The documentation set for this product strives to use bias-free language. For the purposes of this documentation set, bias-free is defined as language that does not imply discrimination based on age, disability, gender, racial identity, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and intersectionality. Exceptions may be present in the documentation due to language that is hardcoded in the user interfaces of the product software, language used based on RFP documentation, or language that is used by a referenced third-party product. Learn more about how Cisco is using Inclusive Language.
This document describes how to troubleshoot EPNM Notifications when REST API is used to access device fault information.
The client you implement must be capable of handling and subscribing to any of the two mechanisms used by the Evolved Programmable Network Manager (EPNM) to send notifications.
Notifications alert network administrators and operators about important events or issues related to the network. These notifications help ensure that potential problems are detected and resolved quickly, which reduces downtime and improves overall network performance.
EPNM can handle different methods, such as notifications via e-mail, Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) traps to specified receivers, or Syslog messages to external Syslog servers. In addition to these methods, EPNM also provides a Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interface (REST API) that can be used in order to retrieve information about inventory, alarms, service activation, template execution, and High-Availability.
API-based notifications are currently supported with the use of two different mechanisms:
All the notifications share the same schema and can be retrieved in JSON or XML formats.
By default, alarm and inventory notifications are disabled. In order to enable them, change the
file as indicated (it is not necessary to restart the EPNM application):
In the picture, the client machine runs a WebSocket and subscribes to the EPNM with a predefined URL, with basic authentication, and through a secure HTTPS channel.
The WebSocket-client library in Python can be used to create a WebSocket in the client machine.
import websocket
import time
import ssl
import base64
def on_message(ws, message):
def on_error(ws, error):
def on_close(ws, close_status_code, close_msg):
print("### closed \###")
def on_open(ws):
ws.send("Hello, Server!")
if __name__ == "__main__":
username = "username"
password = "password"
credentials = base64.b64encode(f"{username}:{password}".encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8")
headers = {"Authorization": f"Basic {credentials}"}
ws = websocket.WebSocketApp("wss://",
ws.on_open = on_open
ws.run_forever(sslopt={"cert_reqs": ssl.CERT_NONE})
This code sets up a WebSocket client that subscribes to EPNM at wss://
It uses the Python WebSocket
library in order to establish the connection and handle in and out messages. The subscription can also be (on the basis of what kind of notification you want to subscribe to):
/restconf/streams/v1/alarm{.xml | .json}
/restconf/streams/v1/service-activation{.xml | .json}
/restconf/streams/v1/template-execution{.xml | .json}
/restconf/streams/v1/all{.xml | .json}
The on_message
, on_error
and on_close
functions are callback functions that are called when the WebSocket connection receives a message, encounters an error, or is closed, respectively. The on_open
function is a callback that is called when the WebSocket connection is established and ready to use.
The username
and password
variables are set to the login credentials required to access the remote server. These credentials are then encoded with the base64
module and added to the headers of the WebSocket request.
The run_forever
method is called on the WebSocket object in order to start the connection, keep it open indefinitely, and listen for messages that come from the server. The sslopt
parameter is used to configure the SSL/TLS options for the connection. The CERT_NONE
flag disables certification validation.
Run the code In order to have the WebSocket ready to receive the notifications:
(env) devasc@labvm:~/epnm$ python
--- request header ---
GET /restconf/streams/v1/inventory.json HTTP/1.1
Upgrade: websocket
Sec-WebSocket-Key: YYYYYYYYYYY
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
Connection: Upgrade
Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXXXXXX
--- response header ---
HTTP/1.1 101
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=5BFB68B0126226A0A13ABE595DC63AC9; Path=/restconf; Secure; HttpOnly
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000;includeSubDomains
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: Ozns7PGgHjrXj0nAgnlhbyVKPjc=
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2023 16:18:19 GMT
Server: Prime
Websocket connected
++Sent raw: b'\x81\x8es\x99ry;\xfc\x1e\x15\x1c\xb5R*\x16\xeb\x04\x1c\x01\xb8'
++Sent decoded: fin=1 opcode=1 data=b'Hello, Server!'
++Rcv raw: b'\x81\x0eHello, Server!'
++Rcv decoded: fin=1 opcode=1 data=b'Hello, Server!'
Hello, Server!
You can check the notification subscriptions to the server with this DB query:
ade # ./ "SELECT * from RstcnfNtfctnsSbscrptnMngr WHERE CONNECTIONTYPE = 'connection-oriented';" > /localdisk/sftp/conn-oriented.txt
In order to better visualize the conn-oriented.txt
file (which is the result of the DB query), you can convert it to HTML using a tool like aha
(here its use is illustrated in an Ubuntu machine):
devasc@labvm:~/tmp$ sudo apt-get install aha
devasc@labvm:~/tmp$ cat conn-oriented.txt | aha > conn-oriented.html
Then open the conn-oriented.html
file in a browser:
From the EPNM online documentation, once established, the same connection is kept alive throughout the lifecycle of the application:
If, for some reason, you need to delete a specific subscription, you can send an HTTP DELETE
request with the SUBSCRIPTIONID
specified in the URL https://<fqdn-epnm/restconf/data/v1/cisco-notifications:subscription/{SUBSCRIPTIONID}
. For example:
devasc@labvm:~/tmp$ curl --location --insecure --request DELETE '' \
> --header 'Accept: application/json' \
> --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
> --header 'Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXX'
show log
, Filename Used, SQL OutputsIn order to troubleshoot why a client that uses a connection-oriented mechanism does not properly receive notifications, you can run the indicated DB query and check if the subscription is present or not. If it is not present, ask the client owner to ensure to issue the subscription.
In the meantime, you can enable the DEBUG level in
so you can catch it whenever the subscription is sent:
ade # sudo /opt/CSCOlumos/bin/ DEBUG 2>/dev/null
Loglevel set to DEBUG for .
After the subscription is sent, you can check if an entry with the IP address of the WebSocket client appears in localhost_access_log.txt
ade # zgrep -h '"GET /restconf/streams/.* HTTP/1.1" 101' $(ls -1t /opt/CSCOlumos/logs/localhost_access_log.txt*) - - [28/Aug/2023:16:13:03 -0300] "GET /restconf/streams/v1/inventory.json HTTP/1.1" 101 - - - [28/Aug/2023:22:17:05 -0300] "GET /restconf/streams/v1/inventory.json HTTP/1.1" 101 -
Finally, check again the DB (notice that the timestamp matches the entry in localhost_access_log.txt
The next log shows when the POST requests for subscriptions are sent:
ade # grep -Eh 'DEBUG - (Successfully subscribed a connection-oriented|Requested resource uuid)' $(ls -1t /opt/CSCOlumos/logs/restconf-nbi.log*)
2023-08-28 22:17:06,221: DEBUG - Successfully subscribed a connection-oriented subscription with user: root and topic: inventory
2023-08-28 22:17:06,221: DEBUG - Successfully subscribed a connection-oriented subscription with user: root and topic: inventory
2023-08-28 22:17:06,221: DEBUG - Requested resource uuid 852a674a-e3d0-4ecc-8ea0-787af30f1305
2023-08-28 22:17:06,221: DEBUG - Requested resource uuid 852a674a-e3d0-4ecc-8ea0-787af30f1305
As long as the connection is kept alive, a notification of type push-change-update is sent from the EPN-M server to all clients that subscribed for notifications. The example shows one of the notifications that are sent by the EPNM when the hostname of an NCS2k is changed:
"push.time-of-update":"2023-03-31 13:50:36.608",
"nd.sys-up-time":"217 days, 14:40:170.00"
The next is the workflow in the case of connectionless
The user is expected to have a REST web service that is capable of accepting XML and/or JSON payloads as a POST request. This REST service is the endpoint to which the Cisco EPNMrestconf notifications framework publishes notifications. This is an example of a REST web service to be installed in the remote machine:
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify
app = Flask(__name__)
@ app.route('/api/posts', methods=['POST'])
def create_post():
post_data = request.get_json()
response = {'message': 'Post created successfully'}
return jsonify(response), 201
if __name__ == '__main__':, host='', port=8080)
This is a Python Flask web application that defines a single endpoint /api/posts
that accepts HTTP POST
requests. The create_post()
function is called whenever an HTTP POST
request is made to /api/posts
Inside the create_post()
function, the data from the request that comes in is retrieved with the use of request.get_json()
, which returns a dictionary of the JSON payload. The payload is then printed with print(post_data)
for debug purposes. After that, a response message is created with the key message
and value Post created successfully
(in dictionary format). This response message is then returned to the client with an HTTP status code of 201 (created).
The if __name__ == '__main__':
block is a standard Python construct that checks if the script runs as the main program, rather than imported as a module. If the script runs as the main program, it starts the Flask application and runs it on the specified IP address and port. The debug=True
argument enables debug mode, which provides detailed error messages and automatic reloading of the server when changes are made to the code.
Run the program to start the REST
web service:
(venv) [apinelli@centos8_cxlabs_spo app]$ python
* Serving Flask app 'connectionless' (lazy loading)
* Environment: production
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Debug mode: on
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
* Restarting with stat
* Debugger is active!
* Debugger PIN: 117-025-064
The user subscribes to notifications: the REST
service endpoint is sent along with the topic in order to subscribe to. In this case, the topic is all
[apinelli@centos8_cxlabs_spo ~]$ curl --location -X POST --insecure '' \
> --header 'Accept: application/json' \
> --header 'Content-Type: application-json' \
> --header 'Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXXX' \
> --data '{
> "push.endpoint-url":"",
> "push.topic":"all",
> "push.format": "json"
> }'
The expected response is a 201 response, along with the details from the subscription in the body of the response:
"push.notification-subscription": {
"push.subscription-id": 7969974728822328535,
"push.subscribed-user": "root",
"push.endpoint-url": "http:\/\/\/api\/posts",
"push.topic": "all",
"push.creation-time": "Tue Aug 29 10:02:05 BRT 2023",
"push.creation-time-iso8601": "2023-08-29T10:02:05.887-03:00",
"push.time-of-update": "Tue Aug 29 10:02:05 BRT 2023",
"push.time-of-update-iso8601": "2023-08-29T10:02:05.887-03:00",
"push.format": "json",
"push.connection-type": "connection-less"
It is possible to get the list of notifications the user is subscribed to with a GET request:
curl --location --insecure '' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXXXXX'
The response yielded is as:
"com.response-message": {
"com.header": {
"com.firstIndex": 0,
"com.lastIndex": 1
"": {
"push.notification-subscription": [
"push.subscription-id": 2985507860170167151,
"push.subscribed-user": "root",
"push.endpoint-url": "",
"push.session-id": 337897630,
"push.topic": "inventory",
"push.creation-time": "Fri Mar 31 17:45:47 BRT 2023",
"push.time-of-update": "Fri Mar 31 17:45:47 BRT 2023",
"push.format": "json",
"push.connection-type": "connection-less"
"push.subscription-id": 7969974728822328535,
"push.subscribed-user": "root",
"push.endpoint-url": "",
"push.session-id": 0,
"push.topic": "all",
"push.creation-time": "Tue Aug 29 10:02:05 BRT 2023",
"push.time-of-update": "Tue Aug 29 10:02:05 BRT 2023",
"push.format": "json",
"push.connection-type": "connection-less"
show log,
Filename used, SQL OutputsNotice from the response that there are two subscriptions: one for all ("push.topic": "all")
and one for inventory ("push.topic": "inventory")
. You can confirm it with a query to the database (notice that the type of subscription is 'connection-less' and the SUBSCRIPTIONID
fields match the output of the GET
command as highlighted in yellow):
ade # ./ "SELECT * from RstcnfNtfctnsSbscrptnMngr WHERE CONNECTIONTYPE = 'connection-less';" > /localdisk/sftp/connectionless.txt
If you need to delete a connectionless subscription, you can send an HTTP DELETE
request, with the subscription ID you want to delete. Suppose you want to delete subscription-id 2985507860170167151
curl --location --insecure --request DELETE '' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application-json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXXXX'
Now if you query the DB again, you see only the subscription with SUBSCRIPTIONID
equal to 7969974728822328535
When a change in inventory occurs, the client prints the notifications (which are of the same type as the connection-oriented
notifications seen in the section about connected-oriented
clients), followed by the 201 response:
(venv) [apinelli@centos8_cxlabs_spo app]$ python
* Serving Flask app 'connectionless' (lazy loading)
* Environment: production
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Debug mode: on
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
* Restarting with stat
* Debugger is active!
* Debugger PIN: 117-025-064
{'push.push-change-update': {'push.notification-id': -2185938612268228828, 'push.topic': 'inventory', 'push.time-of-update': '2023-03-31 17:47:04.865', 'push.time-of-update-iso8601': '2023-03-31T17:47:10.846-03:00', 'push.operation': 'push:modify', 'push.update-data': {'nd.node': {'nd.collection-status': 'Synchronizing', '': '', 'nd.fdn': 'MD=CISCO_EPNM!ND=tcc221'}}}} - - [31/Mar/2023 16:47:23] "POST /api/posts HTTP/1.1" 201 -
{'push.push-change-update': {'push.notification-id': -1634959052215805274, 'push.topic': 'inventory', 'push.time-of-update': '2023-03-31 17:47:12.786', 'push.time-of-update-iso8601': '2023-03-31T17:47:14.935-03:00', 'push.operation': 'push:modify', 'push.update-data': {'nd.node': {'': '', 'nd.fdn': 'MD=CISCO_EPNM!ND=tcc221c', '': 'tcc221c'}}}} - - [31/Mar/2023 16:47:27] "POST /api/posts HTTP/1.1" 201 -
In this document, the two types of API-based notifications that are possible to be configured in EPNM (connectionless
and connection-oriented
) are explained and the examples of the respective clients that can be used as a base for simulation purposes are given.
Revision | Publish Date | Comments |
1.0 |
10-Apr-2023 |
Initial Release |