.333 i 5 $ snmpset -c private cbfDefineFileName.333 s ifTable.txt $ snmpset -c private cbfDefineFileFormat.333 i bulkASCII
Specify the MIB object to capture.
This object requires two indices for correct operation. The 333 is the 333 from the file creation table above. The 444 is a new random number used for the primary index in the cbfDefineObjectTable.
This example demonstrates using an object name for cbfDefineObjectID (ifTable). You could use a fully-qualified OID here as well.
$ snmpset -c private cbfDefineObjectID.333.444 o ifTable
Activate the newly created rows.
You must have both indices for your cbfDefineObjectTable row.
$ snmpset -c private cbfDefineObjectEntryStatus.333.444 i 1 $ snmpset -c private cbfDefineFileEntryStatus.333 i 1
Create the file.
$ snmpset -c private cbfDefineFileNow.333 i 3
The bulk file is created.
Verify the file was created successfully by using snmpget on the cbfStatusFileState object.
This object requires two indices. The first index is the random number chosen for the File table (333 in this example). The second index depends on how many files you created in your router. Since this is your first file, the index is 1. Therefore, use the command:
$ snmpget -c public cbfStatusFileState.333.1
A value of running(1) means that the file is in the process of being created. A value of ready(2) means that the file was created successfully, and is waiting to be read.
This file is not directly accessible from the router, however. Use the CISCO-FTP-CLIENT-MIB to read this file.
For each FTP Client operation, you must select a random number for the row instance. You can use one of the same random numbers you used above. This example uses 555.
To transfer the file using a CISCO-FTP-CLIENT-MIB, complete these steps:
Create a row instance of the FTP Client.
$ snmpset -c private cfcRequestEntryStatus.555 i 5
Fill in the required parameters. The LocalFile must be the same name as the file you created above! Use putASCII to transfer bulkASCII files.
If you set the cbfDefineFileFormat to bulkBinary above, you must set cfcRequestOperation to putBinary.
$ snmpset -c private cfcRequestOperation.555 i putASCII $ snmpset -c private cfcRequestLocalFile.555 s ifTable.txt $ snmpset -c private cfcRequestRemoteFile.555 s /home/Marcus/ifTable.txt $ snmpset -c private cfcRequestServer.555 s $ snmpset -c private cfcRequestUser.555 s Marcus $ snmpset -c private cfcRequestPassword.555 s marcus123
Begin the transfer by setting the row to active.
$ snmpset -c private cfcRequestEntryStatus.555 i 1
The FTP transfer begins. When complete, the file is saved to /home/Marcus/ifTable.txt.
To get the status of the FTP transfer, use snmpget again on the cfcRequestResult object.
This object uses the same index that you used with the other FTP objects.
$ snmpget -c public cfcRequestResult.555
A value of pending(1) means the file is still transferring. A value of success(2) means the file transferred successfully. Any other value is an error.
When the file is done transferring, try the snmpget of the cbfStatusFileState object again. It now has a different value.
$ snmpget -c public cbfStatusFileState.333.1 cbfStatusFileTable.cbfStatusFileEntry.cbfStatusFileState.333.1 = emptied(3)
The value of emptied(3) means that the file has been successfully read. The file cannot be transferred again.
It is now safe to delete this file by destroying the file status row. This object takes the same indices as the cbfStatusFileState above.
$ snmpset -c private cbfStatusFileEntryStatus.333.1 i 6
Once the file is deleted, delete the corresponding Object and File rows.
$ snmpset -c private cbfDefineObjectEntryStatus.333.444 i 6 $ snmpset -c private cbfDefineFileEntryStatus.333 i 6
In this manner, you can use the CISCO-FTP-CLIENT-MIB to transfer any file off of the router using FTP.
This section guides you through reading some of the syntax for this file.
The first line is the prefix line. For our ifTable example, it is:
This corresponds to the OID for the ifEntry object. The ifTable is composed of one or more ifEntries.
The next line lists the number of objects in the table. The line consists of the keyword table followed by the number of objects in the table, followed by the index of each object.
For example:
table 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
This line states that the table contains 22 objects, and each object has an incrementing index. These objects are from the ifTable example:
ifIndex ifDescr ifType ifSpeed ...
After this line, there are multiple row entries. In the ifTable example, each row corresponds to an interface. The rows begin with the keyword row, followed by their index identifier, and followed by the objects enumerated by the previous table entry.
For example:
row 1 1 546F6B656E52696E67302F30 9 4464 16000000 0008B0851800 2 2 6551 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
The fourth entry is the ifDescr for interface 1. However, this is the ifDescr in hexadecimal encoded ASCII.
To translate this line into a more readable format, use this Perl command:
$ perl -e 'print pack("H*", "546F6B656E52696E67302F30")' TokenRing0/0
This entry corresponds to interface TokenRing0/0. All objects that are normally strings are displayed as hexadecimal encoded ASCII in the bulk files. You can use this Perl command to translate any hexadecimal ASCII string into readable text. If you do not have Perl, use this ASCII character table to translate the string.
Some entries show ~ characters for values. This means that the value for that object is NULL. That is, the object is not instanciated on the device.
For example:
row 9 9 41544D312F302F302D61746D206C61796572 37 ~ 0 1 1 5971 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
This corresponds to the ATM1/0/0-atm layer interface. Notice that ifMtu is NULL for this interface. Since this is a virtual interface, it makes sense that it does not have an MTU. If you prefer, you can replace these NULLs with 0 by adding this command to the device's configuration:
Router(config)#no snmp-server sparse-table
When polling the cbfStatusFileState object, if you receive a value other than running(1), ready(2), or emptied(3), your operation has encountered an error. These are causes for the errors:
noSpace no data due to insufficient file space badName no data due to a name or path problem writeErr no data due to fatal file write error noMem no data due to insufficient dynamic memory buffErr implementation buffer too small aborted short terminated by operator command
If the number of objects in the file is less than you expect, cbfDefineMaxObjects from the CISCO-BULK-FILE-MIB may be set too low. To determine the object's current value, use snmpget.
$ snmpget -c public cbfDefineMaxObjects.0
A value of 0 means that no limit is configured. The value can be set to any integer between 0 and 4294967295, inclusive. To set the maximum objects per file to 10, use the snmpset command. The index for this object is always 0.
$ snmpset -c private cbfDefineMaxObjects.0 u 10
This object may not be configurable on all platforms. If snmpset fails with this error, the object is not configurable on your platform:
Error in packet. Reason: (noSuchName) There is no such variable name in this MIB. Failed object:
When polling the cfcRequestResult object, if you receive a value other than pending(1) or success(2), the FTP operation encountered an error. These are causes for the errors:
aborted user aborted the transfer fileOpenFailLocal local bulk file was not found fileOpenFailRemote remote file could not be opened for writing badDomainName FTP server's hostname could not be resolved unreachableIpAddress route to the FTP server could not be found linkFailed connection could not be made to the remote server fileReadFailed local file could not be read fileWriteFailed remote file could not be written
Currently there is no supported way to access the bulk files directly. You must go through the CISCO-FTP-CLIENT-MIB to read the files.
The cbfDefineFileStorage object defines three types: ephemeral, volatile, and permanent. Currently, the only type supported in IOS is ephemeral. Ephemeral files exist in small amounts until read.
Once the files are read, they cannot be reread. They must first be re-created.
The cbfDefineFileFormat object defines three types: standardBER, bulkBinary, and bulkASCII. The only supported formats are bulkBinary and bulkASCII. The default format is bulkBinary.
The Chameleon FTP server for Windows is known not to work with the CISCO-FTP-CLIENT-MIB, since it does not return correct result codes.