Voice Extensible Markup Language (VXML) ist ein vom World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) definierter Standard. Es wurde entwickelt, um Audio-Dialoge zu erstellen, die synthetisierte Sprache, die Erkennung gesprochener Wörter, die Erkennung von DTMF-Ziffern und aufgezeichnetes Audio ermöglichen. Der VXML-Server und die Clients verwenden das bekannte HTTP-Protokoll, um VXML-Dokumente/Seiten auszutauschen.
Cisco Voice Portal (CVP) bietet intelligente und interaktive Sprachdialogsysteme (IVR), auf die telefonisch zugegriffen werden kann. Es gibt drei Arten von CVP-Bereitstellungen:
Anrufwarteschlange und -weiterleitung
Synthetisierte Sprache und die Erkennung gesprochener Wörter/DTMF-Ziffern wird durch Text-to-Speech (TTS) und Automatic Speech Recognition Server (ASR) ermöglicht. Das IOS® VXML-Gateway kommuniziert über das Media Resource Control Protocol (MRCP) mit dem TTS/ASR-Server. Es gibt zwei Versionen von MRCP (RFC 4463), nämlich MRCPv1 (MRCP über RTSP) und MRCPv2 (MRCP über SIP).
Dieses Dokument beschreibt den Anrufablauf eines IOS Voice XML Gateway zu CVP-Anrufen in einer eigenständigen Dienstbereitstellung, die MRCPv2-TTS-/ASR-Server verwendet. Eine Beispiel-Apothekenanwendung wurde auf dem CVP VXML-Server bereitgestellt.
Für dieses Dokument bestehen keine speziellen Anforderungen.
Die Informationen in diesem Dokument basieren auf den folgenden Software- und Hardwareversionen:
IOS VXML-Gateway: Cisco AS5400XM, IOS 12.4(15)T1
VXML-Server: CVP 4.0
ASR/TTS-Server: Loquendo Speech Suite 7.0
Die Informationen in diesem Dokument wurden von den Geräten in einer bestimmten Laborumgebung erstellt. Alle in diesem Dokument verwendeten Geräte haben mit einer leeren (Standard-)Konfiguration begonnen. Wenn Ihr Netzwerk in Betrieb ist, stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie die potenziellen Auswirkungen eines Befehls verstehen.
Weitere Informationen zu Dokumentkonventionen finden Sie unter Cisco Technical Tips Conventions (Technische Tipps zu Konventionen von Cisco).
In diesem Abschnitt erhalten Sie Informationen zum Konfigurieren der in diesem Dokument beschriebenen Funktionen.
Hinweis: Verwenden Sie das Command Lookup Tool (nur registrierte Kunden), um weitere Informationen zu den in diesem Abschnitt verwendeten Befehlen zu erhalten.
In diesem Dokument wird die folgende Netzwerkeinrichtung verwendet:
In diesem Dokument werden folgende Konfigurationen verwendet:
VXML-Gateway-Konfiguration |
!--- Define Hostname to IP Address !---- mapping for ASR and TTS servers ip host asr-en-us ip host tts-en-us !--- Define the Voice class URI to match !---- the SIP URI of ASR Server in the dial-peer voice class uri TTS sip pattern tts@ !--- Define the Voice class URI to match !---- the SIP URI of TTS server in the dial-peer voice class uri ASR sip pattern asr@ !--- Define the amount of maximum memory !---- to used for downloaded prompts ivr prompt memory 15000 !--- Define the SIP URI of ASR !---- and TTS Server ivr asr-server sip:asr@ ivr tts-server sip:tts@ !--- Configure an application service for !---- CVP VXML CVPSelfServiceBootstrap.vxml application service CVPSelfService flash: CVPSelfServiceBootstrap.vxml paramspace english language en paramspace english index 0 paramspace english location flash: paramspace english prefix en !--- Configure an application service for !---- CVP VXML CVPSelfService.tcl Script !--- CVPSelfService-app parameter specifies !---- the name of the VXML Application !--- CVPPrimary parameter specifies the !---- IP address of the VXML server service Pharmacy flash:CVPSelfService.tcl paramspace english index 0 paramspace english language en paramspace english location flash: param CVPSelfService-port 7000 param CVPSelfService-app GoodPrescriptionRefillApp7 paramspace english prefix en param CVPPrimaryVXMLServer !--- Specifies the Gateway’s RTP !---- stream to the ASR / TTS to go around the !---- Content Service Switch !---- instead of through the CSS. mrcp client rtpsetup enable !--- Specify the maximum memory size !---- for the HTTP Client Cache http client cache memory pool 15000 !--- Specify the maximum number of file !---- that can be stored in the !---- HTTP Client Cache http client cache memory file 500 !--- Disable Persistent !---- HTTP Connections no http client connection persistent !--- Configure the T1 PRI controller T1 3/0 framing esf linecode b8zs pri-group timeslots 1-24 !--- Configure the ISDN switch !---- type and incoming-voice !---- under the D-channel interface interface Serial3/0:23 no ip address encapsulation hdlc isdn switch-type primary-net5 isdn incoming-voice modem no cdp enable ! --- Configure a POTS !---- dial-peer that will be used !---- as inbound dial-peer for calls coming ! --- in across the T1 PRI line. !---- The “pharmacy”service !---- is applied under this dial-peer. dial-peer voice 1 pots service pharmacy destination-pattern 5555 direct-inward-dial port 3/0:D forward-digits all !--- Configure a SIP Voip !---- dial-peer that will be used !---- as an outbound dial-peer when the !---Gateway initiates a MRCP overc SIP !---- session to the ASR server. !---- Codec = G711ulaw, DTMF-Relay !---- = RTP-NTE, No Vad dial-peer voice 5 voip session protocol sipv2 destination uri ASR dtmf-relay rtp-nte codec g711ulaw no vad !--- Configure a SIP Voip !---- dial-peer that will be used !---- as an outbound dial-peer when the !---Gateway initiates a MRCP !---- overc SIP session to the TTS server !--- Codec = G711ulaw, DTMF-Relay = RTP-NTE, !---- No Vad dial-peer voice 6 voip session protocol sipv2 destination uri TTS dtmf-relay rtp-nte codec g711ulaw no vad |
In diesem Abschnitt wird der Anruffluss beschrieben, der aus diesem Konfigurationsbeispiel resultiert.
Ein ISDN-Anruf geht über T1 PRI 3/0 am PSTN/VXML-Gateway ein.
Das IOS-Gateway ordnet POTS-DFÜ-Peer 1 als eingehenden DFÜ-Peer für diesen Anruf zu.
Das IOS-Gateway übergibt die Anrufsteuerung an den Apothekendienst, der dem Dial-Peer 1 zugeordnet ist.
Das dem Pharmacy-Dienst zugeordnete CVP VXML-/TCL-Skript sendet eine HTTP GET-Anforderung an den VXML-Server.
Der VXML-Server gibt 200 OK-Antwort zurück. Diese Antwort enthält ein VXML-Dokument/-Seite.
Das VXML-Dokument wird vom IOS-Gateway ausgeführt.
Wenn das VXML-Dokument eine URL für eine Audioaufforderung angibt, lädt das IOS-Gateway die Audiodatei herunter und gibt die Audioaufforderung wieder.
Wenn das VXML-Dokument einen Text für eine Audioaufforderung angibt, richtet das IOS-Gateway mithilfe von Dial-Peer 5 eine SIP-Sitzung mit tts@ (TTS-Server) ein. Nach Einrichtung der SIP-Sitzung wird eine TCP-Verbindung zum TTS-Server über die TCP-Portnummer geöffnet, die in der SDP-Antwort von 200 OK der SIP INVITE-Nachricht angegeben ist. Diese TCP-Verbindung wird zum Austausch von MRCP-Nachrichten wie SPEAK, SPEAK-COMPLETE zwischen dem IOS-Gateway und dem TTS-Server verwendet.
Der TTS-Server sendet den G.711ulaw RTP-Audio-Stream an die IP-Adresse und die UDP-Portnummer, die vom Gateway im SDP der SIP-INVITE-Nachricht bereitgestellt werden.
Wenn das VXML-Dokument das Gateway zur Erkennung von DTMF-Ziffern und/oder gesprochenen Wörtern angibt, richtet das IOS-Gateway eine SIP-Sitzung mit asr@ (ASR-Server) mit Dial-Peer 6 ein. Nach Einrichtung der SIP-Sitzung wird eine TCP-Verbindung zum ASR-Server über die TCP-Portnummer geöffnet, die in der SDP-Antwort von 200 OK der SIP INVITE-Nachricht angegeben ist. Diese TCP-Verbindung wird zum Austausch von MRCP-Nachrichten wie DEFINE GRAMMAR, COMPLETE, RECOGNIZE und RECOGNITION-COMPLETE zwischen dem IOS-Gateway und dem ASR-Server verwendet.
Das IOS VXML-Gateway sendet den G.711ulaw RTP-Audio-Stream an die IP-Adresse und die UDP-Portnummer, die vom ASR im SDP der SIP 200 OK-Antwort bereitgestellt werden. Das IOS VXML Gateway sendet die vom PSTN-Benutzer als RTP-NTE-Ereignisse eingegebenen Ziffern an den ASR-Server.
Nach Ausführung des VXML-Dokuments sendet das Gateway eine HTTP POST-Anfrage (mit einem Satz von Parametern), wie im <Submit>-Tag des VXML-Dokuments bzw. der VXML-Seite angegeben.
Schritte 6 bis 10 werden für jedes vom Server gesendete VXML-Dokument ausgeführt.
Wenn die VXML-Anwendung den Service für den Aufrufer beendet, sendet sie ein VXML-Dokument mit einem <exit/>-Tag im <form>-Element.
Das IOS-Gateway trennt die mit den TTS- und ASR-Servern eingerichteten MRCPv2-Sitzungen.
Das IOS-Gateway trennt den Anruf auf ISDN-Seite.
In diesem Abschnitt überprüfen Sie, ob Ihre Konfiguration ordnungsgemäß funktioniert.
Das Output Interpreter Tool (nur registrierte Kunden) (OIT) unterstützt bestimmte show-Befehle. Verwenden Sie das OIT, um eine Analyse der Ausgabe des Befehls show anzuzeigen.
Anzeige der aktiven Sprache anzeigen
11F8 : 160 333356110ms. 1 +10 pid:1 Answer 5555 active dur 00:00:54 tx:1740/300598 rx:364/85472 Tele 3/0:D (160) [3/0.1] tx:15145/15145/0ms None noise:-52 acom:6 i/0:-32/-64 dBm Telephony call-legs: 1 SIP call-legs: 0 H323 call-legs: 0 Call agent controlled call-legs: 0 SCCP call-legs: 0 Multicast call-legs: 0 Media call-legs: 0 Total call-legs: 1
Übersicht über aktive Medien anzeigen
11F8 : 163 333360880ms.1 +60 pid:6 Originate sip:tts@ active dur 00:00:44 tx:0/0 rx:2212/353545 IP SRTP: off rtt:0ms pl: 4485/0ms lost:0/1/0 delay:65/65/65ms g711ulaw TextRelay: off media inactive detected:n media contrl rcvd: n/a timestamp:n/a long duration call detected:n long duration call duration:n/a timestamp:n/a11F8 : 164 333360890ms.1 +20 pid:5 Originate sip:asr@ active dur 00:00:44 tx:1687/297152 rx:0/0 IP SRTP: off rtt:0ms pl:6550/30ms lost:0/2/0 delay:65/65/65ms g711ulaw TextRelay: off media inactive detected:n media contrl rcvd:n/a timestamp:n/a long duration call detected:n long duration call duration:n/a timestamp:n/a Telephony call-legs: 0 SIP call-legs: 0 H323 call-legs: 0 Call agent controlled call-legs: 0 SCCP call-legs: 0 Multicast call-legs: 0 Media call-legs: 2 Total call-legs: 2
Anzeige des aktiven Detaillierungsgrads der mrcp-Client-Sitzung
No Of Active MRCP Sessions: 1 Call-ID: 0xA0 same: 0 -------------------------------------------- Resource Type: Synthesizer URL: sip:tts@ Method In Progress: SPEAK State: S_SYNTH_SPEAKING Associated CallID: 0xA3 MRCP version: 2.0 Control Protocol: TCP Server IP Address: Port: 51000 Data Protocol: RTP Server IP Address: Port: 10000 Signalling URL: sip:tts@ Packets Transmitted: 0 (0 bytes) Packets Received: 2265 (361968 bytes) ReceiveDelay: 65 LostPackets: 0 -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- Resource Type: Recognizer URL: sip:asr@ Method In Progress: RECOGNIZE State: S_RECOG_RECOGNIZING Associated CallID: 0xA4 MRCP version: 2.0 Control Protocol: TCP Server IP Address: Port: 51001 Data Protocol: RTP Server IP Address: Port: 10002 Packets Transmitted: 1791 (313792 bytes) Packets Received: 0 (0 bytes) ReceiveDelay: 60 LostPackets: 0
VoIP-RTP-Verbindungen anzeigen
VoIP RTP active connections : No. CallId dstCallId LocalRTP RmtRTP LocalIP RemoteIP 1 163 160 18964 10000 2 164 160 23072 10002 Found 2 active RTP connections
HTTP-Clientcache anzeigen
HTTP Client cached information ============================== Maximum memory pool allowed for HTTP Client caching = 15000 K-bytes Maximum file size allowed for caching = 500 K-bytes Total memory used up for Cache = 410 Bytes Message response timeout = 10 secs Total cached entries = 1 Total non-cached entries = 0 Cached entries ============== entry 114, 1 entries Ref FreshTime Age Size context --- --------- --- ---- ------- 1 86400 48 1505 0 url:
Dieser Abschnitt enthält Informationen zur Fehlerbehebung in Ihrer Konfiguration.
Konfigurieren Sie das IOS-Gateway so, dass die Debugger im Protokollierungspuffer protokolliert werden, und deaktivieren Sie die Protokollierungskonsole.
Hinweis: Beachten Sie vor der Verwendung von Debug-Befehlen die Informationen zu Debug-Befehlen.
Hinweis: Dies sind die Befehle, die zum Konfigurieren des Gateways verwendet werden, um die Debugging im Protokollierungspuffer des Gateways zu speichern:
Dienstzeitstempel Debugdatetime msec
Keine Protokollierungskonsole
Protokollierung gepuffert 500000 Debugging
Die folgenden Debugbefehle werden zur Fehlerbehebung bei der Konfiguration verwendet:
debug isdn q931
debuggen voip ccapi inout
debuggen voip application vxml default
debuggen voip application vxml dump
debuggen ccsip meldung
debuggen mrcp detail
HTTP-Debugclient alle
debug voip rtp session nte benanntes event
Dieser Abschnitt enthält Debug-Ausgaben für diesen Beispielaufruffluss:
Das Gateway startet die Ausführung des CVPSelfServiceBootstrap.vxml VoiceXML-Skripts.
Gateway sendet eine HTTP GET-Anforderung an den VXML-Server.
Der G711ulaw-Codec, die IP-Adresse und die RTP-Portnummern für den Audio-Stream
Das Richtungsattribut dieses RTP-Streams: "recvonly"
RTP-NTE-basierter DTMF-Relay
Die TCP-Portnummer (51001), die vom Gateway zum Einrichten einer MRCPv2-Sitzung mit dem ASR-Server verwendet wird.
Das Gateway erhält eine 200 VOLLSTÄNDIGE Antwort auf seine DEFINE-GRAMMAR-Anfrage.
Der G711ulaw-Codec, die IP-Adresse und die RTP-Portnummern für den Audio-Stream
Das richtung-Attribut dieses RTP-Streams:"sendonly"
RTP-NTE-basierter DTMF-Relay
Die TCP-Portnummer (51000), die vom Gateway zum Einrichten einer MRCPv2-Sitzung mit dem TTS-Server verwendet wird.
Der TTS-Server sendet eine "IN-PROGRESS"-Antwort auf die SPEAK-Anfrage.
Gateway sendet eine "SPEAK"-MRCP-Anfrage an den TTS-Server, um die Eingabeaufforderung "Menu" (Menü) abzuspielen (Eingabe 1, Say Refil/Eingabe 2 oder Say Apotheker). (Die Debug-Ausgaben werden nicht angezeigt.)
Der TTS-Server sendet eine IN-PROGRESS-, SPEAK-COMPLETE-Nachricht und schließt die Wiedergabe der Eingabeaufforderung ab. (Die Debug-Ausgaben werden nicht angezeigt.)
Der VXML-Server sendet dann ein weiteres VXML-Dokument, in dem der Anrufer aufgefordert wird, das Rezept hier einzugeben. (Die Debug-Ausgaben werden nicht angezeigt.)
Gateway sendet die MRCP-Nachricht an TTS, um die Aufforderungen zu sprechen. (Die Debug-Ausgaben werden nicht angezeigt, ähneln jedoch den Schritten 28-30.)
Gateway sendet die MRCP-Nachricht an ASR, um die vom Benutzer gesprochene vierstellige Verschreibungsnummer zu ermitteln. (Die Debug-Ausgaben werden nicht angezeigt, ähneln jedoch den Schritten 25-26.)
Das Gateway informiert den VXML-Server über die Verschreibungsnummer, indem es eine HTTP POST-Anfrage sendet. (Die Debug-Ausgaben werden nicht angezeigt, ähneln jedoch Schritt 35.)
Der VXML-Server sendet VXML-Seiten, um die Abholzeit zu erfassen und den Anrufer darüber zu informieren, dass das Rezept zur Abholung bereit ist. Das Gateway führt diese Seiten durch Interaktionen mit dem TTS- und ASR-Server aus. (Die Debug-Ausgaben werden nicht angezeigt.)
Das Gateway trennt die mit dem ASR-Server eingerichtete SIP-Sitzung.
Das Gateway trennt die mit dem TTS-Server eingerichtete SIP-Sitzung.
*Jan 18 03:34:52.735: ISDN Se3/0:23 Q931: RX <- SETUP pd = 8 callref = 0x005A Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A2 Standard = CCITT Transfer Capability = Speech Transfer Mode = Circuit Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s Channel ID i = 0xA98381 Exclusive, Channel 1 Called Party Number i = 0x81, '5555' Plan:ISDN, Type:Unknown *Jan 18 03:34:52.735: //-1/2AEE8C2A801C/ CCAPI/cc_api_display_ie_subfields: cc_api_call_setup_ind_common: cisco-username= ----- ccCallInfo IE subfields ----- cisco-ani= cisco-anitype=0 cisco-aniplan=0 cisco-anipi=0 cisco-anisi=0 dest=5555 cisco-desttype=0 cisco-destplan=1 cisco-rdie=FFFFFFFF cisco-rdn= cisco-rdntype=-1 cisco-rdnplan=-1 cisco-rdnpi=-1 cisco-rdnsi=-1 cisco-redirectreason=-1 fwd_final_type =0 final_redirectNumber = hunt_group_timeout =0
*Jan 18 03:34:52.735: //-1/2AEE8C2A801C/ CCAPI/cc_api_call_setup_ind_common: Interface=0x664B4BA4, Call Info( Calling Number=,(Calling Name=)(TON=Unknown, NPI=Unknown, Screening=Not Screened, Presentation=Allowed), Called Number=5555(TON=Unknown, NPI=ISDN), Calling Translated=FALSE, Subscriber Type Str=RegularLine, FinalDestinationFlag=TRUE, Incoming Dial-peer=1, Progress Indication=NULL(0), Calling IE Present=FALSE, Source Trkgrp Route Label=, Target Trkgrp Route Label=, CLID Transparent=FALSE), Call Id=-1
*Jan 18 03:34:52.739: //127/2AEE8C2A801C/CCAPI /cc_process_call_setup_ind: >>>>CCAPI handed cid 127 with tag 1 to app "_ManagedAppProcess_Pharmacy" *Jan 18 03:34:52.739: //127/2AEE8C2A801C/CCAPI/ccCallSetupAck: Call Id=127
*Jan 18 03:34:52.739: ISDN Se3/0:23 Q931: TX -> CONNECT pd = 8 callref = 0x805A *Jan 18 03:34:52.739: //127/2AEE8C2A801C/CCAPI/ccCallHandoff: Silent=FALSE, Application=0x663106C4, Conference Id=0xFFFFFFFF *Jan 18 03:34:52.743: //127//VXML:/Open_CallHandoff:
*Jan 18 03:34:52.755: //127/2AEE8C2A801C/VXML: /vxml_vxml_proc: <vxml> URI(abs):flash: CVPSelfServiceBootstrap.vxml scheme=flash path=CVPSelfServiceBootstrap.vxml base= URI(abs):flash: CVPSelfServiceBootstrap.vxml scheme=flash path=CVPSelfServiceBootstrap.vxml lang=none version=2.0 <script>: *Jan 18 03:34:52.799: //127/2AEE8C2A801C/VXML :/vxml_expr_eval: *Jan 18 03:34:52.863: //127/2AEE8C2A801C/VXML :/vxml_jse_global_switch: switch to scope(application) <var>: namep=handoffstring expr=session.handoff_string *Jan 18 03:34:52.867: //127/2AEE8C2A801C/VXML :/vxml_expr_eval: expr=(var handoffstring=session. handoff_string) <var>: namep=application expr=getValue('APP') *Jan 18 03:34:52.867: //127/2AEE8C2A801C/VXML :/vxml_expr_eval: expr=(var application=getValue('APP')) <var>: namep=port expr=getValue('PORT') *Jan 18 03:34:52.867: //127/2AEE8C2A801C/VXML :/vxml_expr_eval: expr=(var port=getValue('PORT')) <var>: namep=callid expr=getValue('CALLID') *Jan 18 03:34:52.867: //127/2AEE8C2A801C/VXML :/vxml_expr_eval: expr=(var callid=getValue('CALLID')) <var>: namep=servername expr=getValue('PRIMARY') *Jan 18 03:34:52.867: //127/2AEE8C2A801C/VXML :/vxml_expr_eval: expr=(var servername=getValue('PRIMARY')) <var>: namep=var1 expr=getValue('var1') *Jan 18 03:34:52.867: //127/2AEE8C2A801C/VXML :/vxml_expr_eval: expr=(var var1=getValue('var1')) <var>: namep=var2 expr=getValue('var2') *Jan 18 03:34:52.867: //127/2AEE8C2A801C/VXML :/vxml_expr_eval: expr=(var var2=getValue('var2')) <var>: namep=var3 expr=getValue('var3') *Jan 18 03:34:52.867: //127/2AEE8C2A801C/VXML :/vxml_expr_eval: expr=(var var3=getValue('var3')) <var>: namep=var4 expr=getValue('var4') *Jan 18 03:34:52.867: //127/2AEE8C2A801C/VXML :/vxml_expr_eval: expr=(var var4=getValue('var4')) <var>: namep=var5 expr=getValue('var5') *Jan 18 03:34:52.867: //127/2AEE8C2A801C/VXML :/vxml_expr_eval: expr=(var var5=getValue('var5')) <var>: namep=status expr=getValue('status') *Jan 18 03:34:52.867: //127/2AEE8C2A801C/VXML :/vxml_expr_eval: expr=(var status=getValue('status')) <var>: namep=prevapp expr=getValue('prevapp') *Jan 18 03:34:52.871: //127/2AEE8C2A801C/VXML :/vxml_expr_eval: expr=(var prevapp=getValue('prevapp')) <var>: namep=survive expr=getValue('survive') *Jan 18 03:34:52.871: //127/2AEE8C2A801C/VXML :/vxml_expr_eval: expr=(var survive=getValue('survive')) <var>: namep=handoffExit
*Jan 18 03:34:52.875: //127//HTTPC:/httpc_write_stream: Client write buffer fd(3): GET /CVP/Server?application= GoodPrescriptionRefillApp7&callid= 2AEE8C2A-0AFB11D6-801C0013- 803E8C8E&session.connection.remote.uri=555 5&session.connection.local.uri=5555 HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Connection: close Accept: text/vxml, text/x-vxml, application/vxml, application/x-vxml, application/voicexml, application/x-voicexml, text/plain, tex t/html, audio/basic, audio/wav, multipart/form-data, application/octet-stream User-Agent: Cisco-IOS-C5400/12.4
Der Nachrichtentext dieser Antwort enthält ein VXML-Dokument (1). Das VXML-Dokument teilt dem Gateway die Mediendatei Welcome-1.wav mit, die sich auf einem Medienserver befindet.
*Jan 18 03:34:52.883: processing server rsp msg: msg(67CA63A8) URL: Server?application=GoodPrescription RefillApp7&callid=2AEE8C2A-0AFB11D6-801C0013 -803E8C8E&session.connection. remote.uri=5555&session.connection.local. uri=5555, fd(3): *Jan 18 03:34:52.883: Request msg: GET /CVP/Server?application= GoodPrescriptionRefillApp7&callid= 2AEE8C2A-0AFB11D6-801C0013-803E8C8 E&session.connection.remote. uri=5555&session .connection.local.uri=5555 HTTP/1.1 *Jan 18 03:34:52.883: Message Response Code: 200 *Jan 18 03:34:52.883: Message Rsp Decoded Headers: *Jan 18 03:34:52.883: Date:Mon, 30 Apr 2007 16:58:39 GMT *Jan 18 03:34:52.883: Content-Type:text/xml; charset=ISO-8859-1 *Jan 18 03:34:52.883: Connection:close *Jan 18 03:34:52.883: Set-Cookie:JSESSIONID= BBCE0F948ADFDB720497F587A7997538; Path=/CVP *Jan 18 03:34:52.883: headers: *Jan 18 03:34:52.883: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1 Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=BBCE0F948ADF DB720497F587A7997538; Path=/CVP Content-Type: text/xml;charset=ISO-8859-1 Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2007 16:58:39 GMT Connection: close *Jan 18 03:34:52.883: body: *Jan 18 03:34:52.883: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <vxml version="2.0" application= "/CVP/Server?audium_root=true& calling_into=GoodPrescriptionRefillApp7" xml:lang="en-us"> <form id="audium_start_form"> <block> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="''" /> <assign name="audium_element _start_time_millisecs" expr="new Date().getTime()" /> <goto next="#start" /> </block> </form> <form id="start"> <block> <prompt bargein="true"> <audio src=" Welcome-1.wav" /> </prompt> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||audio_group$$$' + 'initial_audio_group' + '^^^' + application.getEla psedTime(audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> <submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist=" audium_vxmlLog" /> </block> </form> </vxml>
GET /Welcome-1.wav HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Connection: close Accept: text/vxml, text/x-vxml, application/vxml, application/x-vxml, application/voicexml, application/x-voicexml, text/plain, tex t/html, audio/basic, audio/wav, multipart/form-data, application/octet-stream User-Agent: Cisco-IOS-C5400/12.4
*Jan 18 03:34:55.647: //127//HTTPC:/httpc_socket_read: *Jan 18 03:34:55.647: read data from the socket 3 : first 400 bytes of data: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 26450 Content-Type: audio/wav Last-Modified: Mon, 30 Apr 2007 15:36:51 GMT Accept-Ranges: bytes ETag: "e0c1445f3d8bc71:2d6" Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0 Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2007 16:58:42 GMT Connection: close RIFFJg(Unprintable char...) 0057415645666D7420120001010401 F00401F00108000666163744000176700 64617461176700FFFFFF807 FFFFFFF80FFFFFF80F (other hex information not shown).
POST /CVP/Server HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 67 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Cookie: $Version=0; JSESSIONID=BBCE0F948 ADFDB720497F587A7997538; $Path=/CVP Connection: close Accept: text/vxml, text/x-vxml, application/vxml, application/x-vxml, application/voicexml, application/x-voicexml, text/plain, tex t/html, audio/basic, audio/wav, multipart/form-data, application/octet-stream User-Agent: Cisco-IOS-C5400/12.4
Der Nachrichtentext enthält das VXML-Dokument (2). Im VXML-Dokument wird das Gateway aufgefordert, "Danke, dass Sie die Audium Pharacy-Klinik angerufen haben" abzuspielen. Beachten Sie, dass diese Eingabeaufforderung von einem Text to Speech Server synthetisiert werden muss.
*Jan 18 03:34:55.651: processing server rsp msg: msg(67CA6960)URL: 7000/CVP/Server, fd(4): *Jan 18 03:34:55.651: Request msg: POST /CVP/Server HTTP/1.1 *Jan 18 03:34:55.651: Message Response Code: 200 *Jan 18 03:34:55.651: Message Rsp Decoded Headers: *Jan 18 03:34:55.651: Date:Mon, 30 Apr 2007 16:58:42 GMT *Jan 18 03:34:55.651: Content-Type:text/xml; charset=ISO-8859-1 *Jan 18 03:34:55.651: Connection:close *Jan 18 03:34:55.651: headers: *Jan 18 03:34:55.651: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1 Content-Type: text/xml;charset=ISO-8859-1 Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2007 16:58:42 GMT Connection: close *Jan 18 03:34:55.655: body: *Jan 18 03:34:55.655: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <vxml version="2.0" application= "/CVP/Server?audium_root=true& calling_into=GoodPrescriptionRefillApp7" xml:lang="en-us"> <form id="audium_start_form"> <block> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="''" /> <assign name="audium_element _start_time_millisecs" expr="new Date().getTime()" /> <goto next="#start" /> </block> </form> <form id="start"> <block> <prompt bargein="true"> Thank you for calling Audium pharmacy. </prompt> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr= "audium_vxmlLog + '|||audio_group$$$' + 'initial_audio_group' + '^^^' + application.getEla psedTime(audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> <submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist=" audium_vxmlLog" /> </block> </form> </vxml>
*Jan 18 03:34:55.667: //127//HTTPC:/httpc_write_stream: Client write buffer fd(4): POST /CVP/Server HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 67 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Cookie: $Version=0; JSESSIONID= BBCE0F948ADFDB720497F587A7997538; $Path=/CVP Connection: close Accept: text/vxml, text/x-vxml, application/vxml, application/x-vxml, application/voicexml, application/x-voicexml, text/plain, tex t/html, audio/basic, audio/wav, multipart/form-data, application/octet-stream User-Agent: Cisco-IOS-C5400/12.4
Der Nachrichtentext enthält das VXML-Dokument (3). Dieses VXML-Dokument definiert eine Menüaufforderung, die den Anrufer anweist, 1 einzugeben, "Refill" zu sagen, oder "2" einzugeben oder "Apotheker" zu sagen. Die Aufforderungen werden von einem Text-to-Speech-Server synthetisiert. Die Eingaben (Sprache / DTMF) werden mit einem automatischen Spracherkenner erkannt.
*Jan 18 03:34:57.499: processing server rsp msg: msg(67CA6B48)URL:, fd(4): *Jan 18 03:34:57.499: Request msg: POST /CVP/Server HTTP/1.1 *Jan 18 03:34:57.499: Message Response Code: 200 *Jan 18 03:34:57.499: Message Rsp Decoded Headers: *Jan 18 03:34:57.499: Date:Mon, 30 Apr 2007 16:58:42 GMT *Jan 18 03:34:57.499: Content-Type:text/xml;charset=ISO-8859-1 *Jan 18 03:34:57.499: Connection:close *Jan 18 03:34:57.499: headers: *Jan 18 03:34:57.499: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1 Content-Type: text/xml;charset=ISO-8859-1 Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2007 16:58:42 GMT Connection: close *Jan 18 03:34:57.499: body: *Jan 18 03:34:57.499: ... Buffer too large - truncated to (4096) len. *Jan 18 03:34:57.499: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <vxml version="2.0" application= "/CVP/Server?audium_root=true& calling_into=GoodPrescriptionRefillApp7" xml:lang="en-us"> <property name="timeout" value="60s" /> <property name="confidencelevel" value="0.40" /> <form id="audium_start_form"> <block> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="''" /> <assign name="audium_element _start_time_millisecs" expr="new Date().getTime()" /> <goto next="#start" /> </block> </form> <form id="start"> <block> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||audio_group$$$' + 'initial_audio_group' + '^^^' + application.getElapsedTime (audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> <goto nextitem="choice_fld" /> </block> <field name="choice_fld" modal="false"> <property name="inputmodes" value="dtmf voice" /> <prompt bargein="true">Say refills or press 1. Or. Say pharmacist or press 2.</prompt> <catch event="nomatch"> <prompt bargein="true">Sorry. I did not understand that. Say refills or press 1. Say pharmacist or press 2.</prompt> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||nomatch$$$' + '1' + '^^^' + application.getElapsedTime (audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||audio_group$$$' + 'nomatch_audio_group' + '^^^' + application.getElapsedTime( audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> </catch> <catch event="nomatch" count="2"> <prompt bargein="true"> Sorry, I still did not get that. If you are using a speaker phone. Please use the phone keypad to make your selection. Press 1 for refills. Press 2 to speak to a pharmacist.</prompt> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||nomatch$$$' + '2' + '^^^' + application.getElapsedTime (audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||audio_group$$$' + 'nomatch_audio_group' + '^^^' + application.getElapsedTime (audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> </catch> <catch event="nomatch" count="3"> <prompt bargein="true">Gee. Looks like we are having some trouble.</prompt> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||nomatch$$$' + '3' + '^^^' + application.getElapsedTime (audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||audio_group$$$' + 'nomatch_audio_group' + '^^^' + application.getElapsedTime (audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> <var name="maxNoMatch" expr="'yes'" /> <submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist=" audium_vxmlLog maxNoMatch" /> </catch> <catch event="noinput"> <prompt bargein="true">Sorry. I did not hear that. Say refills or press 1. Say pharmacist or press 2.</prompt> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||noinput$$$' + '1' + '^^^' + application.getElapsedTime (audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||audio_group$$$' + 'noinput_audio_group' + '^^^' + application.getElapsedTime (audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> </catch> <catch event="noinput" count="2"> <prompt bargein="true">I am sorry. I still did not hear that. If you are using a speaker phone. Please use the phone keypad to make your selection. Press 1 for refills. Press 2 to speak to a pharmacist.</prompt> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||noinput$$$' + '2' + '^^^' + application.getElapsedTime (audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||audio_group$$$' + 'noinput_ audio_group' + '^^^' + application.getElapsedTime (audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> </catch> <catch event="noinput" count="3"> <prompt bargein="true">Gee. Looks like we are having some trouble.</prompt> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||noinput$$$' + '3' + '^^^' + application.getElapsedTime (audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||audio_group$$$' + 'noinput_ audio_group' + '^^^' + application.getElapsedTime (audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> <var name="maxNoInput" expr="'yes'" /> <submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist=" audium_vxmlLog maxNoInput" /> </catch> <option value="refills" dtmf="1"> prescription</option> <option value="refills">refills</option> <option value="refills"> prescription refills</option> <option value="refills"> refill my prescription</option> <option value="refills"> I want to refill my prescription</option> <option value="refills"> refills please</option> <option value="Pharmacist" dtmf="2">Pharmacist</option> <option value="Pharmacist"> I want to speak to a pharmacist</option> <option value="Pharmacist"> pharmacist please</option> <filled> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||utterance$$$' + choice_fld$. utterance + '^^^' + application.getElapsedTime (audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||inputmode$$$' + choice_fld$. inputmode + '^^^' + application.getElapsedTime (audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||interpretation$$$' + choice_fld + '^^^' + application.getElapsedTim (audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> <assign name="audium_vxmlLog" expr="audium_vxmlLog + '|||confidence$$$' + choice_fld$. confidence + '^^^' + application.getElapsedTime (audium_element_start_time_millisecs)" /> <var name="confidence" expr="choice_fld$.confidence" /> <submit next="/CVP/Server" method="post" namelist=" audium_vxmlLog confidence choice_fld" /> </filled> </field> </form> </vxml>
Diese Grammatiken werden dann an den ASR-Server gesendet, sobald das Gateway eine Sitzung mit dem ASR-Server aufbaut.
*Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_:/vapp_asr_change_server: asr_server=sip:asr@ *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar_id=session:option485@field.grammar *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: xml_lang=en-us *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: encoding_name=UTF-8 *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: remoteupdate=0 *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <grammar version="1.0" xm lns="http://www.w3.org/2001/06/grammar" xml:lang="en-us" root="root"><rule id="root" scope="public"> prescription</rule></grammar> *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_get_ev: ****>Caller PC=0x61BE1F94, Count=339, Event=0x63ACCCF0 *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar_id=session:option486@field.grammar *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: encoding_name=UTF-8 *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: remoteupdate=0 *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <grammar version="1.0" xm lns="http://www.w3.org/2001/06/grammar" mode="dtmf" root= "root"><rule id="root" scope= "public">1</rule></grammar> *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //-1//MRCP: /mrcp_get_ev: ****>Caller PC=0x61BE1F94, Count=340, Event=0x63ACCAE8 *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar_id=session:option487@field.grammar *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: xml_lang=en-us *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: encoding_name=UTF-8 *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: remoteupdate=0 *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <grammar version="1.0" xm lns="http://www.w3.org/2001/06/grammar" xml:lang="en-us" root="root"><rule id="root" scope="public"> refills</rule></grammar> *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //-1//MRCP :/mrcp_get_ev: ****>Caller PC=0x61BE1F94, Count=341, Event=0x63ACBC88 *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar_id=session:option488@field.grammar *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: xml_lang=en-us *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: encoding_name=UTF-8 *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: remoteupdate=0 *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <grammar version="1.0" xm lns="http://www.w3.org/2001/06/grammar" xml:lang="en-us" root="root"><rule id="root" scope="public"> prescription refills</rule></grammar> *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_get_ev: ****>Caller PC=0x61BE1F94, Count=342, Event=0x63ACBCB0 *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar_id=session:option489@field.grammar *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: xml_lang=en-us *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: encoding_name=UTF-8 *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: remoteupdate=0 *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <grammar version="1.0" xm lns="http://www.w3.org/2001/06/grammar" xml: lang="en-us" root="root"> <rule id="root" scope="public"> refill my prescription</rule>< /grammar> *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_get_ev: ****>Caller PC=0x61BE1F94, Count=343, Event=0x63ACBCD8 *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar_id=session:option490@field.grammar *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: xml_lang=en-us *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: encoding_name=UTF-8 *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: remoteupdate=0 *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <grammar version="1.0" xm lns="http://www.w3.org/2001/06/grammar" xml:lang="en-us" root="root"> <rule id="root" scope="public"> I want to refill my prescription </rule></grammar> *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_get_ev: ****>Caller PC=0x61BE1F94, Count=344, Event=0x63ACBD00 *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar_id=session:option491@field.grammar *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: xml_lang=en-us *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: encoding_name=UTF-8 *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: remoteupdate=0 *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <grammar version="1.0" xm lns="http://www.w3.org/2001/06/grammar" xml:lang="en-us" root="root"><rule id="root" scope="public"> refills please</rule></grammar > *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_get_ev: ****>Caller PC=0x61BE1F94, Count=345, Event=0x63ACBD28 *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar_id=session:option492@field.grammar *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: xml_lang=en-us *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: encoding_name=UTF-8 *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: remoteupdate=0 *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <grammar version="1.0" xm lns="http://www.w3.org/2001/06/grammar" xml:lang="en-us" root="root"><rule id="root" scope="public"> Pharmacist </rule></grammar> *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_get_ev: ****>Caller PC=0x61BE1F94, Count=346, Event=0x63ACBB20 *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar_id=session:option493@field.grammar *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: encoding_name=UTF-8 *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: remoteupdate=0 *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <grammar version="1.0" xm lns="http://www.w3.org/2001/06/grammar" mode="dtmf" root="root"> <rule id="root" scope= "public">2</rule></grammar> *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_get_ev: ****>Caller PC=0x61BE1F94, Count=347, Event=0x63ACBD50 *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar_id=session: option494@field.grammar *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: xml_lang=en-us *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: encoding_name=UTF-8 *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: remoteupdate=0 *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <grammar version="1.0" xm lns="http://www.w3.org/2001/06/grammar" xml:lang="en-us" root="root"><rule id="root" scope="public"> I want to speak to a pharmacist </rule></grammar> *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_get_ev: ****>Caller PC=0x61BE1F94, Count=348, Event=0x63ACBFF8 *Jan 18 03:34:57.523: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: *Jan 18 03:34:57.527: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar_id=session:option495@field.grammar *Jan 18 03:34:57.527: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: xml_lang=en-us *Jan 18 03:34:57.527: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: encoding_name=UTF-8 *Jan 18 03:34:57.527: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: remoteupdate=0 *Jan 18 03:34:57.527: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <grammar version="1.0" xm lns="http://www.w3.org/2001/06/grammar" xml:lang="en-us" root="root"><rule id="root" scope="public"> pharmacist please </rule></grammar> *Jan 18 03:34:57.527: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_get_ev: ****>Caller PC=0x61BE1F94, Count=349, Event=0x63ACC048 *Jan 18 03:34:57.527: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_asr_define_grammar: *Jan 18 03:34:57.527: //127//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar_id=session:link496@document.grammar *Jan 18 03:34:57.527: //127//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: xml_lang=en-us *Jan 18 03:34:57.527: //127//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: encoding_name=UTF-8 *Jan 18 03:34:57.527: //127//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: remoteupdate=0 *Jan 18 03:34:57.527: //127//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <grammar xmlns="http://ww w.w3.org/2001/06/grammar" mode="voice" version="1.0" root="Hotlink_02_VOICE" xml:lang="en-us"> <rule id="Hotlink_02_VOICE" scope="public"> <one-of> <item>operator</item> <item>agent</item> <item>pharmacist</item> </one-of> </rule> </grammar> *Jan 18 03:34:57.527: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_get_ev: ****>Caller PC=0x61BE1F94, Count=350, Event=0x63ACC098 *Jan 18 03:34:57.527: //127//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: *Jan 18 03:34:57.527: //127//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar_id=session:link497@document.grammar *Jan 18 03:34:57.527: //127//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: xml_lang=en-us *Jan 18 03:34:57.527: //127//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: encoding_name=UTF-8 *Jan 18 03:34:57.527: //127//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: remoteupdate=0 *Jan 18 03:34:57.527: //127//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <grammar xmlns="http://ww w.w3.org/2001/06/grammar" mode="voice" version="1.0" root="Hotlink_01_VOICE" xml:lang="en-us"> <rule id="Hotlink_01_VOICE" scope="public"> <one-of> <item>operator</item> <item>agent</item> <item>pharmacist</item> </one-of> </rule> </grammar> *Jan 18 03:34:57.527: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_get_ev: ****>Caller PC=0x61BE1F94, Count=351, Event=0x63ACC0C0 *Jan 18 03:34:57.527: //127//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: *Jan 18 03:34:57.527: //127//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar_id=session:help@grammar *Jan 18 03:34:57.527: //127//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: xml_lang=en-us *Jan 18 03:34:57.527: //127//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: encoding_name=UTF-8 *Jan 18 03:34:57.527: //127//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: remoteupdate=1 *Jan 18 03:34:57.527: //127//AFW_:/vapp_asr_define_grammar: grammar=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <grammar version="1.0" xm lns="http://www.w3.org/2001/06/grammar" xml:lang="en-us" root="root"><rule id="root" scope="public"> help</rule></grammar> *Jan 18 03:34:57.527: //-1//MRCP:/mrcp_get_ev: ****>Caller PC=0x61BE1F94, Count=352, Event=0x63ACBEE0 *Jan 18 03:34:57.527: //127//AFW_:/vapp_asr: grammar_id=session:option485@field.grammar grammar_id=session:option486@field.grammar grammar_id=session:option487@field.grammar grammar_id=session:option488@field.grammar grammar_id=session:option489@field.grammar grammar_id=session:option490@field.grammar grammar_id=session:option491@field.grammar grammar_id=session:option492@field.grammar grammar_id=session:option493@field.grammar grammar_id=session:option494@field.grammar grammar_id=session:option495@field.grammar grammar_id=session:link496@document.grammar grammar_id=session:link497@document.grammar grammar_id=session:help@grammar
Der ausgehende Dial-Peer 6 wird zugeordnet.
*Jan 18 03:34:57.527: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCallSetupRequest: Destination Pattern=, Called Number=sip:tts@, Digit Strip=FALSE *Jan 18 03:34:57.527: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCallSetupRequest: Calling Number=5555(TON=Unknown, NPI=Unknown, Screening=Not Screened, Presentation=Allowed), Called Number=sip:tts@, NPI=ISDN), Redirect Number=, Display Info= Account Number=, Final Destination Flag=TRUE, Guid=2AEE8C2A-0AFB-11D6-801C-0013803E8C8E, Outgoing Dial-peer=6 *Jan 18 03:34:57.531: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc _api_display_ie_subfields: ccCallSetupRequest: cisco-username= ----- ccCallInfo IE subfields ----- cisco-ani=5555 cisco-anitype=0 cisco-aniplan=0 cisco-anipi=0 cisco-anisi=0 dest=sip:tts@ cisco-desttype=0 cisco-destplan=1 cisco-rdie=FFFFFFFF cisco-rdn= cisco-rdntype=-1 cisco-rdnplan=-1 cisco-rdnpi=-1 cisco-rdnsi=-1 cisco-redirectreason=-1 fwd_final_type =0 final_redirectNumber = hunt_group_timeout =0 *Jan 18 03:34:57.531: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ ccIFCallSetupRequestPrivate: Interface=0x662CE538, Interface Type=3, Destination=, Mode=0x0, Call Params(Calling Number=5555, (Calling Name=)(TON=Unknown, NPI=Unknown, Screening=Not Screened, Presentation=Allowed), Called Number=sip:tts@ (TON=Unknown, NPI=ISDN), Calling Translated=FALSE, Subscriber Type Str=RegularLine, FinalDestinationFlag=TRUE, Outgoing Dial-peer=6, Call Count On=FALSE, Source Trkgrp Route Label=, Target Trkgrp Route Label=, tg_label_flag=0, Application Call Id=)
Das SDP der INVITE-Nachricht enthält Medieninformationen für den Audio-Stream und die MRCPv2-Anwendung (Speechsynth-Kanal).
*Jan 18 03:34:57.531: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Msg/ccsipDisplayMsg: Sent: INVITE sip:tts@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP 5060;branch=z9hG4bK931F1D Remote-Party-ID: <sip:5555@>; party=calling;screen=no;privacy=off From: <sip:5555@> ;tag=E54D43C-1EC4 To: sip:tts@ Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 03:34:57 GMT Call-ID: 2DCA5BEF-AFB11D6-80D3DC30 -3585E95A@ Supported: 100rel,timer, resource-priority,replaces Min-SE: 1800 Cisco-Guid: 720276522-184226262 -2149318675-2151582862 User-Agent: Cisco-SIPGateway/IOS-12.x Allow: INVITE, OPTIONS, BYE, CANCEL, ACK, PRACK, UPDATE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, REGISTER CSeq: 101 INVITE Max-Forwards: 70 Timestamp: 1011324897 Contact: <sip:5555@> Expires: 180 Allow-Events: telephone-event Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Disposition: session;handling=required Content-Length: 358 v=0 o=CiscoSystemsSIP-GW-UserAgent 6021 4611 IN IP4 s=SIP Call c=IN IP4 t=0 0 m=audio 16984 RTP/AVP 0 101 c=IN IP4 a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=fmtp:101 0-16 a=ptime:20 a=recvonly a=mid:1 m=application 9 TCP/MRCPv2 a=setup:active a=connection:new a=resource:speechsynth a=cmid:1
Der ausgehende Dial-Peer 5 wird zugeordnet.
*Jan 18 03:34:57.531: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCallSetupRequest: Destination Pattern=, Called Number=sip:asr@, Digit Strip=FALSE *Jan 18 03:34:57.531: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccCallSetupRequest: Calling Number=5555(TON=Unknown, NPI=Unknown, Screening=Not Screened, Presentation=Allowed), Called Number=sip:asr@ (TON=Unknown, NPI=ISDN), Redirect Number=, Display Info= Account Number=, Final Destination Flag=TRUE, Guid=2AEE8C2A-0AFB-11D6-801C-0013803E8C8E, Outgoing Dial-peer=5 *Jan 18 03:34:57.531: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_api _display_ie_subfields: ccCallSetupRequest: cisco-username= ----- ccCallInfo IE subfields ----- cisco-ani=5555 cisco-anitype=0 cisco-aniplan=0 cisco-anipi=0 cisco-anisi=0 dest=sip:asr@ cisco-desttype=0 cisco-destplan=1 cisco-rdie=FFFFFFFF cisco-rdn= cisco-rdntype=-1 cisco-rdnplan=-1 cisco-rdnpi=-1 cisco-rdnsi=-1 cisco-redirectreason=-1 fwd_final_type =0 final_redirectNumber = hunt_group_timeout =0 *Jan 18 03:34:57.535: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI /ccIFCallSetupRequestPrivate: Interface=0x662CE538, Interface Type=3, Destination=, Mode=0x0, Call Params(Calling Number=5555, (Calling Name=)(TON=Unknown, NPI=Unknown, Screening=Not Screened, Presentation=Allowed), Called Number=sip:asr@ (TON=Unknown, NPI=ISDN), Calling Translated=FALSE, Subscriber Type Str=RegularLine, FinalDestinationFlag=TRUE, Outgoing Dial-peer=5, Call Count On=FALSE, Source Trkgrp Route Label=, Target Trkgrp Route Label=, tg_label_flag=0, Application Call Id=)
Das SDP enthält die Medieninformationen für den Audio-Stream, DTMF Relay. und MRCPv2-Anwendung (Speechback-Kanal).
*Jan 18 03:34:57.535: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Msg/ccsipDisplayMsg: Sent: INVITE sip:asr@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK94C0B Remote-Party-ID: <sip:5555@>; party=calling;screen=no;privacy=off From: <sip:5555@>;tag=E54D440-1CDB To: sip:asr@ Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 03:34:57 GMT Call-ID: 2DCAF817-AFB11D6 -80D5DC30-3585E95A@ Supported: 100rel,timer, resource-priority,replaces Min-SE: 1800 Cisco-Guid: 720276522-184226262- 2149318675-2151582862 User-Agent: Cisco-SIPGateway/IOS-12.x Allow: INVITE, OPTIONS, BYE, CANCEL, ACK, PRACK, UPDATE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, REGISTER CSeq: 101 INVITE Max-Forwards: 70 Timestamp: 1011324897 Contact: <sip:5555@> Expires: 180 Allow-Events: telephone-event Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Disposition: session;handling=required Content-Length: 358 v=0 o=CiscoSystemsSIP-GW-UserAgent 6805 2057 IN IP4 s=SIP Call c=IN IP4 t=0 0 m=audio 19994 RTP/AVP 0 101 c=IN IP4 a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=fmtp:101 0-16 a=ptime:20 a=sendonly a=mid:1 m=application 9 TCP/MRCPv2 a=setup:active a=connection:new a=resource:speechrecog a=cmid:1
G711ulaw-Codec, IP-Adresse und RTP-Portnummern für den Audio-Stream.
Das Richtungsattribut dieses RTP-Streams lautet "recvonly".
RTP-NTE-basierter DTMF-Relay.
Die vom Gateway zu verwendende TCP-Portnummer (51001) für die Einrichtung einer MRCPv2-Sitzung mit dem ASR-Server.
*Jan 18 03:34:57.559: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Msg/ccsipDisplayMsg: Received: SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP; branch=z9hG4bK94C0B To: <sip:asr@>;tag=a99d0500 From: <sip:5555@>;tag=E54D440-1CDB Call-ID: 2DCAF817-AFB11D6-80D5DC30- 3585E95A@ CSeq: 101 INVITE Contact: <sip:> Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Length: 342 v=0 o=MRCPv2Server 3386937590 3386937590 IN IP4 s=SIP Call c=IN IP4 t=3386937590 0 m=audio 10002 RTP/AVP 0 101 a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=recvonly m=application 51001 TCP/MRCPv2 a=connection:new a=setup:passive a=model:besteffort a=channel:000023B846361276@speechrecog
Die SIP-Sitzung für den ASR wird zwischen dem Gateway und dem ASR-Server eingerichtet.
*Jan 18 03:34:57.563: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Msg/ccsipDisplayMsg: Sent: ACK sip: SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK9520FA From: <sip:5555@>;tag=E54D440-1CDB To: <sip:asr@>;tag=a99d0500 Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 03:34:57 GMT Call-ID: 2DCAF817-AFB11D6-80D5DC30-3585E95A@ Max-Forwards: 70 CSeq: 101 ACK Allow-Events: telephone-event Content-Length: 0
Hier wird nur eine Anfrage angezeigt.
MRCP/2.0 446 DEFINE-GRAMMAR 1 Channel-Identifier: 000023B846361276@speechrecog : Speech-Language: en-us Content-Base: : Content-Type: application/srgs+xml Content-Id: option485@field.grammar Content-Length: 193 : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <grammar version="1.0" mlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/06/grammar" xml:lang="en-us" root="root" ><rule id="root" scope="public"> prescription</rule></grammar>
*Jan 18 03:34:57.587: //-1//MRCP:/hash_get: Table=mrcpv2_socket_connect_table, Key=0: MRCP/2.0 80 1 200 COMPLETE Channel-Identifier: 000023B846361276@speechrecog
Das SDP der SIP-INVITE-Nachricht gibt Folgendes an:
G711ulaw-Codec, IP-Adresse und RTP-Portnummern für den Audio-Stream.
Das Richtungsattribut dieses RTP-Streams lautet "sendonly".
RTP-NTE-basierter DTMF-Relay
Die vom Gateway zu verwendende TCP-Portnummer (51000) für die Einrichtung einer MRCPv2-Sitzung mit dem TTS-Server.
*Jan 18 03:34:57.591: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Msg/ccsipDisplayMsg: Received: SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP; branch=z9hG4bK931F1D To: <sip:tts@>;tag=c1160600 From: <sip:5555@>;tag=E54D43C-1EC4 Call-ID: 2DCA5BEF-AFB11D6-80D3DC30- 3585E95A@ CSeq: 101 INVITE Contact: <sip:> Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Length: 342 v=0 o=MRCPv2Server 3386937590 3386937590 IN IP4 s=SIP Call c=IN IP4 t=3386937590 0 m=audio 10000 RTP/AVP 0 101 a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=sendonly m=application 51000 TCP/MRCPv2 a=connection:new a=setup:passive a=model:besteffort a=channel:000023EC46361276@speechsynth
Die SIP-Sitzung für den Text-to-Speech wird zwischen dem Gateway und dem TTS-Server eingerichtet.
*Jan 18 03:34:57.595: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/ Msg/ccsipDisplayMsg: Sent: ACK sip: SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP; branch=z9hG4bK9626BC From: <sip:5555@>;tag=E54D43C-1EC4 To: <sip:tts@>;tag=c1160600 Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 03:34:57 GMT Call-ID: 2DCA5BEF-AFB11D6-80D3DC30 -3585E95A@ Max-Forwards: 70 CSeq: 101 ACK Allow-Events: telephone-event Content-Length: 0
MRCP/2.0 987 RECOGNIZE 15 Channel-Identifier: 000023B846361276@speechrecog : Speech-Language: en-us Confidence-Threshold: 0.40 Sensitivity-Level: 0.50 Speed-Vs-Accuracy: 0.50 Cancel-If-Queue: false Dtmf-Interdigit-Timeout: 10000 Dtmf-Term-Timeout: 0 Dtmf-Term-Char: # No-Input-Timeout: 60000 N-Best-List-Length: 1 Logging-Tag: 127:127 Accept-Charset: charset: utf-8 Content-Base: Media-Type: audio/basic Start-Input-Timers: false : Content-Type: text/uri-list Content-Length: 453 : session:option485@field.grammar session:option486@field.grammar session:option487@field.grammar session:option488@field.grammar session:option489@field.grammar session:option490@field.grammar session:option491@field.grammar session:option492@field.grammar session:option493@field.grammar session:option494@field.grammar session:option495@field.grammar session:link496@document.grammar session:link497@document.grammar session:help@grammar
MRCP/2.0 84 15 200 IN-PROGRESS Channel-Identifier: 000023B846361276@speechrecog
Sie speichert sie im Cache und gibt die Aufforderung an den Aufrufer weiter.
*Jan 18 03:35:04.335: //127//HTTPC:/httpc_is_cached: HTTPC_FILE_IS_CACHED *Jan 18 03:35:04.335: //-1//HTTPC: /httpc_set_cache_revoke_cb: Registering revoke_callback(0x61CDD948) +pcontext(0x63A7AAA8) for cach ep(0x68734930) *Jan 18 03:35:04.335: //127//AFW_:/vapp_driver: evtID: 146 vapp record state: 0 *Jan 18 03:35:04.335: //127//AFW_:/vapp_play_done: evID=146 reason=17, protocol=5, status_code=0, dur=3291, rate=0 *Jan 18 03:35:04.335: //127/2AEE8C2A801C/VXML: /vxml_media_done:
MRCP/2.0 376 SPEAK 1 Channel-Identifier: 000023EC46361276@speechsynth : Kill-On-Barge-In: true Speech-Language: en-us Logging-Tag: 127:127 Content-Base: : Content-Type: application/ssml+xml Content-Length: 123 : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <speak version="1.0" xml:lang="en-us"> Thank you for calling Audium pharmacy.</speak>
MRCP/2.0 83 1 200 IN-PROGRESS Channel-Identifier: 000023EC46361276@speechsynth
MRCP/2.0 141 SPEAK-COMPLETE 1 COMPLETE Channel-Identifier: 000023EC46361276@speechsynth Completion-Cause: 000 normal Speech-Marker: ""
Gateway sendet diese Ziffer als RTP-NTE-Ereignis an den ASR-Server.
*Jan 18 03:35:12.583: s=DSP d=VoIP payload 0x65 ssrc 0x15 sequence 0x1E9B timestamp 0x2FADCC60 *Jan 18 03:35:12.583: Pt:101 Evt:1 Pkt:03 00 00 <Snd>>> *Jan 18 03:35:12.587: s=DSP d=VoIP payload 0x65 ssrc 0x15 sequence 0x1E9C timestamp 0x2FADCC60 *Jan 18 03:35:12.587: Pt:101 Evt:1 Pkt:03 00 00 <Snd>>> *Jan 18 03:35:12.631: s=DSP d=VoIP payload 0x65 ssrc 0x15 sequence 0x1E9E timestamp 0x2FADCC60 *Jan 18 03:35:12.631: Pt:101 Evt:1 Pkt:03 01 90 <Snd>>> *Jan 18 03:35:12.683: s=DSP d=VoIP payload 0x65 ssrc 0x15 sequence 0x1E9F timestamp 0x2FADCC60 *Jan 18 03:35:12.683: Pt:101 Evt:1 Pkt:03 03 20 <Snd>>> *Jan 18 03:35:12.703: s=DSP d=VoIP payload 0x65 ssrc 0x15 sequence 0x1EA0 timestamp 0x2FADCC60 *Jan 18 03:35:12.703: Pt:101 Evt:1 Pkt:83 03 38 <Snd>>> *Jan 18 03:35:12.707: s=DSP d=VoIP payload 0x65 ssrc 0x15 sequence 0x1EA1 timestamp 0x2FADCC60 *Jan 18 03:35:12.707: Pt:101 Evt:1 Pkt:83 03 38 <Snd>>> *Jan 18 03:35:12.711: s=DSP d=VoIP payload 0x65 ssrc 0x15 sequence 0x1EA2 timestamp 0x2FADCC60 *Jan 18 03:35:12.711: Pt:101 Evt:1 Pkt:83 03 38 <Snd>>>
Dadurch wird das Gateway darüber informiert, dass es eines der angeforderten Ereignisse erkannt hat (in diesem Fall Ziffer 1).
MRCP/2.0 513 RECOGNITION-COMPLETE 15 COMPLETE Channel-Identifier: 000023B846361276@speechrecog Proxy-Sync-Id: 0B82553000000027 Completion-Cause: 000 success Content-Type: application/nlsml+xml Content-Length: 292 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <result grammar="session:option486@field.grammar"> <interpretation grammar= "session:option486@field.grammar" confidence="0.000000"> <instance> 1 </instance> <input mode="dtmf" confidence="1.000000"> 1 </input> </interpretation> </result>
Nach Erhalt dieser Benachrichtigung sendet das VXML-Gateway eine HTTP-POST-Anfrage, wie im SUBMIT-Tag des VXML-Dokuments (3) angegeben. Diese POST-Anforderung informiert den VXML-Server, dass die Ziffer 1 vom PSTN-Anrufer eingegeben wurde.
*Jan 18 03:35:12.863: //127/2AEE8C2A801C/VXML:/vxml_vapp_bgpost: url cachable 1 timeout 0 body audium_vxmlLog=%7C%7C%7Caudio _group$$$initial_audio_group%5E% 5E%5E4%7C%7C%7Cutterance$$$1%5E%5E%5E153 40%7C%7C%7Cinputmode $$$dtmf%5E%5E%5E15344%7C%7C%7C interpretation$$$refills%5E%5E%5E15344%7C %7C%7Cconfidence$$$0%5E%5E%5E15344&confidence= 0&choice_fld=refills len 258maxage -1 maxstale -1 *Jan 18 03:35:12.863: //127//AFW_:/vapp_bgpost: url=; mime_type=application/x-www-form-urlencod ed; len=258; iov_base=audium_vxmlLog=%7C%7C%7Caudio_ group$$$initial_audio_group %5E%5E%5E4%7C%7C%7Cutterance $$$1%5E%5E%5E15340%7C%7C %7Cinputmode$$$dtmf%5E%5E%5E15344% 7C%7C%7Cinterpretation$$$refills %5E%5E%5E15344%7C%7C%7Cconfidence$$$0 %5E%5E%5E15344&confidence=0& choice_fld=refills *Jan 18 03:35:12.931: about to send data to the socket 3 : first 400 bytes of data: POST /CVP/Server HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 258 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Cookie: $Version=0; JSESSIONID= BBCE0F948ADFDB720497F587A7997538; $Path=/CVP Connection: close Accept: text/vxml, text/x-vxml, application/vxml, application/x-vxml, application/voicexml, application/x-voicexml, text/plain, tex t/html, audio/basic, audio/wav, multipart/form-dat
Der ASR sendet eine RECOGNITION-COMPLETE MRCP-Nachricht an das IOS VXML-Gateway.
MRCP/2.0 533 RECOGNITION-COMPLETE 21 COMPLETE Channel-Identifier: 000023B846361276@speechrecog Proxy-Sync-Id: 0B82553000000028 Completion-Cause: 000 success Content-Type: application/nlsml+xml Content-Length: 312 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <result grammar= "session:field498@field.grammar"> <interpretation grammar= "session:field498@field.grammar" confidence="0.738968"> <instance> 1234 </instance> <input mode="speech" confidence="0.752155"> one two three four </input> </interpretation> </result> The final VXML document sent by the VXML server contains just the <exit\> tag in the <form> This tells the Gateway to terminate the VXML session
Dadurch wird das Gateway angewiesen, die VXML-Sitzung zu beenden.
*Jan 18 03:36:07.159: processing server rsp msg: msg(67CA85F8)URL:, fd(3): *Jan 18 03:36:07.159: Request msg: POST /CVP/Server HTTP/1.1 *Jan 18 03:36:07.159: Message Response Code: 200 *Jan 18 03:36:07.159: Message Rsp Decoded Headers: *Jan 18 03:36:07.159: D ate:Mon, 30 Apr 2007 16:59:53 GMT *Jan 18 03:36:07.159: Content-Type:text/xml;charset=ISO-8859-1 *Jan 18 03:36:07.159: Connection:close *Jan 18 03:36:07.159: Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=NULL; Expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:10 GMT; Path=/CVP *Jan 18 03:36:07.159: headers: *Jan 18 03:36:07.159: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1 Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=NULL; Expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:10 GMT; Path=/CVP Content-Type: text/xml;charset=ISO-8859-1 Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2007 16:59:53 GMT Connection: close *Jan 18 03:36:07.159: body: *Jan 18 03:36:07.159: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <vxml version="2.0" xml:lang="en-us"> <catch event="vxml.session.error"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="telephone.disconnect.hangup"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="telephone.disconnect"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error.unsupported.object"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error.unsupported.language"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error.unsupported.format"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error.unsupported.element"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error.unsupported.builtin"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error.unsupported"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error.semantic"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error.noresource"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error.noauthorization"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error.eventhandler.notfound"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error.connection.noroute"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error.connection.noresource"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error.connection.nolicense"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error.connection.noauthorization"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error.connection.baddestination"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error.condition.baddestination"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error.com.cisco. media.resource.unavailable"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event= "error.com.cisco.handoff.failure"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event= "error.com.cisco.callhandoff.failure"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event= "error.com.cisco.aaa.authorize.failure"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event= "error.com.cisco.aaa.authenticate.failure"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error.badfetch.https"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error.badfetch.http"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error.badfetch"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="error"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="disconnect.com.cisco.handoff"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="connection.disconnect.hangup"> <exit /> </catch> <catch event="connection.disconnect"> <exit /> </catch> <form> <block> <exit /> </block> </form> </vxml>
*Jan 18 03:36:14.155: //127/2AEE8C2A801C/VXML:/vxml_vapp_terminate: vapp_status=0 ref_count 0 *Jan 18 03:36:14.155: //127//AFW_:/vapp_terminate: *Jan 18 03:36:14.155: //127//AFW_ :/vapp_session_exit_event_name: Exit Event vxml.session.complete *Jan 18 03:36:14.155: //127//AFW_:/AFW_M_VxmlModule_Terminate: *Jan 18 03:36:14.155: //131/2AEE8C2A801C/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect: Cause Value=16, Tag=0x0, Call Entry (Previous Disconnect Cause=0, Disconnect Cause=0) *Jan 18 03:36:14.155: //131/2AEE8C2A801C/CCAPI/ccCallDisconnect: Cause Value=16, Call Entry(Responsed=TRUE, Cause Value=16)
*Jan 18 03:36:14.159: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Msg/ccsipDisplayMsg: Sent: BYE sip: SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP 5060;branch=z9hG4bK971131 From: <sip:5555@>;tag=E54D440-1CDB To: <sip:asr@>;tag=a99d0500 Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 03:34:57 GMT Call-ID: 2DCAF817-AFB11D6-80D5DC30- 3585E95A@ User-Agent: Cisco-SIPGateway/IOS-12.x Max-Forwards: 70 Timestamp: 1011324974 CSeq: 102 BYE Reason: Q.850;cause=16 Content-Length: 0 *Jan 18 03:36:14.607: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Msg/ccsipDisplayMsg: Received: SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP 5060;branch=z9hG4bK971131 To: <sip:asr@>;tag=a99d0500 From: <sip:5555@>;tag=E54D440-1CDB Call-ID: 2DCAF817-AFB11D6-80D5DC30- 3585E95A@ CSeq: 102 BYE Contact: <sip:> Content-Length: 0
*Jan 18 03:36:14.159: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Msg/ccsipDisplayMsg: Sent: BYE sip: SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK981487 From: <sip:5555@>;tag=E54D43C-1EC4 To: <sip:tts@>;tag=c1160600 Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 03:34:57 GMT Call-ID: 2DCA5BEF-AFB11D6- 80D3DC30-3585E95A@ User-Agent: Cisco-SIPGateway/IOS-12.x Max-Forwards: 70 Timestamp: 1011324974 CSeq: 102 BYE Reason: Q.850;cause=16 Content-Length: 0 *Jan 18 03:36:14.215: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Msg/ccsipDisplayMsg: Received: SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK981487 To: <sip:tts@>;tag=c1160600 From: <sip:5555@>;tag=E54D43C-1EC4 Call-ID: 2DCA5BEF-AFB11D6-80D3DC30-3585E95A@ CSeq: 102 BYE Contact: <sip:> Content-Length: 0
*Jan 18 03:36:14.611: ISDN Se3/0:23 Q931: TX -> DISCONNECT pd = 8 callref = 0x805A Cause i = 0x8090 - Normal call clearing *Jan 18 03:36:14.623: ISDN Se3/0:23 Q931: RX <- RELEASE pd = 8 callref = 0x005A *Jan 18 03:36:14.623: ISDN Se3/0:23 Q931: TX -> RELEASE_COMP pd = 8 callref = 0x805A