This document describes the steps to identify if deleted Precision Queue (PQ) Attribute membership is slowing cache rebuild in Contact Center Management Portal (CCMP).
Cisco recommends that you have knowledge of these topics:
- Contact Center Management Portal (CCMP)
- Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
Components Used
The information in this document is based on CCMP 11.6 and 12.0.
The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, ensure that you understand the potential impact of any command.
Problem: Cache Rebuild on CCMP with PQ Takes Hours
Deployments with Precision Queues can experience slow rebuild of the Application Cache in CCMP.
This is caused because the Agent Precision Attribute Member table is not purged of deleted attribute records that are over 28 days old.
select count(1) from TB_DIM_AGENT_PRECISION_ATTRIBUTE_MEMBER where Deleted=1 and EFFECTIVE_TO < DATEADD(day,-28, GETUTCDATE())
This can be identified by a query on the Portal DB for the deleted record count on the table.Note: The ‘EFFECTIVE_TO < DATEADD(day,-28, GETUTCDATE())’ gives you count of deleted records older than 28 days and is the same value used to purge deleted Skill Group Memberships.
The results of the queries vary based on the size of the deployment but generally tens of thousands of deleted records would negatively affect the cache load time for CCMP and indicates you are affected by this bug:
CSCvv54873 - CCMP does not cleanup deleted Agent Precision Queue Attribute Members.
Additional details for the bug can be found at this link:
If you find you are affected by this bug, please contact Cisco TAC to workaround the purge issue.