June 2017
Covered Products
The Cisco Catalyst IOS Software Update Program (“Program”) applies to the following Cisco® Catalyst® Switches:
● Cisco Catalyst 2000 Series:
◦ Cisco Catalyst 2960, 2960-S, 2960-X, 2960-XR, CDB, 2960-L, and 2960-Plus Series Switches
◦ Cisco Catalyst 2960-C and 2960-CX Series Compact Switches
● Cisco Catalyst 3000 Series:
◦ Cisco Catalyst 3850 and 3650 Series Switches
◦ Cisco Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series Switches
◦ Cisco Catalyst 3750-E and 3560-E Series Switches
◦ Cisco Catalyst 3750V2 and 3560V2 Switches
◦ Cisco Catalyst 3750 and 3560 Series Switches
◦ Cisco Catalyst 3560-C and 3560-CX Series Compact Switches
● Cisco Catalyst 4000 Series:
◦ Cisco Catalyst 4500E Series Switches
◦ Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series Switches
◦ Cisco Catalyst 4500-X Series Switches
Program Summary
The Cisco Catalyst IOS Software Update Program (formerly the IOS Software Update Policy) was put in place in 2009 to complement the warranties used with this product line – Enhanced Limited Lifetime for Cisco Catalyst 2000 Series Switches and Cisco Catalyst 3000 Series Switches, and Limited Lifetime for Cisco Catalyst 4000 Series Switches.
This Program allows customers using a valid Cisco.com ID to receive the following:
● Free Updates on Cisco Catalyst 2000, 3000, and 4000 Series Switches:
◦ For critical bugs to maintain the compliance of the Software with published specifications, release notes, and industrywide compliance as long as the original customer continues to own or use the product, or up to 1 year from the end-of-sale date for this product, whichever occurs earlier.
◦ For vulnerability and security bugs as long as the original customer continues to own or use the product, or up to 3 years from the end-of-sale date for this product, whichever occurs earlier.
● Free Major Releases on Cisco Catalyst 2000, 3000, and 4000 Series Switches if the customer is moving from one release to another within the same license level (e.g., moving from the 12.x release to the 15.x release within the IP Base license) and:
◦ If the customer purchased a LAN Lite or LAN Base license, whether or not they have purchased a Cisco Smart Net Total Care™ (“SNTC”) or Smart Foundation (“SF”) service contract.
◦ If the customer purchased an IP Lite or IP Base license, whether or not they have purchased an SNTC or SF service contract.
◦ If the customer purchased an IP Service or Enterprise Service license and an SNTC or SF contract.
● Upgrades (e.g., move from IP Base to IP Services license):
◦ Are not possible for Cisco Catalyst 2000 Series Switches.
◦ Are possible for Cisco Catalyst 3000 and 4000 Series Switches for an additional fee.
All software (including Updates and Upgrades) is available on the Software Download Center tool located here: https://software.cisco.com/download/navigator.html, and is subject to the terms and conditions of Cisco’s End User License Agreement and any supplemental terms, located here: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/about/legal/cloud-and-software/software-terms.html
More information about Cisco Smart Net Total Care and Smart Foundation is located here: https://www.cisco.com/go/smartnet
“Maintenance Release” means an incremental Software release that provides maintenance fixes and may provide additional Software functions. Cisco designates Maintenance Releases as a change in the digits to the right of the tenths digit or of the hundredths digit of the Software version number [x.x.(x) or x.x.x.(x)].
“Major Release” means a release of Software that provides additional software functions. Cisco designates Major Releases as a change in the ones digit of the Software version number [(x).x.x].
“Minor Release” means an incremental release of Software that provides maintenance fixes and additional software functions. Cisco designates Minor Releases as a change in the tenths digit of the Software version number [x.(x).x].
“Software” means the software programs provided by Cisco, including any copies, Updates, Upgrades, modifications, enhancements, and any derivative works thereof.
“Update” means Maintenance Releases and Minor Releases.
“Upgrade” means a separately licensed and priced Software release that contains an enhanced configuration or feature set (e.g., a move from LAN Base to IP Base).