This document describes a step by step procedure to resolve and/or unlock User Network Interface (UNI) shared synronization task in Prime Provisioning Sybase database.
Cisco recommends that you have knowledge of these topics:
- Structured Query Language (SQL)
- Prime Provisioning Service Request (SR) and Task creation
Components Used
The information in this document is based on these software and hardware versions:
- Prime Provisioning 6.1 and above
- Oracle Database 11G release
- Sybase database
The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, make sure that you understand the potential impact of any command.
Prime Provisioning application throws an exception when you create a new Ethernet Virtual Circuit (EVC) SR or edit an EVC SR that already exists:
1940 : Job ID[xxxx – Edit/Create operations are not allowed before completing shared UNI sync task | xxxx
Execute unlock procedure on primary Prime Provisioning sybase database:
Step 1. Connect to a Prime Provisioning server on Secure Socket Cell (SSH) session over iscadm (Prime Provisioning application user) and navigate to base install directory.
Step 2. Setup SSH session to be ready to connect to Prime Provisioning sybase database:
1. cd $ISC_HOME
2. ./ shell
3. cd bin
4. source
5. cd $SYBASE_HOME/bin
6. source
Step 3. Stop Prime Provisioning application completely:
./ stopall
Step 4. Start and Intialize Prime Provisioning sybase database:
./ startdb
Step 5. Connect to Prime Provisioning sybase database:
dbisql -nogui -c "uid=DBA;pwd=sql" -port 2630
Note: Verify these parameters in the output of more command from PP home directory. Look for db_usr and db_pwd values.
Step 6. Confirm the task id covered in exception thrown by Prime Provisioning:
select * from SHARED_UNI_SYNC_INFO;
Step 7. Capture the details of other SR's that need to be subsumed by the sync task:
Step 8. Delete the shared UNI task details:
delete SHARED_UNI_SYNC_TARGET where KEY_LINK_INFO_ID = <task_id>
delete SHARED_UNI_SYNC_INFO where id = <task_id>
Note: task_id is a task number that is covered in exception thrown by Prime Provisioning.
Step 9. Start the Prime Provisioning application:
./ start
Step 10. Navigate to Prime Provisioning GUI > Operate > Task Manager and filter by synchronized shared UNI where you can select the task and click on Delete and the task will be deleted.
Step 11. NavigatetoServices Request Manager and filter by the SR number that originated the sync task and perform a force purge.
Note: Before you run a force purge on the SR, take a note about all the SR details like VLAN ID, PE, Interfaces etc.
After job deletion and sync task, you can now create a new SR with the device and interfaces that were blocked and now they are released to be used by the operators. You will be able to create the SR again and deploy it.